Tuesday, January 1, 2013

My Pretty Goldfinches

 I am linking up my  post with Wild Bird Wednesday and Nature Notes

First I am wishing all my blogging friends a very HAPPY & HEALTHY NEW YEARS!!

This post is on one of Maryland residents the American Goldfinch. I see the goldfinches in my yard year round. The adult breeding male is a beautiful canary yellow in the summer and in the winter an olive color.

  First, I have the beautiful summertime canary yellow American Goldfinch. The male attracts the female during the breeding season with his brightly colored plumage.

 The American Goldfinch is the only finch in its family that goes thru a complete molt. As you can see above they love to feed on seeds.

 And above is a winter male, you can see some of the black forehead showing thru the winter feathers. This could possibly be a juvenile male. The female is a darker olive brown which brightens slightly during the summer.

Some of these photos you might have seen or look similar to ones I posted on previous post.  I wanted to show the huge difference between a breeding summer goldfinch compared to the duller olive colored goldfinch I  see here in the winter. They are still a treat to see and one of my favorite yardbirds.

To see more beautiful and wonderful bird photos please visit:
 Stewart's Wild Bird Wednesday and Michelle's  Nature Notes.
Thanks to Stewart for hosting Wild Bird Wednesday and thanks to Michelle for hosting Nature Notes.
I wish everyone a happy week ahead and Happy Birding!


Raindrops and Daisies said...

Beautiful photos as always Eileen,

I am sorry that I haven't been to visit you in a while but I have had no computer

I would just like to wish you and your family a
very happy and healthy 2013


Anonymous said...

The transformation of feather colors between Summer and Winter is amazing.

Simply gorgeous shots, Eileen.

be well and have a happy day ~:)

i stora drag said...

Happy new year to you too, Eileen
and thanks for your nice comment! :)

Very nice pictures of this colourful bird. I have to ask Wikipedia what birds it's exactly in my country! I don't think I have seen this before, but maybe it's here although!
I have also noticed here that some birds haven't so bright colours in the Winter as in Summer.
Have a nice week! /Pia

TexWisGirl said...

i get them in their travel khakis. happy to say i saw my first pine siskins today! :)

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

They are beautiful in any plumage. Happy New Year!

Lynne said...

Sweet and faithful visitors. I never tire seeing them in your photos or outside my kitchen window. Beautiful close up photos, thank you.
Happy Day, Happy Year . . .
My caring,

Findlay Wilde said...

Wow that American Goldfinch is so bright, really lovely birds. Hope you have a brilliant 2013. From Findlay

Crafty Green Poet said...

beautiful birds in all their plumages!

Happy New Year!

Betty Manousos said...

happy new year!

all the best in 2013!


Our Neck of the Woods said...

Such beautiful birds! Interesting that they are the only finch to go through a complete molt.

Happy new year to you, Eileen!

DIMI said...

Magnificent photos Eileen as always!Lovely birds!Wishing you a wonderful New Year 2013, with lots of joy, health,and happiness!

AVCr8teur said...

Such lovely and colorful birds. Great way to brighten up the start of a new year. Wishing you and your family a wonderful 2013!

Karen said...

Lovely colouration in both seasons! Happy New Year!

Amanda said...

I like the last pic! The yellow is lovely and soft and shimmery.

mick said...

The Goldfinches are very pretty indeed. You are lucky to have such beautiful little birds in your yard all through the year.

E. said...

Have an amazing new year and keep taking all those magnificent pictures!

Carole M. said...

big comparisons Eileen, but wow I do love that canary-yellow plumage; what a winner! Lovely photographs from your side of the world...

Bob Bushell said...

Brilliant Eileen, just brilliant.

Hootin Anni said...

...they are indeed gorgeous. The top photos of the sunlight on them...picture post card perfect.

Leora said...

Your goldfinches are so beautiful! I've never seen one here.

Gemma Wiseman said...

The photos of these goldfinches are delightful! Love that soft yellow! Like a little "sunshine happy" bird!

Diane AZ said...

Interesting comparison of summer and winter colors! We see the Lesser goldfinch here in SE Arizona, not as bright yellow as the American goldfinch. Adorable pictures!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Happy New Year to you and yours.... Hope 2013 is good to you---and all of our special birdies!!!!!

Great pictures of the Goldfinches.... We have more of them this winter than ever before... They come to the feeders in groups of about 30 or more!!!!!!


caite said...

Exceptionally nice pics this week...simple lovely.

DeniseinVA said...

They are so pretty Eileen, great shots!

grammie g said...

Hi Eileen... Amazing little cutie that are so beautiful in summer, but in winter we get to see them more at our feeders : )

Debbie said...

they are always so beautiful!!

so happy to have found you eileen, happy new year and here's to many more awesome entries!!

Maria said...

They are awesome, with beautiful colours.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Beautiful shots! Happy New Year!

Jo said...

Your Goldfinch is beautiful, summer and winter plumage! Good photos Eileen. Thanks for sharing. I'm going to start linking bird posts to WBW as well. Thanks for the link! Jo

Elaine said...

They are so beautiful--I wish they came to my feeders. Wishing you all the best in the coming year!

Vores have said...

Great image series showing. Wish you a good day :) Hanne Bente

Stewart M said...

I can see why these are one of your favourite yard birds - they are delightful.

Cheers and thanks for linking to WBW.

Stewart M - Melbourne

Pia said...

Your bird visitors are so beautiful! What a great combination their beautiful color does with the white snow.
Have a happy New Year!

Tammy said...

Excellent captures Eileen! The Goldfinches are gorgeous; that is wonderful you get to see them year round in your yard! Wishing you a Happy New Year!

Carver said...

Wonderful shots of the beautiful goldfinches. Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful captures of the lovely bird. They are in my yard year round, also. I love their antics.

Anonymous said...

Quite the difference in appearance! These are wonderful close-up captures.


Les Fous du Cap said...

Eileen, Happy New Year
Céline & Philippe

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I love these birds! (We have them in Oregon, not here..at least not that I've seen)...you got perfect pictures! Happy New Year!

Unknown said...

Always a favourite!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful shots of these sweet little birds!

NatureFootstep said...

I like the winter colors of your goldfinches. So soft they look.

betty-NZ said...

I find birds quite fascinating and always love your photos. May the new year bring many more colorful birds your way!

Neil said...

Beautiful series & Happy New Year.

Montanagirl said...

Have always love the Goldfinches. They're lots of fun to watch and listen to.

Anonymous said...

We used to have a golden retriever--great dogs. I do enjoy the goldfinches, too. The first time they visited our yard was in their winter disguise, and I didn't recognize them until I looked them up. Now they are here year-round.

Pieni Lintu said...

So lovely nature shots!!!

Rambling Woods said...

Thank you for this..I didn't know about first year males and unless I see a fledge with its parents I have no idea what it is...then there are the gulls which I don't even try to identify... Lovely post.. Hope 2013 is being good to you.. hugs... Michelle

Andrea said...

Happy New Year Eileen, and may you be fully blessed, more birding travels too! I only see finches here in cages and pet shops, as we don't have them in the wild. They look so good with the green leaves!

laurak/ForestWalkArt :) said...

beautiful shots of the goldfinches!!
AND a happy 2013 to you too!

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...