Sunday, January 20, 2013

Crested Caracara

 I am linking up my  post with Wild Bird Wednesday and Nature Notes

More from my archives..the Crested Caracara is a bird of prey and is in the family Falconidae. I am not sure who reads different state listserves for birds that are being seen. But, it appears a Caracara has made it to New Jersey and is being seen near Cape May. So, I was reminded of the Crested Caracara I have seen on my previous trips. I wanted to share my Crested Caracara with my followers who might not know what this bird looks like.

The Northern Crested Caracara seen during our trip to Curacao.I believe these birds are also seen in the Texas area of the United States.

They kind of remind me more of a Turkey or Black Vulture than a bird of prey. I did read they are kind of sluggish and can even be scavengers. The shot above was taken during my trip to Costa Rica. Not the best flight shot but I thought is was neat to see two together.

To see more beautiful and wonderful bird photos please visit:
 Stewart's Wild Bird Wednesday and Michelle's  Nature Notes.
Thanks to Stewart for hosting Wild Bird Wednesday and thanks to Michelle for hosting Nature Notes.
I wish everyone a happy week ahead and Happy Birding!


magiceye said...

Lovely captures Eileen!

Anonymous said...

Lovely pics - I've never seen the bird before.

EG CameraGirl said...

For sure, I have never seen a Crested Caracara! But I do read a listserve for birding so if I ever see that a Crested Caracara is here in Ontario I will likely want to see it for myself. :)

carol l mckenna said...

Magnificent wildlife shots ~ gems of nature ~

(A Creative Harbor)

Pondside said...

What an unusual bird! We have a couple of different vultures up here, but nothing quite like that one.
Your Mosaic Monday photos of the snow geese were wonderful - I'd love to see a gathering like that.

♥ Łucja-Maria ♥ said...

An interesting and beautiful bird.
Your photos are excellent.
I send greetings.

Our Neck of the Woods said...

I've never even heard of that bird! It is really beautiful. Thanks for sharing :)

DIMI said...

Hallo Eileen!I've never seen that bird before.It's beautiful!Fantastic photos!Have a lovely day!

HansHB said...

Great post for the theme!
Lovely photos!

Sir Realist said...

"Not the best flight shot" your not the best is great to me! The exotic Caracara is quite a sight. said...

What an exotic looking bird!& to have been seen possibly here is amazing,thank-you for sharing this ,phyllis

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I have seen caracaras in Texas and here too I think, unless I'm mixing up my winters. (Highly possible.) Great photos.

Carver said...

Great shots of the interesting bird. I haven't ever seen one of them.

Jen said...

I've never seen one, and just got very excited when you said they might be here in Texas. Thanks for posting!

Cynthia M. said...

One of these was seen in New Jersey?! Wow, how cool is that! I'm definitely not familiar with this species - thanks for sharing your photos. I really like them - they have an odd beauty, don't they? Some day I'm going to take a birding trip to Costa Rica...

mick said...

Great photos of a very interesting bird.

Karen said...

What an interestig looking bird. I think your flight shot is great!

betchai said...

i haven't seen this bird at all, so unique.

Rajesh said...

Great looking birds.

Nature Rambles said...

I haven't seen or heard about this bird interesting!

Vores have said...

Nice pictures you show. Want days a good day :)

Bob Bushell said...

Nice to see them free.

Brian King said...

Wow, that's pretty awesome! I had no idea caracaras ever showed up in that part of the country. I've never seen one, but would love to. Nice shots! Congrats!

Anonymous said...

I have not encountered a Crested Caracara in my wanderings but I do look forward to seeing one of these days.

Great captures, Eileen
Have a happy day :)

Tina´s PicStory said...

wonderful pics! also the next post :)

Richard Pegler said...

Lovely shots of great birds, Eileen. Would love to see one!

Betty Manousos said...

hi eileen,

great series of bird photos.

beautiful little birds!

have a great day!

NatureFootstep said...

I saw the Caracara in CostaRica. But, of course, not this close. If I had been alone I woudl probaly managed to. But you can´t really leave the group. :(

Hootin Anni said...

Aren't those crested caracaras marvelous looking?!! And you've managed to get some really good close-up photos of them.

caite said...

Cape May you say? I have to check that out...

Jidhu Jose said...

looks like they have strong body

Nancy said...

Wow --- they are amazing Eileen. Look like eagles to me. Great captures.

Wendy Annabeth said...

Great blog! I thought you would be interested in the giveaway i'm hosting for BluApple (extends storage life of your produce up to three times longer) on my blog :)

P.S. I'm also following you via GFC!

i stora drag said...

Hi Eileen!
It's always interesting to see new birds, and this one I've never seen before! Nice shots!
Thanks for your kind comment! Greetings Pia

Debbie said...

I have never seen them in person, but they seem much prettier then the vultures! I love watching vultures in flight, I just adore how they flow!

Many thanks for all your wonderful help with my bird I.d's, I am just a very casual bird lover!

~~~jennifer~~~ said...

What an interesting bird. Not only have I never seen it, I've never heard of it. I stopped over at the Curacao airport on our Bonaire scuba vacation. Typing these words make me want to go back.

Wally Jones said...

Thank you for sharing your pictures of a really neat bird!
There's a fair population of them here in central and south Florida. It's easy to pass them by thinking they're vultures.

Stewart M said...

What a great looking bird - it almost looks like a kids cartoon of a bird of a prey. I love to see one - and the flocks of snow geese that flank it!

Cheers and thanks for the link to WBW.

Stewart M - Melbourne

Mary Howell Cromer said...

Oh Eileen, how very, very COOL are these and what a thrill to see one this had to be~

Crafty Green Poet said...

lovely photos, strangely handsome bird!

Carletta said...

Eileen, I would not have known this one so I thanks for showing such a colorful and interesting bird!

Kateri said...

The photos of the snow geese are simply stunning.

Rambling Woods said...

What an interesting looking bird. I always wonder why there is some odd color on a bird. Like mallards. What advantage are bright orange feet? I will have to look to see if there is an answer to that. Thank you for linking in Eileen...Michelle

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...