Thursday, August 15, 2013


I am linking up with NF Winged   and  Skywatch Friday

August 15, 2013

It's time for Skywatch and one of my birds for NF Winged, I hope to see everyone sharing their skies and birds. 

According the field guide the Pewee has a dark head and a partial eye ring. 

My field guide points out that the wing tips extend far past the uppertail coverts. I believe the photo above shows this point.

I am pretty sure this is a Eastern Wood Pewee in the flycatcher family. I have been hearing one nearby our yard, their song a rising... peeeaWEEE, it sounds almost like they are saying their own name.

These sky shots are thanks to my hubby. He found a spot at our lake that is wonderful for viewing the sunset.

Beautiful layers of colors, hubby is getting good with my camera. What do you think?

Hubby has a good eye for a pretty reflection too. I hope you enjoy my bird and hubby's skywatch. I am happy to share his photos this week.

  Happy Skywatching everyone!

Thanks for visiting my post and  blog and I always appreciate your comments.

To see more pretty skies from around the world please visit  Skywatch Friday
and to see more of the winged critters check out NF Winged

Thanks to Sylvia, Yogi  and Sandy for hosting Skywatch Friday! Thanks to Monica the host of NF Winged.   I wish everyone a safe and happy weekend.


Phil Slade said...

Nice captures Eileen. The bird seems content for you to take pictures too. I reckon it is a young bird, eye ring yet to develop fully. Enjoy the weekend ahead and happy birding.

Bob Bushell said...

I love the Pewee and the wonderful skies.

Lynne said...

I really liked these Skywatch photos. Love the soft pewter and tawny of the Pewee. Hubby's sunset photos with reflections at the lake are wonderful . . . great team you are!

DeniseinVA said...

He's a little darling and those skies are gorgeous! Great photos Eileen. I am trying to visit blogs before we get on the road this morning. Our wi-fi was a little iffy at the hotel. Heading for a Starbucks this morning, or maybe a McDonalds where I can send out some e-mails.

TexWisGirl said...

cute little bird! glad you could distinguish him from a phoebe - i'd have been wrong, for sure. :)

love the sunset and reflections! go, hubby, go!

Anonymous said...

Your shots are gorgeous!

Montanagirl said...

Nice capture on the little bird. He's really cute. The sky shots are amazing! Love the colors and reflections.

George said...

Your photos of the Pewee are excellent, but I agree that your hubby is giving you a run for your money in the photography department. His sunset (and reflections) pictures are beautiful.

DIMI said...

Hallo Eileen!!These are great shots and captures!!So beautiful pictures from the sunset!!!Amazing reflection in the lake!!Yes!!Your hubby has a great photography eye!!I agree with you!!Have a lovely afternoon!!Hugs!!

Jo said...

At the first photo of your Peewee, I thought it looks like our pale or dusky flycatcher. And then you said it was family ! Your hubby really captured beautiful reflections of the sky. Interesting Skywatch. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Greetings Jo

Stephanie said...

Both wonderful shots! Love the clouds in the reflection.

Seraphinas Phantasie said...

The little bird is so cute and your Sunset is great !
Best regards, Synnöve

*Manja* said...

Sehr schöne Bilder!
Liebe Grüße,*Manja*

Karen said...

Oh what a sweet little bird! Beautiful sky and reflection too!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Such talented photographers, both of you! Thanks for both adorable the bird and the beautiful skies.

Maria said...

The Pewee looks like a flycatcher; the sunsets are awesome.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Eileen Your birds is lovely however those sunsets are magnificent. I would be sitting there every evening.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Wow---those sky and sunset photos are AWESOME... Just fabulous....

The little Pewee is so cute...Don't think I've ever seen one in person. Maybe their 'song' is how they got their name!!!!!


Jim said...


Rajesh said...

Wow! very cute little bird.

Zizi Santos said...

você é uma pessoa encantada
que fotografa lindos passarinhos!
adoro passarinhos
Esse passarinho é muito lindo
com olhinhos curiosos
o céu também é lindo
bj Zizi

Unknown said...

Oh, the little birds are SO adorable, Eileen!! And what terrific skies your husband captured!! You guys make a great camera crew!! Thanks for sharing the beauty of birds and skies! Have a lovely weekend!! Thanks as always for your wonderful comments on my blog, they are so appreciated!!

Brian King said...

Fantastic shots of the Pewee! Your husband is quite the photographer, too. Beautiful sky!

HappyK said...

The Pewee is such a cute little thing!

Valerie said...

Congratulations to your husband, Eileen, on those magnificent sunset captures. Together with your lovely images of the PeWee, you do make a great photography team!

Photo Cache said...

learn so much about birds when i come here.

The Furry Gnome said...

Great sky pix, and a nice pewee. said...

cute little bird,I`m wondering if we have them here in Pa.your husband is as handy with the camera as you are!beautiful ,breathtaking skies in reflections of the water,phyllis

Kusum said...

Beautiful pics!

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Love those shots with the reflections on the water! Happy skywatching.

Andrea said...

Those wide angle shots of the sky with the reflection are so spectacular. If i were there, i might just sit and watch them fade, anyway these views don't last long! Happy Weekend.

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, I am so glad you have shown these sweet birds! They are expert at catching flying insects. I used to see them each year in TN but not here in FL yet. Who knows? Have a great Friday tomorrow and a pleasant weekend!

thomas said...

Indeed a beautiful reflective sunset.

Bev said...

Great sunset!

ZielonaMila said...

Wonderful photos, beautiful bird:) Greetings

Liz Needle said...

Wonderful sky shots. Lovely soft colours. The little Peewee is very cute and not at all bothered by your camera.

Amazing wonders in my life said...

Nice pics...

Vores have said...

Great image series you show. Celestial Pictures are fantastic. Wish you a good week-end :) Hanne Bente

Laura said...

Oh so beautiful!!!

Erika Price said...

Love the reflections of the sky on the lake!

grammie g said...

HI Eileen... Love that little Pewee, he is adorable!
Your sky shot's are so gorgeous!!

Have a great weekend!

carol l mckenna said...

Wow! Love that little bird photo ~ Wonderful shots! And Hubby's photography is great too! Lots of talent! ~ thanks, carol, xo

carol l mckenna said...

This may be a duplicate ~ having trouble with google and open id ~

Gorgeous photography by both of you ~ love the little bird and sky is awesome! ~ thanks, carol, xo

Jan K. alias Afanja said...

What a wonderful sunset. The location is perfect for great photos with the beautiful reflections of the lake.

forgetmenot said...

Your husband did a great job - that sunset and reflection is lovely. What a cute little guy the pewee is--great captures. Have a nice weekend. Mickie ;)

EG CameraGirl said...

I find identifying flycatchers very difficult. I was hoping it might get easier but so far, no.

Our Neck of the Woods said...

Wow, your hubby is getting good with the camera! What beautiful, colorful shots! And that little bird is so cute :) Hope you have a great weekend!

Hootin Anni said...

Awwwww, sweet bird! And your skywatch shots are stupendous.

vivi ka said...

These reflections are wonderful! Perfect sunset and perfect colors!
Thank you for sharing!!
Have a great weekend!!

Mary said...

Such a cute Peewee. And your skyshots ... adorable! Gorgeous shots!

Debbie said...

oh eileen...going through all your entries from this past week, i sure did miss a lot!!

you are getting some amazing hummer shots and what a sweet little bird this is. i am always impressed with your knowledge of birds. i don't really know what i am doing!!

really beautiful sky and sunset pictures, how wonderful that you and hubby enjoy these things together!!

have a great weekend!!

SandyCarlson said...

Thanks, Eileen! What a beautiful bird--and lovely skies!

Pearl Maple said...

Your little bird photos are so sweet, lovely viewing spot the two of you are enjoying on the water, the colors are very pretty

Carver said...

Stunning sunset and photographed so well.

Anonymous said...

Eileen, the Pewee is exceptionally cute- and your skies are heavenly.
Thanks for sharing the beauty.

Shirley said...

Love the reflection of the sunset over the lake! You have a wonderful spot to capture such beauty!

Betty Manousos said...

love the sky and sunset photos. and the reflections.

simply amazing!!!
big hugs~

Icy BC said...

Beautiful PeWEE bird shots, and gorgeous sky photos, Eileen.

(I was having a hard time leaving comments on your blog for the last 3 days, and hope this will go through!)

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

Love all the photos in this post!

Liz said...

What a sweet little bird.
Hubby's Skywatch is gorgeous!! I'm a sucker for a beautiful sky & reflections.

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...