Saturday, August 3, 2013

Birds, Butterflies and blooms

I am linking up Camera Critters and I'd-Rather-b-birdin

August 3, 2013

I hope you will join in on the fun and share your critters and birds. My post is on the birds, butterflies and blooms in my yard.

 I love sitting on my deck and watching the Ruby Throated Hummingbirds, I am seeing around six of them at my feeders. They are such fun to be around, sometimes there is a juvie that will hover right in front of my chair.

This is the second year for this hibiscus plant, we brought the plant inside for the winter. It is not very full and bushy but it seems to be blooming very well.

The beak on this hummer looks weird, I am not sure if it not developed all the way or if something happened to it? I believe the hummer is a juvenile, I hope it is Ok.

The hummingbirds have been seen sitting on the branches of this trumpet vine.

Seen on the same evening I was watching the hummer show..a male Scarlet Tanager in the treetop above my yard. The Scarlet Tanager is a breeder in the woods next to my house.

I included these butterfly shots in one of my mosaics in a previous post but now I am showing just the photos. Above is the Tiger Swallowtail.  One of the more common butterflies seen in my yard.

A little ragged but a beautiful Black Swallowtail.

A Sulfur on the Purple Coneflowers. I hope you enjoyed this post,

 Ok, here is my new list for the week of my favorite blogs to visit and if you missed any... look back at all my previous Saturday posts they go as far back as 6/22/13.

Tammy @ i heart florida birds shares her beautiful Florida Birds. After vacationing in Florida I also love Florida birds and enjoy visiting her blog.

Mick @ Sandy straits and beyond  is sharing his birding and  outings from Australia. I learn about the Autralian birds that I would love to see someday in person.

Kusum @ Scrapbook_ a travel blog is sharing her many adventures traveling. Fantastic photos and you can learn about all the wonderful places she visits.

Gary @ Vermilon river wildlife shares his hikes along the Vermilon River and shares his awesome wildlife photography.

Indrani @ ishare is a lovely blogger from India. She shares her wonderful travel photos, I feel like I have been around the world with Indrani.

I hope you are able to find some time to visit some of my favorite blogs above, they are all wonderful bloggers.

 I wish everyone a happy weekend.
 To see more beautiful photos and cute critters

 please visit:  Camera Critters and I'd-Rather-B-Birdin. Thanks to the gracious hosts Misty Dawn of Camera Critters and to Anni of I'd Rather-B-birdin.


Lynne said...

Your Hummingbird photos are wonderful! Maybe I need a deck instead of a screened in room for some better pictures!

The Scarlet Tanager would be a welcomed treat in my back yard, please send him over!

The butterflies like the Coneflower . . . I must keep an eye out for them in my garden . . .

Great photos Eileen, you ever disappoint!

Bob Bushell said...

I love number 3, stunning. But, those butterflies, wow, they are something else.

Indrani said...

Thank you so much for linking. :)
I too love your incredible bird shots!

Hootin Anni said...

Terrific narration and beautiful images Eileen!!!

That hummer's beak is odd colored to be sure, but it looks okay. That trumpet vine is really 'red orange'. I've only seen, around here, a pale orange 'trumpet'. Gorgeous color.

Have a great weekend yourself!!

Hootin' Anni and Anni @ I'd Rather B Birdin'

Unknown said...

Love those butterflies!! Thanks for the kind words and link. Give Goldie a hug. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Snap said...

Your hummers are wonderful ... hope the little guy is ok. I have seen very few butterflies in my garden this year and chalk it up to the continuing drought. I really enjoyed seeing yours and your lovely blooms.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Eileen, Love your hummers --but today, I love the Scarlet Tanager.. What a gorgeous bird.

Your hibiscus is really looking pretty... I need to get one...

Love the butterfly shots also.


TexWisGirl said...

love your hummingbirds! but the eastern tiger swallowtail steals the show. perfect shot!!!

lina@happy family said...

Admire your shots as always. Perfectly captured.

Phil Slade said...

Some really special photos from you today Eileen. The hummers are lovely but I have to agree, the Swallowtail is just perfect. Maybe juv hummers bills are not fully grown for a few weeks after fledging? I see it on other species. Have a great Saturday and Sunday.

Huldra said...

I`ve never seen a hummingbird in real before. They look so adorable! Thank you for sharing this lovelly series :)

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Beautiful series of images Eileen. I love the hummingbirds. I know how to feed the bigger birds like the galahs and correllas that I get in my back garden but the smaller birds that I know are in the trees in the front garden are so darn quick I can never snap them, think I need one of these feeders like you have there, will keep my eyes open!

katerchen said...

Kolibris..leider gibt es sie hier nicht, auch die Schmetterlinge in der Art fliegen hier nicht..

Danke für die schönen Bilder
mit einem LG vom katerchen

Anonymous said...

Love the humming birds ~ especially the one not quite up to the feeder ~ More beautiful photos too! Happy Weekend to you !

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hi Love the Hummingbird in the third shot and all the butterflies are also shots. Have a wonderful weekend

Claudia Moser said...

Such sweet little birds, made me smile :)

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Amazing photos of the hummingbirds. I can never catch the butterflies sitting still. Great shots.

Crafty Green Poet said...

Lovely photos, your birds and butterflies are so beautiful!

SarahBeth said...

Oh my, what gorgeous photos -- hummingbirds are the sweetest and you got some wonderful shots! The Scarlet Tanager is a beauty too -- I've never seen one before.

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Beautiful hummers and butterflies. What a great garden show! I hope to see some hummers up in Illinois before they depart.

DIMI said...

Hallo Eileen!!
What a great post!!
I love the first shot and all the pictures with the butterlies!!!You're hibiscus looks so preety!!!Nice colour!!Hope you have a lovely weekend!Hugs!

Jo said...

I love the shots of the humming birds near and on the feeder. I also hope the juvenile with the "chipped" beak will be OK. OMW Eileen, your butterfly images are stunning and of course, I'd also LOVE to have the Scarlet Tanager in my garden. I hope you're having a great weekend. Jo

DeniseinVA said...

Marvelous series of nature shots Eileen. I as always love them all but that first one jumped out at me today. Have a great day :)

George said...

I'm envious of the wonderful pictures you get of the hummingbirds -- I neer seem to have much success. Thanks for sharing your yard and critters with us this weekend.

KaHolly said...

All in your yard, Eileen. How very wonderful!!

Giga said...

Kocham kolibry i mogę na nie patrzeć i patrzeć. Pierwszy motyl jest cudny. Pozdrawiam.
I love hummingbirds, and I can not look at them and look at them. The first butterfly is wonderful. Yours.

SquirrelQueen said...

Eileen, I am always amazed at all the beauty in your backyard. Those little hummers are so sweet. And I love the butterflies on the coneflowers.

Pat said...

Beautiful shots, Eileen. I'd welcome a Scarlet Tanager any day.

betchai said...

i could almost imagine such heavenly sight outside of your home, where the moment you step out, you see these beautiful creatures and serenaded by them

Hildegarde said...

Gosh, your yard is paradise :-)

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Your yard is wonderful; I see and hear so many worried about the lack of butterflies; you must be doing something right. That trumpet vine is wonderful as a hummingbird attractor and so pretty too.

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Your hummingbird shots are amazing! We've had a lot of butterflies around the last week or so, and I went down to take their photos today, and there were none--Who would have thought they were camera shy? :-)

I hope you're enjoying your weekend, and the rain hasn't ruined any plans!

Maria said...

You've got great butterflies Eileen; I love the Hibiscus too.

Unknown said...

I love your hummingbirds! They're magical.

mick said...

Thanks for the very nice compliment of including my blog on your favorites list.

Brian King said...

We just got our first hummers a week ago. An adult male and a juvenile male. I was about to give up on them. Love your butterfly photos! The first one is my favorite. Gorgeous!

rainfield61 said...

You live next door to so many beautiful creatures.

Irma said...

Hi Eileen,
Great shots of the hummingbirds.
The butterflies are totally awesome.

Montanagirl said...

I always enjoy your posts, having a look at what you're photographing! Love your butterfly shots! The Hummers are always a lot of fun to watch. I have never seen a Scarlet Tanager...he's beautiful.

MJ said...

I love the hummingbirds SO much. I think they are just amazing little birds. If I didn't live in an apartment, I'd have feeders all over the place. HA. Beautiful photos!!!

magiceye said...

All such pretty captures!!

Suzan said...

You have lovely trumpet plants - their red instead of the typical orange!! bet your humming birds love that!! Wonderful that you got a shot of one sitting.

Ailime said...

Olá Eileen, muito obrigada pela sua visita e comentário! Adoro a natureza e as suas fotos estão fabulosas! Penso que habita numa espécie de paraíso:))! Ter o privilégio de estar rodeada dessas aves, insectos e flroes é uma benção de Deus. Obrigada por partilhar.Excelente semana. Abraço Ailime

deb said...

Your photos are gorgeous!!Beautiful shots of the hummers and so lucky to have Tanagers breeding so close. Your photos are so alive. Love seeing the butterflies too!
*hugs* deb

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Great captures of the hummers Eileen, We only seem to get one at a time at the feeders.

NatureFootstep said...

lol, I miss the hummingbirds. Loved to watch them in CR: :)

Rohrerbot said...

Wonderful the Ruby-throats on your feeders. Have they started migrating yet? We see a huge movement with the hummers right now. In fact, we had a Black-chinned at our feeder today which isn't common. I have Anna's and Costa's that will stop by....but we can also get the others during migration. Black-chinned is one of them:) Hope you had a good weekend. It's back to the real world

Mary said...

So beautiful birds and butterflies! Wonderful shots!

A Colorful World said...

Such wonderful shots, Eileen! Love your hibiscus...ours is short and bushy but it blooms like crazy. Your hummers and birds and butterfly visitors are all so delightful!

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...