Saturday, August 17, 2013

Around the yard, Aug 17

August 17, 2013

I am linking up Camera Critters and I'd-Rather-b-birdin   I hope you are joining in and posting your birds and critters.

The head of the family..the male Ruby-throated Hummingbird.

 When I come home from work I can whistle after putting out some peanuts on my deck railing and the Redbellied Woodie immediately shows up.

The White-Breasted Nuthatch prefers the sunflower seeds or the suet. Above he/she landed on my pergola is waiting for me to put out more seed and go inside.

Above is the Red-spotted Purple butterfly. This butterfly has red spots on its underside and at the top of its wings.

Goldie Girl enjoys fetching sticks at the lake.

Goldie Girl waiting for a stick to be thrown.

I am trying to learn the dragonfly id's. So I believe my dragonfly is the female Common Whitetail.

And  I am guessing on this to be the Blue Dasher.I hope you enjoyed my birds, butterfly, dragonflies and of my Goldie Girl.

I want to share some of my favorite bloggers some live and work hard on their farms.

 Teresa @ Edenhills  Teresa shares her life on the farm, her wonderful goats, cows and the other animals on her farm. I am an animal lover and I enjoy reading about her farm animals.

Tammy @ Our neck of the woods is blogging about her life homesteading. It is an interesting blog with info on growing their own food, raising chickens and even bee-keeping.

Arija @ Garden Delights shares her life in Australia. Her travels, gardens and her beautiful Australian birds.

Nora @ Island Rambles from Vancouver  shares her awesome wildlife sightings. Like the Orca Whale and wonderful bird sightings.

Karen @ Pixel Posts is from Ontario. Karen shares her beautiful scenic shots, birds and flowers. I always enjoy seeing her lovely photos.

I hope you are able to find some time to visit some of my favorite blogs above, they are all wonderful bloggers.

Thanks for stopping by and  I wish everyone a happy weekend.
 To see more beautiful photos and cute critters

 please visit:  Camera Critters and I'd-Rather-B-Birdin. Thanks to the gracious hosts Misty Dawn of Camera Critters and to Anni of I'd Rather-B-birdin.


Indrani said...

Wonderful shots!
I visit most of these blogs, they are truly great!

chica said...

Tudo lindo e o cachorro o maioral!!Adoro! beijos,chica

orchid0324 said...

Dearest Eileen,
Yes, I sure did enjoyed your beautiful photographs♡♡♡ What gorgeous shots of elegant birds♪ My husband said that he felt sad about the wing of the butterfly.
Oh, your lovely Goldie Girl looks really enjoying the fetching sticks game☆☆☆
How lucky she is!
Have a wonderful weekend, my friend.

Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

Carver said...

These are all fantastic shots.

TexWisGirl said...

another great set of good blogs and great bloggers! :)

i LOVE that butterfly! wow, it is gorgeous!

DIMI said...

Hallo Eileen!!!Great post!!!
Wonderful pictures of all kinds of beautiful birds!!!I like your 1st shot!!!And Goldie Girl looks so cute swimming in the lake!!!Have a lovely weekend!Hugs!

Anonymous said...

Love your yard birds and butterflies- but most of all i love seeing your precious Goldie Girl :>)

Have a fantastic weekend Eileen.

Irma said...

Hello Eileen
Beautiful pictures of birds, butterflies and dragonflies.
The dog is great.
Greetings Irma

Montanagirl said...

Wonderful series of photos! Goldie Girl sure enjoys that water, doesn't she? That Butterfly is gorgeous. Love its coloring.

MJ said...

awww.. Goldie Girl is beautiful and sooooo cute!!! And the butterfly is outstanding. What pretty photos!

MandaBurms FarmStay for Cats. said...

WOW your Dragonfly shots are beautiful!!!!!!
Love them!

*Manja* said...

sehr schöne Bilder!^^
Liebe Grüße,*Manja*

George said...

We have a Red Bellied Woodpecker -- Pete -- who always promptly shows up when the feeders are put out. He complains if we don't get them out soon enough. I enjoyed all of your pictures, especially those of Goldie Girl.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Love your hummer photo... So precious... I had to order some more peanuts for my Red-bellied and my BlueJays.... They LOVE those things.

Pretty Butterfly and Dragonflies.

Goldie Girl loves the water, doesn't she?

Sue said...

Goldie Girl is such a beauty. Love all the photos---just wish I knew how you got the dragonflies to SIT!

Gerald (SK14) said...

lobe the birds - so clear and of course I love the dog - super shots

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Hi Eileen
I did enjoy your winged captures and Goldie Girl. Aren't you the clever one to train the birds with a whistle.

Black Jack's Carol said...

I share your appreciation for Theresa and Nora's blog. Will have to check out your other suggestions. In this post, all of the pictures were so appealing and interesting, it was difficult to decide which to comment on. Sweet dog, marvellous butterfly, fascinating woodpecker (one I've never seen) but perhaps your dragonflies caught my eye first. I'm such an admirer of their patterns and helicopter flying style and have been trying to capture a few seen around here. Your shots are stellar!

Pat said...

Beautiful shots, Eileen!

Our Neck of the Woods said...

I really like the Redbellied Woodie and how it comes right up to get peanuts! So cute! The butterfly is really pretty and your Goldie Girl is just the sweetest.

PS - Thanks so much for linking to my blog in your post! I really appreciate it and I'm glad you enjoy my blog :) Have a great rest of the weekend!

magiceye said...

Brilliant captures all!

Unknown said...

Your photos are just amazing, Eileen (as usual). I like Goldie Girl the very best! What a sweetheart. There's nothing like a golden retriever.

Lynne said...

Wonderful pics . . . Love that Goldie Girl!

Stephanie said...

Wonderful captures!

Debbie said...

A beautiful group of images Eileen, reminding me how wonderful summer is and how much beauty there is to see!!

Awesome image of the butterfly, you captured it beautifully!! I don't think I have ever seen that one!!

Enjoy your Sunday!!

kulasa said...

Wow....I terribly enjoyed the series of shots :) the purple butterfly and the blue dragonfly and Goldie girl are my favorites! :)

rainfield61 said...

So, I should think that these hummingbirds must have a school headmaster.

Minoru Saito said...

Hi! Nice captures. All of your shots are very beautiful. Especially I like your butterfly photo very much.

Phil Slade said...

Whistle up a bird and it comes for food - I like that Eileen. Seems like the birds have learned your ways as you have learnt theirs. Brilliant shots of the woodpecker and the nuthatch, and the butterfly is a stunner. Enjoy your Sunday.

Carletta said...

A plethora of wonderful critters Eileen!
Wonderful shots of your Goldie Girl!

Carole M. said...

lovely shots Eileen; great to have the birds in your back garden like you do; you look after them well

Bob Bushell said...

Yes, what a genius posting of backyard pleasantry, my fave is the Red-spotted Purple butterfly, superb.

Unknown said...

Wonderful shots all of them! I love the shots of your swimming girl. That's a game our German shepherd loved to play.

Brian King said...

Wonderful shots! Red-bellied Woodpeckers are one of my favorites! Love the hummingbird!

Irene said...

Amazing shots ... My favorite is the dragonfly, beautiful and not easy to catch with the lense!

Happy Sunday, Eileen!

Anni said...

You whistle and the woodpecker comes to you?!!! I am amazed.

Love Goldie Girl, of course you know that by now.

Great Post Eileen.

A wondering star said...

What a beautiful series of images, Eileen! Such a gorgeous birds and macros of dragonfly, and your dog is so cute.
There is so much to learn!
Thanks for sharing

Jorunn Norge

Unknown said...

Great series, and of course I never get enough of Goldie Girl. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Joop Zand said...

WONDERFUL pictures Eileen,
gonna follow this blg to.

Greetings, Joop

Anne (cornucopia) said...

Great photos! I recently got a photo of a Dragonfly (brown spotted wings) that looks similar to yours. I had never seen one like this before.

Crafty Green Poet said...

Lovely photos. The red spotted purple is a wonderful looking butterfly. Your nuthatch looks a bit scruffy!

Betty Manousos said...

oh my word, eileen!
you're so talented!
excellent photos!!! i am always in awe of your shots.
thanks for brightening my day!

big hugs~

Maria said...

Those are good close-ups; the butterfly is beautiful; so is Goldie

Sharon Wagner said...

Lots of nice critters today. Especially the pup.

Our photos said...

Beautiful photos, Eileen!
Greetings from, RW & SK

MyMaracas said...

Beautiful photos, and your dog made me smile. I used to have one that would chase sticks in the water all day if you'd let her.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I am impressed that you get such good dragonfly pictures AND that you are learning the IDs...must admit that both are beyond me (I'm working on the picture part of that though).

Goldy Girl is one happy dog.. and the birds are great! Cool that the woody responds to your whistle!

FAB said...

Lovely views of your colourful birds, flutters and dragonflies.

Icy BC said...

Love your bird shots, dragonfly and butterfly!

Suzan said...

Old dragon flies and puppy!! Love your shots!

Liz said...

What a stunning collection from your yard!
Beautiful birds (I do love your Hummingbirds), wonderful butterflies & dragonflies and your Goldie is a gorgeous dog!

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...