Sunday, September 29, 2013

Fifteen Mile Creek C&O trail

  I am linking up with Mosaic Monday and Our World Tuesday 

September 29, 2013

On Saturday, hubby and I headed to a new section of the C&O canal trail in western Maryland. The trail is 184.5 miles long. Usually we start our walking around mile 14 which is where the Great Falls National Park is located in Potomac, Md.  Yesterdays walk started around mile 140 at a place called Fifteen Mile Creek in the town of Little Orleans. The Autumns colors were here and there, definitely not the peak time yet.

Above is a view from the Sidelong Hill  rest area off of RT68.. not many fall colors here.

Across the river, we saw one pretty tree standing out among all the green leaves.Little glimpses of the Potomac River and some colorful leaves.

There were some pretty colors here and there along the canal trail, as you can see most of the trees were still green.We only walked up to mile 142, stopping along the way to check out the views and look for birds.

We saw a flock of Canada Geese in the Potomac River as we walked along the C&O canal trail. Other birds seen were the Pileated woodpecker and the Carolina Wren.  I also saw some Whitetail deer along the road. We headed a little further out to the Rocky Gap Casino, hubby had an offer of some free play and we figured why not since we were in the area. He played his free $15 and won $55.  Not bad, congrats to hubby.

Above, is the lake at Rocky Gap which you can see from the Rocky Gap Resort or the state park which is also nearby.  Rocky Gap is located in Cumberland Maryland off of RT68. You can have a great choice of activities at Rocky Gap, hiking, canoeing, golf course and the casino of course.

As always, I hope you enjoy my post and thanks for visiting my blog. I always appreciate your comments.

Join in on the fun and for more wonderful photos please visit  Mosaic Monday and more
 from  Our World Tuesday

 Thanks to our host: Mary our host of Mosaic Monday and to the hosting group of Our World Tuesday: Arija, Gattina, Lady Fi, Sylvia, Sandy and Jennifer.  I wish everyone a happy week!


podso said...

It's nice when the leaves are just beginning to turn on some trees and you see the brilliant pops of color against the green of the other trees, Nice photos!

Rajesh said...

Great shots of the place, lots of greenery.

diane b said...

A beautiful walk immersed in nature. It looks miles away from civilisation but obviously isn't. It is great to have these areas close by and made a little pocket money on the way.

Sonja said...

It looks as if autumn is starting. A lovely walk to do from the story and photos.

Gardening in a Sandbox said...

Hope your hubby bought you dinner with his winnings. The leaves are already at their peak further north but here is just beginning. I know you had a great day on the trail. Valerie

Clara said...

Beautiful mosaics Eileen and I love your header as usual. Have a great week.

TexWisGirl said...

great wildlife, beautiful area, and some 'free' money, too! :)

Poppy said...

Eileen, you are so lucky to be able to walk in such seasonal splendour! I like the subtlety of the softer fall hues against the green; still feels fresh! Gorgeous images!

PS: Do you know how much I miss Canada right now?!!

Lorrie said...

Beautiful images, Eileen. It's fun to watch the trees change slowly until one day we look out and all is ablaze with color.
What a great place for a walk.

Bob Bushell said...

Oh, beautiful to see, the scenery is superb, nice one Eileen.

Mary Howell Cromer said...

That sure looks like another pretty place to visit. I imagine that those trees will look very different in a couple of weeks. Have a happy week Eileen~

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Fabulous photos - you find the best birds. It sounds like a spectacularly wonderful day out in nature. We spent our windy blustery rainy day getting photos of a clydesdale, two bald eagles and the tin man driving a tractor. :-)

Carole M. said...

I always enjoy your posts Eileen and this walk is fabulous. The last photo was very beautiful.

Merlesworld said...

That's a beautiful place great animal photos.
What did he buy with his winnings.
Merle........ ........... ..........

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, Beautiful spot. You know which bird I like best. Ha! That Pileated Woodpecker is lovely. The deer is pretty and so are the Fall colors. Have a splendid coming week!

deb @ frugal little bungalow said...

The here and there in regards to leaves changing is about the same here ( very little so far: Western Pa )

You have such lovely photos and captures on this tour! :) I always appreciate the bird and wildlife photos as I know how hard they are to get! :)

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Another lovely place to hike with beautiful scenery. Imagine how gorgeous it will be when all the leaves are dressed for autumn.

Stephanie said...

I love the splash of color from the leaves and your collages of photos! Beautiful work!

My Little Home and Garden said...

All of the photos are beautiful, Eileen, but the view you've shown in the first one in magnificent! Wow.


Elizabeth Edwards said...

i love the birdie ... mr. woody is freakin' awesome. i see them a lot in my back yard. ( :

great post.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Oh, you are seeing some Fall colors already and lots of wildlife to photo! I've never been a gambler...but that sounds like fun, too! when you're winning! Way to go to your hubby!

George said...

Your photos are as wonderful as ever, and the touches of autumn color are beautiful. We walked a portion of the C&O trail near Harpers Ferry when we were there.

Vee said...

Very pretty trail. It is always cool when the first pops of color appear because they stand out so beautifully.

Shane Pollard said...

I always enjoy your posts Eileen as you give me a taste of the American countryside!
It's always a plus when walking if you spot birds and the like - and you got some beauties today. Are the Canada geese about to migrate - I've noticed them on other blogs recently too.

Good win for your hubby!

Lynne said...

Beautiful photos . . . I see the green but the pops of color are visible here and there. Love the birds, looks like a rack on the deer. Congrats to hubby on his win . . .

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Good grief, could anyone have a more perfect getaway? All that beautiful scenery and birds ...and winning at the Casino. Your stars must have been aligned in the right way )))

Montanagirl said...

What a nice series of photos - but my favorite is that last one. It speaks to me!

Pallavi said...

Such a beautiful Landscape Eileen! It looks like such a tranquil place to be in. Hope you enjoyed your walk! :)


Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Eileen what a lovly walk you had and great photographs. It is lovely seeing birds as well as thte deer. I loved the Cardinal and Cape May Warblers photos from yesterday. trying toget caught up on posts!!!

Irma said...

Hi Eileen,
Beautiful collages of birds, animals and the landscape.
Greetings Irma

DIMI said...

Hallo Eileen!!!
Such beauty in your photos!!!
Beautiful views,amazing birds and animals!!!You really had a wonderful walk!!!Excellent shots!!
Have a happy new week!!!Hugs!!!

DeniseinVA said...

Your photos show the changing season beautifully Eileen. Lovely post as always! Off to Germany this afternoon, I hope I can get some decent shots of German birds while away.

Mary said...

Such wonderful photos! A really beautiful landscape and birds! Great!

Icy BC said...

The touches of fall colors are so pretty and such lovely mosaics!

Minoru Saito said...

Hi! Nice captures. There are many very beautiful photos. I want to walk the trail in some future. Thanks for sharing.

Joop Zand said...

The nature is so very nice with these colors, and the birds are also good photographed.

Greetings, Joop

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful place! I would love to see it in its full fall glory. Congrats to hubby on his good luck at the casino.

vivi ka said...

I visited a lake yesterday! The autumn colors were soft! I loved your photos! Congrats to your hubby for his win!!! :)
Have a happy new week!!

Barb said...

Hi Eileen - I lived for a time in MD, but I never visited in this area. Such a lovely wilderness place. You need to keep going back to see the peak leaves! The lines of the mountains to the distance are lovely.

Gail Dixon said...

You got the pileated! That's hitting the jackpot for me. :) Seeing the early signs of color is good enough...that means more to come.

Anonymous said...

What lovely scenery. The autumn colours are so pretty.

Leanne said...

Hi Eilleen ooh your photos are stunning and one can see autumn has arrived - very pretty indeed.
Love leanne

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

So many beautiful scenery to enjoy! Your mosaics are just gorgeous!

EG CameraGirl said...

I like seeing the hint of colour to come. Very nice. Congrats to your hubby for winning a bit of extra cash. I'm not a gambler...but hey! I think taking some play money and making it into more could be fun!!

Our Neck of the Woods said...

Woah, that's a long trail! Looks like you saw a little bit of fall color. I'm sure it'll get even more spectacular in the coming weeks.

Crafty Green Poet said...

lovely autumn colours! The pileated woodpecker is a magnificent bird!

Photo Cache said...

sounds like a lovely day. you get to walk and watch birds and other wildlife, then you get to win $55 too.

Giga said...

Cudna wycieczka. Piękna pogoda, kolorowa jesień i ptaki, oraz sarenka. Wszystko bardzo miłe. Pozdrawiam.
Great little trip. Beautiful weather, colorful autumn, and birds, and deer. All very nice. Yours.

Sylvia K said...

Such gorgeous captures, Eileen!! And such a beautiful place!! The perfect trip and your captures are terrific as always!! Thanks so much for sharing the beauty!! Hope you have a great week!

Anonymous said...

I'm familiar with the view on I-68. The autumn colors are so pretty in your photos. I wonder if we'll see them so brilliantly this year.

Anonymous said...

Oh I love all the wildlife shots and nature in all its splendor ~ Beautiful photography as always ~ Happy Week to you ~ carol ^_^

Debbie said...

it's always fun to find a new path or a different trail to explore!!

i love that pleated woodpecker, i don't get them in my yard. this area is going to be gorgeous in a week or two!!

i can't leave without commenting on the deer....i love them almost as much as my alpaca's. it's always a thrill for me to see them!!

Wendy Annabeth said...

Oh, wow these photos are amazing! Would love to visit :)

islandwonder said...

Great pics!!! I am so excited for fall foliage. I think it is so beautiful.

Al said...

That looks like a great place for a hike. I remember Great Falls Park fondly.

Indrani said...

I am always stunned by the variety you present! The collages are terrific! As always very hard to choose a single fav.

Brian King said...

Gorgeous! There's some color coming in there. Pileated Woodpeckers are one of my favorites!

mick said...

Beautiful scenery - the colored leaves are so pretty and that little wren is very cute.

Maria said...

Oh mine; autumn is sure at your door and these are wonderful shots.!

Ajay Kumar said...

You got amazing photographs of the natural beauty. the birds and deer also looking cute...

Fun60 said...

Iwould love to take that walk in a couple of weeks time and see more of the beautiful autumnal colours. What a great day and to finish it with extra cash in your pocket as well.

Karen Lakis said...

What a beautiful walk! You're starting to get some Fall color - in another couple weeks you'll be ablaze. The woodpecker is fantastic!

Splendid Little Stars said...

fabulous photos!
I've driven through Western Maryland a few times. such a beautiful part of the world! I've been to Great Falls when I used to live in Maryland (outside of DC).

Linda said...

Oh, I saw the sign for Rocky Gap when we drove to Pittsburgh a few weeks ago. Will have to check it out.

Your pictures are lovely!

Rohrerbot said...

I'm loving the fall colors right now. Of course the critters are pretty cool as well:) In a week we head back to Wisconsin and I can't wait for those much cooler temps!

Mona's Picturesque said...

Gorgeous nature collages!!! :)
Love them.
Have a beautiful day!

Kerri Farley said...

Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful!

Misti said...

Glad to have found your blog. Love the bird shots and the stunning moon shot.

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a happy new week! "Leave the roads, take the trails." "Lose yourself in nature and find peac...