Saturday, December 14, 2013

Saturday's Critters #2

December 13, 2013

First, I want to say thank you to everyone that linked up to my first Saturday's Critters.  I think it went very well. And I appreciate all my blogging friends that left comments and wished me well on my first attempt at a MEME. So, here goes Saturday's Critter #2, I hope you can join in on the Critter party.

  A new way to clear a path on the deck...The Shoveling Squirrel.

 These are some of my critters from last weekend. Last Sunday, received our first big snowstorm.. Leaving us with about 8 inches of the cold, wet white stuff.. 

 Our first real snow..we had about 8 inches..last weekend..and then to top it off we received freezing rain on top of the snow.

A cute Dark-eyed of my winter birds.

In the mosaic are some male and female Cardinals..a few Mourning Doves, the Dark-eyed Junco, and in the bottom middle there is a White-Throated Sparrow in between a male and female Cardinal.

A cute Carolina Wren on an icy branch.

My male Cardinal looks like a tree ornament on the feeder.

The Cardinals look beautiful in the snow..I tried several times to clear a path to get to my was snowing so hard and  laying faster than I could clear it away..the birds had to use their feet to get to the seed under the snow on the deck railing.  Another Snow/Sleet/Rain event for today and winter has not officially really started yet, do you think we are in for a bad winter?

I hope to see everyone join in on the critter party,  link up your blog post sharing your cute critters. Any kind of critter will do. I am sure most everyone knows how to put a link on your post for Saturday's Critters. Also, I hope everyone will take some time and visit with some of the other bloggers linking up.......

I am so happy you joined in on  my Critter party....I hope to see you linking up again..

 To see more beautiful birds and cute critters

Also please visit:  I'd-Rather-B-Birdin. Thanks to the gracious host: Anni of I'd Rather-B-birdin. Also, sharing with Camera Critters. Thanks to Misty for hosting.

 Thanks for stopping by and  I wish everyone a happy weekend.


Ramakrishnan said...

Poor creatures - wonder how they manage to brave the freezing cold and snow without warm clothing :)

Minoru Saito said...

Hi,Eileen. Nice captures. The red cardinal photos are very beautiful. Wishing you a wonderful week ahead.

Sue said...

I think hubby could use a couple of those "shoveling" squirrels to help him! LOL!
Love the little wren-they are always so sweet looking.
Have a good weekend, Eileen!

Icy BC said...

Beautiful shot of the cardinal. The color is so vibrant in the snow..We are getting our snow today :-)

Anonymous said...

I love all your beautiful critters. You have so many cute wintering birds enjoying your feeders in spite of the deep snow.
They are lucky to have a bird-luver in their neighborhood.
Hopefully this is your last hard snow.
Thanks for hosting Saturdays Critters :)

EG CameraGirl said...

I'm a big fan of dark-eyed juncos. I haven't been able to capture any with my camera this year because they are still quite skittish when they see me. I really like your cute little wren.

Katarina said...

The male Cardinal is such a beauty - I wish they would like it here...

namaki said...

Wow ! the red bird is amazing !!!! have a good weekend !

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Your yard looks like ours Eileen, and the shovelling squirrel is just too cute.
I can't tell you how many times I've tried to capture the male cardinal on the evergreens out back, surrounded by snow. By the time I pick my camera up and focus - gone!
Thank you for hosting.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

I love the contrast of the red cardinal against the white snow - so beautiful. And that squirrel looks like he's having a blast!

Linda aka Crafty Gardener said...

The cardinal adds the perfect splash of colour to the snowy scenes. They are our favourite birds at the feeders. We don't see wrens at this time of the year thought. Enjoy the day.

DIMI said...

Hello Eileen!!!Wow!!You had a lot of snow in your area!!How cute the Squirrel looks!!How beautiful looks the red cardinal against the white snow!!!What a lovely bird!!!!Thank you for sharing those wonderful pictures!!Have a happy new week!!Good luck to your MEME!!Hugs!

Our photos said...

What a nice picture of the squirrel and birds in the snow, Eileen!!!

Lynne said...

Wonderful photos Eileen! The cardinal at top of the feeder takes a prize!

Montanagirl said...

Your snowy photos are so beautiful, especially of that male cardinal. The shoveling Squirrel is hilarious.

DeniseinVA said...

Great shots Eileen :) I love the snow photos particularly.

Pallavi said...

The male Cardinal certainly looks like a tree ornament with his bright red color :) The shoveling squirrel is so cute! Glad you are enjoying the joys of winter Eileen :) Hugs!

katerchen said...

ihr habt ja richtigen Winter Eileen
hier ist es noch ohne Frost und Schnee
Danke für die schönen Momente
mit einem LG vom katerchen zum 3. Advent

Phil Slade said...

Very festive colours in your post today Eileen and I really like the Christmas Cardinal. Have a lovely, busy weekend with your meme and thanks for hosting again.

TexWisGirl said...

the squirrel is hilarious - leaving a trail of spent seeds in his wake. :) your winter birds are so pretty in the snow, even if it makes eating more difficult for them. :) good luck w/ today's storm!

Pat said...

Wonderful shots, Eileen. It's amazing how these little animals can survive and even thrive in such harsh weather. Nature has equipped them well.

Brian King said...

We didn't get much in the way of snow, but we got the ice. Love the squirrel photos! He looks like a little bulldozer! LOL!

Debbie said...

AWESOME images for today....the snow makes everything better!!

the squirell is just too cute for words, good thing for that heavy fur coat!!

and your welcome eileen, i am so very happy to be here!!

VioletSky said...

We are having our first snowstorm this morning - but I think all the birds have disappeared into the trees!

Unknown said...

how that red pops like a Christmas tree and real life

Irma said...

Beautiful photos of the birds in winter atmosphere.
The collage is really great, very nicely done, Eileen.
Enjoy your weekend!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

The cardinals do look very beautiful in the snow... until we started traveling, the only way I ever saw these birds was in the snow on a Christmas card! (No cardinals in the Pacific Northwest.) I still haven't seen them in the snow except in pictures -- and yours are certainly more lovely than any Christmas card I ever saw!!!

Thank you for doing the meme (I was almost afraid to post my squirrel, when I saw yours. But I had the post ready so here it is!)

Have a wonderful weekend!

Ela said...

Beautiful pictures of the winter scenery.
Have a nice weekend

Karen said...

Oh what a great variety of critters in the snow Eileen. I love squirrels, and your first shot made me laugh out loud!

Anonymous said...

Love the 'clearing of the path' ~ great shots as always ~ thanks, carol,xxx

ps. is this now the New Camera Critters? or are there two? confused ^_^

islandwonder said...

That red cardinal is a beauty. Fun photos!

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, What an iconic photo - a male Northern Cardinal in the snow. Beautiful! I am wild about that Dark-eyed Junco, too1 Have an excellent and hopefully warmer Sunday tomorrow!

Anne (cornucopia) said...

Great photos! The cardinal is such a beautiful bird! We're getting a snow storm here today in CT, and we had snow earlier in the week, too. Ugh.

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Your photos are fabulous of critters in the snow. Both of those cardinal photos should be framed and hung someplace special.

I love your header too.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

I've never seen a squirrel burrow through the snow like that. So cute! You caught some fantastic shots of your wildlife in the snow! I love the red cardinal especially.

Gail Dixon said...

Fun collection, Eileen! Thank you so much for hosting!!! Looks like it's doing great. :)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Congrats on your successful new meme... I'm sure it will do well.

Love seeing your birdies --and especially love seeing the male Cardinals in the snow... So gorgeous!


SquirrelQueen said...

The shoveling squirrel is working hard, wonder what he thinks is under all that white stuff? That little Carolina Wren is adorable.

lina@happy family said...

Cute and also very wonderful shots, Eileen. But I felt sorry for them. Can they survive?

Leanne said...

Yea what a fun linky - I love the photo of your red cardinal in the snow. Our dd loves squirrels I've emailed her your post she will enjoy it.
Love Leanne Nz
PS I think I linked right

Anni said...

That first image of the squirrel is a hoot. And the wren this time around is my favorite bird image.

Mary Howell Cromer said...

Congratulations Eileen. I must have missed this the first round. I am so proud of you! I am not brave enough to venture where it is unknown ;) I have a brand new me fits and just learning it is a huge task, yet I shall move one day at a time. The Squirrel images are too cute!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

In looking at your sidebar, I noticed your Curacao Birds...I saw the same in Aruba!!!! Nice ot meet you, by the way!...:)JP

HansHB said...

A lovely post,
perfect for the bird-theme!

Bob Bushell said...

Brave little birds. The Carolina Wren is my fave.

George said...

I enjoyed all of your critters this week, especially the snow shoveling squirrel. You got wonderful pictures of the cardinals.

NatureFootstep said...

love all your critters. Especially the very red "ornament" you shared.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

glad you link is doing so well. enjoy!!

i love the cardinal & the wren. so pretty in the snow. ( :

magiceye said...

Gorgeous captures!!

Stephanie said...

The Cardinal is stunning, the color just pops on my screen.

rainfield61 said...

Winter critters.

They are brave ones.

Red Nomad OZ said...

You must have known I'd drop in ... all that Faaaabulous RED!!!

Marco Luijken said...

Hello Eileen,
What a fantastic shots you show here. Great with all ice and snow.
That red cardinal is really amazing.

Best regards,

Sonja said...

It certainly has raised lots of interest. It looks as if you're having lots of snow already - good for Christmas!

Louis la Vache said...

Freezing rain on top of the snow!? Oh no!

Superb shot of the cardinal!

Suzan said...

Fun pictures of your squirrels!! How lucky they have such a bushy tail to protect them from the snow!! I don't understand how birds make it through the winter cold!! Love your critter party!!

Noushka said...

Hello Eileen,
That's quite a nice snowfall you had, giving an opportunity of interesting pictures!
I love your squirrel... Ours are red!
I am having problems with loading my pic into the meme, it is taking although the link works...
Cheers and keep warm... we are having +17°C these days with -3 early in the morning!!

Noushka said...

I just read your comment on my blog...
So you can see the picture? Funny, I can't it has been showing "processing image" for 1/2 an hour!

Noushka said...

OK, I see it now!!
Bye for now!

Crafty Green Poet said...

such a wonderful selection of birds, and that looks a very diligent squirrel!

Our Neck of the Woods said...

Your snowy photos are so beautiful! You really got a good snow. The birds seem to be taking it in stride. Congrats on the success of your new meme :)

Unknown said...

Wonderful photos! The wren is so cute. I was away for the weekend and won't join in this week. Have a great week, Eileen!

Sharon Wagner said...

Animals are born tough thank goodness. But burr...

Anonymous said...

Love the squirrel burrowing through the snow. Very cute!

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

These are beautiful shots and you've got so many different birds too!

Helma said...

Beautifully who kardianlen in the snow Eileen.
I find that so beautiful to see!
Just brilliant.
I just do not know quite what you mean by linking or linking your blog!?

Liz said...

Great idea for a meme, Eileen! I will definitely be popping in to join you :)

Happy Monday!

  Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "If you never go, you will never know." "Travel, before you run out of ...