Saturday, March 15, 2014

Saturday's Critters #15

Saturday's Critters #15

Hello blogging friends,  time for Saturday's Critter party.  Link up your post and have some fun seeing all the different critters..   It is fun to visit with some new bloggers and some old blogging friends.  Either way, I hope everyone has a great day and enjoys all the critters.

One of my winter birds...the White-throated Sparrow..

This farm is around the corner from me and I often see these goats, some are miniature maybe Pygmy Goats and look so cute. On this day, I had to stop and take  some shots from the road..I see a Robin on the far left near the fence.

A long-hair dude, he is kind of cute..sometimes there are 15 of these little goats walking free in the neighborhood and farm.. I have seen them close to the road sometimes with their peacock friends..

Thank you for linking up to the critter party. I appreciate the visits, comments and the support of my blogging friends..

To see more beautiful birds and cute critters

Also please visit:  I'd-Rather-B-Birdin. Thanks to the gracious host: Anni of I'd Rather-B-birdin. Also, sharing with Camera Critters. Thanks to Misty for hosting.

 Thanks for stopping by and  I wish everyone a happy weekend.


  1. The goats are so cute. Thank you for hosting, Eileen, and have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Adorable picture of the sparrow. The longhaired goats are cute too.

  3. The miniature goats are so cute, and that white-throated sparrow too.

    Happy weekend!

  4. Good morning,
    I see you still have sparrows where you are. Ours are mostly gone.

  5. I was always crazy about guys with long hair---must have been a sign of the times back then. The long haired goat is awesome--I wonder if they use the fur (hair?) for spinning....

  6. Wow ! Beautiful long-hair creatures :) Have a happy weekend :)

  7. Meckerziegen in klein :D
    schön sind sie.
    LG zum Wochenende vom katerchen

  8. Goats are very smart and so adorable...a good friend has one that is like a watch dog!!!!...:)JP

  9. Beautiful picture of the sparrow, Eileen
    The long-haired goats are fun.
    I wish you a very nice weekend.
    Greetings Irma

  10. I've always had a fondness for goats. My grandfather used to have lots of them on his farm :)

  11. Ja bardzo lubię kozy, a te są wyjątkowo ładne. Pozdrawiam.
    I really like goats, and they are extremely nice. Yours.

  12. I have never seen such a hairy goat!

  13. Those little goats look like big dogs to me...except for the horns. They are really cuties. I am assuming they are just pets.

  14. Those are some really long haired goats, great pics! Cute little birdie!

  15. Hello Eileen!!
    What a cute little sparrow!!!Beautiful pictures of the goats !!In my area they look different than those!!Its always a joy seeing your photos and reading your posts!Wish you a happy weekend!Hugs!!

  16. Hello Eileen!!
    What a cute little sparrow!!!Beautiful pictures of the goats !!In my area they look different than those!!Its always a joy seeing your photos and reading your posts!Wish you a happy weekend!Hugs!!

  17. For such little guys they have some impressive horns!

  18. Eileen - hope you are well today. happy Saturday! ( :

    not sure i have ever seen such a cool little goat. he needs some sunglasses. he is so hip!! ha. ha!! sort of reminds me of a little doggie, what are they called yorkies or something?!! ... all furry like that. what a sweetie. most goats around here in VA are used for mowning lawns. they work wonderings.

  19. never seen pygmy goats before. Weird critters.

  20. I love your goat pics Eileen, it must be amazing to see them wandering about the hood.
    Thank you for looking in, and I have now contributed to Saturdays Critters. hope every one enjoys it.
    Thanks and all the best Gordon.

  21. Those goats are so different from the ones we get to see here. Great series of critters.

  22. Goats are cute, these especially so. The White-thoated sparrow is also adorable. Thanks for hosting Eileen and have a great weekend :)

  23. Hi Eileen - It seems my image didn't appear when I linked up. Maybe you can give me some pointers.

  24. You have some interesting, long haired critters living around you . . . Pygmy goats and Peacocks make for critter like neighbors indeed!

  25. A very handsome sparrow. Oh, and I love the long-haired goat. Lovely post and thanks for always linking me to yours. Have a great weekend. Jo

  26. Very pretty bird and the goats are cute! Thanks for hosting. Have a wonderful day.

  27. I like that long-haired goat!

  28. :) Nice goats!My sister has many goats,white and red with long hair.

  29. cute fur-beastie goats. :) like your sparrow, too. thanks for hosting!

  30. Great pix Eileen - I'd not heard of pygmy goats before; you're right, they do look cute!

  31. Those are cute goats. I really like your photo of the sparrow. Have a great weekend.

  32. It is the first time I see such hairy goats!!They are funny!!!!
    Beautiful shot of your sparrow!!!
    Have a nice weekend, Eileen!!!

  33. I love goats, they are so cute and they have so beautiful eyes ! My critters are always on Sundays !

  34. where's brian...he better not pop in next, with seagulls!! hehehe

    the white throated's are one of my favorites, eileen. that pop of yellow and the amazing feather pattern in their wings, they are just amazing!!

    and those goats are such cuties!!

    break out that sun tan lotion today, it's going to be beautiful!!

  35. Love the pygmy goat shots ~ very creative and I don't see them often ~ Happy Weekend to you ~ xxx

    artmusedog and carol

  36. Nice sparrow Eileen. Love the Long-haired Dude too - we could all have used some of that coating this winter. Thanks for hosting again. Have a great weekend. Phil

  37. You get some of the most amazing shots. I can't seem to catch my year around hummingbirds(2) with my camera. I can't believe I have these two hummingbirds all winter long. First year this has happened.

  38. HI Eileen Yes you are right, really cute goats. Have a great weekend and thanks for hosting

  39. I assume that being in a rural area there isn't so much danger for animals close to the road, but that is the first thing that came to my mind when you said you saw the goats and peacocks by the road. I hope they are safe because they are most certainly adorable as is your White-throated Sparrow and even the little Robin in the corner. It is so good to start seeing the birds around again. Lovely post ...

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  40. I bet those goats stay warm in winter with that fur coat!!

  41. Forgot to comment on how cute your goat photos were when I was here earlier. I see now that my Turkey photo showed up, but not my name Montanagirl under it. I must not know how to do it properly.

  42. Those goats are too cute! Thanks for sharing your photos.

  43. I saw some White-throated Sparrows when I was in San Francisco - it's great to be able to recognise some of the birds you post.

  44. Dearest Eileen;
    The White-throated Sparrow looks SO lovely with its white feather around the throat♡♡♡ Handsome "long-hair dude"; Silly me thought I need to check what kind of goat he is from the word (just only a moment), haha.
    May your sweet nature be kept forever!!!

    Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  45. Goats and birds.

    You and them.

    We and you.

    All are linked.

  46. Oh he has such pretty long hair :)

  47. Loving the goats Eileen , remind me a bit of Tink ~ lol!
    You always have great shots of the animals and birds .
    Sorry I missed getting in on Saturdays Critters this week.
    i am however now going to check out all who made it here for Saturday.
    Hope you are having a beautiful weekend,

  48. Kind of cold and snowy here today, perfect for visiting some of your participants' blogs Eileen. xo

  49. I've never seen such goats before (like these ones with long-hair)..., but the sparrow (nb. vrabiuta) looks familiar... A pleasant week!

  50. always enjoy a lot of all creatures that only your blog linking to you, I still do not understand * oeioei * Well I enjoy your photos and blogs all vouch here are wonderful to visit. Very nice evening.

  51. Oooh, amazing shoots.
    The first is my favorit. Love this little bird.

    Cool, you have a new project. I wont linking my post from yesterday.- with the cute doggi. Is that ok?

    *╠╣appy new week
    .`•.¸.•´..*for you, Wieczora (◔‿◔) | my photoblog

  52. that is quite a coat the goat has. Will keep him warm always.

    Thanks for hosting.

  53. Oh gosh those goats are beautiful. When we used to go to the County Fair in Oregon, the goat barn was always the most popular of all the animals...there's just something so cute about them.

    Be back to your critter party next week....timing problems this time.

  54. Oh that long haired goat is cute!

  55. Sweet shot of the white-throated sparrow. I'm gonna try to remember to link up with my owl post tomorrow. Happy St. Paddy's Day!! Thank you for hosting the link up. :)

  56. Cute critters, Eileen! Hope your St. Paddy's Day was a good one!


Hello, thank you for visiting my blog. I always appreciate your comments.

BTW, Anonymous comments unless a name is included will not be published. Also, comments with links will be deleted.

Have a happy day, Eileen

Saturday's Critters # 554

Welcome to Saturday's Critters!  Hello and Happy Saturday!  If you love all God's creatures like I do and also like to blog about th...