Thursday, August 21, 2014

Around the Neighborhood_082014

Linking up with Skywatch Friday  and Good Fences  and NF Winged

 For this week's post I am sharing a hodgepodge of images.. Some for Tex's Good Fence's, also for Monica's NF Winged and more of hubby's photos for Skywatch Friday..

 For NF Winged I have one of my yard bird pretties..a female American Goldfinch.

From our walk at the local park another NF Winged shot a couple of moths. Or are they Red Admirals?  Edit: Karolina was first to mention my moths are actually Silver-spotted Skippers. Thanks to all who helped with id.

 For my entry for Tex's Good Fence meme,  I captured a two-fer fence. I tried so hard to focus on the Barn Swallows on the chained link fence behind the first wire fence. Focusing was not going to happen for me. :(

I like this shot for all the Queen Anne's Lace in front of the wire fence.

 I am pretty sure this is the Eastern Phoebe, but I could be wrong.. Ken from rosy-finch.blogspot suggest that my bird above is the Pewee.  I think he is right on with the id..

 Hubby is sharing his sunset captures at our lake..

I hope you enjoyed my hodge podge of a post and my photos. I always appreciate you stopping by for a visit and for commenting.. I am behind in sending some thank you emails, I hope you do not mind.. But, I do thank you all for the wonderful comments..

To see more pretty skies from around the world please visit  Skywatch Friday
and check more fence shots at Tex's Good Fences
and for anything that has wings check out NF Winged

Thanks to Tex @ The Run*A*Round Ranch for hosting Good Fences and to Sylvia, Yogi  and Sandy for hosting Skywatch Friday also thanks to Monica of NF Winged!   I wish everyone a safe and happy long weekend.


  1. What a stunning hodgepodge selection they are Eileen.

  2. It's nice to see these wonderful photos. Make the world more beautiful!


  3. Adorei a miscelânea e as fotos todas lindas e teu marido fotografou lindamente o lago ,com as nuvens e reflexos do céu! Adorei! bjs, tudo de bom,chica

  4. I'm especially liking your American Goldfinch photo Eileen; cheers

  5. Great photos Eileen and your husband's too. Have a great day :)

  6. Oh, I LOVE your adorable yellow Goldfinch; beautiful Butterflies with flower♡♡♡ I could never catch them with flowers or trees p;)
    Great sky pics with wonderful reflections from your husband♪

    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  7. ps. forget to mention i love the wonderful fence pics with Queen Anne's Lace, Eileen♫♫♫

  8. I love the late sunset shots over, with the golden clouds reflecting over the water. Wonderful finds!

  9. Beautiful glass surface on the lake.

  10. Those sunsets are so peaceful looking. We had a good one tonight, but I was driving so no camera with me.

  11. Beautiful scenes in the neighborhood.

  12. I like the Queen Anne's Lace in front of the fence too and the lake photos are very pretty! Lovely photos!

  13. I actually love that effect of the blurred barn swallows!!

  14. A very nice hodgepodge. I like seeing the wildflowers and weeds beside a fence. Nice winged critters, too.

  15. I want some of your Goldfinches to migrate to Florida. Such pretty birds.

    Love all those shots. Silhouettes over the lake are gorgeous!

  16. LOVE the very first portrait!! That is truly dazzling.

  17. the reflections shots are fantastic. and i like the blurred birds behind the sharp fences. i think the pink flower wings are a moth of somekind but not sure.

  18. You have a wonderful collection of shots, Eileen. The lake photos are so beautiful. I love the reflections in the water!

  19. Thank you for a great string of nice photos.
    All the best.

  20. Great selection, Eileen. I really like your fence shots!

  21. I always love seeing the reflections in water. The smallish cloud looks so pretty reflected in the lake! Enjoy your day my friend! Good fences, too! Hugs!

  22. AH, I enjoyed your hodgepodge, Eileen!

  23. i liked your through-the-fences photo! very cool! i think those are a type of skipper butterfly. enjoyed your photos all the way through. :)

  24. These, as always, are wonderful, Eileen.

  25. Eileen, I love all the images, but especially the sweet little birds!

  26. Loved each and every one of your images, and that was nice of your hubby to share his sunset images. The water is perfectly still for the mirror image!

    Visiting from Good Fences #22.


  27. your goldfinch is just beautiful eileen!! the skies have been so pretty, your images are made even more special by those mirror reflections!!!

  28. I enjoyed this hodgepodge very much. Your photo of the Goldfinch is excellent, but your husband may be giving you competition as a photographer. His sky pictures are gorgeous.

  29. those butterflies are not Admirals. It is probably a member of the Hesperiidae family. We have similar ones but not this one.

  30. A very lovely selection Eileen. Please thank Hubby for the glorious sunset.

    Hope you both have a great weekend.

  31. A terrific hodgepodge! I love the clouds reflected in the water.

  32. The butterfly looks like the silver-spotted skipper. I could be wrong though. See what you think. Beautiful shots, all, but my fave is the goldfinch!

  33. Loving the fence shots Eileen/
    Your hubs sunset captures over the lake are absolutely gorgeous .
    Nice share.

  34. Lovely photos! The moths are beautiful. Have a great weekend!

  35. Looks like there is TWO folks in your house that are good with cameras. Hubby did a fine job---and if you figure out how to focus with two objects--let me in on the secret. I have the same problem.....
    Can you believe it's almost the weekend again? This summer sure is going fast..........
    Have a great day, Eileen

  36. Hi Eileen!! Wonderful collection of photos. I really like the first two shots, of the bird and the butterflies. The shots of the lake are just stunning.

  37. Så vackra bilder både på fåglar och natur.
    Ha en fin kväll

  38. Another beautiful post. I love your birds! Have a nice day!

  39. So much simple elegance in the shots of the lake. All beautiful.

  40. Yes I enjoyed all your photos very much. Such a sweet little bird. I liked the Queen Anne's lace in front of the fence, the capture of the bird on the fence and those gorgeous sunset shots very much.

  41. Love the late summer flowers and goldfinch, Eileen. Queen Anne's Lace reminds me of Black Swallowtail butterflies whose larvae I collected as a kid. The Silver-spotted Skippers loved my grandmother's Sweet Pea vine. The flycatcher has prominent wing bars, suggesting a pewee or maybe Willow Flycatcher. Needs a closer look!

  42. I have that same focusing issue! LOL! Great shots today, and I LOVE the last two- so calm and peace..beautiful!

  43. Wonderful captures - love seeing all the beauty where you live! xo Karen

  44. Hello Eileen!!
    Gorgeous pictures!Lovely fences and beautiful birds!Great shot of the butterflies!I love the reflection in the lake!Amazing!Have a lovely week!Hugs!

  45. Everything looks so calm and peaceful Eileen. Especially that mirrored lake. Beautiful x

  46. I love this time of year over in your area.....temps tend to cool down and the birds begin their migration. Enjoy! Gorgeous American Goldfinch shot!

  47. A great series of shots, your bird shot and hubby's sky shots are brilliant. Hope you have a great weekend.

  48. I love your husband's sky and water shots and beautiful shots you captured of the birds too.

  49. Fantastic shot of the finch and I like the fence shots! You can still tell those are swallows. Your husband takes some great sunset photos!

  50. Gorgeous skies and reflections on the water!! I always enjoy your birds!! Have a lovely weekend, Eileen!!

  51. Looks like that fence has been around for a long time. Great accompanying photos too. Thank you for visiting my Appomattox fence.

  52. Beautiful sunsets and reflections!

  53. Magnificent nature shots! Divine and love hubby's Sky shot ~ what a duo you are ~ Happy Weekend to you both ~ xoxox

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  54. They are all so beautiful! I love the sunset at the lake and the Queen Anne's Lace by the wire fence.

  55. Absolutely wonderful hodge podge and really like those sunset reflections.

  56. Great photos here, Eileen...loving the sunsets at the lake!...:)JP

  57. Hi Eileen, I always love your posts --and especially the hodgepodge ones. Your hubby's sunset and that reflection on the water is fantastic.... But--so is your sweet little goldfinch.


  58. I bet I am even more "behinder" in visiting/responding than you could imagine being. Don't feel guilty -- you do so much for us all, just with your beautiful posts and hosting your meme-- your visits to us are just a wonderful bonus.

    I love this whole post -- the variety shows so well what a wonderful nature place you live in.

  59. wish all hodgepodge are this wonderful.

  60. What a proud lovely bird! Every shot is sensational. What a view over the lake too.

  61. The gold finch is so sweet and pretty! I like the wire fences--they look rustic but sturdy. And the reflections in the water are amazing!

  62. WHat gorgeous skies and lovely nature shots.

  63. Awesome skies and reflections!

  64. Beautiful collection of shots, Eileen. I like your two-fer fence shot. I've been in the same situation with focusing not happening--frustrating, but some things you just have to accept and move on. I really love your hubby's last sunset shot--well done!

  65. A great series, Eileen. Love the first bird shot, it's a beauty!

    Happy weekend!


  66. Yes a nice hodgepodge...I like that word. The Goldfinch is beautiful and the fences were shown off nicely.

  67. Such lovely shots and sunsets by your hubby as well.

  68. Very beautiful pictures ! All of them !

  69. Wonderful shots again, Eileen, the last one is my favourite today.
    Thanks for sharing and enjoy your weekend!

  70. Eileen, these are all beautiful captures! I love seeing the gold finches too. Your fences are great shots...isn't it something how they add such character to the picture?! I hope you have a great Friday!

  71. Loved the goldfinch pic and the spectacular sunset pics the best!!

  72. Wonderful skies, Eileen!
    Too bad you didn't manage to focus on the swallows behind the first fence... LOL!!
    That happens to me oo!!!!
    Lovely female goldfinch on pic N° 1!
    Enjoy your weekend!

  73. eileen, you NEVER have to send me a thank you email. i know how much you appreciate our comments!!!

    have a wonderful weekend and i will see you again tomorrow, i am all ready!!!


  74. You can mine more often this kind of mash-drop lol
    Beautiful birds, great panoramic vlidner flowers, but the best part I think you're airing. What are they anyway prchtige photos with brilliant reflections. Fantastic to see.

  75. Eileen, your photos are wonderful !
    I am delighted magnificent skies and reflections in the water. It looks like a reflection in a mirror !
    Just gorgeous !!!
    Have a nice day :)

  76. There is nothing like a good "hodgepodge"! Fantastic birds and I like your husbands shots of the lake as well. It looks so calm and peaceful.

  77. Gorgeous photos of both your and your hubby's! Beautiful. Love the fence shots and the birds... and the sky is amazing reflected in that lake!

  78. Hello Eileen!:) Sorry I'm a bit late in visiting you, and everyone this week. You put so much into your hodgepodge, and all your captures are great. Love the Goldfinch, Skippers and Fence scenes.

  79. I came for the fence, fell in love with the lake!

  80. Marvelous photos of the nature around you. My favoritw is your last photo with this fantastic reflection.
    Best regards, Synnöve

  81. I like that photo with focus on fence instead on swallows. There are many technically perfect photos of swallows, but yours is interesting! :)
    The Phoebe or Pewee looks like our flycatchers. But surely it's only resemblance :)
    Thank you for visiting my blog. I'll give the answer for the bird-quiz the next week :)

  82. Love the reflections in the last lake shot. - Margy

  83. I like the fence with the Queen Anne's Lace in front of it. So pretty.
    Wow you get a lot of comments!!!

  84. That last shot with the sunbeams reflecting took my breath away.

  85. A nice hodgepodge - that goldfinch is very pretty.

  86. Beautiful birds, fences and sunsets. I love the goldfinch, one of my favorite birds! Have a great weekend, Eileen!

  87. I really like those strong reflections! The last shot appears to have perfect symmetry!

  88. Thanks for your kind comments on my post and sharing your delightful collection of photos celebrating summer

  89. The moths are as difficult as some birds!!!

  90. NICE neighborhood walk in pictures . . .
    VERY . . .

  91. A great mixture of gorgeous photos.

  92. Gorgeous shots - love those rays in the sky.

  93. I can't believe how crisp and clear the reflections in the water are. It must have been a really still night. Beautifully captured! Thanks for stopping by.


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Have a happy day, Eileen

Happy Monday!

  Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! " I have taken a moment here to rest, to steal a view of the glorious vista that ...