Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Purple Finch

Linking up with Wild Bird Wednesday and Nature Notes

For this week's wild bird I am sharing the Purple Finch..It is not often I see the pretty Purple Finches on my deck..It is during the migrating season they stop by my feeders to fill up..

Edit: I just wanted to say I am very sad about what is happening in my hometown of Baltimore. I wish  peace for all... especially the Policemen and Firemen who put their lives in danger..I do have to say I wish parents were more in control of their children..

The Male Purple Finch is a pretty raspberry color and you can his white eye brow..

Seeing the white-eye brow is a great id mark..and tell tale sign for the female Purple Finch.. they can be confused with the House Finch..

 I hope you enjoyed my wild bird post.. Till next week's wild bird post.. I wish you happy Birding and have a wonderful week!

Join in and post your birdies and to see more beautiful and wonderful bird and nature photos please visit:

 Stewart's Wild Bird Wednesday and Michelle's  Nature Notes

Thanks to all of our hosts... Michelle for Nature Notes and Stewart of Wild Bird Wednesday.

  Happy Birding and have a wonderful week!


  1. Lvely bird tosee in your garen as they migrate.

  2. Pretty Purple Finch...lovely birds male and female.

  3. the male purple finch is a hamdsome bird, what a lovely colour

  4. Nice photos, Eileen--especially that top one.
    We noticed some at our feeders a couple days ago. What a nice spot of color after a long dreary winter.
    Have a good day!

  5. This bird has a wonderful color! Great shots!

  6. Que lindos e que bela cor ! Adorei! Lindo e feliz dia! bjs, chica

  7. Great shots of the finches. The colour of the male is gorgeous. Have a great day!

  8. A charming little bird! I read somewhere that the House Finch outcompetes it in the Eastern USA now.

    If you live near where the riots are happening, I hope you're taking care of yourself!

  9. Amazing photos!
    Have a happy day!!

  10. Very fine photos of the birds, really enjoyable.
    Have a great day, Eileen!

  11. Great shots of this sweet bird!

  12. WOW what captures! Tom The Backroads Traveller

  13. Tiny little blessings in our day. I love when the yellow canaries start flitting around atMuldoon.

  14. Hi Eileen, Neat photos! You've given us a great look at the colors on both male and female. I am curious about how they came up with the name "purple" finch. That reddish color is more like crimson to me. Thanks for sharing and have a great day!

  15. What great photos, and what a beautiful bird the male purple finch is - as you say, a raspberry colour. We don't have this bird in the UK.

  16. Eileen,
    What perfectly vivid and vibrant photos and such a handsome bird. Gorgeous!

    Wishing you a good and safe day,

  17. Love to see this one in my garden in Holland. Fantastic bird!

    Gr. JOhn

  18. I have think of you every time I see the happenings in Baltimore!

    Purple finches are very beautifully coloured!

  19. well if i were going to be a finch i would want to be the male, he is stunning and the female is cute but not stunning. love the color

  20. Eileen, what a beautiful bird. I don't think I've ever seen one before.

  21. Great photos, Eileen.
    This bird has a beautiful color.
    I like the first and second picture.

  22. the close-ups of the purple finch are wonderful!! sometimes i think my male house finches are purple finches. wishful thinking on my part, i guess!!!

  23. just gorgeous raspberry/plum colored birds! thanks for sharing them.

  24. Thanks for the tip, Eileen. I'm pretty sure I always see house finches, but now I know what to look for.

  25. Hello Eileen!
    I saw on the Tv News what,s happening at Baltimore,and i was thinking about you.Feel so sorry.
    Your yard birds are so preety!!Like the color of the purple finch!
    Great shots Eileen!!Have a lovely day!

  26. Lucky to have migratory birds stop in at your home ( tho no surprise ... You have good habitat and good food there!). The news from your City is scary. Be safe!

  27. I love seeing all your wonderful bird images, Eileen.

  28. Isn't he a wonderful colour! Great photos.

  29. Thanks or this wonderful post with it's great photos and thoughts which we all share, E

    ALOHA from Honolulu,

  30. I had what I think was actually a house Finch on the feeder the other day in a ray of sunshine that almost made it look neon. Could have been a Purple Finch who knows. Love the second pic and the little girl is so cute!

  31. Lovely red or purple or whatever colour they are, superb. The white one in your header with hair standing on end, a real beauty. Sorry I don't know what he is? And all the riots and deaths, sadness everywhere, take care.

  32. Thanks for the hint about the white eye-brow. Beautiful photos!

  33. So lovley colour ,great shots,Nette

  34. How wonderful to watch these beautiful beaks and the red feathers !!
    Great shots !!! Greetings !

  35. Beautiful images, have yourself a nice evening.

  36. Beautiful Purple Finch and gorgeous photos . . .
    Horrible happenings in Baltimore . . . we must find a way to stop this violence . . .
    I was in Baltimore for a conference several years ago and enjoyed touring a section of the city that had been restored. Brick and cobblestone streets, old buildings, one of the best "out to eat" places we had ever been to happened in Old Baltimore. To think of destroying history, architecture, families, fire and police, children and animals, why . . . WHY!

  37. This purple finch is so beautiful!
    The sad thing is, that if parents would spend more time with their kids when young, they wouldn't be in these crowds - the ones who are, transfer their anger or hate to society:(

  38. Love that purple finch, it has
    such a great color!

    Have a beautiful day
    Tinna ✐

  39. Eileen,
    Thanks for brining us the Purple Finch. Never seen this kind before, but I can see why it is easy to confuse this one with the Red Finch.
    Beautiful Photos!
    Have a Beautiful Day!
    Peace :)

  40. Your Purple Finches are sweet. One of the ones we get around here and I always enjoy them. Sad about Baltimore.

  41. I'm sorry to hear what's happening in your hometown. Hope your loved ones are safe.

  42. I am glad you have these around. It is rather unusual for us to see them where I am. Every once in a while I get lucky.

  43. Such a beautiful bird! I have never seen something like that....
    This is not anykind we have in Sweden.

    You took great photos of it. :-)

  44. That is one beautiful bird! Something I don't see where I live, so I appreciate you sharing your photos.

  45. Such sweet,colorful little birds. So nice to have at the feeder.

  46. Hi Eileen, The Purple Finches are really cuties! I too hope for peace and some resolution in Baltimore. Have a great Wednesday tomorrow!

  47. A beautiful little bird.
    It is just awful about Baltimore.

  48. All the birds are so pretty..great photos of them.
    I'm watching Baltimore again tonight..I was just STUNNED at last night. And, it wasn't only children..lots of grownups, too, rioting. It was all pitiful...I am not impressed at all with the mayor, either.

  49. Little drops of raspberry goodness! Such beautiful finches.

    I stopped watching the news several months ago and I have to say ignorance is bliss. Even the rain we had on Sunday was a surprise! I no longer can listen to the stupidity anymore. It has become too much. So whatever is happening in Baltimore, I hope it is resolved soon.

  50. What a lovely bird, and quite serious looking! Big thoughts!

  51. I so rarely see these pretty little finches... Great photos and info.. I am so sorry about the situation in Baltimore.It is very sad... Michelle

  52. beautiful birdie images. except for the colour part they look so much like and remind me of the Indian Sparrow that we used to see around us as kids:) Unfortunately, pollution and urbanization have caused them to slowly disappear.

  53. Pretty birds these finches are!!! And I appreciate the fact on the telling id markings you share!

  54. Sweet little birds - such pretty photos. Thanks for sharing the ID tips, too!

  55. Eileen, your photographs are truly awesome! Nothing like a purple finch!
    I'm always in awe of your photographs of so many amazing birds and your shots of nature are always beautiful!
    Have a great day~

  56. I love seeing the Purple Finch on my deck too. I almost posted mine today. Nice shots.

  57. Beautiful little bird. Love the colors. I do hope things calm down for your city.

  58. that is a strange color for a finch I think. Wonder why nature gave it to them.

  59. Mr. Bird has amazing colors. Thank you for showing it. Regards.

  60. Beautiful photos of the house finch cousin! I'm late joining in today!

  61. I don't think I've ever seen a purple finch before! Thanks for sharing.

  62. I love looking at all wild birds. My mom use to sit for hours watching them too.

  63. Thanks for sharing these little beauties with us, we don't have them here.

  64. Pretty finch, I would love to see one. Stay safe and hope the crazy stuff stops.

  65. Oh, thanks for the tip about the white eyebrow! Someone once told me that most of the finches we have here in S. Wisconsin are House Finches instead of Purple Finches, but I'll watch for that white eyebrow. Honestly, I really can't tell the difference between the two. Finches are entertaining little visitors with sweet songs. They've been the most regular visitors at my feeders lately. Great photos!

  66. Quite to what happened Eileen and I wish everybody a lot of wisdom and peace there. I hope that people will realize that violence is not a solution.

    Your bird I really fantasist itself. What a beautiful color!

  67. What an incredible colour it has this Purple finch!
    Lovely photos showing much detail :)
    I'd love to see it one day!
    Hugs from southern France!

  68. Fantastic photos of the bird with the red feathers. So beautiful !
    Best regards, Synnöve

  69. Dearest Eileen; Beautiful birds in your gorgeous photographs♡♡♡ I wish I could see Purple Finch :-)

    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

  70. Here I am, after way too long an absence. I'm catching up with a few of your posts, Eileen. Your Purple Finch is really lovely. And.. oh my goodness, though I knew you were from Baltimore, I somehow hadn't connected that you would be right in the midst of all the upheaval. So hard to get a true picture from the media, but I, too, wish peace and justice for all. I've just read an article about a lawyer's prediction that all charges will be dropped against the six police officers. Their jobs are difficult for sure, but as with all confrontation, both sides of the story need to be aired. I am so hoping that the truth will come out in the trial. As for young people, parenting (like policing) is more difficult these days. It's a different world. I did see a news video of a parent chastising her son. Maybe, other parents will see that they've got to be more aware of their kids' activities. But, most of all, i hope that you will again be able to feel at peace in your home city, Eileen. This must be taking quite a toll on your emotions.


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Have a happy day, Eileen

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