Saturday, July 2, 2016

Saturday's Critters #133

Saturday's Critters #133

Happy 4th of July. God Bless the USA! 

Also wishing all my Canada blogging friends a Happy Canada Day! Sorry, this is a day late.

Happy Saturday, it's time to share your critters and post. Any kind of critter will do, even a new or old post.. I appreciate everyone who is linking in with this week's critter party.

I am sharing some of the local woodpeckers seen in my yard and the adjacent woods. Sorry,  from a rainy windy day there are pieces of suet on my window. Please excuse the dirty window. 

This suet feeder is just outside my dining room window. On this day I watched an adult male Downy Woodpecker feeding his young male.

My youtube video showing a couple of Downy woodpeckers seen off the fire road. 

As always thanks for the visits and the nice comments. I also thank everyone who is linking up and sharing their critters.. Happy Saturday, have a great weekend!

To see more beautiful birds and cute critters, check out these two memes below.

Also visit:  I'd-Rather-B-BirdinThanks to the gracious host: Anni.  Also check out Camera Critters. Thanks to Misty for hosting this fun meme.


  1. Awww, what a sweet scene! Have a lovely day!

  2. So wonderful to watch the birds feeding from your dining room window and capture them in action without disturbing them. Thank you, Eileen for hosting and Have a great weekend!

  3. Thank you for hosting Eileen. it's good to be back and starting to get settled in for the summer/fall season. As always I loved your walk and your birds.

  4. Very nice critters, great shots.
    Happy weekend!

  5. I love your woodpeckers. Happy 4th of July, Eileen!

  6. your woodpeckers are so gorgeous. A little rain? So what? We are no professionals. I like them in natural settings. :)

  7. Happy 4th July to you and your family. Love the video of the Woodpeckeks. Many thanks for hosting and I hope you have a very happy wekend Eileen.

  8. Good morning, Eileen. I just loved the video--so relaxing listening to the sounds of nature and watching those downies.
    Hope you have a terrific 4th.

  9. Hello Eileen!:) What tender moments, just lovely to see.
    I hope you have a very happy 4th of July celebration.:)

  10. Beautiful photos. Greetings from India.
    ~ Have a nice weekend ~

  11. Beautiful pictures Eileen.
    The video is great.
    Have a nice weekend.
    Best regards, Irma

  12. They have a lot of efforts to do for a snack.

  13. They are really enjoying the suet. They are cute too.

  14. Have a wonderful 4th Eileen.

  15. The birds are so fun this time of year!

  16. Lindas fotos e feliz feriado de 4 de julho por aí! beijos, tudo de bom,chica

  17. Hi Eileen, Happy 4th July weekend. I love the Downy Woodpeckers. Thanks for hosting this meme. Have a great weekend. Jo

  18. how adorable. i love to watch a bird of any kind feeding its young. hope all is well. have a great day~

  19. Happy 4th weekend Eileen!
    Sweet images of your yard birds!
    Enjoy your day x

  20. Hi Eileen,
    this post I had not yet linked to your critters why I do that this week :-)
    Have a very nice wekeend.
    Greetings, Helma

  21. Hello,

    Happy 4th of July when it comes!

    Beautiful photos of all the birds. The woodpeckers are always hungry :)

    Enjoy your weekend!

  22. Lindas fotografias e gostei de ver o video.
    Um abraço e bom fim de semana.

  23. Nice closeups of the woodies, and video shows interesting parental behavior.

  24. Hello Eileen, lovely photos of your woodpeckers and delightful video. Trying to slowly catch up but still not getting a lot of computer time. Happy 4th of July weekend :) and thanks for hosting.

  25. Have a happy weekend 4th July Eileen. Best wishes to all of my American cousins. Thanks for hosting once again. Love those little downies. All the best.

  26. you sure have had a woodpecker week...LOVED the video, what a great scene to capture!!! and the forest background sounds were great!!! have a wonderful weekend eileen, and as always, thanks for hosting!!!!

  27. Happy Fourth, Eileen, and thanks for hosting one of my favorite memes.

  28. I enjoy watching the adult birds feed their babies too. Have a great 4th of July!

  29. Good morning Eileen I'm back this week from Alabama so I can join in too! A very Happy Fourth of July to you too. Lovely little critters snacking here today! Enjoy your critter filled day!

  30. Great photos! Happy weekend! Kiss:))


  31. Gotta love the woodpeckers. Happy Day.

  32. they are adorable in the video, and i hear what sounds like a hunter shrieking but they don't seem scared. maybe it is an osprey calling and they have no worries

  33. Hi Y'all!
    Love your photos!
    Y'all come on by!

  34. Happy Independence Day! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

    I have to find shady spots for the suet this time of year or it gets a bit gooey and drippy.

  35. Those two are great. That must be so fun to watch them like that.

  36. Hari OM
    Aha! This answers a question not satisfactorily answered when I was on my trip and watching the birdies... got a few of these into the Fudge's lens!!! Love them... your little vid is enjoyable. Happy Fourth to you and yours! YAM xx

  37. Eileen, I never tire of watching birds! Thank you so much for sharing, and thanks, as well, for the Canada Day wishes. I enjoyed the day very much here in Montreal. :)

  38. Aww....your woodpecker photos are cute! Happy 4th!

  39. Great post Eileen . . .
    Loved hearing the bird chirps in the video too.
    Happy Weekend!

  40. Eileen, may you and your family enjoy a pleasant Fourth of July weekend. Thanks for sharing.

  41. I haven't seen woodpeckers feed each other before - very interesting!
    Happy 4th of July week-end!

  42. Love the woodpecker Dad feeding its young ~ wonderful nature photography!

    Happy Independence Day Weekend to you ~ ^_^

  43. Hi Eileen, it's always nice to see your Downies.

    We got here to Cacapon Mtn. in Berkeley Springs Thursday afternoon, but no birdies have come to get any suet yet. Also, I'm not hearing the nuthatch-chickadee-titmice racket at all.

  44. Lovely shots. You make me miss having a house! Thanks for sharing yours! And thanks for the party! I posted my Annual Pet Parade!
    Blogger and Goolge have stolen my comments option. It's disappeared from my posts. You might can comment by clicking on that little Google+ icon at the bottom but it will take you to my Google page.
    Sorry for the inconvenience!
    My email is if you want to come over and say "hi".
    Have a great 4th.

  45. How sweet? They should be perhaps father and son :)
    Beautiful and detailed capture on the woodpeckers...

    Advanced greeting for the July 4th and Happy Weekend

  46. I love these pics of the attentive dad, Eileen!
    Didn't have a critter for today - hope to be back next week!

  47. They just love suet!

    A great set of photo's

    Have a great weekend and Happy 4th July wishes too!

    All the best Jan

  48. The downy pair are really loving your offerings -- they've found the perfect cafe!

    Thank you so much for hosting -- I love this sharing party!!

  49. Cute dangling woodpeckers. Happy 4th of July!

  50. These picture are adorable. Thank you for this treat

  51. Fantastic the Woodpeckers, I can look again and again.

  52. Our friend had an up close and personal contact with an American Flicker that drilled a hole in her cabin wall and nested inside with the soft insulation. At least it didn't drill all the way through to the interior. They babies have now fledged so they can repair the hole and hope there won't be a return next season. - Margy

  53. Lovely shots of the woodpeckers.

  54. Happy 4TH of July.
    Woodpeckers are smaller than I though I pictured them as being bigger.

  55. Love the video and pics of the Downy. I must try a video, good job Eileen.

  56. Wonderful shots! I love that the adult is feeding the youngster.

  57. Happy 4th of July weekend. Wishing you some fun celebrations.

  58. Dearest Eileen; Wow, the Woodpeckers' video is really ADORABLE♡♡♡ As I could take pictures of Japanese Pygmy Woodpecker, they made me feel quite close to me p:-)
    Thank you SO much for hosting and Have a wonderful Holiday♪

    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

  59. You have to really love to follow behind the window.
    Great photos!

    Video was also nice to look at.

    Thank you for your challenge!

  60. Great parental instincts in the video today. And the pair of woodpeckers in your photos....sweet!!!

    Thank you so much for adding your post link! We birders at I'd Rather B Birdin' always appreciate you participating!!

  61. Love these woodpeckers! So pretty and fun to watch. I'm glad to have found your meme and hope to participate often!

  62. Such great photos Eileen, love the pair of them swinging on the suet feeder.
    Happy 4th July!
    Wren x

  63. It's always nice to have company for dinner, Eileen! :-)
    Happy Independence Day!
    Enjoy your week ahead.

  64. great pictures of the birds as usual. loved hearing the bird chirps in the vid too.

    have a happy fourth! xoxo

  65. There are always Downies enjoying my suet..Great shots..HAppy 4th..

  66. I love the images, the video... and the peaceful sounds...
    Great work, Eileen! Lovely post!
    All the best

  67. Little woodpeckers are always fun to watch!!! Great catch!!

  68. Hi Eileen,
    stunning photos of the woodpecker. So beautiful.
    Best regards, Synnöve

  69. Gostei de ver os pássaros, parece que estão comendo.


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Have a happy day, Eileen

Saturday's Critters # 554

Welcome to Saturday's Critters!  Hello and Happy Saturday!  If you love all God's creatures like I do and also like to blog about th...