Sunday, July 10, 2016

York PA rookery


This year we only visited the York PA rookery a couple of times. We did manage a visit on June 11th. The Black Crowned Night Herons and the Great Egrets had some competition with a nearby Great Horned Owl nest. We were told that this year there were not as many nest because of the nearby owl.

The Great Egrets seem to be doing well at this York, Pennsylvania rookery.

 Two Great Egrets chicks on the nest.

Two Black Crowned Night Herons at or near their nest.

A Black Crowned Night Heron playing peek-a-boo.

The Great Egrets chicks almost look like adults at this time. You can still see a little fuzz on their heads.

Two Black Crowned Night Heron Chicks, one chick only has it's head showing on the right.

A view of park and lake, the trees around this lake hold the rookery. We also saw lots of Mallard, hybrid ducks and Canada Geese.

For Tom's Barn Collective, I have another local barn/farm in our neighborhood. I hope you enjoyed our visit to the rookery.

Thank you for visiting and for the nice comments. As always, thanks to the wonderful group of hosts listed below.

Here is a list of linky parties for part of the week, Sunday thru Wednesday. I hope to see you there.

Thanks to Jesh our host for Seasons
Thanks to Monica for hosting NF Trees
Thanks to Michelle for hosting Nature Notes
Thanks to the hosting team of Our World Tuesday!
Thanks to Stewart for hosting Wild Bird Wednesday


Marit said...


Very beautiful photos of the herons! They are so pretty.

Happy Sunday, and enjoy your new week ahead!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Oh my word, the chicks are precious! Loved all the barns in the US and Canada, but somehow got very few (and not good) shots of them.... usually flying past in a vehicle! Have a great week... YAM xx

FAB said...

Hi Eileen. Super images of all the youngster activity at the rookery, especially the Night Herons. Amazing to see that they all nest so close to human habitation.

Anonymous said...

You really captured the mood in that first picture

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

Lovely shots.

Funny. I have a lot of fuzz on my face, but I'm no chick.

jo(e) said...

Love the long necks and long legs on those chicks!

Cloudia said...

So many wonderful birds, Eileen!

TexWisGirl said...

a happening place! :)

Linda said...

Wow, Eileen, what a glorious series! Thank you so much for sharing, and I hope your weekend was great and that your new week will be even nicer! :)

Lowcarb team member said...

Well, it certainly looks a great visit.
Lovely photo's of the Egret's and Heron.

I always enjoy walks around a lake or canal, always lots to see.

Good wishes for the coming new week

All the best Jan

Lynne said...

Loved these pics . . .
Magestic, handsome, beautiful!
Thanks Eileen . . .

Suzan said...

Oh Eileen,
The egrets are lovely!!! At the Alligator Farm in St Augustine, the egrets and spoonbills and various herons always set up nests above the waters in which the gators are housed!! We have stood on the docks just watching all the birds feeding and taking care of their young for several hours.
There always seems to be drama in the different low hanging trees!! Lovey shots!!

Tom said...

White Egrets and white barns, how neat. Thanks for making The Barn Collective part of your week. Enjoy your upcoming week and I hope to see you back again.

The Yum List said...

Those egrets look so clean and fluffy.

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Amazing to see that many Egrets in one place - you find the greatest birding sites. Love the farm too.

Pietro Brosio said...

Very beautiful images, wonderful post.
Many greetings!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

How wwonderful to see so many Herons on their nests and great shots of thm Eileen

Nancy Chan said...

Great photos of birds taken at York PA rookery! Have a beautiful day!

Optimistic Existentialist said...

I have always found egrets to be such magnificent birds :) these are great captures!

Janneke said...

Great pictures, never saw such beautiful white egrets. The photo of the two looking up with the long necks is my favorite, but honestly I love them all.

Ohmydearests said...

Beautiful bird shots! Have a beautiful week!

wolfe said...

Great shots!!
The park is beautiful!!
Those bords are magnificent!
They are so cute!
Have a nice day!

rupam sarma said...

Beautiful photos.
Have a nice week ahead.

amo sin blogg said...

Beautiful big birds.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

totally awesome pics of the egrets, i had no idea egrets were in PA or other places. i always thought they were just a Florida bird since i had never seen them except here. have learned so much from blogging

Mary Hone said...

I'm not sure why, but every time I see an egret or heron in tree, they seem out of place. Great shots of them!

Debbie said...

WoW!!! eileen, awesome captures, they are all my favorites!!!

and such a pretty barn, nuzzled in the landscape!!

Rajesh said...

Fabulous shots of egrets.

Linda W. said...

The egrets seem to be doing very well. Love the shot of two not-so-little ones from the nest.

HappyK said...

Impressive shots of the herons.

This N That said...

Happy Herons indeed..Great picture of the chicks..Have a good week..

Laura. M said...

Great, Eileen. They are very beautiful 😉
Good week.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

What a treat to see the those egrets up close, along with their chicks! They are beautiful birds, Eileen.

RedPat said...

Wonderful shots - especially the Night Heron chicks, Eileen!

Maggee said...

How neat to see all those egret chicks and heron chicks! Must try to remember to go to a rookery next year! I haven't been out lately, too hot and 'ticky'! But I hope to get out when I go to Garrett County next week--lots cooler up there! Hugs!

A Casa Madeira said...

Pássaros que quase não se vê aqui na minha região;
São lindos;

Mitzi said...

What awesome images! Lovely shots! Happy Monday!

Our photos said...

Very nice !

Sofie V said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog today! What beautiful pictures!

Greetings, Sofie

Elizabeth Edwards said...

aww, the white birds are so fuzzy and cute. i wonder what they would be like to give a rub down. curious. but would never in a million years get to find out unless at a wild life center or whatnot. neat-O!! ( ;

Su-sieee! Mac said...

The egrets and herons are very handsome birds. I like your shots of them, Eileen.

carol l mckenna said...

Your nature shots are always wonderful ~ love the egrets and little ones too!

Happy Week to you ~ ^_^

Fun60 said...

Like the photos of the night heron as well as the egrets.

Anonymous said...

The nest of the Egret family is an awesome find, Eileen! Many thanks for sharing these views with SEASONS - such uplifting views - have a great week, and will see you back soon!

mick said...

Great photos of the birds in the rookery. It's good to be able to get this close to the birds without disturbing them. Thanks for sharing.

CountryMouse said...

Some great finds.
At the moment here, if you want to see an Egret, all you need to do is find where they are harvesting sugar cane.

Andrea said...

They are plenty, and they are so big! Lovely elegance.

Jeanna said...

I did enjoy the rookery trip and I'm envious of your heron pics. I got one playing peek a boo high in the trees (I mean it was high up not sure about its recreational habits) and you can barely see it. Great job.

Connie Smiley said...

What sights, Eileen! I love those egret chicks! Too cute!

Karen said...

Oh wow, terrific shots!

Indrani said...

Wow! Fantastic shots! Especially of those 2 birds looking up.

Rambling Woods said...

I would love to visit a rookery and to see these amazing birds... I guess the great horned owl is quite a threat. Michelle

Photo Cache said...

I learned about another beautiful bird here today - the black crowned night herons. Wow, so beautiful. I wonder if they are found here in Northern California.

Nadezda said...

I've never been to rookery Eileen and it was interesting to look at the birds as heron. egret and others.

Bob Bushell said...

Beautiful Egrets, brilliant pictures.

diane b said...

Lovely Bird shots. I love the egret chicks and their fuzzy hairdo.

Lea said...

Beautiful bird photos!
That is a nice barn you found for Tom's Barn Collective
Hope you are having a great week!

Ana Mínguez Corella said...

Outstanding images .Interesting place of herons and egrets .. Cheers..

Lynn said...

Hi Eileen - I just saw you comment on two blogs in a row that I was visiting and thought I would stop by to say hello.

You have a lovely blog! And this was a wonderful visit to the rookery.

Prunella Pepperpot said...

Your photos are wonderful but my favourites have to be the egrets, stunning! Have a wonderful week Eileen :)

Reader Wil said...

Hi Eileen, thanks for your visit and comment. Thanks also for treating us to a visit to the rookery. The birds you show us are all so elegant.
Have a great week!

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

Such wonderful pictures, Eileen. We used to have a rookery near by, but it got destroyed by a storm and I am not sure where they have relocated. It is fun watching the babies grow. Our's had Great Blue Herons, Egrets and Cormorants in it. We don't see Black Crowned Night Herons in this area :( Thanks for all of your beautiful photography, Eileen ...

Andrea @ From The Sol

Lady Fi said...

Wow - stunning shots.

ellen b said...

I know I'm like a broken record but I love the bird captures you get with your camera. The barn is great, too.

Small City Scenes said...

My word there are a huge number of the Egrets. Good for them.

Crafty Green Poet said...

lovely to see the egrets and herons

Existe Sempre Um Lugar said...

Boa tarde, registos maravilhosos da sempre bela e única natureza.
Boa semana,

Forest Dream Weaver said...

They are all beautiful but I love the Great Egrets!
Thank you Eileen.....enjoy your evening.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I love to find a rookery == and yours is wonderful. Great to see the different kinds of egrets and the one in the various stages.

Mary Howell Cromer said...

What a great find, a wonderful place and so much great activity...the young Night Herons are so pretty as are all of your bird shares~

Findlay Wilde said...

All those fabulous Great Egrets together. Brilliant pictures. We only get the odd one every now and then.

Zizi Santos said...

Belas imagens que alegraram meu coração!
eu amo garças!
não tenho participado do Critters pois não tenho imagens novas!


Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

So fun to see the nestlings, Eileen! The parents must have had a time guarding the chicks from the owl this year. I've seen Great Horned Owls go after cats.....Lovely farm, too! xx K

Valerie said...

Wow ! You've certainly captured some great images of the herons here Eileen - thanks for sharing. Happy week to you.

Ruth said...

This is so cool! I have never been to a bird rookery. I have been to a seal rookery. There are several along the California coast.

Ana Freire said...

Amazing shots, Eileen!
I love the elegance of the birds, which you managed to catch, on your images...
Great work!!!
Enjoy your day, Eileen!
A big kiss

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Great series of pictures. They really are handsome birds.

Adam Jones said...

It always seems strange to see the Herons up in the trees. Wonderful pictures.

Anonymous said...

amazing photos....

Linda said...

Marvelous photos! Egrets and herons are so interesting to view.

NatureFootstep said...

love all those Great egrets. So nice to see, thanks for sharing. :)

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

All your egrets are great, Eileen!

Hootin Anni said...

Fantastic. I'm envious that you can get close enough to zoom in on the chicks like that. The rookeries with nests/trees and such around here are always far off on an unapproachable island. Lucky you.

Gail said...

What amazing places you get to see.

Thank you. Now I have seen it too.

Anonymous said...

WOW! Wonderful. Enjoyed seeing them.

Helma said...

Really super nice to see these different herons :-) In Netherlands you only the blue, the purple and white egret. Sometimes a vagrant as cattle egret. Eileen wonderful.

genie said...

So sorry to be so late commenting. I like your write barn. There are not many of them to be found. My favorite shot of the birds is the one of the two Great Egret chicks. They look like they are edging on the adult category. genie

A Colorful World said...

Gorgeous photos of two birds I also shared this week! Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...