Thursday, September 13, 2018

Happy Thankful Thursday!

Happy Thankful Thursday!

Go away Hurricane Florence!  I hope everyone who is in the path of Hurricane Florence stays safe . 

These are images from our walk to our lake on Labor Day Sept 3rd. It was a pretty sky day with puffy white clouds but hot and humid. I heard a few birds along our walk, a few Eastern Wood Pewees, White-breasted Nuthatches, Pine Warbler and the knocking of some woodpecker all heard but not seen. 

It was a pretty sky day, white puffy clouds here and there. 

Butterflies were the Monarch and various Swallowtail butterflies.

Just before the trail ended at the lake we saw one tree with red leaves.

One lone fishing boat on the lake.

Swallowtail Butterfly

There was one red leaf tree on the edge of the lake.

I am thankful to live so close to the lake, just a walk away. 
am always thankful for all your visits and comments. 

Thank you Michelle for hosting Thankful Thursday
Thank you to the hosts of   Skywatch Friday

Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

Thanks so much for visiting and for your nice comments on my previous post. Have a happy day!


  1. you have captured nature at its most beautiful. when I saw the title, Happy thankful Thursday, I read Happy Thanksgiving. LOL...

  2. Belas fotografias e borboletas muito bonitas.
    Um abraço e continuação de uma boa semana.

    Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa
    O prazer dos livros

  3. Só podemos agradecer por tantas belezas a natureza oferece! Lindo céu, borboleta, flores! beijos, ótimo dia! chica

  4. Stay safe.Thanks for the post and Beautiful pics.

  5. Monarchs seem to have had a good year. Thousands have been moving south through here. As for Florence, stay safe. I suspect that both of us are going to experience residual effects of this monster storm.

  6. Hello Eileen! Hope you’re safe from the Hurricane.
    Such a beautiful walk and wonderful nature!
    The lake looks so peaceful and beautiful scenery too!
    Stunning pictures of the preety butterflies ,the Autumn leaves on the tree and the reflection in the lake!
    Have a happy day and a lovely week ahead!

  7. "Go Away Florence" - short and to the point - I like it!
    We have family in NC and East Tennessee and were happy this morning to see the predictions have moderated some.
    Always love the butterflies. Happy Day

  8. Im here wondering how bad it's gonna be, could be bad, could be just some wind and rain...been through a few of these storms some fizzle out some roar in it's a wait n see game. Lovely day on your walk. have a good weekend in spite of the weather!

  9. ...nature is something to be thankful for.

  10. Soft puffy cloudy days are always pleasant. another name for these clouds is fair weather cumulus.

  11. So lovely. Praying for those in the path of the hurricane!
    I'm giving all the blogs I visit fair warning that I might be real scarce as we sort out internet in the country. It will be satellite and just not sure how it will work for blogging. Cheers.

  12. Beautiful captures. You do see a lot of Butterflies and yes Fall is approaching fast.
    Enjoy the rest of the week

  13. No shortage of butterflies. They're very pretty!

  14. I always love your pictures of nature.

  15. A beautiful walk and I love the butterflies! I have had leaves falling in my yard for a couple of weeks, but they are all brown.

  16. Hi there, I'm happy to share your walk from labor day. Yes, hope we all don't have too much impact from Florence!

  17. Beautiful view of the lake. Oh to be the only boat on the lake. Paradise! Love the monarch and swallowtails. My zinnias just keep them coming.

  18. Beautiful Butterflies Eileen. I hope everyone stay out of Hurricane Florence.

  19. I love the butterflies. Isn't it funny how one or two trees can get ahead of everyone else.

  20. Beautiful photos, Eileen. Stay safe!

  21. Beautiful nature images. I particularly like the butterflies.
    Good luck with the hurricane...

  22. Hi, Eileen passing by to see the news.
    Beautiful pictures.
    Good week's continuation.

  23. You are so lucky to live so close to such a beautiful lake and forest. Lovely photos.

  24. Beautiful photos! And thanks for the prayers for our beautiful state! Hugs, Diane

  25. You can see the scent glands on the lower wing of that male monarch real well.Lovely captures

  26. The first picture of the sky is gorgeous. The blue, white and green are beautiful.

  27. What a special place. Lovely gifts of nature, they grace our days and where oh where do butterflies go at night? To sleep! Hiding of course.

  28. my best friend is studying in north's said that she's right in the path of the hurricane! definitely praying for safety...<3 beautiful photos- thanks for sharing! :)

  29. Beautiful sky captures Eileen . Keep commenting in my blog because I love your comments.

  30. Beautiful nature shots. Lovely sky, butterflies and lakes.

  31. Such a pretty walk Eileen. Beautiful captures! Have a lovely day and enjoy your weekend.

  32. Oh Eileen, your Labor Day adventures are so beautiful! Love the butterflies, blue skies and lake shots.

  33. Gorgeous! Everywhere! My favorite is the lake with the boat! It's very serene, yet dramatic with reflections & shadows!

  34. What a peaceful place to have so close to you. I love the butterfly shots, and the lake with just one boat on it.

  35. Beautiful puffy clouds shot and lovely nature shots! Divine! ^_^

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores

  36. Your butterfly photos are wonderful! Hope you are not affected by the hurricane.

  37. Love those butterflies. Beautiful blue skies. Haven't seen any of them for a while. I'm a little late and catching up on this post. Have a great weekend.

  38. was the sun out on labor day?? i can hardly remember!! the butterflies are so pretty, all types had a great season!!

    pretty capture of the red leaved tree!!!

  39. Such beautiful butterflies! I hope you are not experiencing any ill effects of the hurricane in Maryland, Eileen.

  40. A beautiful walk. I love the swallowtail.

    I hope you don't get much rain from this -- you've been hit so hard already.

  41. What a beautiful selection of photographs, such a lovely mix.
    As for Florence, please stay safe …

    All the best Jan

  42. Gorgeous sky captures and I like the butterfly shots! Have a great weekend!

  43. Beautiful fall sites, Eileen. I would only be able to ID the woodpecker, maybe, lol.

  44. A pretty peaceful place just right for a daytime stroll.

  45. Wonderful series, with especially beautiful butterflies.

  46. wow,...nature so wonderful.
    beautiful shots.
    Happy Tuesday

  47. Hello, I'm trying to catch up a bit after being on the road for 2 weeks... We were in South Dakota, Montana and Wyoming --so I'm sure I'll have plenty of pictures to post about that wonderful trip...

    I love Shenandoah --and always enjoy your posts... Hope to get back there sometime.

    Hope you all escaped the worst of that big storm.


  48. Preciosas fotos Eileen. Como ya pasó el jueves, te deseo y un buen viernes y fin de semana.


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Have a happy day, Eileen

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