Thursday, December 13, 2018

Happy Thankful Thursday

Happy Thankful Thursday,

On the morning of Dec 3rd I was able to take some photos of the crescent moon with Venus right below.  

Crescent moon with Venus. 

Zoomed in to see a closer look at Venus.

Sorry I cropped out my curtains on the photo below of a couple of Pine Siskins and Goldfinches. The Pine Siskins have a thin yellow stripe on their sides.

A closer look at the crescent moon, it is pretty.

Some times my birds all disappear during the day, I think a hawk is hanging nearby or maybe it is the Screech Owl. One day I saw an Eagle flying over the yard, I wonder if the eagle would make the small birds nervous. 

I am thankful for sunny days and clear skies. 
A thankful heart is a happy heart. 
am thankful for all your visits and comments. 

Thank you Michelle for hosting Thankful Thursday
Thank you to Yogi the host of   Skywatch Friday

Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

Thanks so much for visiting and for your nice comments on my previous post. Have a happy day!


Small City Scenes said...

Very pretty moon shots and I really like the Pine Siskins---they come here in droves and then poof they are gone. But they do come back. I think they make the rounds

italiafinlandia said...

Our satellite is so magical and beautiful...
Enjoy these twelve nights to Christmas!

Hootin Anni said...

Any large predator (maybe evrn a well hidden feral cat) would scare the birds away for a while.

LOVE your sky shots!

Phil Slade said...

Nice work to get the Moon and Venus in your picture Eileen. Yes, I think small birds know when there is a raptor around. They seem to go quiet and then as you say, stay away until the coast is clear.

Rose said...

Nice shots of the moon...I really love that close up one of the crescent moon.

Do you ever have trouble with starlings or cowbirds? I no longer feed the birds because the minute I put it out the starlings come in flocks and just consume it in no time. I waited months and thought maybe I could start feeding again, but first thing, here came the starlings! I honestly don't mind a few...just wish they would leave some for the other birds!

Meditations in Motion said...

Oh, those pictures with the crescent moon and Venus are so pretty! Live the pine siskins, too. a bald eagle would certainly make them nervous, even though it's unlikely an eagle would go after a pine siskin.

Jeevan said...

Superb capture on the crescent moon along with the Venus! This’s the first time I see a closer shot on Venus… I do admire you last photo on sky with contrails

Debbie said...

hi eileen...i would be thankful if the hawk that is hovering around my yard would leave. ALL of my birds have disappeared and i have a big pile of feathers right outside my office window!!

i love the crescent moon. it reminds me of my younger years when i wore earrings of the crescent moon!! nice captures of the pine skins and the goldfinches!!

Michelle said...

You captured the moon and Venus quite well. Thanks for linking up today, Eileen. Have a great weekend.

DIMI said...

Hello Eileen!
Great shots of the moon and Venus!
Wonderful pictures of the Pine Siskins and the Goldfinches! Such beautiful birds!
Lovely sky photos! Thank you for sharing! Have a lovely day!

Pisi Prkl said...

Crescent moon with Venus, very nice. Me like.

Photo Cache said...

Wonderful lunar shots. Love the crescent.

Worth a Thousand Words

RedPat said...

The little birds can sense a hawk anywhere nearby!

Susie of Arabia said...

Fantastic moon shots! I need a better camera - mine never come out as detailed as yours!

Jim said...

Good shots.

Bob Bushell said...

Fantastic moon shots Eileen.

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Beautiful photos, Eileen! It's been so cloudy here, I haven't seen the moon - so pretty. I hope you figure out what's spooking the birdies. Hope your week is nice. xo Karen

Bill said...

Beautiful images of the crescent moon and venus, they are very impressive. I would imagine the presence of an eagle in the neighborhood would make any small bird nervous. Have a wonderful Friday.

Tanza Erlambang - Every Day Issues said...

lovely photo of crescent moon and Venus.
thank you for sharing of series of beautiful photos.

Have a great day

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Wow, beautiful moon shots. I like how Venus really stands out!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Moon shots make me happy, and getting a planet in with them is a special bonus.
Your thankfullness is an inspiration. We (meaning I) take so much for granted.

Lea said...

Pretty sky shots!

Joyful said...

Beautiful shots Eileen. I can never get a good shot of the moon.

Anu said...

Hello Eileen. Wonderful photos of the moon and Venus. The small birds are wise to fear the birds of prey.

Lady Fi said...

Fabulous moon and Venus shots!

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

Your moon shots are incredible

Lynne said...

Love your crescent moon pics . . .
I am thankful for you, “Miss Moon Girl!”

Tomoko said...

Oh my!!
Such fantastic blue sky and small birds!
We have a warmer winter than usual, but the sky is not so blue.
Have a wonderful weekend,Eileen.

Francisco Manuel Carrajola Oliveira said...

Lindo estas várias fazes da Lua.
Um abraço e bom fim-de-semana.

Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa
O prazer dos livros

carol l mckenna said...

Gorgeous sky and moon shots ~ Lovely 'feathered friend' photo too!

Happy day to you,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Laura. M said...

Lindo collage de la luna. Está espléndida.Y el pájaro es muy guapo.
Buen fin de semana Eileen.

Jan K. alias Afanja said...

Wonderful shots of the moon and Venus and a beautiful skyshots with all those contrails.
Enjoy your weekend!

Sue (this n that) said...

Those moon shots are marvellous Eileen, and also Venus. I love to see it shining so brightly from where we are in the world too.
I've loved your posts all through the year and thanks so much for each of your visits which are always enjoyable and uplifting.
Cheers now and have a really lovely Christmas and family time. Looking forward to catching up with you in the new year 🌟🎁🎄 xx

This N That said...

Wonderful moonshots..I took some last night..I haven't downloaded them yet..I don't see that yellow stripe..I guess that's why I can't identify a Pine Siskin...Great shot of Venus too...Have a good weekend..

Klara S said...

Cool pictures. I'm impressed you know it's Venus below the Moon. Me? I know the Moon... the Great Bear and Little Bear... or as Northern Americans say the Big Dipper and the Little Dipper [I know that from the internet of course ;)]

likeschocolate said...

Gorgeous! Thanks for sharing! Have a lovely weekend!

Jo said...

Hello Eileen, beautiful bird moon images. I love the contrails too! I definitely think eagles make little birds nervous so they go into hiding while that raptor is hovering. I came across to link with Saturday Critters but am too early. Have a great day. Jo

Linda said...

Beautiful photos! I saw a hawk in my yard today but he flew off before I reached my camera.

Klara said...

nice work with the moon.

Lowcarb team member said...

Love your moon mosaic.

All the best Jan

Christine @ Rustic-Refined said...

Wow, very pretty shots! I need to figure out how to shoot at night with my camera. Loving your pictures.....

Marie Smith said...

Beautiful photos!

Saturday's Critters # 584

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