Saturday, April 13, 2019

Saturday's Critters #278

Welcome to Saturday's Critters !

If you love all God's creatures like I do and also like to blog about them and take critter photos this is where you can share your critter post. Link up your post and share your critters, join in with my critter party ! You can share any kind of critters the real ones, pretend ones, statues and paintings, a new or old post!

I am sharing some of my yard birds, I have been seeing some of my spring/summer birds arriving. I still see some of the winter birds hanging out too. Overall I am very happy with the birds I see in my yard. Also, we are seeing the Great Blue Herons on their nearby nest. One nest I can actually see from my kitchen window. Here are the photos, I hope you enjoy! 

Photos taken April 2nd -4th. The Northern Flicker is a daily visitor.

The Great Blue Herons on their nest in our neighborhood.

Below: Top row the Red-breasted Nuthatch, Carolina Chickadee, female Pine Warbler. Second row: Pine Siskin, Tufted Titmouse & Goldfinch and Northern Flicker. Third row: Another Red-breasted Nuthatch, Red-bellied woodpecker and female Purple Finches.

Below are the Chipping sparrow, Purple Finches, Downy Woodpecker, Pine Warbler, Goldfinches, White-throated Sparrow, Dark-eyed Junco, Goldfinch and Pine Siskin.

A Purple Finch couple!

The Blue Jays love the peanuts.

Pine Siskins, Red-shouldered Hawk, Red-bellied Woodpecker, Northern Flicker, Pine Warbler, Brown Thrasher and another Pine Siskin.

Brown Thrasher, squirrel hanging on feeder.

Brown Thrasher, a beautiful bird. I love their eyes.

Dark-eyed Junco, Goldfinch and Pine Siskins.

I appreciate and thank everyone who links up their post and for all the wonderful comments !

Here is a list of my linky parties;

Also visit:  I'd-Rather-B-Birdin. Thanks to the gracious host: Anni.

Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!


  1. Hari om
    Another array of avian amazingness!!! YAM xx

  2. Dearest Eileen; OMG!!! I got really fascinated with your gorgeous and colorful varieties of birdies v(♡˘◡˘♡)v
    Haha, squirrel and Brown Thrasher together and Great Blue Herons are amazing. LOVE all the sweet looking guests and appreciated introducing them for us. Recently it seems they are all gone for north part away from my region p;-)
    And Thank you SO much for hosting;

  3. I never noticed before ---- the northern flicker has a heart on the back of its head. Pretty pictures, as always!

  4. Nice shots. The Flickers are one of our favorite bird. So pretty. Saw my first Goldfinch of the year yesterday and we have bee inundated by Purple Finches. So pretty. Crazy squirrel

  5. A blessing to have so many different types of birds and squirrel visit your yard. If I have these visiting my garden, most of my time would be spend watching and photographing them. Thank you for hosting and wishing you a great weekent.

  6. You've got great birds in your neighbourhood Eileen, lucky you!
    Thanks for hosting and have a great weekend.

  7. You are so lucky to have all that wildlife. Love the images of the beautiful flicker. I am not that familier with the Brown trasher. But it looks gorgeous.
    So far the lakes and wetlands are almost empty of birds. Sems like they just are passing by. Even the geese and coots are very few. :( Sun is shining today but it is cold. Wishing you a fine week and a Happy Easter.

  8. Gorgeous shots of the birds. I laughed when I saw the squirrel, they never give up trying to get at the food and they succeed. :) Have a lovely day and weekend.

  9. ...I love your flinkers that most, thanks for hosting.

  10. Hello Eileen,

    Your yardbirds are very pretty. My favorite are always The Blue Jay. Beautiful images.
    Happy Weekend!

  11. Tantas e cada uma das fotos é maravilhosa! Adorei ver! Ótimo fim de semana! beijos, chica

  12. that little junco is adorable as is the acrobatic squirrel.. we have a wood pecker in the oak tree, but have yet to see it. we hear it every day about the same time.

  13. Hello Eileen. So beautiful birds and wonderful photos! Northern Flicker is my favorite. Have a nice weekend!

  14. Hi Eileen, what an interesting selection of birds AND a squirrel. I love the Brown Thrasher too. Thanks for sharing. And thanks for hosting this meme. Have a wonderful weekend. Jo

  15. You have such a wonderful array and mosaics. I'll soon have to take my feeders down, due to the bears!
    Thanks for hosting. Bloggers have so many wonderful critters.

  16. Awesome variety of birds! Some of ours have moved on, but many others are still regulars. The Thrashers just started hanging around recently.

  17. Lovely images, Eileen; my faves are the blue jays!

  18. You are right: the Brown Thrasher is very cute.
    Your shots capture it cleverly.
    Happy Sunday to you and enjoy your feathered friends!

  19. Lovely! Have a great new week, Eileen!

  20. Such beautiful birds. Herons are always impressive to me. Have a wonderful weekend!

  21. i wonder if you get the junco's during the summer, i only get them during the winter. you have a beautiful assortment of birds in your backyard, most of these i see in my backyard under normal circumstances. i enjoyed seeing the brown thrasher, what a beauty and such a pretty eye!!

    and one come you have a hawk and so many birds???

    have a great weekend and many thanks for hosting!!!

  22. You have attracted many species to your yard. I like the northern flickers.

  23. Absolutely loved this post and capture on the variety of your yard birds! Lovely made collage for quick and easy viewing on all. Have a nice weekend.

  24. Wow! A nature wonderland right in your own backyard ~ marvelous photography and presentation!

    Happy Times to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  25. You have given us some wonderful bird pics. I especially like the flicker and the brown thrasher. I have tried and tried to get a brown thrasher pic, but they are faster than me. Have a wonderful weekend.

  26. You definitely have a diverse range of species in your yard Eileen. I guess having woodland so close helps to bring such variety to your feeders. Something for everyone there from warblers to raptors. Great Stuff. And thanks for the Saturday link-up.

  27. Eileen - thank you for hosting. I am always impressed with how many people link up and comment on your meme - it is encouraging that so many are interested in seeing and sharing the bounty of God's critters. It is terrific that you have such a menagerie in your own back yard, especially the herons! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  28. I rarely get the Thrasher into a feeder, they are a pretty bird. They stay deep in a draw near a pond and along a hedgerow

  29. Hi Eileen, I always enjoy your birding photos! Especially cool ... the GBHs on nest. Wow, neat captures! Amazing that you can see the nest from your kitchen. Thank you for hosting the critter party! :-) Wishing you a happy weekend and take good care! John

  30. You have such a wonderful array of yard birds. Some I never see in South the blue jays. (Also love the hanging squirrel!)

    1. Hi again, Eileen. I am here to send you my thanks for linking in with us at I'd Rather B Birdin' this weekend. Have a great day!

  31. Fabulous the Northern Flicker photos, and I love the Dark-eyed Junco, beautiful. Have a beautiful weekend.

  32. Wonderful photos! I rarely see Flickers here so I really enjoy seeing yours!

  33. I'm amazed at the huge variety of birds you get in your yard, Eileen! The word must be out that it is a safe place with good food!

  34. I have only ever seen one Northern Flicker. It was an exciting find!

  35. Such a wonderful variety of yard birds. We were working out in the yard and some of the birds were not pleased we were out there and dive bombing us. Maybe they built a nest close by...

  36. Love the northern flicker pics! We get these birds in our backyard too. As a matter of fact, one of them likes to peck on our chimney - it makes quite the racket.

  37. Really great photos you have some great birds in attendance there!! Our hummers showed up but so far I can't get a photo of them they are still a little bit shy...happy weekend.

  38. Late to the party today as had to work from iPhone-- Mr Linky button was so small I must have applied for linky account rather than accept terms. Back on PC and loving all your (now full-format) feeder birds!

  39. All the birds are so gorgeous!

  40. Great shots! We see a heron once in a while but I don't know where the nest is. Thanks for hosting.

  41. I had no idea herons nested in trees! It seems awkward and almost impossible. Amazing creatures.

    Have a great week ahead.

  42. Maryland must have habitat very similar to Ontario as we have the same line up of birds. You have done an amazing job of capturing them all. I also didn't know herons nested in trees. Kind of confounding how they manage that!

  43. Hello Eileen,
    Magnificent your photos . I had loved the birds and the
    Hugs and good sunday and week.

  44. Good morning Eileen, Beautiful bird friends at your feeders but I have to laugh at the ingenious moves of that darn squirrel coming in for his food too! I sure hope that we're all in for genuine spring and no more winter moments in April or May and I better not have to mention June! My annual Easter Egg hunt here might be a bit snowy as it is.

  45. Wow ..... what a beautiful photo in your blog Eileen!
    I am really enjoying it twice as much. Simply beautiful.
    I haven't shared a post yet. Due to the hustle and bustle of moving my daughter and previously another daughter, I am not very interested in blogs. I'm going to make up for this of course ;-)
    I now enjoy these birds with you.
    I wish you a very nice new week.
    Greetings, Helma

  46. Oh Eileen, what an impressive variety of birds you get in your yard. I loved all of your photographs and collages.

    Hope your weekend has been a good one.

    All the best Jan

  47. You do have wonderful birds at your feeders and to be able to see the GBH nest from your window sounds like heaven!

  48. I always look forward to reading your posts and seeing what you're enjoying. Right now, I hear the little wren, and its song is so loud and clear above all the others. Out in the distance, my favorite the Phoebe is there too. I do love spring and am so glad it's here!

  49. Your photos are wonderful. I especially love the brown thrasher but don't see them in Indiana. Thanks for your beautiful post.

  50. What a fine collection of feathered friends! Lizzie would be in hog heaven if all those were outside her window. And I love seeing the herons in the trees. So many beautiful shots, Eileen!

  51. You have so many yard birds!! That's great! Thank you for sharring such beauty. Have a good day, Eileen!

  52. I would be ecstatic to have all these little birds in my garden (actually to have a garden at all would be great!!) You have such tremendous variety it is beautiful to see.
    Wren x


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Have a happy day, Eileen

Saturday's Critters # 554

Welcome to Saturday's Critters!  Hello and Happy Saturday!  If you love all God's creatures like I do and also like to blog about th...