Thursday, August 1, 2019

Thankful Thursday

Hello and Happy Thankful Thursday!

On July-24-25th hubby and I took an overnight trip to Maryland's Eastern Shore. We went on a 3 hour Riverboat ride on the Choptank River that included a crab feast. 

It was a pretty day, a cool temperature and a pretty sky. A great day for a boat ride. 

These riverboats are operated by the Suicide Bridge Seafood Restaurant in Hurlock Maryland. The Riverboats are reproductions of authentic 80ft Paddle Wheelers. 

The boat left the pier near the restaurant started out on the Cabin Creek to the Choptank River, we went as far as Cambridge Maryland. We went under the Rt 50 bridge also called the Ocean Gateway in Cambridge Md. 

A view of the sky and river from the riverboat. 

Taking breaks from eating crabs I enjoyed the river scenery, lots of Osprey sightings. Back at the dock there were lots of Mallard ducks and I believe some Purple Martins. 

Osprey nest seen from the riverboat ride on the Choptank River. 

This is a view of the Cabin Creek and the Suicide Bridge, in this photo we are heading back to the dock.  Here is a link to the legend of the Suicide Bridge

I am thankful for good health! I am always thankful for good weather and short getaways.
am thankful for all your visits and comments. 

Thank you Michelle for hosting Thankful Thursday
Thank you to Yogi the host of   Skywatch Friday

Thanks so much for visiting and for your nice comments on my previous post. Have a happy day!


  1. Nice place to stop by. The osprey is a very beautiful bird.
    Thanks for sharing. Have a great day!

  2. Magnifica aquela árvore em floração, aproveito para desejar a continuação de uma boa semana.

    Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa
    O prazer dos livros

  3. Lindo passeio e as fotos mostram muito bem! E a festa do caranguejo deve ter sido linda! bjs praianos,chica

  4. ...a beautiful spot on a beautiful day.

  5. Boat ride sounds so good! The pictures are so pretty☺

  6. Hari Om
    Nothing beats being on water on fine summer days!!! YAM xx

  7. Suicide Bridge seems like a pretty ominous name? Does it derive its name from people having jumped off it?

    1. It is a weird name, there were 4-5 suicides and 3 different bridges built since 1888. The first 2 were from gunshots and then they jumped. The last one changed their mind and called for help. It is not a high bridge, I have seen kids jumping off our local bridge that is higher.

  8. That’s a beautiful place for sure!

  9. A beautiful place to visit. Great photos.

  10. Great old (looking) boats...I wonder if they are true paddle-wheelers...or just built to look like them. What a fun day you must have had, it's always cool and breezy on a boat! Thanks for sharing these gorgeous photos. Now if only I could have a plate of crabs! Barb

    1. Hi Barbara, yes these are the true paddle wheelers. Thanks!

  11. Hello Eileen,
    Nice series of photos and collage of your boat trip.
    The first photo with the beautiful tree is amazing.
    Best regards, Irma

  12. Wonderful photos. Those skies are beautiful.

  13. I am thankful for your awesome nature photography and the wonderful places you visit ~ ^_^

    Happy Day to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  14. That looks like a lot of fun! I bet the crabs were good too:)

  15. I've ridden a couple ferries. Cool ways to get around.

    Love that last landscape

  16. Wow, that was a lovely day for a trip down the river. The sky, clouds, and water look beautiful. I've seen osprey nests on Kentucky Lake; at first, I thought they were eagle nests. Have a great day!

  17. That sounds like a lot of fun. The sculpture of the crab is pretty cool.

  18. oooooh to name a bridge "the suicide bridge", that seems so weird. in that first picture is that a crepe myrtle?? that tree is so pretty!!! the boats are beautiful!!!

    1. Debbie, that is a crepe myrtle tree. They grow really well in this area, they were everywhere we went. Thanks!

  19. I'm glad you guys had such a fine time, Eileen! I was thinking like Debbie with the name of the bridge. I'm sure there must be a story behind that.

    You always share such beautiful photo's!


  20. I bet this was a glorious day, just to be alive from the looks of the sky. Love the ospreys.

  21. "...the Suicide Bridge Seafood Restaurant"

    These are beautiful photos, but this stopped me cold. That's a horrible name.

  22. Short getaways are great because they don't require a lot of planning!

  23. Diese schöne Aussicht vom Wasser auf die leichten Wolken würde ich auch gerne genießen!
    Liebe Grüße aus Deutschland

  24. A beautiful place to take a boat ride and enjoy the sights.
    Beautiful photos, Eileen. Enjoy your day!

  25. Hello,

    Beautiful view from the boat.
    Happy Thursday!

  26. Eine tolle Serie von herrlichen Fotos !
    Das war ein schöner Tag, hätte mir auch gefallen !
    Liebe Grüße

  27. It's such a blessing to have good health! Love your photos...the osprey nest is very neat! Enjoy your afternoon!

  28. Beautiful crepe myrtle- and what pretty views for the dinner cruise. I wouldn't be able to last that long (I get seasick) but it does sound like fun. Happy Thursday!

  29. that looks like fun..great sightings from aboard too...

  30. Boat rides are always fun - lovely seascapes today!

  31. Fabulous photographs Eileen.
    A very nice boat ride … many thanks for the link to information about suicide bridge.

    Happy Thursday Wishes.

    All the best Jan

  32. Beautiful scenic photos. The weather looks perfect. Have a great weekend Eileen. xx

  33. Beautiful pics,magnificent pink tree...It looks a crepe mirtle tree,isn't it?Hugs!

  34. You sure picked a great day for a boat ride. Looks like a fabulous times.
    I haven't picked crabs in quite a while!! Love them though!!!

  35. I lived in the Crofton/Annapolis area for many years and our son was born there. Your photos make me miss my time there. A great state! Thanks for linking up today, Eileen and have the BEST weekend!

  36. Looks like a great outing! Love the riverboats!

  37. Great photos! Sounds like a wonderful time!

  38. The paddle boats are really pretty. Except for Disney, I haven't seen one yet.

    Worth a Thousand Words

  39. Gorgeous ambiance to enjoy a beautiful day!

  40. Looks like you had perfect weather for your trip!

  41. Beautiful series Eileen,and there were a couple Ospreys tending their nest. The rest were happy doing their thing, superb.

  42. Hi! It looks very fun to ride on the classical restaurant boat. Your last photo is very beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  43. must be wonderful to travel on riverboat

  44. I've been wanting to do a river cruise for a few years but keep putting it off for other things. After reading your post I want to put at the top of the list

  45. Eating crabs, seeing Osprey and a 3 hour cruise on the Choptank River, that would put a smile on my dial too Eileen - thanks for sharing!
    Wren x

  46. Now that looks like it was a great day!!...:)jp

  47. What a fun trip. Those osprey are so pretty. How nice to be able to get that photo of them. You and your hubby are blessed with such nice adventures. Happy August to you!

  48. That was a great trip know we would love that riverboat, the scenery, the birds, being on the boat, all the stuff we love (and the crab dinner too).

  49. What a gorgeous tree in that first image! And what a great day. I think a riverboat ride would be just the ticket on a lovely summer day!

  50. Your pictures remind me of the time we cruised north to Maryland. We covered most of the rivers on the Chesapeake Bay that time (2004!) We miss the blue crabs!


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Have a happy day, Eileen

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