Saturday, March 7, 2020

Saturday's Critters #325

Welcome to Saturday's Critters!

If you love all God's creatures like I do and also like to blog about them and take critter photos this is where you can share your critter post. Link up your post and share your critters, join in with my critter party ! You can share any kind of critters the real ones, pretend ones, statues and paintings, a new or old post!

I seem to be posting a lot of woodpeckers lately. But, I do not think I have posted these woodpeckers we saw at the Merritt Island National Wildlife refuge in Florida.  We saw two Pileated Woodpeckers on the same tree. I was able to park the car and just sit and watch them for awhile.

 The male and female Pileated Woodpeckers were seen on this dead tree @  Merritt Island NWR.

"The wildlife and it's habitat can not speak, so we must and we will." Theodore Roosevelt

The male and female Red-bellied Wodpecker seen on the wildlife drive at Merritt Island.

 If you look closely , you can see some of the red belly on this woodpecker below.

Here is the linky:

Thanks to all my visitors and for all the wonderful comments. I appreciate everyone who loves critters and has linked up their post.

Here is a list of my linky parties;

Also visit:  I'd-Rather-B-Birdin. Thanks to the host Anni.


Shiju Sugunan said...

Such gorgeous woodpecker. Really well captured!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

You are so fortunately to see and photograph many species of Woodpecker Eileen. Thanks for sharing and also hosting. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Small City Scenes said...

It must be a twin convention well except for the last pic but he is probably the moderator.

Nancy Chan said...

Woodpeckers are amazing birds. They have such strong beaks to peck at the hard wood.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
These are delightful images, Eileen - they all posed perfectly for you!!! Happy weekend. YAM xx

Phil Slade said...

Super pictures today Eileen. Those Pileated Woodpeckers bright colours really stand out against the sky. You were so fortunate to just sit in the car and watch them climb up and down the trees. Have a good weekend and many thanks for the link today.

italiafinlandia said...

They are all nice to see and all new to my part of the world. The Pileated is peculiar and unique. Love it!
Have a great weekend with many captures!

Irma said...

Hello Eileen,
Beautiful series of photos of these Pileated Woodpeckers.
They are all perfectly photographed, my congratulations.
Do you want to place my link, I still can't do it.
I wish you a good weekend.
Best regards Irma

NatureFootstep said...

what a great sight! The pair of Pileated Woodpeckers. And sitting in the best possible way for great shots :) A nice thing to remember Eileen :)
Wishing you a great week.

Marit said...

Hello Eileen,

Beautiful photos of the Woodpeckers. Very nice to see the red belly.

Happy weekend!

Ella said...

Hello Eileen,
I love the woodpeckers … We call them "tree doctors"!
I read that the Pileated Woodpecker stays together on its territory all year long. So nice!
Enjoy your day and have a great weekend!

chica said...

Que beleza o pica-pau! Lindas fotos! Que o fim de semana seja assim também! bjs, chica

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Beautiful captures of the pair of Pileated Woodpeckers! That red belly can be very hard to see. I read that many bird species were named for their appearance in museum collections, lying on their backs.

s.c said...

Wow great pecker photo's. Love them.

Anu said...

Hello Eileen. Fantastic photos!
I love woodpeckers. Red bellied woodpecker is so beautiful and Pileated woodpeckers are just great looking birds!
Thank you.

Jo said...

Hello Eileen, how beautifully clear your photos are. I feel bad about posting my female sunbird now. However, I wanted to join in today so here I am. I love the Red-bellied Woodpecker in your post. Thanks for sharing. Have a great weekend. Jo

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I think I have seen more Pileated Woodpeckers in Florida than anywhere else. I was once waiting outside on one of the wildlife refuges and three were on the same telephone pole.

Mae Travels said...

Merritt Island was one of the best birding places we visitd in florida. Nice woodpeckers!

best... mae at

Brian King said...

Very nice! You got a two-fer two-fer. It's cool to see the Pileateds together!

Tanya Breese said...

What beautiful markings they all great to see them in double!

My Desktop Daily said...

Wonderful shots of these spectacular birds, Eileeen!

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

PS: Thanks for hosting, Eileen. Have a great new week!

Jenn Jilks said...

The walking here is horrible. I'm so glad to see your birds, instead. Thanks for hosting!

Gayle said...

Good things come in pairs. We hear the pileated but rarely see one. Happy Day.

Elkes Lebensglück said...

That are wonderful woodpeckers!!! Great Photos!!!
Greetings elke

Ranten said...

Hi Eileen! The Pileated Woodpeckers ver lovely! Happy weekend!

Debbie said...

WoW!!! awesome pictures today eileen, you sure did get two-fer's!!! the first picture is outstanding, to see the pileateds in that position and then what a thrill to capture it!! i enjoyed the quote also!!

enjoy the weekend, it's going to be beautiful, and many thanks for hosting!!

RedPat said...

I love seeing all of these Woodpeckers that you are showing us, Eileen!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you for the visit and comment, enjoy your day! Have a great weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you for the visit and comment, enjoy your day!

eileeninmd said...

Hello MB,
Thank you for the visit and comment, enjoy your day!

eileeninmd said...


Thank you for the visit and comment, enjoy your day!

eileeninmd said...

Hello Yam,
Thank you for the visit and comment, enjoy your day!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you for the visit and comment, enjoy your day!

eileeninmd said...


Thank you for the visit and comment, enjoy your day!

eileeninmd said...

Hello Irma,

Thank you for the visit and comment, enjoy your day!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you for the visit and comment, enjoy your day!

eileeninmd said...

Hello Marit,

Thank you for the visit and comment, enjoy your day!

eileeninmd said...

Hello Ella,
Thank you for the visit and comment, enjoy your day!

eileeninmd said...

Hello Chica,

Thank you for the visit and comment, enjoy your day!

eileeninmd said...

Hello, Ken
It is interesting learning how they came up with the names of the birds. Thank you for the visit and comment, enjoy your day!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you for the visit and comment, enjoy your day!

eileeninmd said...

Hello Anu,
Thank you for the visit and comment, enjoy your day!

eileeninmd said...

Hello Jo,
Thank you for the visit and comment, enjoy your day!

eileeninmd said...

Hello David,

Thank you for the visit and comment, enjoy your day!

eileeninmd said...

Hello Mae,
I always enjoy visiting Merritt Island. Thank you for the visit and comment, enjoy your day!

eileeninmd said...

Hello Brian,
Thank you for the visit and comment, enjoy your day!

eileeninmd said...

Hello Tanya
Thank you for the visit and comment, enjoy your day!

eileeninmd said...

Hello Nick,
Thank you for the linkup, visit and comment, enjoy your day!

eileeninmd said...

Thanks Nick! I hope you have a great new week!

eileeninmd said...

Hello Jenn,
Thank you for the linkup, visit and comment, enjoy your day!

eileeninmd said...

Hello Gayle,
Thank you for the linkup, visit and comment, enjoy your day!

eileeninmd said...

Hello Elke,
Thank you for the linkup, visit and comment, enjoy your day!

eileeninmd said...

Hello Ranten,
Thank you for the linkup, visit and comment, enjoy your day!

eileeninmd said...

Hi Debbie,
It is looking like a great weekend, YAY! Thank you for the linkup, visit and comment, enjoy your day!

eileeninmd said...

Hello RedPat

Thank you for the linkup, visit and comment, enjoy your day!

Red said...

Pileateds don't seem to mind being very close to humans. Excellent that you could show two birds together.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we saw two of the type in your last photo, on our Big Boy walk this week. both in the same tree. about 7 or 8 years ago, I had the privilege's of sitting on a picnic table in a state park watching 4 of those pileated ones in one tree. my photos were not good like yours

Rose said...

Great capturing the pairs! Want to remember to look at these when I get to computer. Love the Pikeated pair especially.

Bill said...

Love those woodpeckers, you caught their beauty well.
Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful weekend.

carol l mckenna said...

Beautiful 'paired' photos of our feathered friends ~ very creative and beautiful ~

Happy Moments to You,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Sandi said...

Great shots!!

HappyK said...

Terrific shots of the woodpeckers!!!

ellen b. said...

Such pretty birds. I've said it before that I'm happy they like the trees around here and not our house to peck at!

Our photos said...

Wow, i like these ! Very nice !

Linda said...

I shared these birds today! But mine were in my back yard. I bribe them well.

Lady Fi said...

Adorable shots of the woodpeckers!

Tanza Erlambang said...

lovely of my favorite birds...
Thank you for sharing beautiful pictures

Anni said...

Thanks for joining us today at I'd Rather B's always appreciated!

I was here earlier today & left another comment. ☺

Sondra said...

Really cool seeing 2 together like that. They have been swooshing through the yard here ...Im sure they are ready for the nesting season to begin. Have a good week!

Marie Smith said...

Love the photos of the pileateds!

Wally Jones said...

What impressive birds the Pileated Woodpeckers are! Isn't Merritt Island a fantastic place to explore?
Have a great new week, Eileen.

William Kendall said...

Beautiful shots!

Joyful said...

The woodpeckers are so pretty.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Wonderful shots of all the woodpeckers! I should start seeing some here in our resort next month, when it gets quieter (as the snowbirds leave,).

Jeevan said...

Lovely capture on the woodpecker and the Pileated Woodpeckers are gorgeous in their red crowns! Glad you captured them in pair

The Padre said...

Such Beautiful Photos - Well Done


~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

How unusual to see two Pileated Woodpeckers on the same tree! WOW! Love your photos! It's hard to know where to focus when you have 2 to get into the pic! Enjoy your week! I'm late but I'm going to do some visitin'! Better late than never! lol Hugs!

Jeanie said...

Those twin woodpeckers are just magnificent!

Helma said...

Ohhhhh ...... really great to see these woodpeckers !!!! I'm pretty jealous of these photos hahahahaha .... So cool this. Beautifully Eileen!
Greetings, Helma

PS would you like to link the post of my birds on Saturday? My PC goes out the door on Friday and I hope to be a new one on Saturday afternoon. Then everything has to be reinstalled.

William Kendall said...


Laura. M said...

Esos pájaros carpinteros son muy llamativos con su cresta roja. Me gustan Eileen. Te deseo buena noche.
Un abrazo.

Bob Bushell said...

The Woodpeckers, absolutely stunning. Well done Eileen.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

The one of the two Pileates on the same tree is the best picture I’ve ever seen of that beautiful bird.

DeniseinVA said...

How wonderful to see the Pileated Woodpeckers. I am always on the lookout for them but haven't seen one in years. We get visits from the Red-headed Woodpeckers every day and I love them. Splendid photos Eileen. Enjoy the rest of your week :)

Angie said...

Eileen - when we lived in northern Ohio, we often saw pairs of Pileated Woodpeckers since we lived on the edge of a large wood. Their size never ceased to shock and please me! Enjoy the rest of your week!

Veronica Lee said...

I love your pecker photos. You've captured them beautifully!

Happy Thursday!

Tom said...

..woodpeckers have always been favorite of mine and Eileen you have a wonderful collection of them today. Thanks for hosting and stay well.

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a happy new week! "What is life but one grand adventure."   Deception Pass State Park, Washington...