Saturday, March 21, 2020

Saturday's Critters #327

Welcome to Saturday's Critters!

If you love all God's creatures like I do and also like to blog about them and take critter photos this is where you can share your critter post. Link up your post and share your critters, join in with my critter party ! You can share any kind of critters the real ones, pretend ones, statues and paintings, a new or old post!

These are birds and wildlife sightings we saw during our last visit to Bombay Hook NWR in Delaware. Below is a Mute Swan.

 We saw lots of Tundra Swans, they are native swans for this area in the winter.

 The Northern Pintails are common ducks seen in the winter at Bombay Hook NWR.

The Belted Kingfisher was one of our first sightings, along with  FOY Tree Swallow. 

 It was a warm sunny day, so it was nice to see the turtles our sunning themselves.

 The Sandhill Crane almost blended in with the grasses.

 This Great Blue Heron was standing not too far off from the Crane.

Thanks to all my visitors and for all the wonderful comments. I appreciate everyone who loves critters and has linked up their post.

Here is a list of my linky parties;


Also visit:  I'd-Rather-B-Birdin. Thanks to the host Anni.


Cloudia said...

Thank you so much for bringing all these old friends to visit me!

Nancy J said...

The Kingfisher, what startled him to have hair on end like that, or is it normal? Stay safe up there, we have more new cases today.

Elkes Lebensglück said...

beautiful pictures of the birds and turtles
I wish you a good time, take good care of yourself and stay healthy!
Greetings Elke

Sussi said...

great photos!

Ella said...

Hello Eileen,

the turtles and the swan are beautiful!
The Belted Kingfisher is also fun ... it needs a comb to straighten the hair! :-)
Wishing you a nice weekend! Stay safe!

Nancy Chan said...

The mute swan is beautiful and elegant. Enjoy your weekend and stay healthy.

Marit said...

Hello Eileen,

Beautiful swans! They are so pretty. The Turtles are looking great.
Happy weekend!

Anu said...

Hello Eileen. Great serie of birds! Tundra swans are wonderful. They are very rare here in Finland.
Have a nice weekend.

Irma said...

Hello Eileen,
These are beautiful series of photos.
I really love the turtles.
Do you want to place my link, in my pictures there are sheep so some animals.
I wish you a good weekend and stay healthy.
Best regards Irma

italiafinlandia said...

Thanks for sharing these lovely views of wilderness...
Have a nice and safe weekend!

NatureFootstep said...

I love the pintails, now I have to visit a place where they might have come. Unless the pond is not spoiled. They cut a lot of trees in the area last year. :(
Lately I realized that your great blue heron is closely related to our grey heron. That is why I always see a grey one when you post a blue. :) Stay safe. I plan to. We want to continue our online friendship :)

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Nice birds! The Mute Swan is so graceful. I have only seen Tundra Swans from a distance.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Ducks are really starting to populate our wetlands and lakes now, and they can travel without fear of COVID-19. Lucky ducks!

chica said...

Tão lindos todos! Fico aqui olhando pra cada um deles e os invejo: eles tem liberdade de voar e ir onde querem,rs..Aqui todos em isolamento social! pelo corona! beijos, saúde! chica

Bill said...

Lovely photos Eileen, he Belted Kingfisher is my favorite, I've never seen one before. I love the look on the top of the head. :) Thanks for sharing, hosting, have a wonderful weekend and stay safe and healthy.

me ann my camera said...

Wow, You have some very lovely photo captures! Turtles even! Your spring season is so much more advanced than ours is!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that swan pic at the beginning is just plain AWESOME! so beautiful and the silly kingfisher made me laugh. looks like he is telling someone what to do and where to go

eileeninmd said...

Thanks Cloudia! Stay safe and healthy, have a happy weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Hello Jean, Most of my sightings of the kingfisher his/hers "hairdo" looked the same. Thanks for the comment! Stay safe and healthy, have a happy weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Hello Elke! Thanks for the comment! Stay safe and healthy, have a happy weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Hello Sussi! Thank you for the comment! Stay safe and healthy, have a happy weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Hello Ella! Thank you for the comment! Stay safe and healthy, have a happy weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Hi Nancy! Thanks for the comment! Stay safe and healthy, have a happy weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Hello Marit! Thank you for the comment! Stay safe and healthy, have a happy weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Hello Anu, the swans a lovely! Thank you for the comment! Stay safe and healthy, have a happy weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Hello Irma, I like the sheep! Thanks for the comment! Stay safe and healthy, have a happy weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Hello Luisella! Thank you for the comment! Stay safe and healthy, have a happy weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Hello Monica, your Grey Heron does look a lot like our Great Blue Heron. Thank you for the comment! Stay safe and healthy, have a happy weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Hello Ken! Thanks for the comment! Stay safe and healthy, have a happy weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Hello David, they are lucky ducks! Thanks for the comment! Stay safe and healthy, have a happy weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Hello Chica! Thanks for the comment! Stay safe and healthy, have a happy weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Hello Bill! Thank you for the comment! Stay safe and healthy, have a happy weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Hello Ann! Thanks for the comment! Stay safe and healthy, have a happy weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Hi Sandra! Thanks for the comment! Stay safe and healthy, have a happy weekend!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
I'm with Sandra - first pic is a real keeper!!! Shots such as these help to keep spirits bouyant - thank you!!! YAM xx

Penelope Notes said...

Aww ... the turtles are so cute! Their shells could easily be mistaken for shiny stones by the shore.

Brian King said...

Beautiful swans! That looks like a great place for birds. Love the GBH!

Tom said...

...Eileen, I finally found the right spot! The turtles are my favorites, it's still a bit too cold here at home to see turtles, they are something to look forward to. Take care.

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Beautiful shots, Eileen. I too really like the turtles. Keep well and stay safe!

Jeanie said...

It looks like a perfect blue-sky day! Love the turtles!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

You could have seen those sightings here in FL this weekend....well, except for the Swan! Beautiful photos! I'm planning to work on some of mine today. I have so many things to do with more time at home. But it's fun to visit my blog buddies too! Take care and thanks for a fun party!

Debbie said...

isn't nature lovely!! much of these i have never seen in the wild. i have never seen a tundra swan, nor the sandhill crane...i'm not sure how you even noticed that!! the turtles are a familiar sight, they sure do love to lay on rocks or sticks and catch some rays!!

i hope you are well, many, many thanks for hosting!!!

Barbara Rogers said...

So great to see your birds and turtles...being out in nature is such a joy.

Rose said...

I could sure use a day out seeing birds! The one place I could go to see swans is now closed due to all that is going on. So will just enjoy yours!

Jo said...

Dear Eileen, I trust you are safe and well. Thank you for sharing these beautiful images and for hosting this meme. I have linked up today. Have a great Saturday. Jo

Tanya Breese said...

Wow everything was out on this day! I was surprised that we didn't see any turtles on our outing Tuesday!

R's Rue said...

Beautiful. Stay safe.

ellen b. said...

Wonderful critters. Love that fuzzy head on that bird! I guess the phrase of the day is Stay safe. I've added to it...Stay safe and keep the Faith! Have a good weekend, Eileen!

eileeninmd said...

Yam, thank you for the nice comment! Wishing you a good day!

eileeninmd said...

Hello, they did look like rocks, shiny rocks since their backs were wet. Thanks so much for the visit and comment. Enjoy your weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Thanks Brian! Have a great weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Thanks Tom! I was surprised you could leave your link on the older post. I appreciate your visit and comment. Have a great weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you, enjoy your weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Thanks Nick! Take care and enjoy your new week!

eileeninmd said...

Thanks Jeanie! It was a great day! I was happy to see the turtles. Take care and enjoy your weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Thanks Diane! I still enjoy my walks, we do not see many people out lately. Take care and enjoy your weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Hi Debbie, nature is lovely! The Tundra Swans are seen along the coast or in the wetlands. Take care and I hope your weekend is great!

eileeninmd said...

Thanks Barbara! Take care and enjoy your weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Hi Rose, it is a shame these places are closing. I would go crazy with cabin fever if I could not go out for a walk. Thanks and enjoy your weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Hello Jo, yes, I am safe and well. I hope the same for you. Thanks for the comment, enjoy your day!

eileeninmd said...

Hello Tanya, it is nice to see the turtles out on the warmer days. Thanks, I hope your weekend is great!

eileeninmd said...

Hi Dee, thanks for the comment. I like the Kingfisher's punky hairdo. Take care and enjoy your weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you! Stay safe, enjoy your day!

eileeninmd said...

Thanks Ellen! Yes, we should all keep the faith. Pray this crazy virus ends soon, stay safe! Hope your weekend is great!

magnoliasntea said...

Love the swans! Have a great weekend!

Phil Slade said...

Good morning Eileen. I hope you are both keeping well and safe. Those turtles made me smile – not a care in the world. Good to see those Pintail and the Sandhill Crane too. The Pintails we see only in the winter along the shore. Thanks for the link-up today and enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Jeanna said...

My theory about the sandhill cranes is their camo feathers are why they're so dang loud! If not seen they will certainly be heard. Another great crop of photos, Eileen, I especially like the turtles and kingfisher. My mother keeps asking about the birds she sees on her balcony, but all I can say is that many of them are very pregnant. Have a great weekend outside.

RedPat said...

Love the hair style on that Kingfisher, Eileen! And I always love to see turtles in the wild!

rupam sarma said...

So beautiful pics.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you, the swans are beautiful birds. Take care, enjoy your weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Phil! I appreciate the comment. Have a great weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Hello, Jeanna
The cranes are loud, so are the geese. I am sure with breeding season, they will be lots of baby birds around. Thanks so much, take care! Enjoy your weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you! I did enjoy seeing the turtles. Take care, have a great weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you, enjoy your day!

Gunilla Teckenberg said...

Thank you Eileen for stopping by!

Ja, jag är ok och även min man men vi tillhör riskgruppen, speciellt min man som inte skulle klara en infektion. Vi bor isolerat här ute och sitter i karantän, sonen har handlat mat åt oss så vi klarar oss ett tag. Tyvärr kan ju detta bli långvarigt men vi tar en dag i sänder.

Ha det så gott och var rädd om dig!

Marie Smith said...

Such a great variety of birds. Love those pintails!

Jenn Jilks said...

I'm so tired, I thought I'd just go with the flow and continue on with my Gramma Camp posts!
Take care.

carol l mckenna said...

Such beautiful and varied nature photography ~ the turtles are still one of my favorites ~ ^_^

Keep calm and be well,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Our photos said...

Very nice ! I like the turtles !

Monica Hein ~ Beauty Diary said...

Such a beautiful picture of nature :) love it!

Following and hugs from NYC

Linda said...

Lovely! The blue water is gorgeous.

Lea said...

Lovely birds!
We never see Swans here, so yes, the first one is my favorite photo today!
Have a blessed day!

Ana Mínguez Corella said...

Very nice pictures... Happy Sunday and week ahead... Take care

Hootin Anni said...

Swans we don't have here. A special treat for me. My favorite, tho, is the silhouette of the kingfisher!

eileeninmd said...

Thanks for visiting Gunilla. Take good care of yourself and your hubby. Enjoy your day, wishing you a great new week!

eileeninmd said...

Thanks Marie! Take care! Enjoy your day, wishing you a great new week!

Marco Luijken said...

Hello Eileen,
Nice shots of nature. It's great to see all these different animals.
The water turtles are very special. So nice!!

Greetings, Marco

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Jenn! Have fun with your grandchildren! Take care! Enjoy your day, wishing you a great new week!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Carol! Take care! Enjoy your day, wishing you a great new week!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you for the comment. Take care! Enjoy your day, wishing you a great new week!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you! Take care! Enjoy your day, wishing you a great new week!

eileeninmd said...

Thanks Linda! Take care! Enjoy your day, wishing you a great new week!

eileeninmd said...

Thanks Lea! I love seeing the Swans! Take care! Enjoy your day, wishing you a great new week!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Ana! Take care! Enjoy your day, wishing you a great new week!

eileeninmd said...

Thanks Anni! Take care! Enjoy your day, wishing you a great new week!

Gardenrelish said...

Hi Eileeninmd, I especially like the turtle photo. We have turtles in the neighborhood pond and they like to sun themselves when the weather is warmer. Thank you for hosting the link up party. Heather

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

What a visit that must have been to see so many wonderful creatures. I saw a Kingfisher just once and was so excited. And those turtles...can't wait now for ours in the pond to emerge; but the last of the ice will have to melt first.

Bob Bushell said...

Great sellection of birds, so well timed.

Ranten said...

Hi Eileen! Here you shows some birds that are also common here in Norway. Unfortunately, we do not have turtles! Wishing you a nice new week!

Anni said...

Thanks for linking in! Your friendship & loyalty to our world's birds are very much appreciated.

Stevenson Q said...

Oh that beautiful Swan!!! I have seen a swan very late in my life, just last December gliding along a river in Amsterdam. It was so beautiful but I was a bit afraid to go near it because it's big! I remember during my early days in blogging about Saturday Critters and I always wished I can join but I don't have a lot of photos of beautiful wildlife here in my city. I won;t give up though :) Stay safe Eileen!

Cavite Daily Photo
Stevenson Que Blog

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

The swans are so elegant.... I always love sharing your visits to Bombay Hook.

Linda W. said...

Great pic of the turtles! Love the swans too. Stay safe and healthy!

Lowcarb team member said...

All such lovely photographs but your first one is my favourite in this post.

All the best Jan

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a happy new week! "What is life but one grand adventure."   Deception Pass State Park, Washington...