Monday, September 21, 2020

Our World, My World

 Happy Monday,

RIP Ruth Bader Ginsberg!! She fought for the equality of all people! She will be dearly missed.  

Fight for the things you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you." Ruth Bader Ginsberg


So here we are, just past the middle of September, it is Warbler time. If you are a birder,  finding the warblers and id-ing them in the fall can be a challenge.  I was lucky to see migrant Warblers in my backyard. They love the berries on the Devils Walking Stick also known as Aralia spinosa. We have several of these trees in our back yard, they can grow 10-15 ft tall, it has sharp spines on the bark, white summer flowers and dark purple berries. 

Below are 3 Cape May Warblers seen in my yard, the top photo may be the juvenile, the middle photo is the female and the bottom photo is the more colorful male Cape May Warbler. These photos were taken on Sept 12 and Sept 15th. 


I am sharing some more of the warblers I saw moving around on the Devil's Walking Stick.
This photo has 3 warblers, if you can find them.

This is a Tennessee Warbler, looking at all those berries. This bird is a vibrant yellow-green,  with a white eyebrow and undertail it also has a sharp bill.

The Northern Parula is a breeder in the forest next to our house, so we can hear and see them all summer.  The Northern Parula has a beautiful yellow throat and breast which is separated by a rufous band. This bird also has white eye arcs. The female is less colorful. 

Another look at the beautiful male Cape May Warbler.


For the bird and nature lovers, many of us are concerned and wondering why hundreds of thousands of migratory birds are being found dead this month in New Mexico. Could it be due to the smoke and all the wildfires? This is a link to an article in the New Times Migrating birds found dead

 I also read on facebook a number of migrating warblers were found dead at Sandy Hook in New Jersey. From the west coast to the east coast, what could be killing all these birds?

This news is so sad, after hearing of past reports that billions of birds are disappearing in the US and Canada. This is an article from Cornell millions of birds are disappearing. In my lifetime 1 in 4 bird species are disappearing. Some people may not care about birds/animals and just say it does not affect me.  I think about the saying "canary in the coal mine".  I think this huge loss of birds is a danger warning. Something needs to be done.


We are hanging in there,  happy and healthy.   I hope everyone is safe, happy and healthy. 

What's happening in your corner of the world? Please check out and visit the following memes and links. I hope to see you there.

Thanks to Angie the host of  Mosaic Monday

Thanks to LadyFi  the host of Our World Tuesday!

Thanks for visiting and commenting, have a happy day and a great new week!



  1. They are all so beautiful! The Northern Parula has such delicate colours.
    I have no words to comment what is happening to wildlife, especially in this moment when only economy counts...
    Is that being human?
    All the best to you for the new week! Take care!

    1. Thank you for the comment.
      The economy is important, but there is so much more the environment and our health.
      Take care, enjoy your day! Have a happy new week!

  2. Hari OM
    Oh I think your coal miner canary thought is very valid, Eileen - if I sit too long pondering what is going on I just end up in a flood of my own making. I can't express the sadness that comes upon me. I know that most individuals within my circle all feel this - and it is beyond me how there can be anyone who thinks it doesn't matter...

    Thank for you for the entertainment of hunting the foliage for the lovely warblers!!! &*> YAM xx

    1. Thank you Yam! We are all in this together and there is no planet B.
      Take care, enjoy your day! Have a happy new week!

  3. Your comments regarding the demise of birds is very timely and should be a warning to all of us. The most practical thing we can do is stop electing politicians who deny science and are ant-environment. In your country, in November, you have a chance to do that. I read the proposed Green New Deal proposed by the progressive wing of the Democratic Party, a modest document, yet it is viewed by so many as an attack on the very structure of your society. If Trump is re-elected to do four more years of damage to the environment, to your society and its institutions, you will have, in full knowledge of the consequences, signed your own death warrant.

    1. Thanks David! Our current leader and administration do not care about the environment.
      I agree totally with the Green New Deal. I can only hope our next election is not fixed and we end up with a leader who cares about ALL of us and the environment. Take care, enjoy your day! Have a happy new week!

    2. Do not think I am unsympathetic for a moment, Eileen, but it staggers me to contemplate that the citizens of what was touted around the world in years past, as the very model for democracy, can now blithely admit that their election may be rigged. And the sad fact remains that Donald Trump was elected in the first place when there was not one iota of doubt about what he stood for from the moment he stepped off that escalator. He started spewing messages of hate from the first words he uttered, his disdain for science and the truth was well known, his high regard for thugs and dictators was demonstrated as he campaigned, yet enough people voted for him to elect him president anyway. And, saddest of all, they may do it again.

  4. Hello Eileen,

    Beautiful photos! The small birds are difficult to find in the foliage. Enjoy your day, and take care!

    1. Thank you Marit! They are tiny birds and can hide easily.
      Take care, enjoy your day! Have a happy new week!

  5. There are many of us who care deeply about the environment and the way that man seems determined to destroy his world. Sometimes it feels like battering my head against a wall. But we mustn't give up.Thanks for visiting me in Greece.

    1. Thanks Phil, I am glad to see my blogging friends seem to care about the environment and our planet.
      Take care, enjoy your day! Have a happy new week!

  6. Observar pássaros é lindo! Belos exemplares aqui! Linda semana! beijos, chica

    1. Thank you Chica!
      Take care, enjoy your day! Have a happy new week!

  7. Such sad news about the deaths of so many birds. It makes be beyond sad!

    I never see warblers. I hope it is that I don’t know where to look.

    1. Hello Marie,
      It is sad to hear of all these bird dying, what is next all our pollinators?
      With all the de-regulations happening, our air, water and land are being poisoned.
      BTW, the warblers are hard to see, they blend in well and move quickly. Thanks for the visit and comment.
      Enjoy your day!

  8. ...but according to Trump, money is more important.

    1. Thank you Tom! Yes, money and power. Have a great day!

  9. Great images considering I know how they flit around. (Yes RBG will be missed)

    1. Thanks Anni!
      Yes, they are quick movers.
      Enjoy your day!

  10. I see the greatest contents on your blog and I extremely love reading them. Music

    1. Thanks so much for the comment and visit.
      Take care and stay safe! Enjoy your day!
      Have a great week ahead.

  11. I firmly believe that all animals and birds and trees and plants MATTER to our planet. we need all of them. anyone who says it doesn't matter is misinformed at the least. I love that plant, the devils walking stick. i looked up to see if humans can eat those berries and it says they are toxic to us, but the birds must love them... those little warblers are in the adorable category to me... i always felt bad for the canaries in the coal mines, i lived in coal country for five years of my life and the thought that the birds died to save the miners broke my heart

    1. Thanks Sandra! The warblers are adorable!
      Take care, enjoy your day!

  12. Hi sorry to hear about birds disappearing. Yes, I hope someone is trying to find out what's going on. Canary in coal mine used to be what I called myself, losing my voice wherever there were chemicals in the air. I don't seem to have it happen these days...perhaps from wearing a mask, or less chemicals, or I just don't go inside many places any more (even doctor's offices would do it if they'd just sprayed to clean things.)

    1. Hello Barbara
      I also have developed a low intolerance for chemical odors. I did not always have allergies and sensitivity to odors, I think it came on during the last 10-15 years. At times, it is hard to pinpoint what the trigger is, it happens more often now. Take care and stay safe! Enjoy your day! Have a great week ahead.

  13. Your birds are lovely. Happy Monday

    "I would like to be remembered as someone who used whatever talent she had to do her work to the best of her ability"
    --Ruth Bader Ginsburg


    1. Thank you Gillena!
      Have a great day and happy week ahead!

  14. The last photo makes me amazed by your carefulness in capturing images of birds that look like they are camouflaged with a bunch of flowers. Exquisite!

    1. Thank you for the nice comment!
      Have a great day!

  15. Such a lovely sunny little yellow bird! Yes, birds are literally dropping from the sky in some places so how can this real occurrence NOT be a warning? Humankind has been unkind to the environment yet many remain oblivious. We need more RBG’s in this world.

    1. Thank you for the comment and visit.
      Yes, we could use more people like RBG in the world.
      Take care, enjoy your day!

  16. How sad to hear about the birds found dead. We don't have many here in FL yet but I'm looking forward to them migrating and returning. We hiked yesterday and saw a nice small flock of the Scrub jays so we were thrilled. There are so few of them left. Enjoy your day!

    1. Thanks Diane!
      I would be thrilled to see a flock of Scrub Jays too.
      Have a great day, happy new week!

  17. I love the word "warbler." It's so evocative of sound and energy.

    I hadn't heard about the migrating birds and that makes me so very sad. These fires are dong such a number on so many things.

    1. Thanks Jeanie!
      Sad times for our country!
      I wish you a happy day and week ahead.

  18. Yes, RIP Ruth Bader Ginsberg. I heard about in our news. She was a icone, I admired her so much.

    ...sad too lost the lovely birds. Wonderful captures. Have a good week.

    Happy MosaicMonday

    1. Thank you Heidrun! RBG was loved and will be missed, she was a hero to many.
      Take care, enjoy your day!

  19. Believe it or not I found the 3 in the one picture before I expanded the view....but the third was a bit hard to find.

    These birds are gorgeous....and I so love the Northern Parula.

    1. Thanks Rose! I have to enlarge the photo to find the 3 birds, my eyes aren't what they used to be.
      Take care, enjoy your day!

  20. Beautiful birds! I'm going to have to look up that plant of yours and see if it's native to our area, certainly brings you a great variety of birds. The smoke and wildfires must be impacting things, I guess it's a season out to the west but it's been worse each year lately? Hopefully, things will tilt back to environmentally friendly policies here and around the world soon. Hope you have a great week!

    1. Hello, Jean
      I hope and pray for the environment friendly policies and administration.
      Take care, enjoy your day!

  21. Hello Eileen
    Beautiful warblers and I managed to identify the three in the foliage!
    Too bad the birds are dying. Something is going on in the world to make that happen. I hope that this phenomenon ends.
    I also loved the other birds.
    Hugs and have a nice week.

  22. I think the canary in the coal mine fits well here. I don't really know what to say that others haven't already said. I fully believe humans are a major problem with nature, but I also understand how the earth itself, has gone through drastic climate changes before humans ever existed. It's a complex mission trying to understand humans and the earth itself. Take care and have a good week.

    1. Thanks Yvonne! Yes, the climate changes have been happening for 1000's of years. But, we seem to be speeding up the changes, the drastic temperature changes and warmer oceans are not good. Take care, enjoy your day and week ahead.

  23. All the little birds are so beautiful and I love the Devil's Walking Stick too. I am so worried about things that have been happening with our environment. Something needs to change and fast, we don't have much time left.

    1. Thanks Martha! Yes, we must be making changes now.
      Take care, have a great week!

  24. Sweet birds and beautiful captures. The birds have been so active around our yard. They've been fun to watch.

    1. Thanks Ellen! I am sure you have some great birds in your yard.
      Take care, enjoy your day and week!

  25. Going from your wonderful pics to the news of so many dead birds was a shock, Eileen. It seems logical that the smoke in the west and the storms in the east could be part of the reason. Stay safe.

  26. So sad about all the birds dying--of what? We need to know and take better care. It is a warning indeed.
    Love all your warblers and the Parula--a new one for me

    1. Thank you MB! The Parula is a beautiful bird!
      Take care, enjoy your day!

  27. The news about all the birds dying is very sad and alarming. With all those fires, the climate is obviouly changing and changing faster than what was predicted just a few years ago. I only hope for the best knowing that it could be too late. People just don't seem to care. Even wearing masks during a pandemic is an issue, can you beieve it. On a brighter note, I love your photos and writings about what you see. Take care, stay safe and enjoy your day.

    1. Thanks Bill! I have to shake my head at those who refuse to wear a mask. I wonder if they are wearing seat belt, they also protect their lives. Take care, enjoy your day and week ahead.

  28. The Cape May is a lovely little thing isn't he? I love sitting out back and watching all the birds, identifying and looking up some if I'm not familiar. Have a blessed week
    Dawn aka Spatulas On Parade

    1. Thank you Dawn! I am always pulling out my warbler field guide, the fall warbler look so different.
      Take care, enjoy your day!

  29. Replies
    1. Thank you so much for the visit and comment.
      Take care, enjoy your day and week ahead.

  30. Such pretty little birds and you've captured some great pictures.
    So sad about all the birds dying.

    1. Thank you Karen!
      It is sad to hear of those birds dying.
      Take care, enjoy your day and week ahead.

  31. The songbird population has collapsed. Unfortunately we can identify a few problems. what do we do about climate change?

    1. Thanks Red! I think we need to use a more green renewable energy and less fossil fuels. Carbon emissions need to be reduced. The New Green Deal in the USA would be the way to go. Take care, enjoy your day and week ahead.

  32. I am a bird lover and watcher, but I am not well schooled on the types of birds. I need to do more reading about local birds here in Pennsylvania. Thank you for bringing it to our attention about the birds dying. I had no idea and it is so sad and truly a concern. I wonder if it is from all the smoke? Thanks for a very interesting post.

    1. Hello Judee
      Pennsylvania has most of the same birds I see here in Maryland. Maybe a few different birds depending on which part of the state you are living in. It is sad to hear all these birds are dying, I am very sad. Take care and enjoy your day!

  33. Beautiful birds you found there. I have a feeling that there are lots of birds here, that I just don't see! My loss.
    The depopulation of birds is very disturbing. I've read that could a harbinger of bad things to come for us as well.

    1. Thank you Alan! I am worried about the bad things to come.
      Take care and enjoy your week!

  34. Lovely photos. It breaks my heart to read about die offs. Humans are part of the web of life. We're not immune to what's happening.

    1. Thank you Kay! I hope they find out the reason for these birds dying.
      But, they are also saying insects are dying off too We depend on and need all the pollinators.
      Take care, enjoy your day and week ahead.

  35. Those warblers are so precious!

    I heard about the thousands of dead birds in New Mexico and Southern Colorado. There was a thought that both the sudden frost and snow Colorado had and the wildfire smoke may have affected them? It's so sad. This administration could care less. It doesn't care about keeping people healthy why would it worry about birds? So depressing. So sad for RBG....women's rights might be turned back now and her legacy destroyed.

    1. Thank you Pat! There could be multiple reasons for the death.
      Smoke and lack of food, they need the food and energy for their migration.
      RBG will be missed, she was a hero for women and equality for all.
      Take care, enjoy your day and week ahead.

  36. How sad to hear that so many birds are dying like that. Poor wee things.
    I enjoyed playing Hunt The Warblers - it took a little while but I found them all.
    Stay safe and be happy :)

    1. Thanks for the comment and visit.
      I am glad you could find the warblers.
      Take care, enjoy your day!

  37. Rest in peace Ruth Bader Ginsberg _()_
    Thanks for the post and beautiful bird pics.
    Have a nice week ahead.

    1. Thanks so much for the comment.
      Have a great week!

  38. It's terrible to read that so many birds are dying and are no longer there. Climate change, I don't understand that some people think it doesn't exist. Every year it becomes more massive with our world. Thanks for the links.
    An admirable strong woman has gone forever, what will happen now with all the laws that she has fought for women, I ask myself!
    Nice your bird photos in this berry, every day enjoy that the birds are still there. Who knows what the future will bring us.
    Have a happy day
    Take care of yourself and stay healthy and safe, Elke

    1. Hello Elke,
      I expect the laws to be overturned and changed back to what they were 50 years ago.
      We are going back in time! Thanks for the comment and visit.
      Take care, have a great week!

  39. I love warblers. Warblers in your place look colorful, while Japanese bush warblers are not so colorful even when they are male. They are shy, come for insects when trees are thick with foliage. So sad to hear so many deaths of migrating birds and disappearance of species. Many people worldwide are aware that something drastic must be done before the tipping point of climate change, but sadly no credible leadership in spite of individual attitudes and efforts.


    1. Thank you Yoko!
      The warblers are colorful tiny birds. We do need change and we need it now.
      Take care, enjoy your week!

  40. Wonderful shots - but so sad about all the birds dying. I can't believe we are not tackling climate change with the same force as COVID-19.

    1. Hello,
      Thanks for the comment. I wish our country was tackling COVID, now it is more like it magically disappeared. Over 200,000 Americans have died here, how many more? Take care, enjoy your day and week ahead.

  41. Wonderful photos of this cute little bird.
    I am always excited about your art to photograph so beautifully!
    My contribution

  42. I love these photos. Such beautiful birds. Disappearing species is a huge loss and so devastatingly sad. Take care.


    1. Thank you Soma!
      Yes, it is sad to have all these birds die.
      Have a great day and happy week!

  43. We are surrounded by sad news these day. The situation in my country is quite bad just now, the covid-19 is out of control and our leadership seems totally helpless to deal with it. We desperately need a Ruth Bader Ginsberg just now.

    1. Thank you Amalia.
      Our country has over 200,000 people die from Covid, it is not under control here either.
      Take care and stay safe!
      Have a great week!

  44. Hi Eileen,
    What beautiful pictures of the Cape May Warblers.
    They are perfectly photographed, my compliments.
    So much that the birds are all dying, I think it is because of the forest fires, the smoke contains a lot of harmful substances.
    Greetings Irma

    1. Thank you so much Irma!
      Take care and have a great week!

  45. Lovely capture of the tiny birds from your backyard! And of course it makes me sad to know the loss of birds and I too believe every species on earth is connected to each other to make this place liveable but man taking priority takes full advantage of everything and destroys rather protecting.

  46. We've been seeing many more warblers in our yard too. They are so beautiful!

    1. Thank you Vera!
      The Warblers are beautiful!
      Take care, enjoy your day!

  47. i read this yesterday, and got pulled away by a phone call!! your warblers are so pretty, is it the berries bringing them to your yard, or would you be seeing them anyway?? i was able to find the 3 warblers, i would have missed them if i did not know they were there!!

    it is so sad about the decline in and deaths of the bird population. we are not doing what we could to solve this problem. it is good you bring attention to it here!!

    beautiful images today!!

    1. Hello,
      The Warblers do love these berries, it helps having our home next to the forest.
      There are some subjects that I really care about and feel are important.
      Take care, enjoy your day and week ahead.

  48. This may be a repeat but your nature photography is always excellent and divine feathered friends ~ love them!

    Live each moment with love,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. Thank you Carol!
      I appreciate your visits and comment.
      Take care,enjoy your day!

  49. I know that I commented on this post before because I love the background of the Cape May Warblers..Makes a great picture..So. this is a test..Will my comment go thru this time??

    1. Thanks Missy,
      Your comment worked, I appreciate your visit too.
      Take care,enjoy your day!

  50. It's been quite a time, hasn't it?
    I was so busy this weekend. I haven't thought about RBG. Amazing lady.
    When a Jewish person dies, you're supposed to say “May her memory be a blessing” rather than RIP, as Jews don't believe in the afterlife. I learned that on Twitter!

    1. Thank you Jenn!
      I have seen signs wishing her "Rest in Power"
      Take care,enjoy your day!

  51. Lovely to see the warblers here, great photographs.
    Enjoy your week.
    Stay safe and well.

    All the best Jan

  52. How pretty those Warblers are... and amongst the berries, they make delightful photos Eileen xx

    1. Thank you Sue,
      The birds do look pretty mixed in with the berries.
      Take care,enjoy your day!

  53. Eileen - now I know why I am not a good birder - I could only find two of the three birds you say are in that bush!!! Glorious pictures of the warblers.

    How can anyone say "this does not affect me"? I am tired of reminding people that we only have one planet to live on, and it is getting sicker and sicker. People need to vote for the environment this fall - who cares if we have an economy if we have no planet to live on?

    Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!

    1. Thank Angie,
      The birds are tiny and they blend in well with their surroundings.
      Yes, the economy is important but our planet earth is much more important.
      Take care,enjoy your day!

  54. RGB left an amazing legacy. I was greatly saddened when I heard the news but she was incredible in this life. I loved her spirit. Great photos as always Eileen. So very enjoyable! Happy day to you.

    1. Thanks Denise,
      RBG was amazing, a hero to many of us,
      Take care,enjoy your day!

  55. Losing so many birds is disheartening. A wake up call for sure.

  56. Thank you for visiting and for the comment.
    Take care, enjoy your day!

  57. Hi Eileen, beautiful photos of these lovely birds. Greetings Caroline

  58. Buena vista amiga. Se esconden bien enttre las plantas.Lindos pájaros.
    Buen otoño Eileen. Cuidaros.
    Un abrazo.

  59. Hi Eileen. Bill and I at the same as you two I think, except older ! Feeling sad about the same things as you but hanging in there and trying ) to find the joy in he everyday .(usually we succeed in spite of everything). Thanks for all you do!

    1. Hello Sallie,
      Yes, we must all continue to find the joy every day.
      Take care, enjoy your day!


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Have a happy day, Eileen

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Smell the sea and feel the sky. Let your soul and spirit fly. " TCI resort, T...