Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Marshy Point Watery Wednesday and Outdoor Wednesday

That's My World post now follows this Watery Wednesday post.

Marshy Point is a waterfront nature center on the bay. A few weeks ago hubby and I went for a walk on the trails. It was a drizzly day so my photos are not the best. I was hoping to see some different ducks in the water closeby. As far as seeing ducks, I think I went too early in the season. I did see some Canada Geese, Mallard ducks and a couple of Mute Swans. One Grebe disappeared by taking a dive and then I couldn't find it again. Oh well next time.

I did see some interesting fungi, to me it is actually pretty. I found it growing on the logs that were along the edge of the trail. Anyone know the name please let me know. It think it was really cool looking with pretty colors.

To see more great Outdoor Wednesday photos Please click on my sidebar link. or visit Susan at Outdoor Wednesday at A Southern Daydreamer

To see more great Watery Wednesday photos please click on the link on my sidebar. Thanks for stopping by my blog and a special thanks to 2sweetnsaxy for hosting Watery wednesday.


  1. Hi Eileen,
    Great shots!!!
    Enjoy your Watery Wednesday

  2. i would settle for the fungi which looked exotic and beautiful in their natural habitat. Very good shots.

  3. I find birds very uncooperative. I saw a spotted towhee this morning but he hid before I could raise my camera.

  4. It's a kind of bracket fungus. I think it might be Trametes versicolor, otherwise known as Turkey Tail.
    Shame about missing the ducks. :(

  5. I like the fungi and the wood and leaves together also..


  6. I love your mosaic and nature photographs ;-)
    Hugs and blessings,

  7. It's autumn at it's fullest. Here it's gone so I'm living in a photo archive land now. Take the most of your time to enjoy the fall and take care.

  8. Beautiful collage. I love the fungi shots.

  9. Hi Eileen, I have seen those fungi in our garden, but don't know the exact name. I know a variety of that which are edible and similar to that but I'm not really sure. Nice photos.


  10. Eileen, your blog has full of information, cause I am no birder. But I love to photograph them when given a chance. I need first a better lens and patience. Hehehe!
    Those fungi are well captured!

  11. I second the thought that the fungus might be turkey tail or something similar. I, too, have been noticing fungi lately, especially when the birds aren't cooperating!

  12. I enjoyed the walk through the nature center with you. I like the mosaic and the pictures sof the fungi. Unfortunately I can't help you with the identification.

  13. I like the fungi, too, but I don't know what kind it is. Nice shoats, and really nice collage!

  14. I think it is an edible fungi I remember seeing that in the market in the Philippines..

    OT: The whale sharks are friendly and you can ride on top of them while they swim..

  15. Love your photos!!!
    Excellent "My World" post!

  16. Great minds think alike...you and I. My O W is also a nearby marshland with waterfowl and Autumn colors...and a surprise L N Monster visit!!!

    Come by and see

  17. Your pictures are pretty and interesting...Happy watery Wednesday.

  18. Great shots, I am so interested with those beautiful fungi..

    I explored the Jogging trail this time.

  19. One would gladly give the small finger being able to fly into one of your pictures.
    A wonderful Wednesday for you.

  20. These are just gorgeous photos to see!

  21. Your photos are all wonderful, Eileen. I really like the way you did your mosaic, its beautiful.
    Have a nice day.

  22. You take really beautiful photos. The fungi is pretty - or at least you make it pretty. I'm not sure I could do that. So glad you're sharing all the outdoors with us.

  23. Those Funghi are amazing. They sure make up for the missing birds :)

  24. Hello, Eileen, I was raised in Maryland, so I feel as if I "almost" know you! Thanks for sharing these beautiful shots.

  25. You featured a different outdoors today and it was enjoyable. A very nice job and post.

  26. Great photos. Sorry - can't help with the name of the fungi.

  27. Eileen, I find these fungi just fascinting! Loved seeing this.

    Happy OW...


    Sheila :-)

  28. i also love taking photos of fungi, in different textures and colors. great shots.

  29. Hi Eileen, those are priceless photos.

  30. What wonderful photos. The fungi look like monstrous scales on the tree trunk. Have a great Outdoor Wednesday.

  31. The fungi looks like frosted pine cones, how cool!

  32. As a child I was almost scared of those fungi. Now I see it's beauty.

  33. birds are very uncooperative.. agreed.. especially when they come flying up under your horse and send you and him going "9-0" to the side :)

    gorgeous shots tho...
    well done

  34. Thanks for taking us on your walk. I like the fungi too. I find most of nature attractive.
    Mama Bear

  35. Thanks for your kind words at my blog! Lovely collage!

  36. I can really feel your love for the outdoors through these photos.

  37. Your pictures are splendid... the mosaic is great! I have enjoyed stopping by and scrolling down to see your posts and side bar photos. All so interesting!

    Kindly, ldh

  38. Those are great shots!!!I love nature and that 'fungi'.Love your Blog I'll be following it.
    Thank you for your kind note on my Blog..... :-)

  39. These are really nice shots. I really like the fungi, they are quite pretty. Thanks for stopping by. We were so excited to see the white pelicans, usually just see the brown ones on the Texas coast. Have a great week. Kathy

  40. all geese has left Sweden by now. It feels a bit empty actually. Even if they are quite disturbing sometimes.

  41. This was a great way to use your fungi photos. :)

  42. neat pictures of the fungi! Your pictures capture the detail.

  43. oooh. love the pic with the growths on the trees!!


    barbara jean

  44. Eileen those fughi are actually pretty --they look like lace ruffles.
    Happy Outdoor Wednesday!

  45. I once took pictures of the same type of fungus - it IS really beautiful.

  46. You certainly do have some interesting photos! I read down a few to get a feel for your blog, I love your photography. My hubby and I take nature photos everywhere we go. Our favorite place is a dam where the American Pelicans spend the summer. They are so fun to watch. I LOVED your Eagle photos.
    Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a sweet comment. Hugs, Cindy S.

  47. Your pictures are so beautiful, I really like the mosaics. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  48. Fungi can come in al diffrent kind of color and shapes. Intressting to see.

    And the Egelsa are so divine.

    Cedar Waxwings - with a nice Hat on!

    Eastern bluebirds I am happy for you that you did have them nesting at your place.


  49. Hello Eileen,

    Thank you for visiting me at Ms. Bake-it! I love your nature shots. Great mosaics. I especially love your header with all the birds. I too like fungi and think it is very interesting and usually take pictures of it when I come across it in my walks.

    Thank you for sharing with us today.

    ~ Tracy

  50. Hi Eileen,
    I noticed the fungi in the first shot it was in, from a wider view. It does have a beauty of its own. I enjoyed your other photos, too.

    Nell, from Secrets of a Seedscatter just did a post where she talked about lichens, I think. I am not educated about those things, but I'm thinking maybe lichens are a kind of fungus? Well, you might be interested in checking out her post. I think the name of the post was, "British Soldiers" or something like that.

    Thanks for visiting my SkyWatch post.

  51. Great shots! Thanks for stopping by and commenting on the camellia pictures. They are in a friend's yard and I thought they were gorgeous. We are having a wet and cool fall and that must be good for them. Blessings.

  52. Liked your mosiac very much! The fungi is quite interesting...nature really is weird and wonderful at the same time!

  53. I think fungi is pretty too! And I LOVE your header collage!!

  54. Beautiful fungi shots! Thanks for stopping by.8~)

  55. Howdee Eileen..
    looks like turkey tail..has medicinal uses.


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