Monday, November 23, 2009

Centennial Lake walk..That's my world

Two weekends ago we had mild weather and it was great weather for taking a walk. So we drove to Centennial Lake to enjoy our walk. I go for the birding and the walking and hubby just likes the great outdoors and hiking.

The Centennial park is 337 acres which includes the 54 acre man-made lake. You can run, walk, jog, bike or bird your way around the lake on the 2.6 mile paved pathway. There is plenty of wildlife to be seen and on the day we were there we saw  Canada Geese, Great Egret, Great Blue Heron, Mallard Ducks, Ruby Crowned Kinglets, Golden Crowned Kinglets, Chickadees, Nuthatches, unidentified hawk, Cardinals and Titmouse. It was warm enough that the turtles were lined up on the logs sticking out of the lake.

The lake is stocked with fish and there are rental boats. The park also has 9 picnic pavilions available.
Thanks for visiting my blog and to see more of    That's my world  photos and entries please click on my link. Thanks to the hosting team of Sandy, Wren, Louise, Sylvia, Fishing Guy, and Klaus.


My name is Riet said...

Such beautiful pictures. Wat a wonderful place

Samson said...

Its such a Beautiful place Eileen, photo with the bridge is superb.. very well composted

Happy Thanksgiving :)

Joe Todd said...

I have photos and collage very similar to your post (minus the crane) of the Wahkeena Nature Preserve. Great post and photos as always. Next week I've got an unusual wetland post.

Diane AZ said...

Such beautiful trees and birds at the lake. Thanks for the enjoyable tour!

Janie said...

This looks like a beautiful place to walk and enjoy the wildlife.

Snap said...


What a wonderful place -- and man made! Loved all the photos. Thanks for taking us with you.

Sylvia K said...

What a lovely place! And what a delightful tour you've taken us on!

Have a great week!


Ebie said...

Lovely scenery, this is my kind of place just to wander and enjoy nature's beauty.

Pretty photos, too!

Martha Z said...

This looks like a wonderful place to spend some time with natue.

Sally in WA said...

Lovely pictures of the lake and wildlife. I don't recall that lake from when I lived and worked in the area.

~Cheryl said...

Great series of photos of a great walk! Those turtles are cute; the reflections are marvelous!

Japa said...

Very engrossing place to do some great beautiful birdwatching. I presume, walking the wide expanse offered by the park is a good choice too. You must have had a good time in the place, what with the beautiful photos spread here. Very, very nice part of your world.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Eileen: That does sound like a great place to walk. I enjoyed you lake photos and the Great Egret.

Gwendolyn L said...

What a great way to enjoy our good weather. I enjoyed looking at your collection of pics from the weekend. Thanks for sharing.

ellen b. said...

What a beautiful place to walk...with a camera :0)
Your mosaic is lovely....

deb said...

Love cranes! What a wondertful mosaic. Nature at it's finest!
Happy Thanksgiving!

NicoleB Egypt said...

That looks like a great place to have a walk and watch the wildlife that seems to be there in abundance!
Glad you had such nice weather!

penny said...

Centennial Lake Park seem to have everything you need to enjoy a day there. My hubby and I would love to rent a boat and go fishing.

Have a great day, Eileen.

marina said...

Eileen, you take such beautiful photos!!!!!!!

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...