Sunday, November 1, 2009

Eastern Bluebirds Mosaic

I have been lucky to have a pair of Eastern bluebirds nest in my birdhouse every summer for the last couple of years. I have made my mosaic of my Bluebird couple and some of their young juvies. The Bluebirds are one of my favorite birds, they are so pretty. I hope you enjoy!

Please click for  larger viewing

Here are a few single photos of my Bluebirds.

The proud daddy

Momma and Poppa

Daddy and a juvie

Also you can see more nature photos at Nature Notes @ Rambling Woods

To see more great mosaics visit Mary at Mosaic Monday at Little Red House
Thanks to Mary for hosting and to you for stopping by my blog.


ellen b said...

Oh my. What fabulous photos of these sweet birds. Love it and I love your mosaic! Happy MM to you...

Ebie said...

Lovely images of your birdies! I wish I have the opportunity to go birding!

Anonymous said...

What beautiful pictures of the precious little birds! Your mosaics are beautiful!
be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Carol said...

Beautiful birds! I enjoyed your mosaic!

A New England Life said...

Beautiful, really beautiful. I hope to one day live someplace where I can enjoy Bluebirds. Such lovely birds. Nice mosaic Eileen.

Mary said...

Oh, they are so beautiful!!! Thanks so much for sharing your lovely images at MM. :)

Jeanne said...

These are absolutely beautiful. Thanks so much for sharing them. I love bluebirds too!

Squirrel said...

Great photo's Eileen!!

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

How nice to see bluebirds up close and personal. Thank you for sharing your photos.

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

I love these bird shots!!!

Yvonne @ StoneGable said...

You caught so much personality in the birds! Beautiful!

My Slice of Heaven said...

Wow, your pictures are just beautiful! Anita

SavoringTime in the Kitchen said...

How I would love to see a bluebird in person one day! Beautiful mosaic!


Wildflowerhouse said...

What great photo's. I love the one of poppa and the baby. So precious. Sharon

sweetbay said...

We have Bluebirds too and I love to watch them. They are such beautiful birds and I love their song and calls. These are fantastic photos!

Carole said...

I can see why they are your favorites. I so enjoy our yellow finches and though I often don't know the names of birds I'm lucky to have a husband who does!

Anonymous said...

Lovely, lovely, lovely photos!


Unknown said...

Awesome bird photos! Those bluebirds are darling!

Happy Fall Daze...
~Really Rainey~

Regina said...

Hello Eileen. Truly love and amazing capures.
Great mosaic.

Have nice week.


ch said...

So pretty! What great shots!
thank you for sharing these

Marsha said...

They are such pretty birds and you are so lucky to host this family. I wish I could get them to my yard but have never seen them :)

Gorgeous photos and wonderful mosaic!

Gardening in a Sandbox said...

Terrific pictures of bluebirds.

Deb said...

Beautiful images and mosaic of such a lovely bird!

Anonymous said...

These are so beautiful, and you are lucky to be able to see them raise their young. We have the Mountain Bluebird here - such a joy to see.

Have a wonderful Monday!

Brenda Pruitt said...

They are the most beautiful birds! Where I now live, they've been coming to nest in the corner birdhouse the whole five years I've been here. Such magnificent colors I've never seen before!

Marice said...

those are lovely birds! thanks much for sharing!

u may view mine if u have time

HappyK said...

I love bluebirds too and your pictures are fantastic!!

storyteller at Sacred Ruminations said...

How colorfully lovely ;-)
I wish we had a more varied bird population where I live but I appreciate you sharing your beautiful photos and mosaic! Sorry to be visiting so late ... the day just got away from me!
Hugs and blessings,

Rambling Woods said...

How wonderful to be able to watch blue birds growing up. I would love that....I think of them when I see the HOSP in the yard and the challenges that blue birders have with the house sparrows... Michelle

bBchronicles said...

Your BIRD mosaic is WONDERFUL - I will truly miss them this winter. Thanks for sharing.

Inday said...

Oh, they're all adorable. You're blessed.

Bob Bushell said...

I have not seen that bird before, but it gets the grade. Very good Eileen.

DoanLegacy said...

That's a beautiful mosaic! I love those bird photos.

Janie said...

Your bluebirds are beautiful! We see only western or mountain bluebirds here.

Amanda Moore said...

Eileen, you blue bird mosaic is lovey beautiful work!

Anne Higgins said...

Glad to meet you on Facebook!

Your photos of your Bluebird family are wonderful.

I don't have a great camera for photographing birds, but I so enjoy watching them.

Check out my blog:

Anne Higgins

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I love to watch the birds at my bird feeder. I never had a bluebird visit. Your photos are great! Love your mosaic!

NatureFootstep said...

it is strange how beautiful a bird can be. And you are fortunate to have them so close. :)

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Eileen: I love Bluebirds but seldom see them in Ohio.

Kilauea Poetry said...

Goodness, these are so precious and you did such a fine job in capturing them. I'm really enjoying these! Thanks for sharing!

jabblog said...

What gorgeous little birds.

Kerri Farley said...

Oh Eileen....I LOVE LOVE LOVE bluebirds. I never seem to get close enough to get a good shot though. These are FABULOUS!

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a happy new week! "What is life but one grand adventure."   Deception Pass State Park, Washington...