Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Woodpeckers for Bird Photography Weekly


Woodpeckers are another of my favorite birds. I am lucky to see the Pileated, Hairy, Downy and the Redbellied Woodpeckers in my yard and neighborhood. I also see the Northern Flicker and in the winter time the YellowBellied Sapsucker. The Redheaded woodpecker I have to travel to see, I am envious of my sister who has them visit her yard and lives just miles to the north. At least I can see them and I did get to see some great Redheaded woodie sightings at the JugBay Sanctuary.

                                      Yellowbellied Sapsucker

Male RedBellied Woodpecker

Redheaded Woodpeckers

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diane b said...

They make me smile. I can't help thinking of the cartoons with Woody Wood Pecker. They look so intent on wood pecking. I like the ones with red heads.

Carol said...

Great photos! Lucky you a redheaded woodpecker!! I am smiling too! Carol

My name is Riet said...

Your photo's are beautiful. I have never seen a woodpecker so I am happy I saw a redheaded one on your photo's.

Pam said...

Those are awesome shots of the woodpeckers. We have one that lives in a tree in our backyard, but he doesn't like us to get near him.

DoanLegacy said...

Beautiful mosaic and fantastic pictures of the birds!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

You are lucky to have seen a red head woodpecker Ellen! So beautiful! I love the sound they make when they are pecking away on a sounds like soemeone knocking. :-)

Monika said...

Hmmm....I wonder why they call it a red-bellied woodpecker? Am I missing something, or does it not have a red belly?

Rural Writer said...

I love woodpeckers too. They're just a neat looking bird. Great photos as usual.

Also want to let you know I nominated you for a BEST BLOG AWARD.

You can read about it at Rural Ramblings.


betty-NZ said...

Woodpeckers are such lovely birds! I wish there were some in our garden! Terrific photos you have. Thanks for sharing.

LV said...

Loved your woodpecker post. I think they are an interesting bird. We have some big nice ones around once in awhile. Was nice seeing the different kind.

Diane AZ said...

You've captured those woodpeckers so well, they are always a challenge for me. The redheaded ones look quite striking.

EcoRover said...

Very nice--red shafted flickers are among my favorite birds. But what a variety you have photographed!

Gillian Lee said...

Oh, I must share your blog with my friends in the Ozark Trails Missouri Master Naturalists. I just finished my classwork there and made Intern. I've met a great group of ladies, called the Girlie Birders, whose passion (obviously) are birds. Your photos are just magnificent!

RA said...

Wow, what a beautiful bird. I love the colors. Have a wonderful week :)

Maria Berg said...

I have seen a common woodpecker here where I live but only twice in 2 years time - I guess I am not out looking to the so often.

I happy you have seen so many different one and that you have taken photos so we can see them too, thank you.

Maria Berg

ninja said...

Wow, cool! There were plenty of those black & red ones in the forest next to the house were I used to live. Now it's just pigeons in my yard.

Janean said...

i don't like these critters on my HOUSE, but they're beautiful!

Anonymous said...

You have more than I have. I don't have the Pileated Woodpecker but saw it across the street once and got a picture of that. I have never seen the red-headed one here.


What a lot of wonderful nature shots!!

Unknown said...

Please come visit to get an Award from me...

Chris Petrak said...

Love the woodpeckers!

Janie said...

Wow, you had a lot of varied woodpeckers in your neighborhood. Great photos of them!

NatureFootstep said...

you have a lot to woodpeckers :)
We don´t have those you show here so, nice to see.

benikos place said...

Fantastic shots!!!!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Eileen: You sure get a wide variety of woodpeckers, how lucky.

EG CameraGirl said...

Woodpeckers are fun to watch. Hairy woodpeckers and downies are regulars in my yard, but I'm jealous that you have a pileated, which I have to wlk in the forest to see.

Angel.Pearls said...

Really like your photos of the woodpeckers! Love//Eva

Gill - That British Woman said...

what super photos Eileen, you are so lucky to see so many varieties of Woodpecker's.

Gill in Canada

Three Rivers, Michigan said...

The readheadeds here (MI) are very shy and wary of people - it's great that you have a nearby place where you can see them!

Three Rivers Daily Photo

Forgetfulone said...

Your photography is amazing! And what pretty birds!

mick said...

Nice photos of a bird we don't get down here.

storyteller said...

Wonderful photos and 'woodpecker' mosaic ... your post reminds me of my brother who once made a woodpecker door-knocker out of wood in his high school shop class. I dropped by to let you know I've left you a little something at Sacred Ruminations today.
Hugs and blessings,

Nicole said...

I envy you for being able to see all them little Beauties :D!
Lovely shots.
Woodpeckers always make me smile!

Country Girl said...

I love woodpeckers and these are quite nice.

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Fascinating! Enjoyed my visit with you.


Sheila :-)

Anonymous said...

I love woodpeckers, too. You have a nice variety to show. I don't see the red-headed that often, and they are quite striking.

Bob Kaufman said...

Wow!, that's a good variety of Woodpeckers!

Anonymous said...

Woodpeckers are just great! And some nice shots here, Eileen!!

Kelly said... your Yellow-bellied Sapsucker. I only saw one last winter. Hope to catch another this winter. I also have to travel to see the Red-headed Woodpecker.

Larry Jordan said...

Eileen you are so lucky to get this many woodpecker species in your yard. I love woodpeckers and have put up feeders for them just this last year. My favorite shot is the Red-bellied Woodpecker eating the suet.

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a happy new week! "What is life but one grand adventure."   Deception Pass State Park, Washington...