Monday, November 9, 2009

The Susquehanna River Eagles..That's My World

During the winter months the eagles show up in large numbers at the Susquehanna river below the dam. This past Sunday hubby and I had to go and see them.

There had to be at least a hundred of them in the sky, in the trees and on the rocks. They were everywhere we looked. This is a good chance to see the juvenile Eagles at various stages.

Some we could see were starting to get their white heads, some were the first year Eagles. I am amazed to see them fish and interact with each other.

We also saw a lot of Cormorants, Black Vultures and Turkey Vultures and Great Blue Heron. We try to visit the Eagles at the Susquehanna River a few times a year maybe more. This is part of my world here in Maryland.
To see more shots from around the world please click on my link on the sidebar.
Thanks to the hosting team of  Klaus, Sandy, Wren, Louise, Sylvia and Fishing Guy.
Also thanks for checking out my blog.



Sylvia K said...

How fantastic to be able to see such a wonderful sight! In person!! Marvelous captures, Eileen! Thanks for sharing the beauty!

Have a great week!


Anonymous said...

I'm envious that you've found such a great spot to watch eagles! Cormorants, turkey vultures and great blue herons I know where to look for but eagles are yet a mystery!

Samson said...

Hi Eileen,

I'm sure you had a great time watching these beautiful birds.... nice photo's, especially the 4th one, that's a lovely shot

Have a great week ahead :)

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I'm so glad that the eagles are beginning to come back to nature so well. It's so good to see so many all at once! Nice photos!

sweetbay said...

Wow, what an amazing sight. We saw Bald Eagles when we went birdwatching at Jordan Lake near Durham, NC, but never in those numbers.

allhorsestuff said...

This was fantastic to see! I can tell I will be learning tons about birds here..your blog is lovley!

Martha Z said...

What a wonderful place to go birding. We hope to get to some of the wetlands an hour south of us but life keeps getting in the way.

Ebie said...

Hi Eileen, you have one great place to see these birds. Very nice captures. Here, the only place I could them is by the beach.

You have a wonderful world to share with us!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh Eileen..what a treat and I like the mosaic to see all the birds. I would love to see eagles

Marites said...

gee, i remember when we were on travel and we saw an eagle flying overhead our resort. We went into panic mode to get our camera. How much more if there're a hundred of them?! I'd be stupified LOL! Lovely captures! i'd love to see them all for real.

Barb said...

Hi Eileen, I lived for a year in Havre de Grace, MD - I ran through the grounds at the Veterans Hospital across the river at Perryville and often saw eagles perched in the tall trees. However, it's amazing that you saw so many. Your in-flight captures are wonderful. Your Header is beautiful, too.

Lew said...

Great shots and a wonderful spot to bird watch!

My name is Riet said...

Such great pictures. How wonderful you could see the birds from so near.

Janice / Dancing with Sunflowers said...

Wonderful to see so many eagles in one place - especially for a birder like yourself. The 4th photo is a real coup! Well done!

Marsha said...

How very wonderful to see these majestic birds so up close. Great mosaic!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Eileen: Thanks for sharing your neat trip, loved the eagle snatching the fish. I would love to see eagles, I went a couple of times to places they are know to stay but my timing was way off, maybe next year.

storyteller said...

Thanks so much for sharing these wonderful photos of birds in flight with us. I enjoyed them all and your marvelous mosaic too! Hope you're having a delightful day ;-)
Hugs and blessings,

Della said...

That is so nice with all the birds.

George said...

I'm envious of you for being able to see such a large number of eagles. Your pictures are wonderful.

Anonymous said...

It is so good to see so many healthy, happy eagles. No wonder you love to visit them regularly.

My grandparents lived in Pennsylvania, and I could see the Susquehanna River in the distance from their front porch. I feel a kinship with those eagles, knowing that same river is nurturing them.

puna said...

I'm from a little town called Susquehanna believe it or not:)

Carolyn Ford said...

Wow! fortunate to be able to view them like this! Beautiful captures of such amazing birds.

Corner Gardener Sue said...

Wow, what a blessing to experience seeing all those eagles and their environment! Thanks for sharing the photos. They are awesome!

Oman said...

awesome action shots. i know how hard to do that coz it requires patience to shoot these shots. thanks for sharing. :)

Happy Monday!

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