Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Wood Duck

To see more great Bird Photography Weekly go to Bird Photographyly weekly

I think the Wood Duck is one of the prettiest ducks. Their colors almost seem to be painted on them. This duck was seen at the National Zoo in DC during my last visit there.

Thanks for stopping by my blog and checking out my Wood Duck.
For more great outdoor photo you can also go and visit Susan at Outdoor Wednesday

.  To see more Watery Wednesday photos visit 2sweetnsaxy at Watery Wednesday


Tammie Lee said...

yes, wood ducks are quite beautiful and your photos show their artful beauty!

Jim said...

Exactly like the three duck sculptures my mother had hanging on her hallway wall, when I was a child.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

storyteller at Small Reflections said...

I agree ... the coloring of Wood Ducks is extraordinary! Lovely photos as always ;-)
Hugs and blessings,

ninja said...

Truly a beauty! And greatly captured!

Martha Z said...

Oh, he's so beautiful. I've photographed wood ducks but I've never gotten shots as good as yours.

Will said...

Great photo of the wood duck. Nice pictures.

April said...

They are gorgeous ducks! Lovely photos.

Marie said...

What a lovely series of WW shots. The duck is beautiful. Thanks for sharing E.

Unknown said...

wonderful shots of a gorgeous bird.

Unknown said...

It's very pretty Eileen.

Reminds of my lantern when I was young. I was so proud of it... but I don't remember what happened to it.

Thanks for sharing :)

Unknown said...

Love these shots!
That duck has one amazing colourful plumage!

Al said...

Oh yes ducks are very beautiful and very interesting to watch. I only see wooden ducks in crafts store as wood carvings and I never thought that there are really wood ducks. Thanks for sharing Eileen.


ryliej said...

Beautiful duck!

Anonymous said...

It's a fancy little thing! The tufts on its head are great.

annalarssonphotography said...

Gorgeous shots! :)
Have a great day

sweetbay said...

I especially like the last shot with his tucked in eye. The red eye is so striking. Wood Ducks live in the slough and creek by out property, but they are shy. Usually we have a chance to say "Look there's a..." and they're gone. lol

Tussy said...

Nice capture, have you been waiting there for long time to get these shots?

Beautiful header display too.

You Got A Posty
All Little Things I Like

Anonymous said...

your right, this bird is a real beauty. Among all birds I would say. Have not seen it....but who knows, maybe I will.

Maria Berg said...

wood duck have to find out if it has a Swedish name or not, really beautiful in colors.

Anonymous said...

You're absolutely right, the colors really do look painted on - I've always thought that! Great shots, Eileen!

Anonymous said...

Nice shot, Eileen. I hope to see a wood duck myself one day. No luck yet...but hey! There's always next year. :)

Chie Wilks said...

mine is here

Chie Wilks said...

wow....i agree..wood ducks are so lovely with all the colors that seem to be painted on their feathers...although i haven't seen one in real life

Mona Sweden said...

It's a beautiful bird! I've never heard of wood ducks and I don't know if we have the species in Sweden.

RA said...

Very beautiful duck, indeed! Have a wonderful week and holiday, Eileen :)

Bacolod and Beyond said...

what a cute duck, we could not find it here...in Thailand.

My Family Daily Adventure said...

Nice shot, I like this picture of ducks.
Thanks for the visit as well.

My Hand-Made Crystals said...

I love your duck picture, yes I agree it's pretty.

Coy Hill said...

I agree, woodies are spectacular little ducks. Photographing them in the wild can be quite a challenge. You did a great job on these close-ups, really shows off their colors.

I enjoyed your snow geese photos as well. It is simply amazing when the snow geese take to the air in unison and you captured it well.

Kat said...

These are beautiful photos! I love bird photography. These wood ducks are so pretty! Happy Thanksgiving. Kathy

Mary Bergfeld said...

What beautiful colors. Your photos are wonderful. Have a great Outdoor Wednesday and enjoy Thanksgiving Day.

•°°• IcyBC •°°• said...

Beautiful photos, and these ducks are so colorful.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Cindy said...

Beautiful photos, aren't ducks wonderful? I love photographing wildlife. Thank you for visiting my blog, and for leaving a sweet comment. Hugs, Cindy S.

Janie said...

He is beautiful. You captured his varied colors well.

KayEllen said...


Hope you had a wonderful holiday too!

Blessing to you,
Kay Ellen

Hero said...

Lovely photos of a very nice bird!
Thank you for a nice comment on my photo.

Irene said...

Nice shots! And I like your blogs :o)

Small City Scenes said...

The beautiful Wood Duck. I have several that visit my pond in the early summer and then they are gone. They stay only a day or two. Poof!! MB

Anonymous said...

I agree - the wood ducks are beautiful. And the open ponds at the zoo are so nice, because you can get a good look at them.

Bob Kaufman said...

Wood ducks are just so colorful!

mick said...

Great photos of a very beautiful bird.

Neil said...

Beautiful colours on the duck.

Larry Jordan said...

Great shots of the Wood Duck Eileen. He's got his eye on you all the time doesn't he?

I love Wood Ducks and their story is a great conservation come back story. My favorite thing about them is that they nest high up in trees and when the chicks hatch and take their first leap into life, it can be a 50 foot leap!

I thought your readers might want to see the coolest Wood Duck video I've ever seen (National Geographic) of the baby chicks taking that leap here.

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a happy new week! "What is life but one grand adventure."   Deception Pass State Park, Washington...