Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Oregon Lifers

I am linking up with Wild Bird Wednesday and Nature Notes

These are just two of the lifers I saw while on vacation in Oregon.  The Swainson's Thrush seem to be pretty common and everywhere I went. To me part of their song is similar to the Veery, but it is only a small part of its song. So it did confuse me, I was thinking I was hearing the Veery.

This bird was seen at the trailhead of the Oneonta Gorge. I think there were a few of them in the bushes but I was only able to get this shot.

The two shots above are the Swainson's Thrush. At least I think they are, LOL. This bird above was seen on the trail to the overlook at Cape Perpetua.

Another lifer, I believe this is the Rufous Hummingbird, maybe a juvie?It looks like it has the start of the coloring on the neck.  But, looking at the Allen's Hummingbird it seems to look a lot like the Rufous. The Allen's has a green back and the Rufous has a rufous back.

The Hummingbirds were flying around me and going to the feeders outside the gift store at the Multnomah Falls and visitor center. I have a lot of fun watching these gorgeous little birds.

 I want to thank Theresa of The Run*a*Round Ranch. I won this beautiful eagle drawing from her blog's giveaways. I love it, Theresa. Thanks again.

To see more beautiful birds please visit Stewart's Wild Bird Wednesday. Thanks Stewart for hosting this fun meme. And to see more amazing nature scenes check out Michelle's Nature Notes


  1. It's always exciting to see new birds, isn't it? That's the best part of travelling....

  2. Those photos were beautiful! And lucky you - winning that drawing! Congratulations.

  3. So niedliche Vögel, es gefällt mir sehr...

    Lieben Gruß

  4. Hi there - the stinger and cross do have their place - the north of Australia without crocs would not be the same. Just like a lack of bears or wolves changes an ecosystem.

    I really must get organised to see some humming birds - now where is that lottery ticket!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Australia

  5. Eileen, congrats on the life birds. Wonderful photo of the thrush - I have never seen them either. I always find it interesting how related birds have similar/related songs.
    Congratulations on the painting. I saw on her site, beautiful.


  6. I enjoy hummingbird. About the only way I can really enjoy them anymore is coming and visiting blogs that carry stories and pictures on them.


  7. Wow, your another wonderful photographer. Beautiful birds, aren't they♡♡♡ Blurry back and clear front! So splendid☆☆☆
    Congratulations on your luck for the gorgeous drawing, so splendid.
    Thank you so much for stopping by♬♬♬ 
    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  8. I love your header very picturesque. The little humming bird is a cutie. The first big fluffy guy is nice too. It must be exciting to see new birds.

  9. The first picture of the Swainson's Thrush is very nice. Congratulations on winning the eagle drawing; very nice.

  10. you are the luckiest girl on earth!!

    tex is the best, so happy for you to have one of her beautiful pieces!!

  11. Ohhh so small and lovely!! i loved it

  12. you're very welcome, eileen. glad you like it!

    i love those little thrush. so cute!

  13. Hi Eileen...That first photo is adorable, and the hummingbird is different then any I have seen...good for you...two more notches in your belt ; }!!!!
    Lucky you ...the Eagle is a beauty!!

  14. Very pretty birds, and what an awesome drawing!

  15. I love to see that eagle in the last picture.

    How great it is hanging on my wall!


  16. Congrats on the lifers! Yep those both look like Swainson's- the first looks like a young one. The adults are better at staying in the shadows. Gorgeous shots of the hummingbird- most likely Rufous. Allen's are nearly identical but I don't think they're often found in that area (maybe further south).

  17. Love the bird photos. The little humming bird is so cute. I had lots of them earlier but haven't seen them lately.

  18. Your header made me breathless and get goosebumps! Then I saw the birds!!!!Nice to meet you, nature lover!...:)JP

  19. Great photos of the birds. I especially like the Hummingbirds - because we don't have anything like that out here. Congrats on two lifers!

  20. Great post!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  21. Wonderful birds! Great sightings. I'm so glad you enjoyed Oregon!

  22. Nice shots. Congratulations on the two lifers and winning that beautiful drawing!

  23. You are lucky on 2 fronts!!! You won Theresa's painting!!! and saw a Rufous!!! That is still one on my list....lucky you! Beautiful beautiful beautiful....and I agree, I don't think it's an Allens because of the back. Those two are tricky for birders.

  24. Congrats on the lifers Eileen! Great shot of the Swainson's Thrush, which would be a lifer for me too ;-)

    The hummer looks like a female Rufous to me. They often have patchy orange-red feathers on their throats. Plus she has the rufous at the base of her outer tail feathers and the white at the tips seen in your last photo.

    Lucky you to win one of Theresa's drawings. I'm still hoping to win one of her beauties!

  25. Congrats on your lifer sightings! Wonderful photos! I've never seen a hummingbird other than the Ruby-throated. Congratulations on the eagle drawing, too!

  26. Well done on the lifers Eileen and well done in winning that lovely painting.

  27. Great pictures you show.
    Congratulations on your win.
    Nice to see nature from anywhere other than your own.
    Wishing you a good day :)
    Hanne Bente

  28. ...pretty images Eileen. I especially enjoyed viewing the hummingbirds at the feeder. Oh, and the marvelous eagle drawing you won is superb.

    Thanks for leaving a comment on my bird photo blog this week of the caracara...

  29. congrats on winning Tex's beautiful drawing
    I love all your birds :)

  30. Wonderful shots. I love seeing the hummers.

  31. Congrats on the two lifers, Eileen. I love the haunting songs of the Swainson's Thrush and the Veery. They always sound as if two birds are singing at the same time. Congrats also on winning Theresa's painting. It's wonderful!

  32. Lucky you, I think Theresa's Eagle look happy in its new home. Great pictures of the thrushes and hummers, the first picture is my favorite.

  33. I didb't realize the Swainson's thrush lived out in Oregon. I have seen one her in Ontario on the Carden Alvar so thought they were an eastern bird. I still have so much to learn. Congrats on adding another lifer to your list. Your list must be getting quite long!

  34. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  35. Hummingbirds are just the most fascinating bird to me. They are so graceful yet so speedy...and my oh my...the colors are gorgeous.

  36. Hi dear.
    I apologize for my absence but I’m worried about my mother’s health: she is not doing so well…and I have been far from the blog land!
    Hope you’re fine

    Yes I do know Therese: the is so nice!
    And your photos are superb! Thank You,

  37. one shot...but a good one! Congrats. :)

    And the hummers. I think we all love them.

  38. The Hummingbirds are very beautifule ;-)
    Céline & Philippe

  39. Hi Eileen!
    Nice photos from you! I think I learn a lot about birds now. I looked your first one up on Wikipedia and red that it had been found in my country only one time! :)

    Hummingbirds looks so pretty too and, for me you have unusual bird feeders, very sweet!
    Greetings from Pia in Sweden

  40. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  41. the thrush is lovely and the hummers must be so intruiging to watch. Funny how you can snag them with a fake plastic flower like on those feeders, so long as the right stuff is in there they're happy. And the differing hummers over there go visit these feeders so word has got around in their communities

  42. Hi Eileen, So happy you got to see new-to-you birds! There are several different Hummers along the West Coast that it does get confusing. Great shots! Have a fabulous day tomorrow!

  43. The Oregon coastal area has a lot of different types of birds and I glad you found some lifers.

    I love your header shot of Mt. Hood!

  44. Your photos are always a wonderful gift,thank-you for sharing,phyllis

  45. What beautiful captures of the winged ones.

  46. Wonderful captures! Hummers are a treasure to see and hear.

  47. How nice to win that lovely drawing.. and CONGRATS on the lifers. It is so hard to id hummers. If my friend were still here, I would send her the photo as she rehabbed hummers...Thank you for linking with this week and for your help on the hawk post on FB..Michelle

  48. wow! congrats on your new 'lifers' and for winning T's eagle drawing!! must've been a lucky day! did you play the lottery? :)

    thanks for the awesome oregon pic's...i can hardly wait to go there one day!!

  49. That Rufous Hummingbird is a delightful little creature! So glad you saw such stunning scenery in Oregon, Eileen. Thank you for visiting my blog ...

  50. How exciting for you, two lifers! Love the Rufous Hummingbird :) The eagle picture is wonderful too.

  51. oh wow, what a beautiful gift, i love that drawing of eagle.and love your hummingbird photos too.

  52. Beautiful images! I love the Oregon coast too, Eileen!


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