Sunday, August 12, 2012

Oregon coast..Yachats

I am linking up with Favorite Fotos with Lydia @ Where the Wild Things Were

Can you believe I have MORE Oregon photos? These are some shots from our 2 nights stay on the Oregon coast in the town called Yachats. We were happy with our room 18 at the Fireside Motel. We arrived a little early so we let them know we were there and were told to come back in a couple of hours. No problem there, we drove down the coastal road 101 to do more sightseeing.

In the mosaic above I have some coastal scenes around Yachats and a Surf Scoter

Before going on our trip to Oregon I did a lot of research on Trip Advisor. I found out that Strawberry Hill  was a great place to see the tidal pools at low tide. We were not disappointed. We saw many sea stars ( I always called them starfish), the sea lions were sunning themselves on the rocks, the sea anemones were beautiful. We were lucky to be there during the low tide which made walking around on the rocks easy.

 We had a huge picture window with great views of the ocean. On the first night we were able to watch a couple of whales feeding right from our room. How cool is that?  I was thrilled with our view and seeing the whales. The coast was a great place for me to add a few more lifers to my list. YEAH!!!

 In this mosaic, I have some shots from Strawberry Hill tidal pools, sea lions, my lifer the Pigeon Guillemots, the view of the ocean from our room, and a view of the coast from a overlook.

The ocean was filled with my lifer the Pigeon Guillemots, Surf Scoters and Harlequin ducks and Gray Whales. I will be doing a separate post just on the Pigeon Guillemots. I saw them often along the coast.

We stopped on RT 101 at various overlooks that had beautiful views like this one above.

This is the Heceta Head Lighthouse beach.  The Lighthouse is being renovated and is covered up but we did enjoy a walk on the beach.

The view from our room 18 at the Fireside Motel. The pathway outside the hotel is a trail called Yachats 804 trail that goes for 3 miles along the beautiful coast.

To see more wonderful photos and mosaics please visit Mosaic Monday and Our World Tuesday

Thanks for stopping by to see my post and thanks to Mary the host of Mosaic Monday and to the host of Our World Tuesday: Arija, Gattina, Lady Fi, Sylvia and Sandy. I wish everyone a safe and HAPPY week ahead. 


Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

A place filled with natural beauty! The view from your room was amazing. I've not seen sea lions in real life, must have been an awesome time.

Kay said...

Great photos. All very pretty.

TexWisGirl said...

those rocks and the surf are just beautiful! the seal lions, sea stars and whale sightings would thrill me. :)

jp@A Green Ridge said...

I've never seen such colorful starfish! The views are spectacular and the photos are GREAT!...:)JP

Linda said...

That view from the overlook, with the layered waves...amazing! Love these shots! This must have been a fabulous trip!

betchai said...

these are beautiful images, Eileen, like you, whenever we travel that is along the coast, we check the tides and gets excited when it is low tide, it's exciting to see the life at the tide pools.

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

What beautiful views and fun wildlife! I would love to visit the Oregon coast.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

So mnay wonderful photos, Eileen! I really want to visit the Oregon coast one day and this looks like a wonderful place to stay. The sea lions looked like they were lounging in recliners...such a cute picture!

podso said...

The west coast is so different from the East! What a gorgeous view out your room! The photos are all wonderful. Thanks for sharing them!

Montanagirl said...

A Room With a View! Wonderful post. Terrific photos!

Dina said...

Looks like an amazing place. Love those seals and starfish!

The French Hutch said...

Hi Eileen, Such beautiful photography. The scenery is breathtaking! I love the photo out the window, wow talk about a room with a view! Love all, but the starfish photo gets my vote for favorite.

The French Hutch

CameraCruise said...

Beautiful photos from a wonderful place.
Looks like you had a great trip.
What a size and color on the starfish.
Thanks for sharing, Eileen.
Have a great week.

A Bit of the Blarney said...

Such wonderful pictures. I especially like the one with the sea lions!! I didn't realize they could be camouflaged so well!! Have a wonderful week! Cathy

Rajesh said...

Wonderful views of Oregon coast. This sure is a nice place to visit.

Vores have said...

Beautiful collage / beautiful pictures you show.
Wishing you a good day.
Hanne Bente

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Eileen -- I think we've stayed in that room (I KNOW we've stayed at the Fireside!). Yachats is one of our very favorite places on the Coast and low tide is the absolute best time to be there. Your pictures are wonderful.

Sue said...

Great photos, and perfect timing for me-I've been in the process of booking our upcoming fall trip-and we are staying in Yachats. Good to know of a few nice spots to observe the wildlife.

Stewart M said...

That does look like a great place - any form of house with a sea view has to be good.

Yes, I suppose that my less than perfect butterfly is a bit sad - but the last time I saw it, it was doing OK!

Stewart M - Australia

Cloudy said...

Wunderschöne Fotos einer traumhaften Küste, dort wäre ich jetzt auch gerne...

Lieben Gruß

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

That view is just gorgeous- this is a place I would love to visit!

laurak/ForestWalkArt :) said...

sea lions, sea stars and whales, OH MY!!!

GORGEOUS coastal pictures eileen!! it's not surprising at all that you took so many!! how could you resist!?!!

Jill Harrison said...

how wonderful to have a room with a view of the sea. What bliss.
I enjoyed your trip photos Eileen. Thank you for taking us there, and for stopping by my blog today.
Have a wonderful week.

Dan Huber said...

Wonderful photos Eileen, love the starfish.

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

Oh my goodness, just reading from what you shared, I wanted to be there, and then seeing your wonderful photos really just top my heart with desire.

Gorgeous photos, Eileen!

LindyLouMac said...

I would never tire of you sharing photos of this stunning coast Eileen, your photos are lovely.

Crafty Green Poet said...

what a beautiful area! Your pigeon guillemots look like our black guillemots! I've never seen surf scoters but recently saw my first velvet scoters.

Gillian Olson said...

A beautiful place, I haven't been for years so your pictures brought back pleasant memories.

EG CameraGirl said...

Well, I have never been to Oregon so I LOVE seeing your photos. :)

Unknown said...

Great post!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Fjällripan said...

Great post! So many beautiful photos from your trip! :)

Fun60 said...

What a great place. Thank heaven for 'Our world Tuesday' so bloggers like yourself can share these wonderful scenes with others. There just aren't enough days in a lifetime to see them for ourselves.

VaishVijay said...

Lovely shots of the coast. Especially I love that 'sunbathing' sea lion!

Rohrerbot said...

This post is fantastic!!! All the marine life....and that shot of seals is really special. Oh so beautiful....I think we are planning a trip to the the tip of Argentina this next summer and I can only hope to see some new birds. It's exciting finding new critters and be able photograph them. Love love love your adventure here! This is up my alley. And it looks rather romantic:)

Carver said...

What a great trip. You took some wonderful shots and what a perfect place to enjoy nature.

Leora said...

I've never been to Oregon, but you certainly make it an enticing place to want to visit. Love all the water.

Al said...

All I can say is wow to that view and these photos. Next time we're in that part of the country the coast is what we want to see.

Maude Lynn said...

I love that picture of the sea lions!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

What an amazing view out your window. That is such a fabulous part of the country....I would love to go back! I love seeing those sea stars and the abundance of nature you saw. Wonderful photos as always! enjoy your week!

Lew said...

Beautiful shots of the sea and its critters! The beaches are so different than the Maryland shore.

Anonymous said...

Oh, how utterly gorgeous! I could gaze at that view for hours.

Bob Bushell said...

I love it, especially the one with the seal head, love so much.

Findlay Wilde said...

What was the black bird in the first group of photos please. From Findlay

Icy BC said... did picked out the best room to see the whales feeding. Oh I love those star fishes, and your love mosaics.

What a fantastic place!

Hootin Anni said...

Mmmmmmmm, luscious scenery. That coastal highway 101 is just something EVERYONE should experience if you ask me.

Great photos Eileen.

Ingrid said...

Looks like a great place to spend holidays !

Debbie said...

we saw a seal on the rocks at sandy hook, it was a wonderful, exciting moment!!

i love the image of your view, what a beautiful place!!

NatureFootstep said...

thanks for sharing some more shots. You probably have even more of them. The coast is like a treasurebox. You have to love it. Congrats to the lifers. :)

Eden said...

What a beautiful place to visit! Beautiful photos as always. I enjoyed all of them

Jo said...

How beautiful to share your trip on the Oregon Coast, Elaine. Super that you added many lifers to your list and saw various sea-life. I simply LOVE the last photo in your post. Have a wonderful day. Jo

Anonymous said...

What gorgeous captures of nature's beauty.

Lydia C. Lee said...

Your coastal pics are great! How lovely. And I love the starfish shot too. Well done!! Thanks for sharing with #FavouriteFotos. Hope to see you next week.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Lydia! I loved seeing all the starfish! Have a great day and a happy week ahead.

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a happy new week! "What is life but one grand adventure."   Deception Pass State Park, Washington...