Sunday, August 26, 2012

Baltimore & Orchard Orioles

I am linking up my Orioles with World Bird Wednesday  and Nature Notes
I posted this earlier but somehow it got out of sync. So do not worry, you have seen this post before.

I saw these birds during an outing at the local Hashawha Nature Center. I knew from previous summers that the Baltimore Orioles were nesting in the trees at the nature center but this was the first time I saw the Orchard Orioles.

The Baltimore Oriole has a black head and back with an bright orange rump and underparts. And the wing is orange and black. The Baltimore Oriole is the state bird of Maryland. The Baltimore Oriole can be attracted to feeders with oranges or grape jelly, they also like the sugar water feeders.

The Orchard Oriole is a brick orange color on its underparts and coverts and has white in the wings.

I love both the Baltimore Oriole and the Orchard Orioles, they are gorgeous birds with pretty colors. The females look more yellowish in color.

I hope you enjoyed my Orioles and post.
To see more beautiful birds check out Springman's World Bird Wednesday  and Nature Notes.
Thanks to Springman for hosting World Bird Wednesday and thanks to Michelle the host of Nature Notes.
I also appreciate your visits and comment, have a great day and happy birding.


caite said...

wait, you mean they are more than a baseball team?

very nice photos..

Unknown said...

Beautiful captures!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

NatureStop said...

I just love both the Orioles. Nice shots.Have a great day!


Carletta said...

Love the first shot Eileen!
As always you give wonderful info on your birds.
Hope you have a wonderful evening!

Irene said...

Great shots ... they are very beautiful critters.


Debbie said...

haha I am laughing at caite's comment, some people are so clever!! Beautiful images, I enjoyed this this entry so much!!!

TexWisGirl said...

ha ha. thanks to debbie, i read caite's comment, too. :)

love both of these birds! we have some type of oriole here - guess it's a baltimore as it is bright instead of more rust-colored. he's usually spotted way across the pond, though.

Nadege, said...

Such bright plumage...lovely images.

eileeninmd said...

Caite, the Baltimore Orioles baseball team does have a cute Oriole mascot. I should try to get a picture of the mascot and add it to my post.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful captures! We chose the same bird this week. It was my first sighting of an oriole - have never seen an Orchard Oriole.

CameraCruise said...

Great shots of the beautiful birds.

Linda said...

Great shots of those birds! Thanks also for the identification!

Kilauea Poetry said...

Hi Eileen..I didn't forget about you but haven't been on much. I figured I'd get over here just to say hello. These are so striking!! What lovely must of been jazzed.
Well, I've been getting tests done..but its been slow and rather seems like a puzzle that's possibly becoming more clear? It doesn't look good but I still have a sense of humor (lol)
Maybe I'll get a surge of energy..until then, thank you for thinking of me..keep up your fabulous work and adventures. I'll try to keep you posted. (warm hugs from the pacific)

Carver said...

Great shots of the orioles. You are so good at capturing the birds with your camera.

Brian King said...

Beautiful shots of the orioles, Eileen! I wish I saw them more often around here.

grammie g said...

Hi Eileen...I do love to hear a Oriole singing high up in a tree..such a beautiful song, and a beautiful bird!! We only have the Baltimore O.!! Nice photos!!
I enjoyed your post from yesterday with the collages so many lovely things to see !!

mick said...

Beautiful birds and very interesting to see them compared like that. Great photos.

Stewart M said...

Splendid looking birds - I would like to see either of them for real.

Cheers - Stewart M - Australia

Mary Howell Cromer said...

These are swell Eileen! I would have to drive further out into the country to view them from here and may have to, just so I can catch a glimpse like you have had~

Leora said...

Love these gorgeous orioles. I don't believe I've ever seen one here.

Eden said...

Beautiful birds. My first time to see these birds. Great shots.

NatureFootstep said...

seems like all of the Orioles are equally gorgeosu in shape and coloring. Thanks for sharing.

Carol said...

Beautiful shots! I will admit my first thought when I saw Orioles was baseball :) But what a beautiful bird!

Friend of HK said...

Love the bright orange colour, very pretty!

Hilke Breder said...

Beautiful orioles, Eileen! For me seeing an Orchard Oriole is always a special thrill! We don't have many of those.

Libby said...

Thanks for explaining the difference! We have had Baltimore Orioles before (or the neighbors have), but now I am wondering whether they could have been Orchard Orioles and we just never knew it!

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, Excellent photographs of these beauties! I occasionally hear and see a Baltimore Oriole here but have not gotten a picture recently. I am so glad you have showed an Orchard Oriole. Have a super good day!

Rambling Woods said...

I have never seen an orchard oriole.. I have a male baltimore oriole calling for a mate here. Hope he finds one...Michelle

laurak/ForestWalkArt :) said...

beautiful!! this is a first for me too! we don't have those gorgeous Orchard Orioles here...not even the Baltimore Oriole! maybe they need a little FL vacation some time!

(i just looked in my bird book, and it says we DO have the Orchard Oriole and the Baltimore Oriole IS a snow bird as they say...spending the winter down here! but i've never seen either!)

GREAT shots! as always, eileen!!

Kerri Farley said...

Beautiful birds!!

Tammie Lee said...

such beautiful images
and i love your blog header!

DeniseinVA said...

Hi Eileen, thank you so much for identifying the bird in my post as an American Redstart, the first one I have ever seen. I can see the difference clearly from your photographs of the Baltimore Oreole, the Orchard Oreole is very pretty too. Thank you also for the tips on how to see them. Limberlost is going to be my favorite place to go I can see. I also have you to thank for pointing me in its direction as it's not that far from another favorite spot we have, Big Meadows. Have a great week! said...

Beautiful bird shots!It`s always a treat for me to see an oriole,only saw a couple of them in my life,phyllis

betchai said...

what a wonderful bird sightings.

Springman said...

Wonderful post Eileen, you have solved a mystery for me, I have seen the Orchard oriole and didn't know what it was!

AVCr8teur said...

It's nice to know and remember the subtleties of birds to know what they are.

Donna said...

well you know I love orioles...what fabulous shots of them...I need a better zoom....such fun to watch them!

Phil Slade said...

Your NA orioles are just georgeous Eileen, so colourful.

Carver said...

Great shots of the orioles and I also love the birds in the post after this one.

Montanagirl said...

Don't know how I missed this post! Lovely shots of the Orioles. Two different colors of orange, but both very pretty. I've only seen an Orchard Oriole once since moving back here.

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a happy new week! "What is life but one grand adventure."   Deception Pass State Park, Washington...