Friday, August 10, 2012

Oregon birds & critters.

I am linking up with Camera Critters  and Scenic Sunday

Sorry, I have not even started sharing all my Oregon coast photos and you are probably sick of seeing my trip pic's. I only shared the first three days and we went to the coast for 4 more days. So many photos to go thru.

In this mosaic I have the osprey in flight, Canada Geese near the river, windsailing, squirrel, Lewis's dog Seaman , another Swainson's Thrush, goats on the trail and Little Crater lake.

These are some more shots from the Columbia River and our hikes to Timothy lake and to the Little Crater lake.

I love these sculptures of Sacagawea and Lewis's dog Seaman. While visiting Oregon we saw many references to the famous explorers Lewis & Clark. Seaman the Newfoundland was acquired by Lewis for $20.

Another one of the Swainson's Thrushes I was hearing a lot of them everywhere.

Neat shot of the sailing club?

This is the first time we came across people walking their goats on the trail. It seems Oregon is very dog friendly too. I thought of my lonely Goldie Girl at home, when we saw dogs everywhere we went. Restaurants and hotels had water bowls set up outside their entrances.

I had another incentive to visit Little Crater lake, I was told at the visitor center that there was a Sandhill Crane family seen in the marshy area. I would have loved to see the crane chicks. The grasses were tall and if the cranes were there they were hidden well.

Hubby and I loved this Little Crater lake, the water is SO BLUE. There was a sign saying the water was very cold, while we were there a young man dove in on a bet with his friends.

To see more cute and beautiful critters please visit: Camera Critters
and to see more Scenic shots check out Scenic Sunday.

Thanks to Misty Dawn the host of Camera Critters and thanks to Aisha the host of Scenic Sunday.

I hope you enjoyed my post, thanks for stopping by I appreciate the visit and the comments. I wish everyone a safe and HAPPY weekend.


Sue said...

The colors of that little lake are pretty. Why do young men always do silly things on bets?

Cloudy said...

Ein großartiger Beitrag mit wunderschönen Aufnahmen...

Lieben Gruß und Sonne im Herzen

Zenserly said...

that goat is gorgeous! and the oh so blue little crater lake takes my breath away! and yes those wings and that little bird made me smile today :-)

Linda said...

That must have been an amazing trip - so much to see and do! I love the photos of the statue...but they are all good ones - the pool is gorgeous! I doubt we will get tired of sharing your trip...have a great day!

Leslie's Garden said...

I absolutely did enjoy your post! Each and every picture a delight! I must say, I had a little laugh over the thought of people walking their goats! I love the mosaic, it's so fun to see all the pictures together like that. The water must have REALLY been cold if there was a posted sign! It's pretty blue color is inviting, but the cold would have kept me dry!

Living In Williamsburg Virginia said...

Fantastic photos. Looks like a great trip.

Darryl and Ruth :)

Montanagirl said...

Beautiful set of photos! That lake is so pretty, and crystal clear. Loved the Goats!

Vores have said...

Beautiful collage / images you show.
I really like the way you have created this post on.
Wishing you a good and sunny weekend.
The weather here right moment. sun + 21 degrees .... wonderful.
Hanne Bente

grammie g said...

Hi Eileen ...Love that sculpture of Sacagawea,and the Seaman !!
Very nice all your photos...the lake is gorgeous!! The goat with the grass hanging out if it's mouth is comical : }
Lovely places!!

Debbie said...

Every single one is gorgeous!! Have a wonderful weekend!!

Anonymous said...

Lovely critters and beautiful views!

Bob Bushell said...

Beautiful series, but, who was Sacagawea?

Crafty Green Poet said...

what a pretty bird the Swainson's thrush is!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

That lake is just gorgeous- another place to visit put on my list!

beagleAnnie said...

Trully beautiful! Love them. Thank you for sharing.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Absolutely beautiful pictures and I too would have loved to see the Cranes!...:)JP

Elaine said...

I'm enjoying your photos of Oregon. It's a beautiful state with lots to see. Can't say I've ever seen anyone walking a goat before....

Anni said...

Fantastic images Eileen. I am always hypnotized with a goat's eyes, they're so unique. And, that lake...the water is beautiful...mirror like.

diane b said...

Great pics of your exciting trip. Love the blue lake. It reminds me of the ones in the Swiss mountains.

laurak/ForestWalkArt :) said...

...MORE reasons to get to oregon one day!

love the sculpture of Sacagawea, AND the goats! i imagine it must be a pretty tough CHORE to walk one of them!! they're so hard headed! so stubborn.
great pictures eileen. happy sunday!

Jane said...

Some beautiful scenic shots, Eileen. Thanks for sharing:)

Kerri Farley said...

What a beautiful area. I've never been to Oregon but would love to visit.

Phil Slade said...

Beautiful views on another of your wonderful walks Eileen. Goat walking hasn't caught on over here yet - LOL.

Liz said...

Love your Camera Critters & the scenery!

theconstantwalker said...

Wonderful images of your fantastic trip...many thanks for sharing.

Al said...

What a beautiful place, nice photos. I sometimes take a year or more to finish posting photos from trips I take!

Findlay Wilde said...

We get Canada geese in the field behind our garden. From Findlay

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Eileen, I never tire of seeing your pictures from your trip to Oregon. I especially loved seeing the little goats, and he sculptures. Looks like a gorgeous area!!! Hope we make it there sometime.

After my blogging break, I am trying to begin to catch up on blogs now... Hope you had a good week.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

It's so pretty! We have just GOT to get out and around in beautiful Oregon this year.

That diver was crazy.

EJ said...

I always look forward to your captures every week!

Rohrerbot said...

This state is on my list of places to visit. What a treat to have seen the things you both it looks nice and cool:)

Valerie said...

What a delightful series of captures and reminders of your trip. Cute goat and marvellous reflection in the chilly lake! Thanks for sharing Eileen. Happy weekend to you.

Unknown said...

Great photos! Looks like a wonderful place to visit.

Frostbite and Sunburn said...

Lovely photos Eilieen - I don't think we mind at all!!

Beautiful colours in the lake.

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a happy new week! "What is life but one grand adventure."   Deception Pass State Park, Washington...