Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Pigeon Guillemot

I am linking up with Wild Bird Wednesday and Nature Notes

For my Wild bird Wednesday I am going back to Oregon. I wanted to show some more shots of the Pigeon Guillemot that we saw along the Oregon coast. I believe I already mentioned in a previous post that the Pigeon Guillemot was a lifer for me. The Pigeon Guillemot can be found from the coast of California to Alaska.

The two shots above were taken from inside the Sea Lions Cave looking out. The Pigeon Guillemot has pretty bright red feet. My guide book calls the color vermilion. For some reason Vermilion reminds me of the flycatcher I saw in Belize.

 The breeding adult has a velvety black plumage, white wing coverts and pretty red feet.  I love their pretty feet. The underwing coverts are also white.

I had some great views from inside the cave looking out at all the Pigeon Guillemots and the Cormorants on the rocks.

I saw the Pigeon Guillemots all along the Oregon coastline. These two were right outside our hotel. They probe kelp beds and vegetation for its prey.

Above you can see the Pigeon Guillemots head before it enter its little hole in the side of the cliff. I believe this was a nesting spot.

I do not think this bird was worried about reading the sign.

This was the view from inside the cave looking out toward the Heceta Head lighthouse. On this day, I was actually thrilled to pick up another lifer which was actually inside the Sea Lion Caves. But, that will be another post.

To see more wonderful birds and nature scenes please visit : Wild Bird Wednesday  and  Nature Notes.

Thanks to Stewart the host of Wild Bird Wednesday and to Michelle the host of Nature Notes. Also, thanks for stopping by to see my post and birds. Hope the rest of your week is a happy one.


  1. Amazing photos!The pigeons are so beautifl!Have a lovely day dear Eileen!!

  2. i like their dark charcoal against those flaming legs and feet! :)

  3. fantastic shots!
    love those feet...

  4. Nice with those pink feet! I love the shot of the cliffs. Beautiful.

  5. I love those red feet! Love the foggy shot towards the lighthouse.

  6. Great photos of the birds and the red feet are so bright. The sea coast looks fascinating.

  7. Love the gray of the bird with the bright red/orange feet. What a contrast!

  8. Fascinating birds. I like those rocky cliffs they nest in.

  9. What GORGEOUS pictures of Pigeons!!!
    I wonder how you could do this great job, haha "keep back".
    Happy "Wild Bird Wednesday"

    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  10. Absolutely beautiful pictures!

  11. When we lived near the OR coast I used to see those birds all the time but I never looked them up. You got some great shots Eileen.

    Don't you just love Sea Lion Caves? I remember the view in your last photo very well. I don't think I have ever been there when it was sunny.

  12. Nice series, those feet do grab one's attention.

  13. They are such lovely birds! So interesting to see those gorgeous legs!! The views are stunning!

  14. It's fun to get a little insight into these birds especially when they don't even know someone is looking at them.

  15. Beautiful birds! The red feet and legs are gorgeous!

  16. This sounds like an interesting birding trek. Those are some of my favorite as you don't know what to expect and they are a little different from the other birding outings. Beautiful birds and congrats on another lifer:) It's so much fun.

  17. Nice pictures you show.
    Wish you a good day :)
    Hanne Bente

  18. Oh, die sind ja niedlich und die Fotos in den Felsen einfach klasse...

    Lieben Gruß

  19. A great find Eileen, the Pigeon Guillemot is a precious being, lovely.

  20. Great post Eileen. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  21. Wonderful photos Eileen. Neat looking bird, and the scenery looks stunning.

  22. I love the perspective of them on the cliffs!!! Wow.

  23. How amazingly red feet they have. They can't hide with those! Very nice pictures of all the birds and the sea!
    Thanks for being a follower of my blog!
    Greetings from Pia in Sweden

  24. Great shots of the interesting birds. I'm not familiar with them.

  25. I like their orange feet! They show up so well, even in the fog. Speaking of fog, I really, REALLY like the look out from the cave.

  26. Such colorful birds -- great shots under the circumstances, Eileen. :)

  27. They have to go to school before they know how to read.

  28. oh boy...would i love to wander there!!

    those are beautiful birds...with their cute BRIGHT orange legs & feet!!

  29. What lovely captures of the birds and the scenic backgrounds.

  30. this Guillemot looks very different in colors to those I saw in Scotland. And yours have nice red feet too. :)Great shots.

  31. Oh they are so beautiful, love their red feets!! Great post :)

  32. Great pictures, these birds have really bright feet.

  33. Beautiful series of shots, but that last one seems very unsafe to thread for the photographer! I wonder why the web-feet of the bird is colored red, maybe there is some greater significance for the color!

  34. Wonderful photos, Eileen!! What a striking bird with their bright red legs and feet. I haven't been to the Sea Lion Caves since I was a little girl. We're planning on spending time in Washington and Oregon in October and I'd like to drive down the coast so maybe we'll get to stop there.

  35. They are handsome looking birds and their red boots are very fashionable.

  36. their red feet are so cool :)

    beautiful ocean and cliff scenes

  37. Super shots of the Pigeon Guillemots Eileen and congrats on the lifer! You are such a tease with your "other lifer." I can't wait to see what it was.

  38. Oh Eileen..I had never heard of these birds and they have duck feet which I have always wondered the purpose of them being orange..fabulous photos from that area.. Michelle

  39. Look at those stunning red shoes! So stylish :)

  40. Fantastic shots of the pigeon guillemots! They are quite beautiful with their smart red boots!! :-)

  41. Love their bright orange shoes. I am now your newest follower.

  42. Great shots, Eileen-- you really got up close and personal!


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Have a happy day, Eileen

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