Saturday's Critters #53
I wish everyone a happy Chanukah, a very Merry Christmas and Kwanzaa and a happy New Year...
Ok, it's time to share your critters.. Any kind of critter will do.. I appreciate everyone who has linked up in the past and for those who are linking in on this week's critter party. And of course I always appreciate my blogging friends stopping by just for a visit..Also, I hope you can check out the post at Annis's I'd-Rather-B-Birdin. You should also check out Misty Dawn's Camera Critters.
I am sharing some more birds from Chincoteague and the wild ponies..
At first I thought the bird above was a Green Heron and posted the photo on my facebook page.. But a fellow bird club member told me it is actually the American Bittern..
I read in my birding field guide that the juvenile Black-crowned Night heron has yellow on its beak. So, I am going by that to id the bird above.. The juvenile Yellow-crowned Night Heron looks very similar.
While we were on the beach parking lot, these two wild ponies walked by..they were the same two horses I have on my sunrise photos on the previous post..
A few of the Chincoteague ponies were out in the field.. I think hubby and I counted around 16 horses all together but spread out around the field..
There were birds all over in the shot above. How many do you see? I see the DC Cormorants, a Great Blue Heron and Mallard Ducks.
Above more of the Chincoteague wild ponies.. I hope you enjoyed my critter post.. I am looking forward to seeing your critters..
Thanks to Tex Theresa aka Tex, I was able to add this link up button and thanks to Jennifer for creating my photo badge.
Thank you for linking up to the critter party. I also appreciate the visits, comments and the support of my blogging friends................... Have a happy weekend!
To see more beautiful birds and cute critters, check out these two memes below.
I wish everyone a happy Chanukah, a very Merry Christmas and Kwanzaa and a happy New Year...
Ok, it's time to share your critters.. Any kind of critter will do.. I appreciate everyone who has linked up in the past and for those who are linking in on this week's critter party. And of course I always appreciate my blogging friends stopping by just for a visit..Also, I hope you can check out the post at Annis's I'd-Rather-B-Birdin. You should also check out Misty Dawn's Camera Critters.
I am sharing some more birds from Chincoteague and the wild ponies..
At first I thought the bird above was a Green Heron and posted the photo on my facebook page.. But a fellow bird club member told me it is actually the American Bittern..
I read in my birding field guide that the juvenile Black-crowned Night heron has yellow on its beak. So, I am going by that to id the bird above.. The juvenile Yellow-crowned Night Heron looks very similar.
While we were on the beach parking lot, these two wild ponies walked by..they were the same two horses I have on my sunrise photos on the previous post..
A few of the Chincoteague ponies were out in the field.. I think hubby and I counted around 16 horses all together but spread out around the field..
There were birds all over in the shot above. How many do you see? I see the DC Cormorants, a Great Blue Heron and Mallard Ducks.
Above more of the Chincoteague wild ponies.. I hope you enjoyed my critter post.. I am looking forward to seeing your critters..
Thanks to Tex Theresa aka Tex, I was able to add this link up button and thanks to Jennifer for creating my photo badge.

Thank you for linking up to the critter party. I also appreciate the visits, comments and the support of my blogging friends................... Have a happy weekend!
To see more beautiful birds and cute critters, check out these two memes below.
Please visit: I'd-Rather-B-Birdin. Thanks to the gracious host: Anni. Also check out Camera Critters. Thanks to Misty for hosting this fun meme.
A nice variety there.
Love your photos. Great post!
Thanks for organizing this interesting blog hop.
Love your shots. I love the ponies,naturally. I know these ponies from reading all about them in the books by Marguerite Henry when I was but a child many many years ago. I still have some of her books.
These are great photos Eileen, wonderful birds and ponies. I love the photos of the American Bittern, especially the third one down. Thanks for hosting and have a great weekend.
Be back with my link! Love the green heron, then i saw the glowing horses!
Sometimes in life you don't always feel like a winner, but that doesn't mean you're not a winner.
Lady Gaga
ALOHA from Honolulu
HI Eileen Great post today. Loved seeing the wild horses and of course the Bittern and Hero are great shots. Well this time next week, Christmas will be over so I hope you have a lovely one. Thanks for hosting.
Lovely photos Eileen, of your Saturday critters. The image of the wild ponies is hauntingly beautiful. I can feel the quiet and peaceful serenity of their surroundings. Just beautiful.
Happy Holidays!
Those ponies look very happy there. What a wonderful place.
Seeing the ponies was an extra treat . . .
I counted seven in that one "count shot."
ponies in sunshine, that is absolutely superbly stunning!!! Please print and frame, I can see it hung in an Art Gallery or a café where so many would enjoy what you have shared. Lovely reflections. Jean.
Muito lindas as tuas fotos e desejo um Feliz Natal e tudo de bom em 2015 ,que possamos estar sempre ,com alegria, saúde, por aqui nos encontrando! bjs, chica
Love seeing all the different birds "sitting" together.
Have a wonderful weekend, Eileen
Hello Eileen,
Beautiful series of images.
The first and last photos are my favorite.
A very good weekend.
Best regards, Irma
You have a lovely collection of birds and animals there Eileen. I especially like the American Bittern - great shots even if it did hurry off into the reeds. Enjoy your weekend and thanks for letting me join in today.
I almost missed the heron in your photo! We finally had American Bitterns on our patch this past week. They usually show up by mid-December. The first one flew up right next to the boardwalk and I almost dismissed it as an immature Tricolored Heron. Late with my camera, I was rewarded with fuzzy flight shots before it landed in the tall rushes. It may have been in plain sight but I never could see it, they are such masters of disguise!
Hi Eileen, lovely post. You've caught those ponies in every beautiful light between the two posts. I also love the bright blue under the Bittern's tail. Thanks for hosting this meme. greetings Jo
It was Hanukkah this week, as well. Happy Hannukkah to my Jewish friends!
Love the ponies, Eileen
Nice shots of the bittern! ! They tend to be rather shy so you were lucky!
It is difficult to id the young herons, I frequently get them mixed up. Nice series of photos.
Great photos of the bittern and Night Heron! We have bitterns, but I've yet to see one. Love the ponies!
Great photos - love love love the wild ponies. I sure would like to see some one day.
Fotos lindas, como sempre!
O Natal está chegando... o amor, chamado Jesus, nos pede permissão para entregar toda a paz e felicidade que nos são destinadas.
Bom fim de semana!
Just stopping by to enjoy your critters and wish you Happy Hols - hope you spot lots of critters to share with us next year!
Wren x
oh those ponies and hores Eileen, what great fun to see them in this setting. They are beautiful!!thanks for linking me in!!
congrats on the bittern! very cool. love the ponies, of course. had to really search to find the GBH in that one shot but i did! thanks!
The horses always look so healthy there.I do not know many of the water birds,but bittern sure is a looker! great pictures,thanks for hosting,phyllis
Dearest Eileen; Oh, Bittern and heron; So many varieties of birds and I am glad to have the chance to have a glimpse of them which wouldn't ever know without blogging☆☆☆ Love the sweet ponies I've never seen either, haha.
Have to visit friends, but so sleepy tonight; night night from Japan.
Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*
Love all those shots. Especially the golden horses one.
All very beautiful shots ~ favorite are the Horses! Love to see them roaming free.
Happy Holidays to you,
artmusedog and carol
You have some great images here Eileen!!
Sorry I've been missing of late. We've had some family dramas and I have had 2 surgeries recently>
I was just reading about the Bittern in the paper. And their camoflage. Happy Holidays!
Nice heron photos. And seeing a couple wild ponies was a bonus!
Names matter not to me, I get most of them wrong all the time too, but gee whiz you sure know how to photo-catch these adorable and lovely critters!
Oops, I forgot to mention about that awesome "head in parking only" sign, how cool!
Oh yes, it was a Amercan Bittern, beautifully captured Eileen.
Another great collection of pictures. Like how the horses parked head in. : )
beautiful horses and lovely photos of the bittern, such elusive birds (if they're anything like our bitterns)
i would love to see wild horses, they are so beautiful in your photos.. i would have guessed little green heron on the first one to. very similar to one... the only critters i can ID are dogs and cats and horses and goats... you get the picture
Hello Eileen!!
Such beautiful series of images!
Great shots of the Bittern and the heron bird!
Like the ponies!So cute!
Have a lovely weekend!
Those ponies are so cute! I hope I manage to visit them again some day.
I love the horses and all the birds. Have a great weekend and a Merry Christmas, Eileen!
Lots of great critters in this post!
Good job capturing the Bittern. I love seeing the wild ponies.
Wow, Eileen, a great selection of birds ... especially one we rarely see. And the Chincoteague Wild Ponies ... I have never seen their pictures like this. I read Misty as a child many, many years ago and have always had a place in my heart for these ponies. Wonderful post, Eileen and hoping your Holidays are a Joy to you and your Family.
Andrea @ From The Sol
Eileen, your shots are so wonderful ! I love ponies ! Those look happy there !
Marry Christmas !
These are beautiful foot of the quack. The horses are also very nicely put in the picture:-)
Also for you and all your loved ones a few very merry Christmas and a happy and healthy 2015.
That we can and can enjoy in the new year of each other nice photo opportunities.
Greetings, Helma
✰ ☆ ҉‿ ☆ ҉⁀ ☆
Thank you for the link up and the beautiful photos! I'd love to see the birds and the Chincoteague ponies in person!
Trying to id birds can be a bit confusing sometimes, but they are lovely. Great images Eileen, may you and your family have a wonderful Christmas and New Year.
Wonderful photos !
i do enjoy all the horses. what beauties. i enjoy the bird reflection too. have a great weekend!! stay warm. ( :
I loooove to get multiple species in one shot. Multis of one species is nice too. Neeehaaa
A beautiful area, the ponies are cute, and I like the detailed photos of the bittern, though not the classic pose with head pointed straight up to blend in with the rushes.
Great photos! Chincoteague and the ponies are truly special!
I enjoyed seeing the birds and horses! We are five hours from Chincoteague so we only get there about once a year but it is a wonderful place.
Beautiful shots!
I like the pony tail.
My sister used to have while she was young.
Beautiful collection of critters ! I love the horses !
Hello Eileen!
Great catch this American bittern!
We have a very similar one here and he is at the top of my list of birds still to photograph! LOL!
The ponies a gorgeous, a long time since I saw some!
I wish you also a very happy Xmas time with your family :)
Keep well!
Difficult birds to photograph. May you and your family have a Merry Christmas. Thanks for sharing.
Good morning Eilleen, your photos are spetacular! I love the birds and the poneys! Beaitiful!
Thanks for your greetings!
I wish you and your family Merry Christmas and a Great New Year with many, many photos))!
Love the bird photos, but of course those Chincoteague ponies are always such a thrill! Beautiful! And I love how the first two are following the rules and parking "hed in." :-) Hope you have a wonderful, blessed Christmas! Will be participating again on Saturday after.
Your bird pictures are fantastic! Ponies look so elegant! Wishing you a wonderful Christmas season!!!
I never go to see a bittern. Thanks!
Enjoyed the photos of the ponies!
gorgeous images of the ponies :) And...could you ask the Bittern to come my way?
Wishing you a great christmas :)
I was so taken by Marguerite Henry's book about the ponies of this island that I named my first (and third) horse Misty. I still love horses and wish I could have one again. - Margy
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