Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Eastern Meadowlark

Linking up with Wild Bird Wednesday and Nature Notes

For this week's wild bird I am sharing the Eastern Meadowlark.  It is a beautiful medium sized songbird.. I do not see them near my home very often, due to the farmland is disappearing.. But,  I was thrilled to see not just one but five of them on the grounds at the Bodie Island Lighthouse in the Outer Banks, NC.

They were still a distance away and my photos are not as clear as I would like.. But, I enjoyed seeing them, I could not fit all five in one photo. So I had to take several shots.

The Eastern Meadowlark will stalk thru the grasses probing for insects will their long bill.  They are beautiful birds with their bright yellow underparts and a bold V on their chest..

Till next week's wild bird post.. I wish you happy Birding and have a wonderful week!

Join in and post your birdies and to see more beautiful and wonderful bird and fence photos please visit:

 Stewart's Wild Bird Wednesday and Michelle's  Nature Notes

Thanks to all of our hosts... Michelle for Nature Notes and Stewart of Wild Bird Wednesday.

  Happy Birding and have a wonderful week!


Crafty Green Poet said...

a pretty bird and more distinctive than many larks are!

chica said...

Aqui ou lá os pássaros nos encantam sempre!Adoro! beijos, lindo dia! chica

Sonja said...

You must have been delighted to see them if they are rare locally. American Meadowlarks remind me of African Yellow-throated Longclaws - another beautiful bird.

DIMI said...

Good morning Eileen!!
Such beautiful birds!Lovely images seeing the birds thru the grasses!!
Great captures!Wish you a happy week!!
(I love your new header!!!)

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

so pretty. I gotta get up your way one day

Mersad said...

Really lovely wildlife images.

Mersad Donko Photography

Irma said...

What a beautiful bird is this.
These is not in the Netherlands, I have never seen one.
Perfect photographed, Eileen.

Linda Kay said...

Such a lovely coloring on your lark.

TexWisGirl said...

because we have a few open hay pastures, we get these birds in the winter time. always nice to see them flying low over the fields.

Stephanie said...

A pretty bird, love the markings in its feathers.

Bethany Carson said...

The yellow belly is very pretty!

Linda W. said...

Pretty birds! Here in Oregon, we have the Western Meadowlark (which I think is our state bird). I love their calls.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

sweet little birds and I got a laugh because when I first read the line sweet little yellow underparts, I read sweet little yellow under pants and had to go back..

Lee@A Guide to Northeastern Gardening said...

I am glad for you that you were able to capture some shots of the Eastern Meadowlark. It's a little milder today so some of the more interesting birds were out but after some time with the telephoto lens-no good shots..oh well...so I enjoyed yours!

HappyK said...

Nice shots. They are pretty birds.

September Violets said...

Such a beautiful bird! I've never seen one, but my mom used to talk of seeing them when she lived on a farm (which is also all city now). What a happy sighting Eileen :) Wendy x

Adam Tilt said...

Very nice colouring. Puts the British larks to shame.

Our photos said...

What a beautiful bird !

Debbie said...

it's so exciting to see a newbie.....and a pretty one at that!!!! I have never seen one!!!

Cloudia said...

Amazing how each variety is sweet in their own way! Ima link up to the Wild Bird party Weds morning...

ALOHA from Honolulu

Kerry said...

I bet this was a family group? I imagine they have a lovely song, too. Lucky you.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful images of these birds, they are very pretty.

Anonymous said...

Lovely images of the birds, they are very pretty. It's nice to see them foraging in the grass.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

When we had a very bitter cold spell a few years ago we put out a variety of bird feeders and we had lots of different kinds of birds visit. I loved the meadowlark. Even a nonbirder like me could spot them.

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, I sure do miss seeing these Meadowlarks! I used to see them at the little farm we had up in TN. I have not yet seen any here in Marion County, FL. Glad you posted about the Eastern Meadowlarks. Have a really great day today!

Anonymous said...

Eastern Meadowlarks are great birds! I am glad you shared your pictures. I so miss seeing them here in Florida. Have an outstanding day!

Stewart M said...

Nice looking bird - I seem to recall seeing lots of pictures of them sat on fenceposts! These are different sort of shot. Nice.

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

Bob Bushell said...

Great bird Eileen, excellent shots.

Phil Slade said...

It is tragic that your local farmland is disappearing and causing the larks to decline. A familiar story everywhere.

Nonetheless enjoy your birding Eileen.

Red Nomad OZ said...

Such a pretty little bird and I also love the texture of the grass in your shots. If it's any comfort to you, the birds are a lot closer and clearer in your shots than they are in most of mine :D

Noushka said...

Hello Eileen,
Those Eastern Meadowlarks are so beautiful with their blue patch under the throat and their elongated beaks!
Keep well, hugs from France :)

Indrani said...

Great captures of the birds in the greenery.

Lynne said...

One thing I know . . .
If I am feeling down and out . . .
Look out the window and watch at the feeders . . .
Or go for a walk and listen . . .
Or look at Eileen's post, or Tex's or Brian's or Margaret's or more . . .
It always helps.
And today, a Meadowlark . . .

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Lark is a great name.

EG CameraGirl said...

How fortunate that they are in such short grass! I usually see them here in deep grass. :)

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Great that you spotted it and then got these photos of it.

Sue (this n that) said...

Hello Eileen, what a pretty name they have. Their markings are very distinctive even from a distance. You did well photographing them, they look like active little birds :D)

Sue (this n that) said...

... I meant to also say how much I admire your Christmas header. Much peace and happiness to you too :D)

Pat said...

Beautiful birds. I love the name.

Brian King said...

Nice! I've never been able to get a decent shot of these guys.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Great captures..you have good eyes..by the time I can see what kind of bird I am looking at, I usually spook them away. I need a longer lens!

orchid0324 said...

Dearest Eileen; Oh, your sweet little Eastern Meadowlark look so lovely and I LOVED the pinkish back of your pictures♡♡♡
So sorry that I haven't noticed your newer post, my friend.
Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

Rambling Woods said...

I didn't know anything about the meadowlarks so thank you for the information Eileen...Michelle

Mary Howell Cromer said...

They are such beauties. I can usually get to them at Foxhollow and maybe 3 miles from home. They are gone for now and I always get happy when we see them and hear them again~

Unknown said...

Thank you for teaching us about these birds. I enjoy learning through your blog. Your description and photos give me the confidence that if one visits us, I should be able to identify it.

A Colorful World said...


tiptoethruphylsgarden.blogspot.com said...

They look like a larger bird than I thought they`d be,I`ve never seen one,thanks for sharing!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Grassland birds are under threat everywhere. Meadowlarks are a signature species of wild meadows. Both the habitat and the species are far less common than they were even twenty years ago.

Susan said...

Pretty birds. I've seen only a few around here. Nice shots, Eileen! Have a wonderful weekend!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I have never seen more than one meadowlark at a time! So wonderful. We see the western ones in Oregon occasionally, they are the state bird.

NatureFootstep said...

they are much more colorful then our larks :)

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a happy new week! "Always take the scenic route." Cape Flattery, northwest tip of Washington stat...