Saturday, December 13, 2014

Saturday's Critters #52

Saturday's Critters #52

Happy weekend everyone! Wow 52 Saturday's Critters have flown by. I can not believe it has been a year already.

Ok, it's time to share your critters.. Any kind of critter will do.. I appreciate everyone who has linked up in the past and for those who are linking in on this week's critter party. And of course I always appreciate my blogging friends stopping by just for a visit..Also, I hope you can check out the post at Annis's I'd-Rather-B-Birdin.  You should also check out Misty Dawn's Camera Critters.

I am sharing some more birds and critters seen during our Nags Head, Outer Banks trip..

A pretty American Wigeon seen at the Pea Island NWR in the Outer Banks.

The American Avocets are beautiful birds.

A cute Pied-billed Grebe another one of my favorite birds.

I believe this could be a Pilot Whale! It was seen from the beach near our Nags Head hotel.. Hubby and I enjoyed watching the dolphins and these Pilot Whales. I watched the dolphins playing in the waves close to shore. An awesome sight to see. The Dolphins we saw were gray in color and what I think is the Pilot Whale were darker black sea mammals swimming by.

A cool sighting..the dolphins and pilot whales.. I hope you enjoyed my birds and mammal from the Outer Banks.. It is an awesome place to visit, even during the off season..

Thanks to Tex Theresa aka Tex, I was able to add this link up button and thanks to  Jennifer for creating my photo badge.

Thank you for linking up to the critter party. I also appreciate the visits, comments and the support of my blogging friends................... Have a happy weekend!
To see more beautiful birds and cute critters, check out these two memes below.

Please visit:  I'd-Rather-B-BirdinThanks to the gracious host: Anni.  Also check out Camera Critters. Thanks to Misty for hosting this fun meme.


Jo said...

Morning Eileen and Happy Critters Day to you! Your American Avocet are indeed beautiful. And I loved seeing the pilot wale. Have a great weekend. Jo

Sonja said...

What lovely sunset colours in your seascapes. It must have been a lovely break.

Kristin_Texas said...

Those are awesome photos of the whale, and as for dolphins... I haven't seen them in a really long time. The last time was in Port Aransas several years ago. I never tire of watching them.

Christian Perrin said...

Wow, how exciting to see those pilot whales! There's a few whales that look similar to pilot whales too (from memory, some names are 'melon-headed whale' and 'false killer whale') but I don't mean to blur the ID even more!

Congrats on the year of critters! :)

DeniseinVA said...

That was a fast year. Congratulations Eileen, it has been a lot of fun participating in your meme. Love your photos. The American Avocets are indeed beautiful birds. I have never seen them before. Happy weekend to you :)

lina@happy families said...

Love your shots!

Elaine said...

What a lovely collection of shots! Nags Head looks like a wonderful place to visit.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

That looks a lovely spot to sit and watch the Dolpins and Whales and the birds were lovely also. Thanks for hosting. Have a wonderful weekend.

chica said...

Imagens lindas e que trazem paz! bjs e ótimo fim de semana! chica

Hannah said...

Your birds are all so cute! I love ducks, and the Avocets are so upright, they really stand out. I like Grebes too, but don't think I've ever seen one in the wild. It's fun to spot whales and dolphins, too, it looks like a great trip.

rainfield61 said...

52 Saturday's Critters with hundreds of critters.

Irma said...

Hello Eileen,
Beautiful series of images.
The last two are my favorite.
A very good weekend.

Ileana said...

How nice to see those whales! Your photos are very beautiful, as always! Thanks for hosting. Have a nice weekend!

Rajesh said...

Beautiful images of the birds.

Phil Slade said...

Happy Birthday to Saturday Critters Eileen. Like you, I can't believe another twelve months have gone by.

A really nice Wigeon and those American Avocets really stand out against the water.

Cheers to the next twelve.

EG CameraGirl said...

Avocets are on my wish list. They are occasionally seen here in central Ontario but not by far. :)

Debbie said...

whales and dolphins, oh my!!! I LOVE the avocets, that's some cool beak they have!!! wonderful images this week Eileen, have a fun filled weekend!!!!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Wonderful to see dolphins and the whale! What an amazing place. Of course I love the birds too ... And I really really need to see an avocet again sometime. It has been years, somehow I always miss seeing them.

Brian King said...

Beautiful waterfowl shots! No matter what kind of whale that is, the photos are gorgeous! I like the silhouettes!

sonia a. mascaro said...

Love so beautiful birds and critters, dear Eileen!
Have a Happy weekend too! :)

TexWisGirl said...

the wigeons are beautiful ducks. the avocets are so graceful! congrats on seeing the whale! :)

orchid0324 said...

Hi, Dearest Eileen; Wow, Avocets have the really LONG beak:-) How great to be able to see dolphins and whales♡♡♡ Sea Life is really amazing and great to observe, aren't they♪

Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Avocets have a grace and elegance all of their own.

♥ Łucja-Maria ♥ said...

Hello Eileen !
Wonderful creatures and beautiful photos.
Have a nice weekend:)

MadSnapper said...

i would like to see the whales, have seen dolphins but not whales. and the water birds are beautiful.

Sharon Wagner said...

It's fun to catch a whale or dolphin. They are so fast and crest so briefly.

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

I'm dangerous driving across the bay, because my eyes our on the water looking for fins more than they are on the road in front of me. The idea of intelligent, social mammals cavorting below the waves intrigues me. Too cool

Inger said...

Whales are so magnificent and your smaller critters are great too.

DIMI said...

Hello Eileen!!
Lovely birds!Lucky you saw a whale and dolphins on your trip!
Great captures!Have a happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, How exciting you got to see that whale! Wonderful. I like the Advocet and also the Widgeons. Have a really good weekend!

Gerald (SK14) said...

love the widgeon at the top

Small City Scenes said...

Love the Avocets and how wonderful to be able to watch Dolphins and Whales. MB

Ela said...

Your birds are beautiful ! Thanks for sharing these wonderful photos !
Eileen, have a happy weekend :)

Linda W. said...

Congrats on one year of "Saturdays Critters!" You captured some nice light in your photos above. How wonderful to see the dolphins!

Ela said...

Your birds are beautiful ! Thanks for sharing these wonderful photos !
Eileen, have a happy weekend :)

Al said...

Great animal shots - we saw whales last time we were at Pismo Beach!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Awesome shots, Eileen! It would be fun to see the whales! I love the color of the sky over the water, too. Have a nice weekend!

NatureFootstep said...

I have seen two kinds of Avocets but not yours. Would love to see this one in breeding plumage :)
love the whale images :)
Thanks for hosting :)

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Pilot whales?!!?

What a great trip!

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

I loved seeing more images from the Outer Banks. We did not see whales but there were plenty of dolphins when we visited. Have a great week!

Bob Bushell said...

So amazing, the Whales, popping along. Well done Eileen.

Black Jack's Carol said...

Oh my goodness. A pilot whale and dolphins! I would have been beside myself with joy! Loved your wigeon, avocets and grebe too. As always, a beautiful post, Eileen. Thank you so much!

Jen said...

American Avocets are very elegant birds. One of my favorites. How exciting to see whales!

Giga said...

Birds beautiful views of the sea and I can only envy. Regards.

Our photos said...

Oh my, I love these photos ! Very nice !

eileeninmd said...

Thank you, Giga! Have a happy Sunday!

carol l mckenna said...

Wonderful photography as always of nature's beautiful critters ~

Happy Weekend to you,
artmusedog and carol

eileeninmd said...

Thank you, Cheryl!

Cranberry Morning said...

What beautiful photos, Eileen - especially that second one with how the light affects the water! There's just something about Saturday. I so often forget to link up on the weekend! But here I am, late to the party. Thanks for hosting.

Stephanie said...

Wonderful series!

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

I always enjoy your photos, and seeing Pilot Whales, is an added bonus!

This N That said...

Great catch!! Love the pilot whale photos..Long time since I've seen one of those..Hope you're having a fun weekend..

Anonymous said...

How exciting to see the whales and dolphins and all those birds! Lovely lighting.

Linda said...

I don't think I've ever seen a pilot whale! Dolphins yes!

Red Nomad OZ said...

I love ALL the photos, but I particularly like the subdued colours, lighting and texture of the whale pix. Not to mention a cool capture! Hope you've had an awesome weekend!

betty-NZ said...

What great shots! I love the avocets, they're so pretty. And the whale and dolphins sightings are, I' sure, something you will remember for a very long time!

Magia da Inês said...

·.✿✿ミ Lindas paisagens!
Fotos maravilhosas também!!!
Amei a luminosidade e os reflexos da segunda foto.

╭✿╯Bom domingo! Boa semana!
╰✿╮Beijinhos do Brasil.° ·.

Uppal said...


Helma said...

You also beautiful bird pictures and placed in the link are again many beautiful animals. Very nice new week Eileen:-)

Leora said...

Wow, a whale! Wonderful collection that you are showing us.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

a year. wow, Congrats on that!! so fun! glad your link up has been such a great one. that is always fun. love it when that happens. enjoy it! i always link up when i have critters to share. i have not been out in the world finding critters in a long time... i need to get with it. ha. ha!! ( :

Poppy said...

Beautiful shots of your marine critters, Eileen! Thanks for the party! Happy Sunday, to you!


Anni said...

Those avocets seem to have their breeding colors still!!! Wow.

Thanks for sharing your link here this weekend!! Have a happy week ahead.

sunshine said...

A wonderful collection, great to see a whale close to the coast.

Donna@LivingFromHappiness said...

I love when you go traveling as we get to see so many cool sights....

Bethany Carson said...

Enjoyed your photos! How neat to see a pilot whale!

Pat said...

Cool sightings of the dolphins and the pilot whales.

Jenn Jilks said...

You have had some amazing trips. Thanks for sharing them!

Lynne said...

Amazing sights you see . . .

Happy Monday!

  Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "If you never go, you will never know." "Travel, before you run out of ...