Saturday's Critters #61
On the way home from Blackwater NWR we made a quick stop in Cambridge, Maryland to see the ducks..I shared some of these ducks in an earlier Wild Bird Wednesday post but I wanted to share just how many ducks were in this one spot.. In the winter this is a great place to see all kinds of ducks.. above are the Lesser Scaup..different than the Greater Scaup because they have "bumps" on their heads..
A variety of ducks can be the Canvasbacks, Scaup and American Wigeons..
I think I see some female mallards too.
Beyond the pier I see some Ruddy Ducks. They are recognizable by their upturned tails..
Above is a pretty American Wigeon.
Either direction you looked you see more ducks.. This is the view toward Rt 50 bridge and the Bill Burton fishing pier..
My youtube video of the Cambridge Ducks..sorry it was windy on this day..but the sound of the wigeon is cute..I hope you enjoyed my ducks and post..Again I thank you for linking up to the critter party. I also appreciate the visits, comments and the support of my blogging friends................... Have a happy weekend!
Thanks to Tex Theresa aka Tex, I was able to add this link up button and thanks to Jennifer for creating my photo badge.
To see more beautiful birds and cute critters, check out these two memes below.
Also visit: I'd-Rather-B-Birdin. Thanks to the gracious host: Anni. Also check out Camera Critters. Thanks to Misty for hosting this fun meme.
Happy weekend, everyone! I am looking forward to Spring, I wish it would come soon...Ok, it's Saturday and it's time to share your critters.. Any kind of critter will do, even a new or old post.. I appreciate everyone who has linked up in the past and for those who are linking in on this week's critter party. And of course I always appreciate my blogging friends just stopping by for a visit.
On the way home from Blackwater NWR we made a quick stop in Cambridge, Maryland to see the ducks..I shared some of these ducks in an earlier Wild Bird Wednesday post but I wanted to share just how many ducks were in this one spot.. In the winter this is a great place to see all kinds of ducks.. above are the Lesser Scaup..different than the Greater Scaup because they have "bumps" on their heads..
A variety of ducks can be the Canvasbacks, Scaup and American Wigeons..
I think I see some female mallards too.
Beyond the pier I see some Ruddy Ducks. They are recognizable by their upturned tails..
Above is a pretty American Wigeon.
Either direction you looked you see more ducks.. This is the view toward Rt 50 bridge and the Bill Burton fishing pier..
My youtube video of the Cambridge Ducks..sorry it was windy on this day..but the sound of the wigeon is cute..I hope you enjoyed my ducks and post..Again I thank you for linking up to the critter party. I also appreciate the visits, comments and the support of my blogging friends................... Have a happy weekend!
Thanks to Tex Theresa aka Tex, I was able to add this link up button and thanks to Jennifer for creating my photo badge.

To see more beautiful birds and cute critters, check out these two memes below.
Also visit: I'd-Rather-B-Birdin. Thanks to the gracious host: Anni. Also check out Camera Critters. Thanks to Misty for hosting this fun meme.
Ducks and more ducks! :D What an amazing sight!
I'm looking forward to Spring, too, and just now tonight we're getting our first significant snowfall of the winter.
Hope you have a fantastic weekend!
Thanks for hosting.
Hello Eileen, this is one of my last posts about critters in Mwadui. Meanwhile I've captured several strange critters on camera here in SA already. Thanks for hosting. Have a great weekend. Jo
WOW! Ducks! Ducks! Ducks! I have never seen as many in one place. Fantastic and I love seeing them in the video, that was even better seeing them all moving about. Thanks for hosting. Have a happy weekend.
Wow, that's a lot of ducks. I'm so ready for spring as well. Have a great weekend, Eileen.
I love that American Widgeon. But to be honest I like all of them. Always great to see so many water birds of different varieties. Have a great weekend.
What a pleasure to see so many birds at the same place and how beautiful they are.
Lindo sempre aqui! E que vídeo maravilhoso! beijos, ótimo fim de semana,chica
Lots of beautiful ducks, but I especially like the Wigeon shot. They are such a sweet little duck.
Hello Eileen!:) What a thrill to witness all these birds.I have never seen so many ducks swimming together all in the same place, it's a fabulous sight. Loved all your photos, and short vídeo clip.
Hi Eileen.
Beautiful series of images of all ducks.
So much together.
The video is also lovely.
I wish you a very good weekend.
Best regards, Irma
That is an amazing aggregation of ducks! They seem not to be feeding, either resting/sleeping or moving about aimlessly. Interesting! Thanks for hosting us!
Awww, the beautiful ones with the copper heads again :))
And that video is just great!
WOW! These are many! :D
Have a happy weekend
What an amazing sea of ducks......thanks for sharing this Eileen.
Have a lovely weekend!
Beautiful birds (so many of them!) and great photos!
I find many ducks also very cute: no wonder they are so much beloved as characters of fairy tales, as toys and in popular culture.
Happy weekend, Eileen!
Hello Eileen!!
Wow!!So many beautiful ducks together!!Great series of pictures!
I really enjoyed your video!!Thank you for sharing!Have a happy weekend!
An amazing variety of ducks!
Whoa! Ducks galore! :-)
So much ducks... Amazing photos!!! Have a great weekend!
What a panoramic view with lovely ducks! Gorgeous shots!
So many beautiful ducks! :))
Dearest Eileen; Wow!!! This scene of so many ducks in one place must be brathtaking and incredible for me :-) Enjoyed the video these flocks of them swimming togather♡♡♡ How amazing♬♬♬
Thank you SO much for sharing and hosting, my friend.
I hope you will have a wonderful weekend.
Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*
Hi Eileen. You weren't kidding. Amazing to see all those ducks in that wide angle shot, and a number of species I'd love to see in more than the ones and twos we sometimes get here in the UK.
Have a great weekend and I hope it warms up for you.
I like the first ducks colours and especially its eye. Wow there sure are a lot of ducks at your critter party.
That is a pondful of ducks! What an incredible place :)
We're dressed up in our winter woolies in support today. I don't know how much sleep we'll get tonight and the cold change is not due through until Monday lunchtime. We're hot, hot hot here in Melbourne at the moment, wishing you Spring on the way :)
Wren x
Oh my god ! So many ducks in this place! I love these views!
Fantastic photos and video !
Eileen, have a happy weekend :)
Oh WOW ! Lots of lovely duckies . Wonderful post and photos . Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !
wow, loved seeing so many ducks!
thanks for sharing, eileen, and have a great weekend! xo
what a wonderful assortment of ducks, there sure were a lot.....and such different varieties!!
awesome captures eileen, have an awesome weekend, we may be getting more snow!!!!
First time I've seen so many waterfowl.Wonderful duck !!!
Lovely view. Dreamlike images.
Happy weekend, Eileen.
Greetings from Polish ...
Hi Eileen, Neat post! That is a lot of ducks! Have a good weekend. John
Eileen, so many ducks! And they are so unique with their colorings. I suppose no two are exactly alike, but each species appears to be.
The ducks are gorgeous! And SO many! Wow!
wow, that's a mess o' ducks! but handsome ones they are. love the mix of scaups and canvasbacks - a great blend of colors - like pea gravel. :)
So many ducks! You got a lot of really nice shots.
Eileen, ducks galore. Thanks for sharing.
Always fantastic bird photography here ~ and wonderful sense of Spring coming!
Happy Weekend to you,
artmusedog and carol
Now that is my kind if birding ... lots and lots of the same species.
Enjoyed the video clip.
Have a glorious weekend.
I have never seen more than 6 or 8 ducks in one place, these photos are amazing.. and beautiful
Wow, that's a lot of ducks. It's a duck party!
I knew the expression 'a gaggle of geese' but wondered what to call a bunch of ducks, so I looked it up -- that is a flush of ducks!
Thanks for hosting!
That's a lot of ducks! Congratulations on your new grandpuppy - she certainly is cute.
Wow! That's a lotta ducks! I really like your second photo.
Woe! A lot of ducks and great photos too. It almost was starting to feel Springish here, but tomorrow it is possibly snowing. I have been watching the local birds build nests. Maybe they know something?
Absolutely stunning, ducks and ducks, lovely.
LOVE the ducks!! What an amazing experience it must have been to see and hear all these busy quackers. Thanks for sharing all your beautiful photos Eileen! I hope you have a great weekend, and don't forget to try feeding the chickadees ;)
Wow! A great grouping of ducks! Hope you don't have too much snow! Stay warm!
Now that is a plethora of Quackers. Great images
Beautiful photos and a nice collection of ducks. I did not know about the 'Rudder Ducky' and the Wigeon. So, thanks for lesson and hosting this fun meme.
Have a Beautiful Day!
Peace :)
Olá, a primavera está quase a chegar, com ela vem maior beleza e alegria, as fotos são perfeita na beleza.
I am amazed to see so many birds in one place Eileen. Fantastic captures! Have a great weekend :)
There are a zillion of different ducks!!!
I bet it was noisy too with all the quacking :-}}}
Wow that is a lot of ducks. I've never seen so many in once place before.
Look at all those birds! Wow so many of them. Fabulous shots!
Incredible place! So many birds. Beautiful!
I have never seen so many ducks all lucky duck!!!!...:)JP
Both the variety and the huge numbers of ducks have me in utter awe! And make me happy too, it's just wonderful to know they are doing so well. Thank you so much for sharing and of course as always for hosting this great meme.
Wow, that's really a lot of duck ! I have never seen that many !
wow, that is a lot of birds all so close together. wow weee!!! ( :
Well, now! That is a LOT of ducks! haha.
What a great plethora of ducks, Eileen!
How wonderful to see so many and varied ducks!
What an amazing array of ducks. Looks like Duck World.
Wow, that's a lot of ducks!
My first time to see lots of ducks at the same time and place.
Awesome shots, Eileen.
Hello Eileen,
Wonderful shots!!
So special to see so many ducks together.
Many greetings,
From yesterday's comment I left, you know exactly what I thought of this post....magnificent!!
Thank you for joining with your link at I'd Rather B Birdin' this weekend!!!
so many ducks? And it still is empty in my region exept for 3 golden eyes. I envy you.
Oh my ducks alive! I thought I came across a large group yesterday, they even filled up the parking lot, but you have out done it with these photos! WooHoo!
I also wait of spring
Even the animals are already active.
So many ducks, what a treat.
♥ly greetings
Wow, what an amazing sight! I'd love to see so many different varieties of ducks all at one time! Thank you for sharing, Eileen!
I'm glad that somewhere there are so many happy ducks and thanks for sharing them! I can see a couple every day in my yard but they don't get to swim free in the water...
My goodness, so many ducks! Sometimes, we see quite a large flock here, but I don't think I've ever seen anything like you show here. I've never seen Ruddy ducks and Canvasbacks. Loved the video. Was that your voice and your husband's that we heard along with the cute wigeon sound? Amazing how just that little bit of audio brings the impression of someone a little bit clearer in our minds. I love that you are both such appreciators of wildlife.
LOL great captures of ALL those ducks. Now O want to see you get them in a row.
Eileen, que imagem linda!!!!
Wow! It looks like ducks have taken over that lake! An impressive sighting!
How interesting, Eileen, to see your American Wigeon, which are a bit different to the ones here. Thank you for your comment on my swans - I have added a link as you may see.
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