Saturday, March 14, 2015

Saturday's Critters #65

Saturday's Critters #65

Happy weekend, everyone!  It's Saturday and it's time to share your critters.. Any kind of critter will do, even a new or old post.. I appreciate everyone who has linked up in the past and for those who are linking in on this week's critter party. And of course I always appreciate my blogging friends stopping by just for a visit.

I am sharing a couple of my yard birds for my critter post, I hope you enjoy.

I maybe away from the computer so I will be catching up with my comments and visits as soon as possible. Have a great weekend!

One of my pretty male Cardinals in the snow.

A puffy Blue Jay.

Coming up this week is St. Patrick's Day, I am sharing an Irish blessing..

May the Irish hills caress you.
May her lakes and rivers bless you.
May the luck of the Irish enfold you.
May the blessings of Saint Patrick behold you.

Like the warmth of the sun
and the light of the day
May the luck of the Irish
shine bright on your way......Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Now I am looking forward to seeing your critters.. Thanks for stopping by and as always I appreciate your nice comments..

Thanks to Tex Theresa aka Tex, I was able to add this link up button and thanks to  Jennifer for creating my photo badge.

To see more beautiful birds and cute critters, check out these two memes below.

Also visit:  I'd-Rather-B-BirdinThanks to the gracious host: Anni.  Also check out Camera Critters. Thanks to Misty for hosting this fun meme.


Jocee said...

Oh I do love your Blue Jays. Happy weekend to you and may there be lots of green around soon.

Linda W. said...

Great shot of the cardinal! Happy weekend to you.

Susan said...

Love the beautiful Cardinal photo. Thank you for the Irish blessing, may yours be a great St. Patrick's day!

Unknown said...

Beautiful birds. They look cold. Have a happy weekend, Eileen.

NatureFootstep said...

Nice firds s usual. Thanks for hosting and have a great weekend :)

Joyful said...

Both of the birds are beautiful and I like the Irish Blessings. Wishing you the same blessing. Enjoy your trip!

Unknown said...

Love both pictures of the birds and your teddybears are cute :)

Have a beautiful weekend!

chica said...

Lindos pássaros e ursinhos! Feliz dia ! bjs, lindo fim de semana! chica

Mersad said...

As always I so enjoy watching your wildlife photography.

laurak/ForestWalkArt :) said...

love the puffed up cardinal!
have a happy st patty's day! *cheers*

lina@happy family said...

The cardinal looks so cute!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Thank you for your beautiful birds, for the Irish Blessing and especially for hosting! Happy St Patrick's Day to you!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Two beautiful birds and great shots of them Many thanks for your Irish greeting and for hosting this meme. I will have something s for you on 17th March - St Patrick's Day. Hope your weekend goes well.

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

The birds are great - all puffed up in their nice warm feathers. And love all those green bears.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i love your St. Patrick's Day bear collection. so cute. i love the color green. such a happy fun color. love the cardinal too ... have a great weekend. take care. and thanks for the link up ... always fun to share. & how often can i say i shared a real grizzly ... so fun!! ( :

EG CameraGirl said...

Your Irish-green (or Kelly-green) critters made me smile, Eileen. Enjoy your time away from your computer. I bet you are our birding, you lucky girl!

Jenn Jilks said...

I do adore your birds, but your green bears are quite cute!

J said...

Oh my goodness! The beauty of that cardinal - patiently waiting for the snow to melt. The photo is stunning!
Happy St. Patrick's Day to you too! Love your green bears!

John's Island said...

Hi Eileen, What a great picture of the Cardinal ... nice work! Thanks for sharing and have a good weekend. Hope you are having fun while away from the computer. John

Montanagirl said...

Hi Eileen - LOVE your Green Bears!!

Country Gal said...

Lovely photos ! I always have a critter or birdie in my posts with other photos of things how can I not I love birds and critter and we have a lot of them here in our valley back yard lol . Thanks for hosting and sharing . Have a good weekend !

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Nice colors, red, blue and green. Our granddaughters usually visit us during St Patty Day week but instead will be here for Easter break. We had to send the Leprechaun ("Shamus") out to Illinois as they expect him to appear magically on the morning of the 17th and create all kinds of mischief around the house-- green popcorn scattered on the floor, torn up papers, backward chairs, spilled milk etc. We will miss that but your green teddies cheer us up!

orchid0324 said...

Dearest Eileen; OMG, I LOVE your capture of male cardinal looking back and fluffing up. Almost seems asking you help. Pretty isn't he♫♫♫
Sweet poems and lovely green bears♡♡♡ Happy coming Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

rainfield61 said...

What a cute red cardinal in the snow.

Lea said...

I really enjoy this meme. Thanks for hosting!

TexWisGirl said...

love your puffed out cardinal! so cute! hope you have a good day out!

Lynne said...

I like your Green Critters . . . trying to slowly get "back with it!" Happy sunny weekend to you???

Ela said...

These colorful birds look beautiful in the snow :))
Eileen, your shots are perfect !
Have a nice weekend :)

Debbie said...

your birds are always so beautiful!! mr. cardinal looks like someone is being fed very well!!

i have those beanies, i have a thousand beanies. i am keeping my holiday ones and giving the others away, a few at a time!!! what was i thinking!?!?

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

ahhhh...all nice shots. Beanies are some of the cutest critters too.

HappyK said...

That Cardinal sure is puffed up. Looks nice and warm.

thewovenspoke said...

Eileen, love the photos, really like the bars! Happy St. Patricks' Day

Bob Bushell said...

The Green people, I am looking forward to your leprechauns.

Uppal said...

Sweet and colorful birds and those stuffed ones are pretty cool to look at.

Stephanie said...

Love the teddy bears! Great shots!

carol l mckenna said...

Wow! Great shots of 'yard birds' ~ and love the St Paddy Bears!

Happy Weekend to you,
artmusedog and carol

Small City Scenes said...

Happy St. Paddy's Day to you too.
I love the Cardinal all fluffed up in the snow.

DIMI said...

Hello Eileen!!
Great captures of the Cardinal and the Blue Jay!Fantastic images!!Thank you for the Irish blessings!!Have a happy weekend!

Breathtaking said...

Hello Eileen!:) What beautiful captures!Both birds have such sweet expressions, especially The Cardinal and the teddy bears look cosy hanging out together.:)Nice one!
Have a great weekend.

21 Wits said...

Beautiful photos, especially the first one. I can hear between the tweet, tweet, who is that taking my picture! I see you!

gtyyup said...

Howdy...thanks for hosting! I found your meme through Montanagirl. I should have used my post from yesterday, but I'll be back! Love your cardinal and blue jay...neither of which we have here in SE Oregon.

Helma said...

His wonderful pictures of the red cardinal and Jay. also very nice hugs in green for St. patricksday. In the Netherlands we do not have this anniversary.
Very nice weekend.

Jo said...

Oh Eileen, I love this critter post. And the green teddies. Happy St Patrick's day to you all too. Jo

George said...

It looks as if you are all set for the Saint Patrick's Day festivities. I think Mr. Cardinal wishes the snow was gone.

This N That said...

Beautiful pictures Eileen...even if they are just yard birds..Happy St Pattys Day to you as well. Enjoy your weekend..

Pat said...

Colorful critters you have here, blue, and green!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Those green critters are my favorite, for sure!!!...:)JP

Rose said...

I love that shot of the looks as if it was posing for you.

FAB said...

Love the cute teddy bears.

Su-sieee! Mac said...

As always,you've shared beautiful photos of your gorgeous friends. I hope I can see a cardinal up close one day.
The View from the Top of the Ladder

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Hi Eileen! I love the snow photos, and the Irish blessing!

I hope you're doing well, and I hope you're enjoying the weekend!

Connie Smiley said...

Eileen, that's a great capture of the cardinal looking over his shoulder at you! Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Linda said...

Love your bird pics and the little green bears! Wait a minute, bears aren't green!

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, Nothing is more beautiful bird-wise as photographs of Northern Cardinals in the snow. Well done! Enjoy the rest of the weekend and the upcoming new week!

GreenComotion said...

Beautiful birds, Eileen.
I love the male Cardinal's photo particularly.
Have a Beautiful Day!
Peace :)

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Both pics are great. I can't believe how expressive Mr. Cardinal is!

Mary Howell Cromer said...

What sweet Cardinal and Blue Jay images~

Phil Slade said...

Hi Eileen and thanks for the party today.

I love those Irish teddy bears and I'm green with envy. I'll sup a glass of Guinness with you this evening.

Brian King said...

Fantastic photos of the cardinal and jay!

Magia da Inês said...

Fotos lindas, como sempre!!!

Ótimo domingo com tudo de bom!
Boa semana!
Beijinhos do Brasil.
ჱه° ·.

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

As I get to enjoy your birds on FB, I won't comment about them but I must say I do like your collection of green bears for St. Patrick's day Eileen!

Minoru Saito said...

Hi! Eileen. Nice bird photos. I reminded of major baseball teams. I uploaded a crab in your meme. Thanks for sharing.

Bethany Carson said...

Lovely to see the red and the blue of the cardinal and blue jay! Enjoyed the Irish blessing. Thanks for hosting the linkup, Eileen!

Mari said...

Omg those are exactly the Angry Birds!

The Yum List said...

There are so many different colours in birds' feathers. Beautiful.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hello, Just got home from a nice trip to Arkansas to celebrate George's birthday. I will blog about it tomorrow.

Now--it's time to start working in the yard, cleaning up all of the 'junk' from the ice storm. What a mess!!!

Hope you are doing well. Love your birdie photos.

Happy St. Patrick's Day.

cedarmerefarm said...

Good morning Eileen, your birds are fat and happy. Have a nice week, Christa

Stewart M said...

Great shots - these brightly coloured birds look so good with a bit of snow about.

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

Ailime said...

Hi Eileen, So beautiful these birds! I loved the St. Patrick's day bears;))! Have a nice weekk with many photos!Hugs.

Gail Dixon said...

Your puffy birds are so pretty!! The blessings were sweet as well. We had a St. Patrick's parade in Baton Rouge over the weekend and it looked like a war was fought with green plastic beads! I should've photographed the aftermath. :/

Anonymous said...

Awww - fabulous bird shots.

Existe Sempre Um Lugar said...

Bom dia, parabéns pela captação das lindas aves, é um privilegio pode admirar e fotografar a natureza, as fotos são excelentes.

Black Jack's Carol said...

Well, I didn't manage to add my critters to your wonderful meme this week, Eileen, but my goodness, what a beautiful post. First the red, then the soft blue, and then the delightful greens. Just full of vibrancy from beginning to end! I hope you are having a very happy Thursday!

yonca said...

Awesome shots as usual, Eileen! St. Patrick's day bears are so cute! Love them!

Zizi Santos said...

Sempre tem imagens bonitas aqui!
amei todas elas

Unknown said...

Is everything ok over there with you???
Hope you are just off for a little vacation...

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...