Saturday's Critters #66
Happy weekend, everyone! It's Saturday and it's time to share your critters.. Any kind of critter will do, even a new or old post.. I appreciate everyone who has linked up in the past and for those who are linking in on this week's critter party. And of course I always appreciate my blogging friends stopping by just for a visit.
I could be out birding.. so I will be playing catch up with everyone as soon as possible..
Happy weekend, everyone! It's Saturday and it's time to share your critters.. Any kind of critter will do, even a new or old post.. I appreciate everyone who has linked up in the past and for those who are linking in on this week's critter party. And of course I always appreciate my blogging friends stopping by just for a visit.
I could be out birding.. so I will be playing catch up with everyone as soon as possible..
Thanks to Tex Theresa aka Tex, I was able to add this link up button and thanks to Jennifer for creating my photo badge.

To see more beautiful birds and cute critters, check out these two memes below.
Also visit: I'd-Rather-B-Birdin. Thanks to the gracious host: Anni. Also check out Camera Critters. Thanks to Misty for hosting this fun meme.
Fabulous shot - I do love to see birds flying.
Have fun birding - and a happy weekend to you.
Beautiful action shot, Eileen! Are they Flamingos?
Happy Weekend!!
Thank you for hosting this meme!
Peace :)
So glad, I stopped to say: a Happy Spring, a good day and a very sunny and calm weekend!! No birds or any critters, but visions on and about the nature to share for this saturday... So, warm greetings from here and waiting for warm and sunny days to go for walks, Alexa.
happy birding Eileen and thanks for hosting the meme. We will see soon enough what you found.
Glad you said "any kind" of critter, Eileen, cause Ima be back in the morning with a doozy!
ALOHA from Honolulu
Nice capture of migrating birds! I would also love to go birding but not much time left to spend.
Thanks again for this week's meme!
Happy to be back with some bird critters . . .
Hope you are out enjoying some spring weather without SNOW!
Great flight shot Eileen. hope you have a great day's birding and a lovely weekend. Thanks for hosting.
Gosto muito de a cada sábado ver mais e mais belezas por aqui! Linda Primavera! bjs, tudo de bom,chica
Our skies are also filled with White Ibises. They radiate out from their overnight roosts in the Everglades and the morning radar shows expanding "roost ring" echoes caused by the ibises and other waders as well as blackbirds and swallows. Thanks for hosting and visiting my site!
Wish you alot of fun birding, Eileen! :)
Happy weekend to you :)
Enjoy your birding Eileen. Thanks for your last comment on my blog - the same one 15 times! LOL.
Thanks for the birding party too.
Hi Eileen, I hope you're out enjoying some birding! Great post as usual and thanks for hosting this meme. Have a wonderful day. Jo
enjoy your birding.. i will be flea marketing
Lovely flight shot. Enjoy your birding weekend.
Beautiful blue how you've caught the light on their wings.
Happy birding!
Enjoy your week Eileen,
Lovely shot of the migrating birds Eileen. Enjoy your weekend birding.:)
Beautiful image Eileen, well caught.
I understand your NEED to be out birding, Eileen. :)) I'm hoping the birds start moving northward to Ontario soon!
a lovely formation
a fabulous image today, awesome in flight!!!
and that pretty blue sky, i hope to see that today!!!!
Thank you for hosting, Eileen! I'm going out for a walk and I'll be visiting everyone later. Have a great weekend!
Nice flight shot!
Just love this picture. It makes me ponder the breathless beauty of the open sky and the exhilarating joy of floating through it whenever you feel like it. There are definite privileges to being a bird!
A nice shot, hope you are birding in an exotic place.
Happy Spring Eileen.
pretty flock! happy birding!
Hope you have a great time birding, and the geese in formation is always a great sight to see.
Happy birding trails!
Lovely shot! Have fun!
Dearest Eileen; Beautiful photograph of birds flying in the air♡♡♡
Good Luck for birding and 'yes' we are looking forward to seeing your great captures♪
Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*
yep...any critter works for me :)
Eileen, great capture. Send them our way. Enjoy your birding. Thanks for sharing.
Love the flying flock!
Thank YOU Eileen for hosting.
Hope you ARE able to go out and do some Spring Birding this, no's raining heavily. Flood warnings. Bummer
I always enjoy seeing what everyone brings!
Nice flight shot, Eileen.
A very good weekend.
Best regards, Irma
You caught me, once you said any critter, old or new photos. I'm in too. Happy birding weekend to you!
A beautiful shot, Eileen!
Happy Sunday and happy birding!
Beautiful photo! I was hoping to see a sky full of eagles when I visited a local state park, Eileen, but saw only one! Happy Saturday!
Hello Eileen!!
Great shot!!Happy birding!!Enjoy yout trip!Have a lovely weekend!
Nice photo ! I just did a post of critters and our Tundra Swans. Thanks for hosting , Have a good weekend !
Beautiful, Eileen.
Great sky and bird shot! Beautiful!
Happy Weekend to you,
artmusedog and carol
Eileen, I love watching birds in flight! This photo is gorgeous !!
Have a nice weekend :)
Terrific "in-flight" shot!
Pretty shot!
This is an AWESOME shot, Eileen...perfect!...:)JP
Nice capture of the flying birds. They are so elegant!
Happy Sunday!
Beautiful day for watching the birds. Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Mildred
Thank you for hosting this meme!!
I love how the light shines on the bottom of their wings.
Great shot of the birds flying!
Time for birds to be migrating, although it will take a while for most of them to get this far north. Hope you have a good time birding!
Beautifully caught in flight, a great shot.
I wish you a nice sunday,
Greetings from germany
シ Muito bonito!!!
Ótima semana!
Tudo de bom!
Pretty lighting on those birdies, Eileen.
That's a nice shot of the flying critters!
Happy Birding Eileen..Enjoy..Thanks for hosting
Hi Eileen, Ibises or maybe Roseate Spoonbills. Great shot! Have a wonderful coming week! Happy birding!
I'm loving watching the birds migrate!
Great 'birds of a feather, fly together' photo Eileen, hope you had fun birding!
Wren x
I wonder where those birds are heading to?
I found you through 'Life at the Rough String' & clicked over to look at the Saturday's Critters; what a nice way to gather a whole lot of photos worth looking at. Thank you for starting this & hope to participate sometime in the future!
Great shot, Eileen.... We've missed you recently--but hope that you have had a great time AWAY from the computer....
I'm still playing catch up from Christmas...once you get behind it's hard! :-) Didn't have a critter this week, but will visit a few of the meme posts. Your photo is lovely! Have a great week!
Lovely flying birds, all stretched out and looking rosy.
Wonderful photo !
Hi Eileen, Enjoyed your photo and, wow, what a great bunch of folks linked up for an excellent Saturday Critters! Hope all is well with you ... take care! John
You're building up a big community with your meme, Eileen! Good for you!
I'm not sure of the species of your flying birds (they look a bit stork-like to me) but I love the shot, Eileen, and as always, much appreciate your hosting this fine meme. I hope you are having a wonderful day, maybe even out birding with hubby :)
What a lovely shot!
Love the pink tinge to their wings.
A flock of Roseate Spoonbills would bring joy to even the most casual observer. Great shot.
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