Thursday, April 5, 2018

Thankful Thursday

Happy Thankful Thursday! 

Hello, I wish everyone a happy day. 

For awhile we seemed to be missing the big heavy rain and snow storms. It was like they would start and then fizzle out. We did get one big snow the third week of March. One day hubby and I took a walk at the top part of our lake, the water levels were very low.

The top part of our lake just looks like a small stream. It was a pretty sky day!

During most of our latest walks we have been seeing a lot of Common Mergansers. These were far across the lake where the water is deeper.

This is a view of the middle section of our lake. Now there is a beach where there was water.

Just across the lake in the photo above is the Bald Eagle nest. I tried to zoom in for a look but with this fuzzy photo you can just make out the white head of the Bald Eagle.

Back at home the Goldfinches were enjoying the new thistle sock.

I am thankful for the birds outside my windows.
I am thankful for rain and snow even though I prefer warm sunny days.
I am thankful for all your visits and comments. 

Thank you Michelle for hosting. Thankful Thursday
Thank you to the hosts of   Skywatch Friday

Thanks so much for visiting and for your nice comments on my previous post. Have a happy day!


  1. I hope the rains come and the lake recovers. A great day out with great photos Eileen.
    Te deseo un buen jueves.

  2. Hari OM
    Eileen, I needed reminding today that we ought to be thankful even for the snow which is falling outside right now... 8~] ... YAM xx

  3. Hi Eileen,
    fabulous photos of your walk on a sunny day to the lake.
    So pretty this amazing sunshine and blue blue sky.
    Best, Synnöve

  4. Tanto a agradecer ,tanto a ver! Lindas fotos sempre! beijos, tudo de bomn,chica

  5. ...and we are having snow today!

  6. I hope you get some rain to fill the lake soon. Still looks pretty.

  7. Hello,
    what beautiful, relaxing views...
    Have a good day!

  8. Hello,

    Beautiful views! I hope the lake recovers again.
    Happy Thursday!

  9. i can echo with you the list of your I am thankfuls. And i am thankful for all the beauty that is available to us free of charge. so much beauty so little time to see it all

  10. Such a pretty sky - yes! I love it when March is like this.

  11. You remind me I need to fill my feeder! They've been hungry these days!

  12. Beautiful day for a walk. Hope you get some rain soon.

  13. I need a country hike. One thing or another has kept me from my weekly outings. Erg.

  14. Hello Eileen,
    Wonderful series of photos the landscape and your walk.
    They are all perfectly photographed and very sharp, my compliments.
    Best regards, Irma

  15. Such sweet little finches!

  16. Beautiful area for a walk. I hope you get rain soon. We've had more than our share. Happy Thursday!

  17. A few weeks and that area will look quite different! Beautiful shots.

    Here we continue to be cold, with winds on top of that.

  18. Actually, little water in the lake, but I hope that the water will come with time. Pictures and so are beautiful from the lake. Regards .

  19. That is a beautiful river and the tree, thanks Eileen.

  20. Thank you for sharing your own lovely nature, E

  21. The lake is really low compared to other pics you have shown us! I saw dozens of Goldfinches yesterday!

  22. I see the Eagle head and I love the finches. Our Goldfinches are not back yet

  23. I do hope you get some rain. We have been getting too much and now snow/ice on its way tomorrow. Where is spring?! Thanks for linking up!

  24. Beautiful pictures. Sure wish some of the storms would miss us! : )
    We seem to get every one.

  25. And I thank you for the wonderful photos you have shared with us.
    A friend hug
    Maria de
    Divagar Sobre Tudo um Pouco

  26. To have this much in 'your back yard & neighborhood' makes me green with envy!

  27. You had a lovely day to be out. I like seeing the goldfinches too. Thank you for sharing your love of birds with us.

  28. Hopefully some spring rains will replenish your lake.

  29. We are ahead on precipitation..Small amounts at a time but pretty wet..I'm surprised that you are low..Nice pictures but sorry you are dry..

  30. How neat to see an Eagle's nest. We hiked today and I was on the lookout for nests but didn't really identify any. But I did see an Eagle and that made my day. Thanks for sharing photos of your part of the country! Hugs!

  31. We have not had much rain so far this year where other parts of the country had had lots the rainfall patterns are very different.

  32. oh look how much they love that thistle sock! :)

    This is the first year that I did not get one of those! :(

  33. Pretty sky photos! Love the Goldfinches on the sock. Hope you are having a great week!

  34. Wonderful things to be thankful for, Eileen!

  35. Your lake has definitely missed a lot of the weather! My thistle feeder has perches for six, but whether it is Goldfinches or House Finches...only two get to eat at a time! They are very territorial it seems! Thanks for sharing! Hugs!

  36. Hoping you get rain! We've had a lot of moisture in many forms this Spring. Amazing, isn't it?

  37. Wonderful skies, Eileen, all great shots.
    Happy weekend!

  38. Beautiful sky and nature shots ~ love the tiny birds at the feeder ~

    Happy Days to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  39. Currently we are in the middle of heavy downpour, major storm, much needed in these parts. Hope you are having a blue sky day and weekend.

    Worth a Thousand Words

  40. hi eileen...i don't know why the ducks have to make it so hard to take their picture. they are always hugging the shoreline that we are not on!!

    you have a lot of beautiful goldfinches. mine have returned and i saw one bright yellow male. i have to freshen up my thistle seed, it has been in all winter!!

    our reservoirs are at a good water level, we have had a lot of rain and snow. maybe more tomorrow!!

  41. Hi Eileen! Lovely pictures of the sky and the birds! Happy weekend!

  42. Nice post, Eileen - love the pretty skies, the cute little birds, and what you are thankful for

  43. Beautiful photos Eileen. It's too bad you can't have some of our rain, it would help solve your water problems. Lovely goldfinches feasting in your yard, how great that is.
    Have a wonderful rest of the day and weekend.

  44. Hello Eileen,
    I see really beautiful pictures of the sky. The clouds that I see there are really beautiful. Nice that you also show the finches :-)
    I wish you a very nice weekend.
    Greetings, Helma

  45. Very pretty feathery cloud in the first two photos. My wife puts out thistle socks for the finches, but she has to put them inside a wire holder or the squirrels rip into it!!

  46. Some lovely pictures.
    The skies above the lake are beautiful.

    All the best Jan

  47. As my friend Yam said here (above), I need reminding of the beauty around me sometimes. Even though it is cold outside, we have blue sky with puffy white cloud, and the ground is finally dry after a winter of snow deeper than usual.
    Thank you for sharing your photos...I love the finches.
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  48. Love the high skies. Happy Day.

  49. We heard about a new place where there are Bald Eagles.
    I am excited about my possible “first sighting in person!”

    I thought of you the other day . ..
    The Robins have returned here . . . they thought it was time.
    Not so much . . . it is bitter cold and snowy here.
    I saw a patch of dirt and a huge bunch of Robins doing “worm digging”;the other day.
    My thought . . . Eileen and her camera should be here!

  50. I love that thistle sock! Wish I'd had one of those back (in our former life) when I used to feed the birds. We did have goldfinches at the Lake in Oregon and also at our house there.

  51. that cloud has claws :) It is like an animals foot streched out!


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Have a happy day, Eileen

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