Saturday, April 14, 2018

Saturday's Critters #226

Welcome to Saturday's Critters!

If you love all God's creatures like I do and also like to blog about them and take critter photos this is where you can share your critter post. Link up your post and share your critters, join in with my critter party ! You can share any kind of critters the real ones, pretend ones, statues and paintings, a new or old post!

Sharing a few of my yard birds like the Eastern Bluebird and a Fox Sparrow. 

The male Eastern Bluebird

Female Bluebird

A Fox Sparrow

The Easter Bunny

My Grand-dogs Nibbles and Chewy.

I appreciate and thank everyone who links up their post and for all the wonderful comments this past year ! 

Here is a list of my linky parties;
Also visit:  I'd-Rather-B-BirdinThanks to the gracious host: Anni.

Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!


  1. Hi Eileen-
    The Eastern Blue, both the male and the female are beautiful specimens and I love your pictures of them.
    The Easter Bunny is so very cute and I love the Fox Sparrow (what a lovely name!) and the grandpups too.
    Thanks for hosting.
    Have a Happy Weekend!
    Peace :)

  2. Yours is the second post today with a Fox Sparrow, which I have never heard of!!! This is why I love the blogging community! Thanks for hosting and have a great weekend!

  3. The Eastern Bluebird is so sweet and I have never seen a Fox Sparrow---cute. Nice bunny and happy grand-dogs. Have a nice weekend

  4. That male Eastern Bluebird is a gorgeous bird and a very good image Eileen of him. Thanks for hosting and have a wonderful weekend.

  5. Lovely pics.
    Happy Weekend. Greetings.

  6. I love how you slipped your granddogs and the Easter Bunny in there, Eileen.
    Who knew a sparrow could be so pretty, that's not what I think of when I think, "sparrow" but then you really know your birds.
    There's something on my mother's balcony that's been ripping apart her outdoor carpet to make a nest, I should snap a photo and try to find out what it is.
    The capper is that the critter is making a nest in my mother's fireplace vent and in this cold weather she really misses it.

  7. Hi Eileen! I always enjoy your posts! So beautiful, i think my favorite is the Easter Bunny! Wishing you a nice weekend!

  8. Not sure I have seen the Fox sparrow before. It is a fine one Lookin a little like a trush! :)

  9. Hello,

    You have such colorful birds! They are all so beautiful.
    I wish you a wonderful weekend!

  10. Those feather shades, truly gorgeous. As are the others in each photo, Nibbles and Chewy, what great names, do they live up to them?

  11. That bluebird is so pretty and the dogs are adorable. Have a wonderful weekend Eileen!

  12. The Bluebird what a great bird - beautiful pictures!
    Enjoy the weekend!
    Greetings from afar

  13. Splendid captures! dogs were quite easy! (LOL!!)
    Have a sunny weekend.

  14. Great shots of the birds, bunny and your grand dogs. I think Nibbles and Chewy were looking at yummy treats!

  15. The bluebird is so serene and beautiful. I will probably miss the Fox Sparrows, as they will have migrated out by the time we return to Illinois next week.

  16. Oh Eileen, I love the Fox Sparrow and of course, your granddoggies are my favorite. Thanks for hosting this meme. Have a great Saturday. Jo

  17. sweet little blue birds, their colors are so pretty and you know how much i love furry critters, rabbits and dogs OH MY

  18. far, the Bluebird is my favorite.

  19. It was great seeing male and female bluebirds in adjoining pictures...she is pretty too! And I did not know the Fox sparrow...your sons dogs look happy to be together! Thank you for hosting, as always.

  20. First time for a fox sparrow for me too. I also see it's grand dog day. Happy Day.

  21. Beautiful bluebirds! Around here they have a lot of competition from House Sparrows, unfortunately.

  22. An Eastern Bluebird and a Fox Sparrow in your own yard is very special. I would love to welcome either one of them!

  23. The Eastern Bluebird is stunning, so is the picture!
    Like the female too . . . in her less noticeable blue.
    Fox Sparrow and grand dogs were another treat to see . . .
    And add a bunny . . . a spring treat for sure . . .
    (Hope the snow and ice misses you completely!)

  24. Great shots, as usual, Eileen! I love those bluebirds and I have a soft spot for doggies...
    Have a great week!

  25. Beautiful bluebirds. Great names for the pups. I've been watching for a Fox Sparrow to add to my collection, but so far they have been elusive. Have a wonderful weekend!

  26. We've never been fortunate enough to have bluebirds nesting even though we have their nesting boxes. That's a cute fox sparrow.

  27. Nice bluebirds and I like the Fox sparrow too wonderful to see spring animals arriving enjoy.

  28. And here we have the western blue bird that looks much the same. They stay mostly in the mountains, but may fly through here on their way. Great photos. I do enjoy your beautiful bird photography and the pups are sweeties.

  29. hi eileen...there is always that one stick, that one leaf...but still mr. bluebird is just gorgeous, what a GREAT capture of him - of them both!!!

    i have so many of these bunnies hanging around my yard, i have been feeding them lettuce so they will stay. i enjoy watching them. it's nice to have grand dogs, all the fun and none of the work. enjoy today, it is suppose to be gorgeous!!!

  30. Surprising that Eastern blue birds are some of our earliest migrants.

  31. It's nice to see some happy photos today! :)

  32. Love the colorful bluebirds and rabbits and doggie photos!

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  33. I can't pick a favorite from these, Eileen! I do love to see the Bluebirds though!

  34. I long to see a bluebird -- and what a perfect bunny! Just the right size!

  35. Good Morning Eileen. I am so jealous - you have Bluebirds in your nest box. How wonderful.

    Thanks for the link-up today. I hope you have a lovely weekend and a productive week of birding.

  36. Beautiful bluebirds! I am so hoping I will have a family in my nesting box. I did clean it out a month ago. Love the bunny, and your dogs are very sweet. Not going to be able to visit many others today but I will try. Have a great weekend!

  37. I love your dogs, and I really like birds and bunny. Have a nice Sunday.

  38. Love to see the bluebirds, and your grand-dogs are cute!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  39. Such a lovely Saturday post Eileen.
    I thought the male Eastern Bluebird was fantastic, and the Easter Bunny so cute.
    Also enjoyed seeing your grand-dogs!

    Enjoy your weekend.

    All the best Jan

  40. Eileen, pretty bluebirds. Peter Rabbit looking good. Fox Sparrows are finally returning in our area. Attentive Grand-dogs. Thanks for sharing.

  41. Nibbles and Chewy- how sweet! I love the bluebird shot- I always like to see these pretty birds, but because of my martins they don't come around very often.

  42. Hugs to Nibbles and Chewy.

    I've only seen one Eastern blue bird in Florida. They are so cute.

  43. Hello Eileen, your post gives me hope, that spring has to arrive here soon. A few (well probably all of them) birds are confused with melting snow and then another blizzard. Enjoy your weekend and grand-dogs and greenery!

  44. Very nice ! I love the eastern bluebird !

  45. I do love the Eastern Bluebird, you caught it with zest.

  46. Wow! A great collection of critters. Love the Eastern Blue bird. Gorgeous shade of blue.

  47. Such pretty photos of the birds and what adorable grand doggies. Blessings to you this weekend, Eileen.

  48. Lovely pictures of the bird and dogs! Happy weekend!

  49. I don't think I've ever seen a fox sparrow, pretty little bird! Cute dogs.

  50. Wonderful critter shots..Love the bunny and the Blue Bird..Enjoy your weekend..

  51. I think I'm in love with Nibbles and Chewy!

    (Yes, I have a cat, but I'm a DOG person too!)

  52. Hi Eileen, love seeing your bluebird pics. I have only once captured a bluebird pic. I am wanting to attract them to our property. Hoping to put up some bluebird houses.

  53. Sweet critters! Thanks for hosting.

  54. Awww, sweet pooches! And that photo of the male bluebird is stunning!

    For this week, I send my thanks to you for sharing with us bird lovers at I'd Rather B Birdin'!

  55. Nibbles and Chewy are adorable! I'm still waiting for the blue birds to build their nests in our birdhouses here!! Hope you have a beautiful Sunday.

  56. Oh that bluebird! How very pretty it is!

  57. Dearest Eileen;
    Oh, Fox Sparrow is really different from our sparrow♡♡♡ I always feel great when I could finally take both male and female pictures. Fabulous pictures of Bluebirds; what a Miraculous moment that female hanging on the bird's house(*^.^*)
    Thank you SO much for hosting wonderful link;

    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend, xoxo Miyako*

  58. Hi Eileen!!.. Very beautiful birds and dogs .. Happy Sunday and coming week

  59. Hi Eileen, I put today's post on John's Island together, featuring the Mountain Bluebird, and didn't realize until just now that you featured the Eastern Bluebird. How cool is that? I love it! Your photos are excellent! Thank you, as always, for sharing and for your kind comments on my blog. Hope you have a fine rest of the weekend and a happy week ahead! John

  60. Ååå, how beautiful Easter bird.
    Thank you for nice words in my post.
    Wish you nice days in spring.

  61. Nibbles and those names.

  62. Lovely capture on the birds and bunny! First time seeing and got to know there’s a sparrow in fox name and has a look of same. Interesting post and my hi to your dogs 😊

  63. Lindo tudo! Vim desejar ótima nova semana! bjs, chica

  64. What a lovely little fellow the blue bird is.

  65. All adorable!! :) Especially the bluebirds...I don't see them here :)

  66. Hello Eileen,
    The Eastern Bluebird is really a beautiful bird, you have photographed it perfectly.
    Best regards, Irma

  67. Interesting information. I hadn't heard of or seen these ones.

  68. Que bonita postagem. Os cachorros são lindos, adoro animais.
    Uma excelente semana cheia de coisas boas
    Um beijo!
    Escrevinhados da Vida

  69. Hello Eileen!
    Such beautiful pictures of the Blue Bird and the Fox Sparrow that I haven’t seen before!
    Nibbles and Chewy are adorable!! Wishing you a lovely weekend!

  70. I am glad you are blogging again... Love seeing the Bluebirds. I would like to get them to come to my feeders, but I have less than desirable surroundings... :( Love the 'Grand dogs' shot! Hugs!


Hello, thank you for visiting my blog. I always appreciate your comments.

BTW, Anonymous comments unless a name is included will not be published. Also, comments with links will be deleted.

Have a happy day, Eileen

Saturday's Critters # 554

Welcome to Saturday's Critters!  Hello and Happy Saturday!  If you love all God's creatures like I do and also like to blog about th...