Saturday, April 28, 2018

Saturday's Critters #228

Welcome to Saturday's Critters!

If you love all God's creatures like I do and also like to blog about them and take critter photos this is where you can share your critter post. Link up your post and share your critters, join in with my critter party ! You can share any kind of critters the real ones, pretend ones, statues and paintings, a new or old post!

These are some more images from our visit to Kiwanis Lake in York Pa. The Canada Geese have claimed most of the park area for themselves. Just watch where you walk.

It was a windy day, check out the feathers on this Great Egret below.

I appreciate and thank everyone who links up their post and for all the wonderful comments this past year ! 

Here is a list of my linky parties;
Also visit:  I'd-Rather-B-BirdinThanks to the gracious host: Anni.

Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!


  1. You're right those Egret feathers are rather special!
    Wren x

  2. it is lovely to see the Great Egret nesting Eileen. Thanks for hosting and have a wonderful weekend.

  3. The egret is so beautiful! Great photos!

  4. Excellent images, Eileen. The wind sure is ruffling the feathers alright. Like seeing the nest.

  5. Hello,

    Very beautiful images! The feathers on The White Egret was very special in the wind.
    Happy Weekend!

  6. Good Morning Eileen. You made me laugh there - "watch where you walk". Yes, those Canadas do know how to make a mess. What a beautiful condition that Great Egret is, I've never seen one in breeding dress.

    Have a lovely weekend and thanks for today's link.

  7. Hi Eileen, That is a lot of geese! I love the wind-blown feather on the egret! Wonderful photos you have shared. Thanks for hosting and I wish you an enjoyable weekend.

  8. love those spread feathers on the egret. such a beautiful park to visit

  9. Ah, they are just spreading a little Canadian good will! Have a great weekend.

  10. Hello Eileen!
    Very impressive pictures and images!
    Great captures of the Egret and the Canada Geese!
    Have a lovely day and a happy weekend!

  11. "Watch where you walk!". We used to joke about "Watch out for the landmines!" Love the feathered critters. Have a beautiful and happy weekend!

  12. Hello Eileen, the egret is pretty impressive with the wings blowing with the wind. Lovely images, have a wonderful day and thanks for hosting.

  13. It's all about the birds at this time of year, isn't it?! Soon, it'll be bears, here. I'll have to pull my feeders! Thanks for hosting.

  14. Hari OM
    Such delicacy in the structure of those feathers... beautiful. YAM xx

  15. Hi Eileen, I have no entries yet for this week, but wanted to stop by and tell you what a beautiful share you had, and those nests on previous post are amazing. I can only see such in Florida. Recently I did hear of a rookery of Great Blue Herons a two hour drive from here though...hmm Happy week...hoping for Friday~

  16. Beautiful evening gown on the egret! Love the feathers.

  17. All wonderful nature shots! My favorite is the last one ~ with egret in nest and looking at you, it seems ~

    Happy Weekend to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  18. I like what Brian said...the beautiful evening gown! What an amazing photo! Enjoy your weekend!

  19. The Egret shot in the wind is a favorite! Yes, be sure to watch where you walk around those geese. I found out the hard way. :) Happy Saturday!

  20. i see the green on the egrets face and those beautiful long plums!! this is a wonderful time of year to view them and photograph them!!!

    beautiful images today!! many thanks for hosting all of us creature lovers!!!

  21. The egret is spectacular, Eileen, but give me a good old ordinary goose or duck any time.
    Have a great weekend!

  22. Wow! What great pictures of the wind in the Egret's wings!! :)

  23. Saw goslings already sort of a surprise for me. Love the egret feather shot.

  24. I always enjoy your bird photos. You have such a great variety and good photographs.

  25. A bad hair day for the Egret! ;-)

  26. Wow - love those egrets. We have a lot of Canada Geese that are permanent residents here - they should be hatching their babies soon, haven't seen any yet, but hopefully soon. Happy weekend.

  27. The egret on the nest shot looks like "oh, you CAUGHT me!" LOL

  28. Eileen, nice capture of the Great Egret’s feathers. Thanks for sharing.

  29. Amazing bird, great shots.
    Have a wonderful weekend
    Maria from
    Divagar Sobre Tudo um Pouco

  30. Oh my goodness . . . that Great Egret is gorgeous. . .
    Love the “feathering” . . .

  31. Beautiful Canada Geese, and what about the Great Egret, fabulous.

  32. What a lovely park and great critters it has. Have a wonderful weekend!

  33. OMG Eileen, I have never seen a baby crane. What a wonderful capture!
    Thanks for hosting and have a Happy WE!
    Peace :)

  34. The egret looks gorgeous in its white feathers and I would love stroll along with the geese on the lake bank. Lovely shots

  35. Yes, that wind did seem to ruffle the feathers.
    Lovely set of images Eileen, thank you.

    Enjoy your weekend.

    All the best Jan

  36. Love the nest pic~ wonderful. And the windblown feathers are beautiful. I know what you mean about Canada Geese ... I had a real love-hate relationship with them when we stayed on the lake in Oregon. So sweet with their family groups on the water ... so messy on the land around us. Thank you for hosting.

  37. Lovely views of the Egret.
    So perfectly white and smart!
    Have a nice weekend, Eileen!

  38. I remember Vs of Geese flying overhead as they migrated. What a sight!

  39. Astonishing feathers, so delicate looking!

  40. Hi Eileen, What a neat group of photos. I now know what they mean by "getting the feathers ruffled." :-) The Great Egret takes it in stride. Thanks for sharing, as always, and for your kind comments on my blog. Hope you have a great weekend! John

  41. Looks like all the birds are enjoying the Spring weather.

  42. Enjoyed the photos of the geese and especially the egrets. Their feathers are very regal looking. Thank you for sharing Eileen and enjoy the rest of your weekend.

  43. Your egret is awesome! Lovely feathers!

  44. Love the shot of the wind in the feathers.

  45. Those wispy feathers look angelic! Wonderful photos, Eileen. Have a blessed Sunday.

  46. Thanks for joining & sharing this post with us at I'd Rather B Birdin. As always, Eileen, picture post card photography!

  47. had to laugh at 'just watch where you walk ' as it is the same situation at a local park close to me where they love the creek :)

  48. Hello Eileen,
    you show some very beautiful pictures and I think the egret is also put on the picture very nicely.
    I never thought about sharing my birds. Because of the accident, I still have to get income again. Next week I will share the post of the tree stickers.

    Have a very nice new week.
    Greetings, Helma

  49. I love that Great Egret shot. What a stunning looking bird.

  50. Hi Eileen, your critters are always so interesting. Thanks for sharing and thanks for hosting this meme. Due to time constraints, I am a day late, but have linked up anyway. Have a great Monday. Jo

  51. Good morning Eileen! I think Egrets are so very lovely, and graceful and you always capture them well. I also can't say enough that I thank you for keeping our love of critters and blogging alive. I appreciate you being there for us and for the promotion of critters! Enjoy your week.

  52. Great Egret pictures..I never liked Canada Geese...They invaded our golf course years ago..What a mess..Enjoy his beautiful Day..Happy May..(tomorrow)

  53. Eileen, one day I will see a great egret in person. Until then, I am extra grateful for you!

  54. I usually see herbs and egret on the morning while walking.. today i saw one bird, first
    I thought that was heron, but I'm not sure.. it has very dark blue head, and very dark blur patch on both wings..

  55. Hello Eileen,
    Beautiful pictures,the feathers on The White Egret are very beautiful in the wind.
    Best regards, Irma

  56. It should be very fun if your birds can tell stories.

  57. I wish you a happy Mayo Eileen.
    Thank you always for your visits.
    Buen fin de semana,amiga.

  58. Beautiful photos. It is very hot here and the birds are back in force. There is a woodpecker that never stops, crows to pick the fruit off any tree and more pigeons than I would wish. And they all make the most awful racket very early in the morning :-)


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BTW, Anonymous comments unless a name is included will not be published. Also, comments with links will be deleted.

Have a happy day, Eileen

Saturday's Critters # 554

Welcome to Saturday's Critters!  Hello and Happy Saturday!  If you love all God's creatures like I do and also like to blog about th...