Sunday, November 29, 2009

My Backyard birds and Cornell's Project Feedercount

My Mosaics are made of my backyard feeder birds. I love birdwatching and I have landscaped my yard for the birds and wildlife.  This is my entry for Outdoor Wednesday to see more go and visit Susan at Outdoor Wednesday at A Southernday dreamer

This will be my second year participating in Project Feederwatch. It is a winterlong survey of birds that visit my yard and feeders. Project Feederwatch is operated by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. It runs from November thru April, last year I tried to count every weekend I was home. You have to count two consecutive days. I would also try to count for a half an hour to an hour. I liked counting early in the
morning or later in the day. That is when I usually have more birds at my feeders. I have my feeders positioned on my deck so I am able to watch them from my kitchen and dining room windows. I am also able to get some pretty good photos of them at my feeders. Once a week I turn in my count to Cornell Project Feederwatch website. You can see the results for your state and across the USA.

I thought it was fun, I was able to use my Birds of North America field guide to id some birds. Sometimes I would see new birds but most of the birds are regular visitors to my yard. It would be a great activity for children.

Here is Cornell’s website, if you are interested.

Cornell's Project Feedwatch

For awhile counting birds will be a part of My World to see more photos go and see That's My World. Thanks to the hosting team of Sandy, Klaus, Louise, Wren, Fishing Guy and Sylvia.

My backyard feeder bird mosaics are my entry for Mosaic Monday.  GO and visit Mary at the Little Red House to see more wonderful mosaics.
Thanks Mary for hosting Mosaic Monday, it is a lot of fun. Thanks for stopping at my blog and checking out my Mosaic Monday.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Egret tree

My camera critters, to see more critters visit our host Misty Dawn at Camera Critters.  Thanks Misty Dawn.

If you haven't been able to tell by now, I love birds and will go birding any chance I can get. These photos are from my archives but I thought they would be good for skywatch.  They were taken at Bombay Hook in Delaware in August. Hubby and I took a walk on one of the trails and we noticed this Egret tree. It was an amazing sight, there were so many Egrets and the sky was mostly blue.

                                   The Egret Tree

A closer shot

Still closer

More info on the Egrets, they are waders, they nest in colonies in either trees or reedbeds. They live in wetlands, mudflats, marshes or swamps.They are usually seen elegantly posed along streams or ponds looking for frogs or fish.

Thanks for stopping by my blog and checking out my skywatch. To see more great Skywatch photos from all over go to  Skywatch Friday

Also a big thanks to the hosting team of Sandy, Wren, Sylvia, Louise, Klaus, and Fishing Guy.

Also to see more bird photo and other animals go and visit THE ARK

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Wood Duck

To see more great Bird Photography Weekly go to Bird Photographyly weekly

I think the Wood Duck is one of the prettiest ducks. Their colors almost seem to be painted on them. This duck was seen at the National Zoo in DC during my last visit there.

Thanks for stopping by my blog and checking out my Wood Duck.
For more great outdoor photo you can also go and visit Susan at Outdoor Wednesday

.  To see more Watery Wednesday photos visit 2sweetnsaxy at Watery Wednesday

Monday, November 23, 2009

Centennial Lake walk..That's my world

Two weekends ago we had mild weather and it was great weather for taking a walk. So we drove to Centennial Lake to enjoy our walk. I go for the birding and the walking and hubby just likes the great outdoors and hiking.

The Centennial park is 337 acres which includes the 54 acre man-made lake. You can run, walk, jog, bike or bird your way around the lake on the 2.6 mile paved pathway. There is plenty of wildlife to be seen and on the day we were there we saw  Canada Geese, Great Egret, Great Blue Heron, Mallard Ducks, Ruby Crowned Kinglets, Golden Crowned Kinglets, Chickadees, Nuthatches, unidentified hawk, Cardinals and Titmouse. It was warm enough that the turtles were lined up on the logs sticking out of the lake.

The lake is stocked with fish and there are rental boats. The park also has 9 picnic pavilions available.
Thanks for visiting my blog and to see more of    That's my world  photos and entries please click on my link. Thanks to the hosting team of Sandy, Wren, Louise, Sylvia, Fishing Guy, and Klaus.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Woodpeckers for Bird Photography Weekly


Woodpeckers are another of my favorite birds. I am lucky to see the Pileated, Hairy, Downy and the Redbellied Woodpeckers in my yard and neighborhood. I also see the Northern Flicker and in the winter time the YellowBellied Sapsucker. The Redheaded woodpecker I have to travel to see, I am envious of my sister who has them visit her yard and lives just miles to the north. At least I can see them and I did get to see some great Redheaded woodie sightings at the JugBay Sanctuary.

                                      Yellowbellied Sapsucker

Male RedBellied Woodpecker

Redheaded Woodpeckers

For more great bird photo click on my link for bird photography weekly 65

or the

Thanks for stopping by my blog

Friday, November 13, 2009

Snow Geese..Bird photography weekly 64

I am combining my entries for memes this post will include Scenic Sunday and  Bird photography weekly # 64. I think seeing close to 80,000 Snow geese is a wonderful scene.

If you click on all the pictures you can really see the birds.

I have been lucky to be at several places when the Snow Geese arrive. There are various places to see them and some are not too far away. To the north of  where I live is the Middle Creek WMA and the other places are Bombay Hook NWR and Chincoteague NWR.

I can say I have never seen so many of one type of bird (except for the RedKnots) at one time. The sound of so many Snow Geese is amazing. To see them flying in large groups at a time is an awesome sight to see. It is a like a snowstorm or what they call a white-out. You really have to be there to experience this sighting. Last year a count of the Snow Geese at the Middle Creek WMA was near 80,000. My photos are great for my memories but they are not as good as the real thing.

These Snow Geese photos  were taken last March and at different times and at two of these places.. Middle Creek and Bombay Hook.

You can go and see more great birds and other animals at The Ark

Thanks to our host of Scenic Sunday and to see more great scenery go and visit
Scenic Sunday

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Marshy Point Watery Wednesday and Outdoor Wednesday

That's My World post now follows this Watery Wednesday post.

Marshy Point is a waterfront nature center on the bay. A few weeks ago hubby and I went for a walk on the trails. It was a drizzly day so my photos are not the best. I was hoping to see some different ducks in the water closeby. As far as seeing ducks, I think I went too early in the season. I did see some Canada Geese, Mallard ducks and a couple of Mute Swans. One Grebe disappeared by taking a dive and then I couldn't find it again. Oh well next time.

I did see some interesting fungi, to me it is actually pretty. I found it growing on the logs that were along the edge of the trail. Anyone know the name please let me know. It think it was really cool looking with pretty colors.

To see more great Outdoor Wednesday photos Please click on my sidebar link. or visit Susan at Outdoor Wednesday at A Southern Daydreamer

To see more great Watery Wednesday photos please click on the link on my sidebar. Thanks for stopping by my blog and a special thanks to 2sweetnsaxy for hosting Watery wednesday.

Monday, November 9, 2009

The Susquehanna River Eagles..That's My World

During the winter months the eagles show up in large numbers at the Susquehanna river below the dam. This past Sunday hubby and I had to go and see them.

There had to be at least a hundred of them in the sky, in the trees and on the rocks. They were everywhere we looked. This is a good chance to see the juvenile Eagles at various stages.

Some we could see were starting to get their white heads, some were the first year Eagles. I am amazed to see them fish and interact with each other.

We also saw a lot of Cormorants, Black Vultures and Turkey Vultures and Great Blue Heron. We try to visit the Eagles at the Susquehanna River a few times a year maybe more. This is part of my world here in Maryland.
To see more shots from around the world please click on my link on the sidebar.
Thanks to the hosting team of  Klaus, Sandy, Wren, Louise, Sylvia and Fishing Guy.
Also thanks for checking out my blog.


Friday, November 6, 2009

Cedar Waxwings

Cedar Waxwings for Camera Critters, thanks for Misty Dawn for hosting and to see more critters click on my link on the sidebar.

These are one of my favorite birds. It appears that they are wearing a black mask, which really makes them cool looking birds. Their tails look like they have been dipped in bright yellow paint.  And for a dash of more color there is some red on their wings. They are fun to watch sweep in and clean off the berries in a matter of minutes. At least it seems that way. The photos are from my collection, some from my backyard and some from parks I have visited.

I hope you enjoy the Cedar waxwings as much as I do and thanks for stopping by my blog.

To see more great birds and animals photos click on link for The Ark

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Eastern Bluebirds Mosaic

I have been lucky to have a pair of Eastern bluebirds nest in my birdhouse every summer for the last couple of years. I have made my mosaic of my Bluebird couple and some of their young juvies. The Bluebirds are one of my favorite birds, they are so pretty. I hope you enjoy!

Please click for  larger viewing

Here are a few single photos of my Bluebirds.

The proud daddy

Momma and Poppa

Daddy and a juvie

Also you can see more nature photos at Nature Notes @ Rambling Woods

To see more great mosaics visit Mary at Mosaic Monday at Little Red House
Thanks to Mary for hosting and to you for stopping by my blog.

Happy Monday!

  Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Believe you can and you're halfway there." Glenn Hwy, on the road to Gl...