Saturday, April 14, 2012

Camera Critters from my Birdcam

I am linking up with Camera Critters

A few night time shots of the Raccoon visiting my feeder, a mourning dove, and a cute chipmunk.

A few different shots of the Redbellied Woodpecker, Chipping Sparrow, Bluejay, Squirrel from my Wingscape Birdcam.


I thought this shot of the male Cardinal was neat.

The look on this squirrel's face is just priceless.

Somehow the date on my birdcam is way off and I have to figure out how to change to the correct date.So please ignore the date of 05/01/12 we are not even there yet.

I hope you enjoyed my critter post and to see more cute and adorable critters
 please visit  Camera Critters.    Thanks to Misty Dawn for hosting Camera Critters. I hope everyone has a safe and happy weekend.


Linda said...

I do so enjoy seeing all your critters at the feeder! I spent some time yesterday just sitting with the camera on the tripod and the remote shutter release just to catch the finch and downy at the feeders. That bird cam would be awesome. Is it a special camera made for outdoors? And is it on a timer, or motion activated? I loved the shot of the cardinal...awesome pose!

eileeninmd said...

Linda, it is an outdoor camera called Wingscape Birdcam. It is motion detected and has a flash. Runs on D size batteries and is very easy to set up and use. I am really happy I bought mine off of Amazon.

Anonymous said...

I'm with Linda, now that I have all these darn squirrels in my backyard, maybe I should invest in a Birdcam. You seem to get a lot of great shots from yours Eileen, love the R-B Woodpecker and Cardinal!

diane b said...

You sure have a collection of critters visiting. I like the woodpecker's red helmet. The red cardinal in flight is neat and I love your header.

Bob Bushell said...

I certainly did enjoy myself, the best is the Raccoon, pleasing me the most.

TexWisGirl said...

laughing at your varmints and feathered friends. so cute!

Karin M. said...

Oh, these are so beautiful pictures. I love the little birds.
Thanks for sharing...
Your Header-photo is stunning...
Greetings, Karin

Cheryl said...

I do enjoy your birdcam. Lots of the usual suspects but the looks on their faces and what they're doing is always new and fun. (Your header photo is downright gorgeous!)

ShannonW said...

Great shots of all your animal visitors. That is one busy feeder!

B i r g i t t a said...

I became very curious about this birdcam - how does it work? I enjoyed every picture and I like the Cardinal a lot :)

Amy Burzese said...

How neat is that! The raccoon and squirrel are great! Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog. I'm following so I can see more! Lol

Anonymous said...

You captured quite a variety of visitors on your bird cam. I especially liked the male cardinal with its wings up and the raccoon pictures.

rainfield61 said...

Your bird feeder must be very well known in kingdom of the animals.

Rohrerbot said...

I really enjoy your birdcam....A LOT! That is such a great idea....and you've got all the right visitors stopping by your oasis. Love it all the shots. The Blue Jay and squirrel in the same shot makes me laugh.

Anonymous said...

Nice collection of visitors!

Powell River Books said...

Something has been digging up my flower pots on the cabin deck. Too much mess for a mouse, woodrats gnaw things off at the ground level, squirrels grab and run. I was wondering if maybe we have a raccoon digging for grubs. Time will tell. - Margy

SquirrelQueen said...

Your bird cam certainly captures a wide variety of visitors. Your right, the look on the squirrels face is priceless. Love the shot of the cardinal.

Brian King said...

Love your birdcam, Eileen! You get some great photos! The cardinal is awesome!

Anonymous said...

Wow - amazing shots taken by your birdcam!

Anonymous said...

Not sure if my comment got through.

Lovely shots.

Carletta said...

Before I forget, I love your header! The reflection of the two trees is delightful!
My favorite from the cam is the cardinal with his wing up.
So many wonderful captures though!
Hope your weekend got off to a great start!

Phil Slade said...

Nice variety of visitora again Eileen. Good thing they dont all visit at the same time - they would have to get in a line and then take their turn.

Hootin Anni said...

That raccoon!!! My gosh...incredible.
And I LOVE the cardinal that is just nearing the runway...he has his landing gear down, and the rudders are adjusted for a smooth stop on the tarmac.

Shadows of a Rose

laurak/ForestWalkArt :) said...

hahahahaaaa....LOVE them all...caught in the act!! love the expression on the raccoon and squirrel!!

the other night, as i opened the back door...i spotted a HUGE raccoon on top of the bird feeder. i grabbed my camera, but he was too far away for the flash to reach. the picture was black! :(

not to sound like a broken record...but, i really have to get a critter-cam with night vision!!

thanks eileen! these were GREAT shots!!

LindyLouMac said...

How fascinating to have a birdcam and be able to share these secret photos!

Living In Williamsburg Virginia said...

Great set of photos. You certainly get a wide variety of visitors.

Darryl and Ruth :)

Tammy said...

Looks like your trail cam does a nice job. Probably the only way to catch racoons!

Betty Manousos said...

wow eileen, all of these shots are exceptional! i really like the one of the male cardinal.

thanks for brightening my day with your lovely images.

Crafty Green Poet said...

You get so many interesting sightings from your birdcam!

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, Those Raccoons are stealthy bird feeder bandits and easily earn their masks! Ha! I miss having Chipmunks here. Since I have lived here at the little farm, I have never seen any. Strange but then, maybe too many Foxes around. Have a fantastic day tomorrow and a good coming week!

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, Love those shots of the Raccoon! Also like the Squirrel. Have a super nice coming week!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Your cam is way advanced hehehe. Love the look of the squirrel too.

Visiting late from Camera Critters, hope you can take a peek at my Bunny entry.

Debbie said...

haha....that squirrel must have been reacting to the flash!! he sure does look like the cat that ate the canary!!

we have a family of skunks, that are taking turns spraying the house. i think they might be attracted to the seed from bird feeders, what a pain, i just can't give up my feeders!!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Amazing the things you get with that camera Eileen...that male cardinal fluttering his wings is wonderful! And the squirrelly expression on that last (I think) photo...and every picture, really.

Reena said...

So enjoy your cam shots and the variety of critters stopping in!

Stewart M said...

There is no doubt in my mind that the squirrel has a guilty look on its face!

Stewart M - Australia

Pia said...

WOW I need such a camera for my birdfeder too!!
How cute are all your visitors. And a Racoon was there, I can´t believe!

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...