Sunday, April 8, 2012

Ricketts Glen Falls Trail

April 2012, 

On Saturday hubby and I hiked the Falls trail at Ricketts Glen State Park. Ricketts Glen State Park is located 30 miles north of Bloomsburg, Pa. The falls trail is a 3.2 mile loop passing by 21 waterfalls. The other waterfalls are located off other trails. It is a very steep and sometimes difficult trail. We took our time stopping to enjoy the waterfalls and I was listening for the birds and taking photos. We did spook a turkey off the trail. And I saw a few Chickadees and turkey vultures soaring above us. It is a little early for the warblers though I do think I heard one off the trail. Ricketts Glen is noted for 23 varieties of warblers and the Bald Eagle. The park is also included in the Susquehanna River Birding trail.


The sign shows the Falls Trail and list the names of each waterfall that we saw, they range from 11ft to 94ft being the tallest.

Ricketts Glen has a total 23 waterfalls, beautiful hemlock trees, lots of pretty ferns and moss and bridges that cross the rivers.

The steps were steep and uneven and now my legs are feeling like I used muscles that I did not even know I had. LOL!

We crossed several different bridges along the way criss-crossing back and forth over the river.

After spending about 4 hours hiking on the Falls trail and at the park we headed to Wilkes Barre, Pa to spend the night at a Best Western hotel. After checking into to our room we headed to the Mohegan Sun casino at Pocono Downs. We had dinner at their Timber buffet, lots of good seafood and dinner choices. They also had other restaurants like a Ruth Chris and a Johnny Rockets, a great variety. The casino was very crowded, also included a long line of people waiting to see and get autographs of an actress on  the show Jerseylicious? After dinner we were ready to head back to our room for the night.

To see more wonderful photos and mosaics please visit Sunday Bridges   and  Mosaic Monday  and Our World Tuesday.  

Thanks to all the great host, Louis of Sunday Bridges, Mary of Mosaic Monday and the gang at Our World Tuesday: Arija, Gattina, Lady Fi, Sandy and Sylvia.  I hope you enjoyed my post, thanks for stopping by.

I wish everyone a safe and happy week ahead.


barbara l. hale said...

What a beautiful place to walk! Thanks for sharing!

TexWisGirl said...

beautiful falls and steps up the rock!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh My Heart..... 23 waterfalls???? Good Gosh--we have got to go there sometime... Looks AWESOME... Thanks for sharing, Eileen.

Happy Easter.

Debbie said...

what a beautiful place, very grand and peaceful at the same time!!

i got pretty excited when i saw the new header!!

have a happy day!!

Bob Bushell said...

The falls are beautiful, and the header, fantastic photos.

Dianne said...

What a delightful area Eileen ... And a photographers heaven. Beautiful captures!

Saun said...

Gorgeous looks like a great place to hike.

genie said...

Being able to see 21 waterfalls on one hike is amazing and almost hard to imagine. It must be a magnificent area to visit. Your pictures are all gorgeous from the bridges to the waterfalls and landscapes. Such a wonderful contribution to the meme this week. genie

Halcyon said...

Looks like a beautiful place for a hike. Love the bridges and the stone steps.
Happy Easter!

Jen Sanford said...

Wow that looks like a gorgeous place to explore- I love bridges and random staircases and all that in the woods.. So cool!

rainfield61 said...

Both the lush green and trail look so familiar to me.

The French Hutch said...

So many people out walking this week. This is a beautiful place with gorgeous trails. The fern and moss takes my breath away, so beautiful. Love the steps and bridge. Great snaps for your collage.
Have a great week Eileen.


Linda said...

Looks like a beautiful place! Thanks for sharing the photos! Also love the hew header shot...

black eyed susans kitchen said...

What a beautiful, natural area! I love waterfalls...your pictures are fantastic.

podso said...

Beautiful photography. I can almost hear the waterfalls.

Mary said...

Wow, what a beautiful place to hike! I will have to see how far that is from my house in NJ. It would be a fun day trip. Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos, Eileen! xoxo

Anonymous said...

what a wonderful place to hike. Great photos and mosaic.
Happy Easter.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

What an amazing hike! A few years ago, My hubby and I went on a waterfall weekend to see waterfalls in our area. i would love to travel to this place and take the hike! I'll write it down in my journal! Enjoy the evening!

Snap said...

I adore waterfalls ... the sound is so amazing! Love the bridge and I think I'd be soaking in epsom salts after all that hiking! :D :D

A Garden of Threads said...

It would take me days to walk that trail, so many beautiful waterfalls to photograph. Enjoy your week Eileen.

Carole M. said...

Eileen you sure have the best of both worlds exploring wonderful places like this, beautiful falls and landscape and interesting (though hard-going) steps. Then you round it all off booking into sweet accomodation and dinner out; what a way to go! You come home with lovely memories and fabulous photographs too. Well done.

Anonymous said...

Looks like an awesome place, very beautiful! =)

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

This looks like a wonderful place to hike, Eileen. I love listening to the sounds of waterfalls.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Wonderful getaway beautiful place to hike and nice place to rest up after! That looks like a fairly strenuous hike with those stairs.

Rajesh said...

Beautiful place. So many falls all in one place.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I love going into the waters where the waterfall fall is. My husband won't let me. Today, a young man was sucked into the water and drown. I don't dare discuss this with my husband.

Lorrie said...

What a beautiful day you enjoyed! Waterfalls are so mesmerizing - I love watching them.

Phil Slade said...

Looks like a wonderful place to explore Eileen but with all that rushing water I'm not surprised you didn't here many buzzing warblers. Sounds like a great night out too as a finale.

Maggie said...

Eileen, this was a fabulous virtual hike, I could almost hear the birds but for me the best part were your bridge photo's, I love old rickety wooden bridges such as these.
Have a great week.

Kilauea Poetry said...

Wow..beautiful and powerful!!
Just wanted to wish you a happy Easter Eileen..hope your weekend was peaceful and blessed (hugs)

Anonymous said...

wow. nice park, and great photos.

diane b said...

Wow so many waterfalls on one walk, how beautiful they are too. Sounds like an awesome time you had there.

Rohrerbot said...

Looks like a great hike and beautiful day. I'm back again from being out of the country. Now all the fun begins as it warms up for you....although it has been a warmer winter for most:) All my best.

Tiago Braga said...

amazing photos, this should be an amazing place to visti and take photos, well done =)

imquilternity said...

Ok, I admit it, I'm just a bit envious! A hike and 23 waterfalls...we just don't get that out my way. A hike yes, but maybe 1 waterfall and that's if we're lucky. Looks like it was a gorgeous (and very healthy) day. Great weather and can't beat that! Thanks for leaving such a nice comment on my blog.

DeniseinVA said...

Thanks for taking us on this great photographic tour Eileen. They are always fun trips that we take with you, and I make a note of them myself just in case we find ourselves in that area. I have a lot to thank you for as I am getting a super list of places to visit.

Carol said...

What a terrific hike. I love those waterfalls and those steps! Sounds like a great weekend and fun!

annalarssonphotography said...

Sounds like a great weekend!
Beautiful place and pics :)

Have a great week!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

What an embarrassment of riches with all those waterfalls, trails, and bridges and then a turkey. I've seen turkeys off in the distance but have never seen one while hiking.

Great adventure, thanks for sharing.

CameraCruise said...

What a beautiful place.
Thanks for sharing all those great photos.
Love the photo in your header.
Have a great day.

Unknown said...

Beautiful hiking area!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Arija said...

No that is a trail I really would love to follow. With water at a premium where we are, 23 waterfalls souds and looks just perfect.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing the beauty of earth very much. Please have you all a good Tuesday.

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Gorgeous place to hike to and your great captures do it justice, Eileen!

mick said...

Great photos of a very beautiful place. The falls are especially beautiful.

Sylvia K said...

What an awesome and fantastic place, Eileen! I love all the waterfalls! Such wonderful trails and bridges and natural beauty! I could enjoy spending some time there! Your photos are the next best thing! Have a great week!


Nancy said...

A beautiful park! Love your waterfall photos, Eileen. :)

Prairie Jill said...

What a beautiful place!

SquirrelQueen said...

I wondered what Betsy would say when she heard about the 23 waterfalls. It sounds like she will be up that way soon. Haha!

Those uneven steps look like quite a climb. Hope you aren't too sore. I love the lush greens, this looks like a great place to hike.

Maude Lynn said...

Such a gorgeous place!

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, The picture of the cascades is my favorite of the series. Whew, those steps did look like a lot of work to climb up. Great post! Have an exceptionally nice Tuesday tomorrow!

My Little Home and Garden said...

Twenty-one waterfalls! That's amazing.

Anonymous said...

Your photos are beautiful, giving us a walk of our own through them.

Elaine said...

What an absolutely stunning hike, Eileen! My tail would be dragging for sure after that, but it would be well worth it.

Randi said...

I can picture myself lost in the beauty of this scenery.

Unknown said...

wow, i'd love to dive right in! i wonder how cold the water is. i love the stone steps, too.

Stewart M said...

Lots of waterfalls or wait in a line for a TV 'star' – that’s a very easy call!

What a great looking place.

Cheers - Stewart M - Australia

Mary Howell Cromer said...

Oh My Eileen such beauty shared! Love the new banner image and the shares are marvelous. looks like a wonderful day~

Cuby said...

This is such a beautiful place, the trees and the waterfalls all combine to make the place right for a lovely walk.

Ebie said...

21 Falls! That would be haven to me! I enjoyed the beautiful scenery and all the different bridges!

Nice Eastern weekend getaway!

LindyLouMac said...

It must be lovely to wander among those waterfalls.

Chris said...

Wonderful trail and wonderful pictures... I would have like to walk there, looks peaceful!

EG CameraGirl said...

Looks like my kind of place to hike! :))

Anonymous said...

I wonder if I will be able to hike a trail like this ever again :-( The scenery is beautiful, judging by your lovely photographs.

Crafty Green Poet said...

what a pretty place and wow, 21 waterfalls and 23 species of warblers! Wonderful!

Gillian Olson said...

What a beautiful setting, thanks for sharing these lovely pictures.

Salitype said...

this is a great place to visit !!!


NatureFootstep said...

wow, what a great place. It would take me forever to go the whole path. Don´t think you could call it hike then. :) Gorgeous.

Tina´s PicStory said...

wonderful pics! must have been a nice day :)

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

"drove with her son from Maryland to Silicon Valley and she just love it. Crossing the Rockies is just fantastic!!"

A friend just emailed, another friend did the above. How lovely it will be to drive all over USA, now that I have blogging and friends.

Chaparral Earth said...

Beautiful Falls and I can imagine the sound of the waters falling. Speaking of which a couple of those photos made me think of Frank Lloyd Wright's famous house "Falling Water"

My Offering said...

This is gorgeous. I love water and waterfalls, so your post here is food to my soul. Your blog all in all is just beautiful.

Barb said...

Waterfalls and rustic steps are two of my favorite things, Eileen. Really enjoyed your world this week!

Anonymous said...

What gorgeous captures, so much to take in, from the falls and nature, to the bridges and steps.

Tiago Braga said...

OHH, lovely place i wish i can go to this pace must be AMAZING

betchai said...

very refreshing photos of the waterfall, must be a wonderful hike.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful fairytale place! Love the secret bridge and those rickety steps....

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...