Thursday, April 5, 2012

SWF>>>Edwin Forsythe NWR hawks

It's my favorite time of the week for Skywatch Friday YEA!!!

The weekend is here and Happy Easter to everyone!! I want to add for those celebrating Happy Passover also!

These shots are from the two day NJ trip back in March. Hubby and I went to Atlantic City, we also went to the Edwin B. Forsythe NWR. This wildlife refuge has become one of my favorite places to visit and see the birds.

On this visit we saw lots of ducks, GB Herons, Snow Geese, Brants, Cormorants,  Oystercatchers, Yellowlegs, Bluebirds, Cardinals, Titmouse, Chickadees, Tree Swallows and Purple Martins and a surprise sighting of a American Woodcock, a Red-tailed Hawk and a Northern Harrier.

We hiked the Jen's trail, when I saw the sign  I immediately thought
of Jen and her blog "I usedtohatebirds" 
 If you like to see more great birds you should check out her blog.

So here are a couple of photos from Jen's trail

 Again from Jen's trail a view of the pond. This was the area where we saw the American Woodcock. It quickly disappeared in the brush. We also heard and saw this Red-Tailed Hawk.

Again from Jen's trail we saw a foggy view of the highrise hotels/casinos in Atlantic City.

The sky was mostly blue but the fog seemed to be hanging around. I think New Jersey must have the most marsh land I have seen in all my travels. Marsh land is great because it attracts so many great birds.

The Northern Harrier showing off his white uppertail.

We watched from our car as the fog rolled back into the refuge.

This is a view of the tallest hotel/casino in Atlantic City called the Revel. I thought it looked cool to only see the top and the fog all around the bottom of the highrise.

I hope you enjoyed my skywatch from the wildlife refuge and to see more beautiful skies from around the world check out Skywatch Friday.  Thanks to the host of Skywatch: Sandy Sylvia and Wren. Thanks for stopping by! I hope everyone has a Happy Easter and a great weekend!!


diane b said...

Love the last shot of the tower half hidden by fog. The birds are great too. especially especially the Hawk and the Harrier. If you have time could you go over to my post about 'A walk in the park (2)' and identify the big white bird for me please.

Kerri Farley said...

Looks like a great place to visit!!
Happy Easter Weekend!

Linda said...

The photos were so enjoyable! That looks like a great place to visit and watch for birds...the flying shots were great! I loved the shot of the hotel in the fog - there is something magical about fog anyway - it seems to add such a mystery to everything. I also loved the shot of the fog rolling back in!

Dan Huber said...

Great looking spot to hike, Eileen. That fog shot is neat.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful post Eileen, that was quite a trip you had to be able to see all those birds in one place! The photo of the Revel is sooo cool, a hotel/casino in the sky!

Nature Rambles said...

Love that marsh land. I also love the outline of the tallest structures through the fog. My favourite is of course, the last shot! Looks magical!

KaHolly said...

Looks like a wonderful place to visit. You've captured it perfectly. I love that last picture!! So ethereal. Have a wonderful Easter weekend!! ~karen

Hootin Anni said...

We have fog here too this morning...and oh how I love fog. There is something about the stillness that blankets the area when fog rolls in.

Your bird images [love the harrier] are super. This looks like a perfect place to walk and spend time looking through the binoculars and listening for the bird calls.

Laurence Butler said...

Neat post Eileen. There's something perpetually exciting about marshland--ya just never know what kind of cool stuff you'll find thee, but you know you;ll find something.

CameraCruise said...

Beautiful photos.
Looks like a great place to visit.
Thanks for sharing.
Happy Easter to you too.

Anonymous said...

The city rising out of the fog is amazing. Love the hawks too.

TexWisGirl said...

really liked the hawk in flight, but that last shot takes the cake...

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I always love your visits to this wonderful birding spot. Happy Easter to you too!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! It looks as though the hotel is floating in the clouds.

Sivinden said...

Looks like a paradise for birds:)
That last shot is cool!

Bob Bushell said...

Thanks Eileen for showing me the beauty of your journey, and what did you see, lots of birds.

Joyful said...

I love your photos! Happy Easter to you too.

Pearl Maple said...

Fun collection of nature photos form your walk, cool effects with the city looming out of the mist

Anonymous said...

that is a foggy day. i love your bird captures.

happy easter

Unknown said...

Another great tour!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Sylvia K said...

Terrific captures, Eileen, as always and a great tour! I do love that last shot!! Awesome! Happy Easter! Have a great weekend!


Carver said...

What a beautiful place to explore. I enjoyed the photographs you took very much. Happy Easter Weekend!

Carol said...

Wonderful series of photos, Eileen. I like the foggy shot. It looks like a great place to visit.

Anonymous said...

Bird flies freely in the sky.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Great post, I love that you know the names of so many birds. Its great that there is such a nice park so close to the city.

I used to hate marshes when I was young and dumb, now I love them since I'm old and dumb, they harbor so much life.

Ebie said...

Hi Eileen, I love to read all the birds you see on your birding trips, some are new to me.

Those fog shots are mistic and mystic!

Happy Easter!

BlueShell said...

Great photos, what a trip!
I like wild life. If I coul, I woud retire (I'm a teacher) and go to the coutry!

Well done!
Happy Easter, dear!

Chaparral Earth said...

Nice pictures for an early morning walk or any other time for that matter. The great thing about having a camera long for pictures is that you concentrate more on looking for unique things you may otherwise have missed.

Looks like some kind of estuary down by the sea.

Unknown said...

thanks for sharing you photos. I saw a lot of hawks here in Ohio yesterday also. I like watching and listening to the birds. I would be tempted to go down Songbird trail. Love to hear them.

- KAT -

Birgitta said...

Great serie of foggy photos!
Happy Easter :)

Anna said...

Awesome Eileen!
Such a great captures...
Easter greetings from Holland,
Anna :-))

LindyLouMac said...

lovely series of photos, but I love the last one. Happy Easter.

Kathie Brown said...

Beautiful shots all. I love the mysterious looking fog. Happy Easter to you too!

Gillian Olson said...

Yes, the fog makes for an interesting effect.

Karen said...

Great shots! I like the half of building!

Maude Lynn said...

That last shot is spectacular!

Debbie said...

you find the best places to explore. love the hawk!!

happy easter weekend!!

Kranky Granny said...

Fantastic shot of the fog. Those are not that easy to do.

Thanks for visiting my tree art this week.

betchai said...

the tower in fog looks like it is floating in air, beautiful capture.

Lew said...

Great shots of the birds and I like the fog rolling in!

Tatjana Parkacheva said...

Nice shots.

Regards and best wishes

Charlene N. K. said...

Beautiful sceneries! Yes, nature is full of wonders that lift our spirits. Have a great weekend!

Rajesh said...

Wonderful place to spot the birds. The last shot is nice.

Jen Sanford said...

Thanks for the shout out! I've never seen a trail with my name, that's pretty awesome! Sounds like you saw some great birds, and that last fog shot is my favorite- so cool how the bottom of the building is missing.

Tiago Braga said...

Fantastic photos, really good =) i like the one woth the bird

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Lovely series of shots, Eileen. Looks like a wonderful place to hike in and your photos do it justice.

Hope you have a Happy and Peaceful Easter!

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, I have never seen a Harrier but hope to some day! I so enjoy seeing your outstanding pictures and reading about your birding adventures. Have an outstanding day tomorrow!

forgetmenot said...

Eileen, First of all, your header is awesome. Love that last shot of the top of the building in the fog. Have a Happy Easter. Mickie :)

Elaine said...

You always find such lovely places for your weekend jaunts! I like that last ghostly shot of the hotel.

Rohrerbot said...

I love the Northern Harrier. What an incredible bird to see outside in the wild. What an interesting mix of wildlife and urban landscape from your pictures.

Linnea said...

I admire how you get out and find interesting places in nature to photograph and share with us. Thanks for stopping by at my skies! Enjoy the week.

Salitype said...

Great shots ! I particularly like the last photo !


Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...