Sunday, April 22, 2012

Happy Earth Day

Happy Earth Day, April 22, 2012

I am linking up with Mosaic Monday.

I guess everyone knows by now that I enjoy nature and the birds.  Yesterday, hubby and I took the local hike on the Shamberger Peninsula trail at our Prettyboy Reservoir. So we celebrated Earth Day a day early. Today we are getting some much needed rain.

 The mosaic above show my study area, the birds seen in the clear cut area were a few Mourning Doves, Chipping Sparrows and Cowbirds.

 It started out as just a walk to the study area where the foresters did a thinning and a clear cut. I am helping out my bird club by keeping track of the birds seen in the area of the thinned and clear cut. This is the start of the second year for the study and my second 2012 walk and count for the study area.

Above is the study area were I am keeping track of the birds seen in the thinned and this clear cut area. The clear cut area looks kind of sad to me. The white dogwoods around the edge are the only pretty sight for me. I am by no means an expert on forestry but what we saw in the clear cut area does not make sense to me. The trees that were cut are now growing back from the stumps they left behind. So why cut, when the same trees grow back but just take a long time to be mature. We did see a few Pine saplings growing. I do prefer seeing a pine forest over the deciduous trees even though both are nice. The Great Blue Heron that is nesting near my house is in one of the large pine trees in the watershed property.

I am also keeping track of the birds seen in the thinned area and the edge of the clear cut. At these areas I did see and hear more birds than at the clear cut area. My list of birds for the thinned area are Eastern Phoebe, Titouse, Carolina Chickadee, WB Nuthatch, House Wren, Goldfinch, Bluejays, Pine Warblers, Yellow Rump Warbler, Downy woodpecker, Pileated, and Crows.

At the edge of the clear cut I heard and saw Cardinals, Bluejays, Redbellied Woodpecker, Pileated woodie, Crows, Cowbirds, Carolina Wren and Goldfinches and on the way back the Ovenbirds.

After doing my bird count in the study area, hubby decided to continue on the trail and do the 4 mile roundtrip  hike to the peninsula tip.  I am so happy we decided to go on further. I found so many more birds. Ovenbirds were plentiful, Pine Warblers all along the trail, and at the tip of the peninsula the Northern Parula's and a Palm Warbler. Canada Geese and a group of Cormorants were at the lake.

 My first of the year Ovenbird. The Ovenbird along with the Northern Parulas are breeding birds at the Prettyboy Reservoir and watershed area.

 A pretty Palm Warbler seen at the Peninsula tip.

 The reservoir and my Goldie Girl.

At the end of the Shamberger Trail and at the peninsula tip I saw and heard many Pine Warblers, Northern Parulas and the Ovenbirds. On the lake we saw Canada geese and a large group of Cormorants.

So this is how I celebrated Earth Day, are you doing something special for Earth Day? To see more wonderful mosaics and photos please visit Mosaic Monday

Thanks to Mary for hosting Mosaic Monday each week, it is one of my favorite memes. I hope everyone has a safe and happy week ahead. Thanks for stopping by my blog and for leaving your nice comments.


TexWisGirl said...

goldie girl is the star of the show. :)

jeanlivingsimple said...

Happy Earth Day Eileen!
Those clear-cut areas do look sad. You did get super sightings. Bluebirds like cleared areas...maybe they will move in.

Linda said...

I do so enjoy your photos and the fact that you give their names! I know some of them..but I have to use the book for most!

Debbie said...

the first time i saw the word "ovenbird" in this post, i thought it was a typo..haha, i have never heard of them.

in some parks and on some trails in our area, they have done controlled burns, it's heart breaking to me and i don't understand it. one of the burns was on my bike path at allaire state park.

you captured some beautiful birds and i so enjoyed viewing them!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Earth Day Eileen! Looks and sounds like you had a very enjoyable day. I celebrated by mowing the yard, potting new flowers for the Hummers, who have just returned, and making a video of a pair of Pileated Woodpeckers in our backyard wooded area!

black eyed susans kitchen said...

Wonderful pictures Eileen. It blows me away that you live close by to all of this. Having a Great Blue Heron to check on...I would be there every day taking pictures.
Have a great week.

Meri said...

Lovely Earth Day post, Eileen!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Goldie girl is indeed the star of the photo shoot! Looks like a perfect way to celebrate Earth day!

Snap said...

Always fun to see Goldie. I enjoyed your visit to the Shamberger Peninsula trail at the Prettyboy Reservoir. Your bird count in the various areas sounds interesting and I'm sure helpful. Rain is a good way to celebrate Earth Day! :D :D

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Hi Eileen
I agree with you about the clear cut area, a sore sight to behold. This is an interesting location to do a bird count and I enjoyed the photos of the ones you and your hubby saw.
Cute furbaby in the lake.

Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson said...

Eileen I never tire of your Nature mosaics. I think it's wonderful that you are counting the birds for them. Goldie girl is enjoying herself I can tell. Happy Earth day to you!

PAT said...

Absolutely wonderful photos, Eileen! Love the ones with your Goldie Girl, best!

podso said...

It's nice you and your hubby enjoy the outdoors together. Lovely, lovely photos ... have a good week!

Rohrerbot said...

Happy Earth day! Love your mosaic shots. There's lots out there and sometimes I don't know where to start.....but I like how you have put it all together. Hope you had a great weekend.

grammie g said...

HI Eileen...Great post ...I so enjoyed it!!
That is a an awful mess that cutting..I so think selective cutting is best if it has to be done at all!!
You got a nice photo of the Palm Warbler..wish I had gotten a better one of the one I saw!!
I have not seen an Ovenbird in a long time ..there nest is amazing!!
Have a good week..

Linda (More Fun Less Laundry) said...

Your bird photo collection is wonderful, Eileen! I can't believe how many you are seeing in the wild. I have been keeping track of those at our feeder and am just learning most of the names. I keep my bird book on the kitchen shelf! We have a dog also and she is always in the water--just like the picture of yours! Thanks for sharing these pictures. Linda

Jen Sanford said...

Great selection of photos and birds! I've never seen an Ovenbird- very cool. My favorite shot has to be Goldie Girl in the water though!

Pondside said...

That shot of the ovenbird - a bird that I don't know at all - is just beautiful!

betchai said...

i love viewing nature through your posts, so rich with life and the serenity and beauty are inspiring.

Gillian Olson said...

You found some great looking flowers and birds. Goldie girl is such a cutie.

Cherry said...

what a great way to celebrate Earth Day!

Bob Bushell said...

Sad sad sad. Goldie Girl is special.

Phil Slade said...

That is an interesting study you are doing in the woodland Eileen. Over here we reckon to get more species in woodland edge or mixed woodland and very few species in pure pine. Good to see your warblers coming back and I remeber how Ovenbirds are so different and good looking.

Elaine said...

Looks like you had a lovely hike. Love the photo of Goldie Girl in the water!

Ingmarie We said...

Hi Eileen! W also have som clear cut areas around here. Not nice. But a lovely mosaic and lovely bird photos as always.

Les fous du cap said...

Hello Eilen,
We also love your blog makes us dream and travel to the United States. We would love to discover your country.
Céline & Philippe

My name is Riet said...

Hi Eileen
Earth day I don't think we have that here. Very intreresting idea and your photo's and collage are beautiful to go with it.
Have a nice week.

Gardening in a Sandbox said...

It made me sad too to see the clear cut area but I suppose they had a reason for doing it. I wonder how the birds would find shelter, nesting sites and food in such an area. You did manage to hear and see many birds that day. Wonderful photos. Goldie Girl looks like she enjoyed the swim. V

Sue said...

We've had so much logging going on in my area....I hate it. They leave such a mess.
You took some beautiful photos--looks like a fine outing!

A Bit of the Blarney said...

As always your pictures are wonderful!!! And tucked in all of them was the beautiful butterfly! Just one more reason why I want to begin my butterfly garden! Have a wonderful week! Cathy

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I'm glad you shared the not-so-lovely clearcut area -- it's good that you (and your BirdClub) are keeping track of the birds. Who will the results of the count be shared with? (My hope would be it would discourage further clearcutting, but that's probably wishful thinking.) I'm glad you continued your hike -- beautiful birds! Thanks for sharing.

Carol said...

Happy Earth Day, Eileen! Looks like a wonderful day. Goldie Girl is enjoying herself, great shot :) The thinning does look sad. But you found the pretty parts, all gorgeous shots.

rainfield61 said...

Your header is fantastic.

I have not come across a tree that shows a sea of flowers by myself.

Maude Lynn said...

The picture of Goldie Girl in the water really made me smile!

A Garden of Threads said...

A wonderful way to spend Earth Day. I do not understand why they clear cut, it destroys old growth that some bird will only nest in.

Crafty Green Poet said...

Looks like a lovely hike. I agree, it's always so sad to see the clear cut areas. I never understand why they do that either,

Unknown said...

I have never heard of the ovenbird either. We have many of those you named here in central Ky. Wish I could have been with you on that hike. Your photos are very professional.

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Another batch fo wonderful captures, Eileen, perfect for Earth Day. We live on such a beautiful planet and we are doing our utmost to ruin it. I hoep the generation after us is going to be wiser...

Cottage and Broome said...

Looked like a beautiful was to spend Earth Day, great photos. Thanks for stopping by, Laura

Mary Howell Cromer said...

I was enjoying my visit, the trees, flowers, butterfly, birds, and THEN...Goldie girl...what a sweetie!

Indrani said...

Wonderful contribution for Earth Day. We all should contribute and there will hope for future!

Icy BC said...

Beautiful photos to celebrate earth's day! Goldie Girl looks pretty in the water!

EG CameraGirl said...

I'm constantly amazed at how much you know about birds! Ovenbirds? That's a new one for me!

laurak/ForestWalkArt :) said...

ovenbird?? he doesn't LOOK like an oven! :)

sam & i went to a Reservoir too...on earth day...
EVEN THOUGH earth day IS every day!!

looks like you had a great day...ANY day spent out doors is a great day, right?!!

DeniseinVA said...

Goldie Girl looks like she is having a great time, what a beautiful dog she is Eileen. Loved all your photos, especially of the birds. I feel like I learn a lot coming here.

kirstallcreatures said...

Nice photos of the woodland flowers at the edge of the clearing,super looking butterfly amongst that mosaic too.

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen Goldie sure had a nice outing and swim. I always enjoy seeing your fine pictures. Very interesting and well photographed. Have a super nice Friday tomorrow!

Dawning Inspiration said...

Great mosaics. What a neat study area.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful bird shots and how lovely to see your dog enjoying her swim!

Cuby said...

This is such an great post with your bird count ever more interesting as you leave the clear cut area which says a lot. I love the black and grey butterfly in the 2nd mosaic, what is it?

Amila Kanchana said...

I am as confused about the clear cut area. However, the rest of the reserve and its inhabitants as you shown are wonderful!

Betty Manousos said...

i always enjoy your photos, eileen,
they are all gorgeous!

goldie girl is indeed the star of the show! what a cute pup!


Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...