Saturday, January 5, 2013

At home and the NCR Trail

I am linking up with  Green Day and Camera Critters and I'd-Rather-B-Birdin.

Last weekend we enjoyed the snow and the birds at home and took a walk New Year's Day on the NCR Trail.

 At home I am seeing Pine Siskins mixed in with my American Goldfinches. You can make out their splash of yellow on their wings.

 I do not always see Brown-headed Cowbirds at my feeders but sometimes they show up.

The feeders were busy during the snow, this Carolina Wren was checking out the BOSS feeder.

The NCR trail is a hiking, biking and walking trail on an old Northern Central Railroad trail. There are several places to park your car and start hiking we have our favorite places to start our walk.

There was some green here and there but the NCR trail was showing off its winter colors mostly. Along the trail I was watching Eastern Bluebirds, lots of Kinglets, Juncos, Chickadees and a cute Winter Wren. Most of the birds were either moving qickly or were camera shy.. except for the pretty Bluebirds.

Not sure what kind of berries these are but they added a splash of color to my photo.

I like the reflection of this bare tree in the stream.

More reflections caught in the stream.

Looking straight up at the Bluebird, showing more of their rufous color underparts.

The winding river follows along the NCR trail for most of the way.

I hope you enjoyed my yardbirds at home and our walk along the bike trail.

To see more beautiful photos and cute critters please visit:   Green Day and Camera Critters and I'd-Rather-B-Birdin. Thanks to the gracious host Fiona of Green Day, Misty Dawn of Camera Critters and to Anni of I'd Rather-B-birdin.  Thanks for visiting my blog and post. I wish everyone a very safe and happy weekend.


caite said...

love, love that second reflection cool.

as to the birdies, I have little birdie knowledge sadly. I would just say, "Look at all the little birdies!" it is shameful. :-)

Elizabeth Edwards said...

have you been in my backyard lately? these are birds i have been looking at... i never realized wrens would stick around during the colder weather ... thought they would get to warmer temps. they are beautiful singing birds.

nice!! ( :

Tammy said...

The barren tree reflection is so cool! The feeder sure is a busy place! Lots a pretty visitors!

Jenn Jilks said...

They are gorgeous! I love your birds and your moon!
Cheers from Cottage Country!

Lynne said...

Love the reflections and the high in the tree Bluebird. I enjoy walking along with you.

Today I scrolled down on the right of your posting and saw your vast counting of birds. You amaze me. I also caught a glimpse of a site your husband has . . . . I will go take a look!

Enjoy this January winter weekend.

Giga said...

Gdzieś się tam u kogoś spotykamy w komentarzach i postanowiłam do Ciebie zajrzeć. Widzę, że kochasz przyrodę i robisz ciekawe zdjęcia. Podoba mi się to. Pozdrawiam.
Somewhere in there we meet someone in the comments, and I decided to look at you. I see that you love nature and doing interesting pictures. I like that. Yours.

rainfield61 said...

The birds seemed never afraid of winter.

Jo said...

It amazes me to see birds so natural in the snow. Brrr. Your reflections are very good too. Hope you're enjoying a great weekend. Jo

Kerri Farley said...

Looks like a FAB place!
That 2nd reflection shot has me catching my breath..... a beautiful abstract!

Vane M. said...

Aqui no Brasil nunca vi neve...fiquei encantada com as imagens dos pássaros sob os flocos, muito singelo! Um abraço!

Rajesh said...

I love this little birds.

Leovi said...

Beautiful pictures, I love the reflection of the tree in the creek.

Hootin Anni said...

Beautiful Eileen. Y'know, I don't think I'd know a pine siskin if I saw one...they're so close to fact, do they even show up in coastal Texas? Now I gotta go Google.

Lovely wintry scenes...especially the red berries with the snowy backdrop.

TexWisGirl said...

sweet birds. love that water churning shot. :)

Anonymous said...

I'd love to wander that trail along the winding river.
You have so many birds visit your yard, they know exactly where to go for a free meal from a tender hearted birder named Eileen.

Rohrerbot said...

Sweet find with that cowbird! I love their noises. We have a lot of them that hang out in several of our parks. Their sounds are so incredible! It has been cold here as well....but what wonderful days! I wish I could bird everyday for the rest of my life. It's so exciting.....when you guys come to visit, make your list of birds that you need to see and want on your lists....and I'd love to show give you areas you can find them in....Arizona is pretty amazing. Just in the past several days I added 6 new species to my lifelist! A Hepatic Tanager came out of nowhere! Study your sparrows:) We have a lot of them here:) Happy New Year! And happy birding!

Our Neck of the Woods said...

That looks like such a lovely trail! The photos of the reflections in the stream are so neat. I love seeing red berries in the winter, too!

Ailime said...

Olá, todas as fotos estão fabulosas! Adorei as aves, a neve, a ribeira, os reflexos das árvores! Espectaculares! Todo um ambiente que aprecio imenso. Parabens por este seu trabalho. Abraços. Ailime

diane b said...

I loved the walk along the bike trail because I could see the beautiful scenery and birds without going out into the cold.

Suzan said...

And even looks cold for the poor birdies! This is a difficult time for them- glad to see you feeding them.

Anonymous said...

What a nice, scenic trail and so many varieties of birds you saw!

Hope you're having a great weekend.

Kristin_Texas said...

I wish we got snow around here. It'd be so much fun taking pics of the birds in it, and just observing them. A freshly fallen snow looks so pretty.


grammie g said...

Hi Eileen...Your mosaic photos could have been taking in Maine , reminds me of here! : )
Like the reflection shots and birdie's... I think the red berries are on a Japanese Bayberry bush?
Have a good rest of your weekend

Maria Luiza said...

Olá, Eileen! Seus passarinhos são maravilhosos ! Uma postagem posterior ao caju eu fiz um móbile de passarinhos de feltro e pus na minha janela! Ficaram lindos! Vá ver! Ótima semana!

Sharkbytes said...

The red berries are Japanese Barberry- invasive ornamental. I don't know why I don't see Pine Siskins here. I would like to. Love the reflections.

Val said...

those water shots are really neat!!

Vores have said...

Great image series showing. Wish you a good Sunday :) Hanne Bente

Anonymous said...

What lovely shots - I love the birds in the snow.

Anni said...

These images make me want to break out in song...Like "Mr. Bluebird on my Shoulder" Everything is satisfactual!!!

Thanks for linking up at the Bird D'Pot this weekend. Your contributions are always appreciated.

DIMI said...

Hallo Eileen!I always enjoy waching your amazing photos!Great shots!!I realy like the place you live!Have a lovely Sunday!

*Manja* said...

Danke, für deine Zeilen!^^
Dein Blog ist wundervoll! Tolle Foto`s. Ich bleibe, als Leserin! ;o)
Schönes Wochenende,*Manja*

Seraphinas Phantasie said...

Amazing photos of the water, the birds and the berries. Just wonderful !

Anonymous said...

These are such pretty pictures. Hope you have a wonderful day!

Ingrid said...

I love the picture with the reflections caught in the stream ! It looks very special and creative !

Unknown said...

Great sequence!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Phil Slade said...

I love your Stripey Siskin shots Eileen, such a smart looking bird to have on the feeders. Looks like another lovely walkway ytou have too with such a varied selection of birds to see. Have a great week ahead.

Maude Lynn said...

Gorgeous, gorgeous shots!

Nancy said...

Love that reflection -- and what a great variety of birds. Perhaps Spring is not too far away? :)

Les Fous du Cap said...

Beautiful pictures ;-)
Céline & Philippe

Savannah Granny said...

Eileen, Your pictures are so beautiful. I love the pictures of the reflections in the water. They are publish worthy as are all of them.
We keep all our birds species during winter but there are fewer. I suspect they are not the same birds but migratory birds swapping places.
Thank you for sharing your walk.
Happy New Year, Ginger

Joop Zand said...

I like these shots very much Eileen.....good work again.

Wish you a nice day.

Greetings, Joop

Felipa Monteverde said...

Olá, Eileen, as suas fotos são maravilhosas! É interessante esse costume de observar as aves e tirar fotos, ao mesmo tempo que passeia pelos lindos parques que a Natureza cria!

NatureFootstep said...

love the wrens. I havn´t seen any this season. :(

The last reflection shot is quite remarkable. I like it a lot. :)

My Little Home and Garden said...

You're inspiring me to get out there and try and get some photos of birds!

CabinGirl said...

Wow - gorgeous place for a hike, Eileen! You're so fortunate to have it near you.

Maria said...

I think the reflections are very nice too.

HappyK said...

What a great place for hiking and getting some terrific pictures!!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful shots!

Gail Dixon said...

I can't get over the variety of birds you have! The NCR trail looks like my kind of place. Wish there was something like that around me. The water reflection shots were especially beautiful. :)

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Such sweet little birds -- the siskins! Well, all your birds are great, but that was one I'd heard of but couldn't identify, so it was very interesting to see.

genie said...

I enjoyed looking at all of the bird pictures you posted, but that one shot of the reflections in the stream is one of those one-in-a-million ones. You are so good with that camera. genie

Icy BC said...

Love, love the reflection of your tree! It is fascinating and mesmerizing to keep looking.

I had the same berry bush, and people told me that it's called barberries..

Betty Manousos said...

so much beauty dear eileen!
gorgeous shots as usual!

big hugs~

Zizi Santos said...

Sempre lindas suas inspirações! paisagens e passarinhos!

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a happy new week! "What is life but one grand adventure."   Deception Pass State Park, Washington...