Sunday, January 27, 2013

Winter Walk

 I am linking up with Mosaic Monday and Our World Tuesday

Saturday, hubby and I took a walk on our local NCR bike trail, it was a cold day with lows in the 30's. The snow we had the day before will be hanging around with temperatures this low.

My Goldie Girl does not seem to mind walking in the cold snow.

The Gunpowder River was frozen in spots and birds were scarce. I did see five or six Eastern Bluebirds, too shy for a photo. Some Tufted Titmouse high up in the trees.

And a cute Brown Creeper. The Brown Creeper blending in so well with the tree, can move along quickly. Those dang branches are always getting in my way, this was the best shot I could get of this cute Brown Creeper.

In several spot we noticed icicles hanging on the rocks along the trail.

It was a beautiful day, the sky was clear and blue.

I had more birds back in my yard. The Cardinals seem to be a popular winter bird. They look so pretty with a snowy background.

 Oh well, not a good birding outing but it was nice to take a walk and leave the house for some fresh air and exercise. I hope everyone had a great weekend and are staying warm on these cold days. I am not really a winter lover so I am looking forward to Spring.

Join in on the fun for more wonderful photos and mosaics please visit Mosaic Monday and Our World Tuesday
 Thanks to Mary of Mosaic Monday and to the hosting group of Our World Tuesday: Arija, Gattina, Lady Fi, Sylvia and Sandy .  Thanks also for stopping by to see my post.  I wish everyone a happy week!


  1. seeing goldie girl always makes me smile. :)

  2. Your photos are always so gorgeous. These cardinal(s) are all females. They are my favorite wild bird. You are brave to go walking in this chilly weather. xo

  3. i love that you walk these trails and enjoy nature, even with these colder temps!!

    pretty icles....but goldie steals the show for me here!!

  4. It's amazing what a cover of snow and frozen water can do to the landscape!! Must be difficult on the birds and animals that aren't able to get out of the cold - but it is so beautiful!! Enjoyed your photos!

  5. What a fabulous Wintry wonderland mosiac! and that Cardinal bird is such a handsome chap! I wish we had those! All I seem to have seen today is an awful lot of Magpies and sparrows! Warm winter greetings to you x

  6. Don't you just love walking in the snow??? I DO!!! Love the icicles.. We saw lots of icicles this past week in the Smokies --and then again, here when we had our Ice Storm.

    That Brown Creeper really does blend in, doesn't he????

    Cute pictures of the Cardinals.

  7. Looks cold but very pretty scenery.

  8. It may not have been a good day for birding but the blue skies and icicles are still quite beautiful. I always love to see your cardinals.

  9. Hi Eileen,
    Branches are always there, between the camera and the subject, aren't they! You did well to catch that shot of the Brown Creeper.

    I love the icicles, too!

  10. I love the colours of the female cardinal.

  11. Spring is so far away here that I am not holding my breath yet. I'd love winter if there were cardinals about. And I even made them a cake, yet they didn't come!

  12. i like you Cardinals, so pretty. Have a wonderful week:)

  13. It's great that you get out and walk in this cold weather. I'm not much for walking in the cold. Maybe if I had a companion like Goldie I would be more willing. :) I do love your winter pictures.

  14. Looks like a beautiful day for a walk. Goldie Girl has a nice warm coat for those days. Always enjoy seeing your birds. Valerie

  15. Great shots - I enjoyed seeing them. Your furbaby is a pretty dog. Have not had as many cardinals here the last couple of years. Thanks for sharing them with us.
    Thanks for stopping by and nice comment on daughter's crochet - Will pass it along to her.
    Have a great week.

  16. Wonderful shots from your trail. Goldie is cute.

  17. Hi Eileen
    I wish my little guy would walk in the snow like Goldie but he's hobbling in no time from the cold.
    I was going to ask if that was a camouflaged bird in the mosaic but I see you showed the brown creeper more distinctly further on.
    Good shots of the cardinals; the squirrels would have a hey day with that feeder in my yard.

  18. I always enjoy your photos, they are so colorful and real. Such lovely scenery in this post and your birds in the previous post are really gorgeous, too.

  19. Amazing how well that brown creeper blends in with the bark of the tree. Your dog Goldie is so sweet; I think it's the first time I've seen her since I'm pretty new here.

  20. Those are some huge icicles! If we get any freezing precipitation this year and we have icicles, I will have to post them and ask you to come and look. It will make you darn proud of yours. lol

  21. Wow, all that snow and icicles really tell the story how cold it is where you are. I guess I shouldn't complain when it's in the 50's here. :D

  22. Such a great variety of scenes and birds that you captured on this snowy walk, Eileen. And I'm so glad to meet your Goldie Girl. Is there a sweeter dog in the world than a golden? I had a red-golden Dan for about 13 years--so handsome.

  23. Yep, its nice to go out and sample the air. I did like the Cardinals, such beauties.

  24. Wonderful shots, Eileen! Looks so nice with the snow. Here the groundis completely covered, too much snow and too cold!

    The Cardinals are gorgeous. The birds are no longer visiting our feeder, hope they will come back soon.

    Wish you a great week .... Irene:)

  25. I always love going on a walk with you Eileen. And this time of year I love seeing your wintery images.
    Have a wonderful week.

  26. I do like those icicles. Not something I see very often!

    Stewart M - Australia

  27. that grow white mustache.

  28. A gorgeous winter walk, your photographs are beautiful. I love your mosaics.


  29. Hallo Eileen!I always enjoy waching your wonderful photos!!Your dog looks so preety!!That Cardinal bird is my favourite!!Have a lovely week!!

  30. Love those icicles! We don't have cardinals here. They are such a pretty bird.

  31. Bob and I went on an outing yesterday. It was good to see the sunshine and blue skies, although it was still a chilly day. It felt good to get some fresh air! Your mosaic is nicely done; love the photograph of the hanging ice. I always enjoy photographs of Goldie and your birds.

  32. Beautiful images. Sympathetic bird photo. did not want to be in the picture :)) I like collages.
    a kiss.

  33. Hi Eileen, I know how much you treasure your Eastern Bluebirds! Glad too, to see your Northern Cardinals doing so well. I also like the Creeper. Have a great coming week!

  34. Wonderful, wintery shots for the day, Eileen! Beautiful birds and Goldie Girl is such a sweetie!! Hope you have a great week! Stay warm!!

  35. Another great series!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  36. Those icles are amazing! I love cardinals, and they really stand out in the snow. It has been unseasonably warm here lately but we should get backt o noraml winter weather this week. happy MM and OWT Eileen!

  37. nice walk. Those creepers are really quick. And as you say, there are too many branches too.

  38. I love the collection of pictures with blue/white/brown. You've managed to make the bland winter landscape beautiful. Nice Liriodendron.

  39. How beautiful everything looks.

  40. You can see so much more when the leaves are off the trees and there's snow on the ground. I always liked to go tracking...seeing what animals have walked through! Enjoy your week! Stay warm!

  41. Beautiful winter shots ~ great photo walk ~ love your dog ~ ^_^

    (A Creative Harbor)

  42. Beautiful shots from your winter walk and also of the birds at your feeders.

  43. That is a perfect winter photo!

  44. Ahhh...another Golden who loves the snow!!! Ours lays in it and chews snowballs!!!

  45. You did well to capture that creeper. Wonderful icicles.

  46. What a lovely walk! Your dog is adorable too.

  47. Awesome capture Eileen!
    I love en enjoyed them al...
    Have a nice week and warm greetings from Holland,

  48. Thanks for the wonderful walk, Eileen! Your photos are great. I like the way you introduce these birds to us. You know so much about them.
    Have a great week!Our snow and ice have gone now.

  49. Great pictures / collages showing. Thanks for the comment on my blog :) Hanne Bente

  50. Goldie Girl is so beautiful and your snow images and birds very nice. I agree...ready for Spring~

  51. So many beautiful winter pics. The icicles are amazing!

  52. those icicles are amazing!

    Well done on catching that little brown creeper, very like our treecreeper, they blend in so well with the tree trunks don't they?

  53. Always fun to visit you Eileen, great photos as always and seeing Goldie girl have so much fun :)

  54. Beautiful photos of your snowy walk. I love the icicles hanging down from the bank.

  55. I love all your bird shots, and such a beautiful wintery scenes..The icicles are just sending me a chill!

  56. Your cardinal photos are very nice. It's nice how you help them get through the winter.

  57. such beautiful winter impressions!! and the frozen water is really magical.

    hugs from

  58. The icicles are beautiful.
    A winter walk, with a dog, is such fun, especially when you're given a day such as that. Thanks for sharing.

  59. Ah, if I had a coat like Goldie Girl I would not mind the snowy walks either!

  60. Your puppy is a cutie:) So you leave the top open on that bird feeder?:) I've never thought about doing that before....I'm afraid a couple of our finches would climb in and never want to come out:)

  61. I had a Brown Creeper visit a few days ago.

    ~ Sherrie (Bird Lady)


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Have a happy day, Eileen

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