Thursday, February 21, 2013

Around the Yard

Linking  up with NF Winged   and  Skywatch Friday

It is that time of week for sharing my sky photos from this week and a few of the birds from around my yard.The birds are for my entry for NF Winged  and I have a few backyard sunset photos from Tuesday the 19th.

Outside my dining room I have a thistle sock feeder that the Pine Siskins love. One side of my photo has a reflection from my curtain, looks weird but I wanted to see if you can find the other pesky critters at my feeders.

 Above you can see the American Goldfinches are starting to turn their pretty yellow color.

The Turkey Vultures making their way back to the woods next to my house for the evening.

Sometimes the vultures fight over what tree they want to perch in, flying in they will knock another vulture off their perch.

I thought it was going to be gray and cloudy all evening but the sun setting still managed to light up these clouds.

The sky was filled with pink, purples and blues. A very pretty sunset.

The colors were lovely even behind the tallest tree in our yard.

I hope you enjoyed the birds and sunset seen from around my yard. Thanks for stopping by and I appreciate everyone taking time to leave comments. That is  if the comments are working? I have heard some bloggers saying they are having a hard time.

To see more pretty skies from around the world please visit  Skywatch Friday
and to see more of the winged critters check out NF Winged

Thanks to Sylvia, Yogi  and Sandy for hosting Skywatch Friday! Thanks to the host of NF Winged.  Also, thank you for stopping by to see my post. I wish everyone a safe and happy weekend.


Giga said...

Piękno niebo, u nas dawno takiego nie widziałam. Niebo jest szare. Miłe ptaszki też były w Twoim ogrodzie. Pozdrawiam.
The beauty of the sky, we've never seen such a long time. The sky is gray. Birds were also nice in your garden. Yours.

Seraphinas Phantasie said...

So many birds and a wonderful sky drama. Beautiful colors ! Great !

Lovable Derek said...

Magnificent sky shots. Magnificent birdie photos. Thanks for keeping me so ably entertained.

orchid0324 said...

Dearest Eileen,
Wow, such a beautiful photos again♡♡♡
Your precious birds are so lucky even in winter♬♬♬ Your sky shots are GORGEOUS.

Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

Anonymous said...

A musical sky with all those birds around.

Roseli Rosa said...

Adorei as fotos dos pássaros e pôr do sol são flashes encantadores.

Anonymous said...

What pretty skies!

Icy BC said...

Your yard and your world are beautiful to see, Eileen! The birds are obviously my favorite, and so are the sky photos!

Meta said...

Tur att vi matar fåglarna nu när det är så mycket snö och kallt.
Vilka fina kvällsbilder du har på slutet.
Ha en fin torsdag
Kram Meta

TexWisGirl said...

beautiful pink skies. i like to see vultures perching in the trees. i know it creeps some folks out, but not me. :)

Black Jack's Carol said...

I really enjoyed your gorgeous sunsets and the birds too. Was the pesky visitor a squirrel? For some reason, the story of the turkey vultures knocking each other of the branches made me smile. I wonder if that is a dominance thing, or just the ins and outs of navigating the branches for a landing. Anyhow, fascinating post!

Rajesh said...

Lovely birds in your yard.

DIMI said...

Hallo Eileen!Very beautiful birds are visiting your yard!!And so many feeders too!!I love your pictures and those with the wondefrul sunset!Great colours!!Have a lovely day!

Karen said...

Gorgeous sunsets, and I really like that sock feeder.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

HI There, I haven't had any trouble making comments... But--who knows what Blogger will and can do!!!! ha

Beautiful sky pictures --and I always love your birdies...

Have a great day.

Debbie said...

Your skies are so colorful and beautiful! You caught the sky at the perfect moment! Your goldfinches have more color then mine!

Lovely entry!

Our Neck of the Woods said...

That sock feeder is really neat! And those sunset photos are gorgeous. Such pretty colors :)

Unknown said...

The small birds are a joy to watch. I love the colours in your sunset shots.

Leave It To Davis said...

I saw a squirrel in the back feeder in that first picture.
Sneaky, isn't he?

The sunsets are wonderful painting from God. You are blessed to be able to have such wonderful views!

Montanagirl said...

Your sky/tree shots are gorgeous! It takes clouds to make a great sunset/sunrise shot.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Eileen's Nature Park is beautiful this time of year (as it always is!)...I love the sock feeder, perfect for the tiny siskins and I assume helps to keep the bigger birds from taking all their food!

I've had a couple people say they were having trouble leaving comments at mine (and I use a whole different host), so I dunno, maybe there's just some kind of grinch out there stealing comments.

Irene said...

Lucky you, Eileen. You've got so many lovely birds in your garden. And your sunsets are gorgeous!

Wish you a happy Friday!

Irene :)

Valerie said...

Such pretty birds and lovely soft sky colours Eileen. Wishing you a wonderful weekend. (Thanks for stopping by)

HansHB said...

Great post for the theme!

Carletta said...

Looks like we had similar sky views Eileen! Your colors are much more vibrant than mine! Lovely!
I think I see some pesky squirrels stealing seeds. :)
I've had problems not being able to leave comments on a couple of blogs but they were Wordpress ones.

Laura said...

lovely birds and a gorgeous sunset Eileen!

Sylvia K said...

Beautiful birds, gorgeous sunset/skies and superb captures as always, Eileen! Thanks as always for sharing the beauty! Have a lovely weekend!

vincibene said...

I like your birds, and your skies are fantastic!

Heather Wilde said...

Beautiful colours in the sky with the silhouettes of the trees in front.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

What beautiful feathered friends!!!

Gail Dixon said...

Amazing sunset shots! I think our goldfinch migrate away from here before we get to see the deep yellow in their feathers. Boo. I've put up sock feeders before and cannot get any birds to like it. I wonder why? Anyway, very nice shots around your yard. So much activity!

Leovi said...

Excellent composition, I like these delicious images.
Beautiful with beautiful birds.

Diane AZ said...

Always something fun to see around your yard. I love the little birds at the feeders and the buzzards, big bare trees and colorful sky!

Jill Kristin Ø.Remme said...

You have really inspired me to try to take more bird pictures! Looking forward to trying out a bit :)))

Tammy said...

I saw that upside down pesky squirrel back there! Gorgeous sunset! I love nights like that!

Joyful said...

Beautiful sunsets! I love watching the little birds come to eat at your feeders too ;-) Happy SWF.

Ebie said...

I really love those gadgets to attract those birds! Such a lovely place to watch sun's glow. You are one of the luckiest!

betchai said...

life is so full of joy around your yard and blessed with those beautiful skies.

Lynne said...

Great photos . . . you have the eye!

Kusum said...

I can't say enough to praise that bird feeder. I am enjoying those bird pictures so much and so in reality it must be amazing!

Carver said...

Wonderful shots of your birds and the sunset was lovely.

Unknown said...

Life must be boring without your back yard! always something to see:)

Lina Gustina said...

Awesome bird and sky shots, Eileen. I always admire your shots :)

George said...

I didn't realize that turkey vultures would knock each other off of branches to get the place they wanted. Your sunset photos are beautiful.

Indrani said...

So many of them feasting. Great photo opportunity!

NatureStop said...

Lovely birds and beautiful skies and well captured.Have a great day!


Jidhu Jose said...

stunning clicks
happy Skywatch Friday

Liz Needle said...

Love the si\oft colours in your sky shots. Birds are just beautiful.

NatureFootstep said...

beautiful skies you share today. And birds of course. :)

chica said...

MARAVILHA!!! Adoro! beijos,chica

Pearl Maple said...

Beautiful photos to capture nature on the fly, thank you for sharing these quiet moments

Cindy said...

Beautiful sky and so many pretty colors. Love the birds at your feeders especially the Goldfinches. Happy weekend.


Vores have said...

WAU - where some beautiful "heavenly" pictures you show. Wish you a good weekend :) Hanne Bente

Maria said...

As usual, your skies are wonderful!

DeniseinVA said...

These are wonderful Eileen. I love your sky photos and of course your feathered friends, of which I include the vultures. That's a very interesting shot and one I like very much. Have a great weekend :)

Anonymous said...

all the lil critters out there sure are lucky to have you to feed them! love the lil American Goldfinches in the tray chowin down! =)

Laloofah said...

What a lovely ending to an otherwise gray and cloudy day! I love it when Mother Nature surprises us like that. :-)

We had several thistle socks at our old house, where we had siskins and finches galore. They loved them! Great invention.

I laughed at your description of the turkey vultures knocking each other off their perches sometimes. And the vultures from "Jungle Book," with their Liverpudlian accents, sprang immediately to mind. "So wot we gonna do?" "I dunno, wottayou wanna do?" :-)

Julie G. said...

Oh my goodness ... your sunset captures are quite magical! I giggled when viewing your first photograph of the siskins and acrobatic squirrel. Long tailed stinkers like that are a common sight at our bird feeders. I was surprised to see that the goldfinches are changing colors already. I will have to check out the group that dines at our thistle feeders. Beautiful photographs, as always, Eileen!

Bob Bushell said...

Oh, that's a nice and pretty scenery, filled with the birds and the sunset, cheers Eileen.

SandyCarlson said...

Your photos are wonderful, and the colors are warm and delightful.

Rebecca said...

Great photos! Love the vultures in the trees :)

Jen said...

I see you have a pesky squirrel stealing food. Crafty little critters, aren't they? Beautiful bird shots.

Laura. M said...

Thanks for sharing such beautiful pictures. You're very lucky to see these wonders from your window :))
Have a good weekend.
a kiss.

Anonymous said...

agréable de voir les oiseaux

eden said...

Such lovely skies! Love all the photos.

Betty Manousos said...

so many lovelies!
what a delightful post!


Happy Monday!

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