Saturday, February 9, 2013

Back in time

Linking up with Camera Critters  and I'd-rather-b-birdin

I hope all my blogging friends up in the north are warm and  safe from the storm Nemo.

I am going back in time with these photos. Between working all week and the weather I have not been anywhere to take new photos. The blizzard has missed Maryland, only seeing some heavy wind gusts here.
So, off we go to Costa Rica to see my favorite birds and an iguana tree.
 Sorry, if you have seen these photos, I hope you do not mind seeing them again. I do not think I have shown the Iguana tree though so that might be new. They are some of the highlights we saw in Costa Rica, the wildlife sightings were just amazing.

We passed this iguana tree while touring with our group. This tree was filled with iguanas of all sizes. 

 There were so many iguanas on the tree, I could not fit them all in on one photo. It was amazing sight to see. How many iguanas can you find in the shot above. You could times that by 20 and that would be how many we saw on this tree.

Rhinceros beetle was a cool sighting in Costa Rica. It was one of the biggest beetles I have ever seen.

The Collared Aracari was seen quite a bit at our  Tortuguero resort.

The Keel Billed Toucan is one of my favorite toucan. The Toucan species are just awesome looking birds.

The Blue-gold Macaws were seen on the parking lot of the Swinging bridges. They were most likely escapees but still very cool to see the pair of them.

The wildlife of Costa Rica is awesome, if you ever have a chance of visiting Costa Rica I would say go for it. I hope you enjoyed my critters and birds.
To see more cute and wonderful critters please visit Misty Dawn's Camera Critters  and more beautiful birds seen at Anni's blog I'd-rather-b-birdin
Thanks to both Misty Dawn and to Anni for hosting these fun memes. I wish everyone a safe and happy weekend.


Kerri Farley said...

I LOVE these Eileen! I'm always going "back in time" :)

Claudia Moser said...

The iguanas and macaws are spectacular! Nice shots

Anonymous said...

I can only daydream of seeing exotic birds such as these beauties.
Thanks for sharing your awesome photos, Eileen.

Suzan said...

Oh Eileen - How amazing!! In college I had an iguana, but in the winter he crawled up into the radiator and died. We couldn't find him until he started smelling. BUT- I've always wanted to go to Costa Rica!! Did you go on your own or with a travel group? Do you remember who you went with if it was a group? I want to do Alaska and Costa Rica!! Your iguana tree is amazing!!

Diane AZ said...

Spectacular shots, Costa Rica must be a wonderful place to visit! The rhinoceros beetle looks so cool. :)

Anonymous said...

hallo Eillen
Danke für diese wunderbaren Bilder.

Hoffe der Sturm hat euch verschont.
einen LG vom katerchen

Hootin Anni said...

Well, I've never seen these images, so I'm happy to have you repeat a post. Awesome Eileen. I think I'd shudder at the thought of seeing all those iguanas at one time.

Martha said...

Wonderful photos! Costa Rica sounds amazing about now!!!

Gail Dixon said...

Awesome photos! I counted 10 iguanas in that one shot. Yikes. This looks like a nature photographers paradise.

Glad the storm missed you!

Rajesh said...

Wonderful shots from the nature. Those birds are so lovely.

Giga said...

Ilość iguan na drzewie jest niesamowita. Takie piękne kolorowe ptaki mogę u nas zobaczyć tylko w ptaszarni. Pozdrawiam.
Number of iguanas in a tree is amazing. Such a beautiful colorful birds I see here only in an aviary. Yours.

Montanagirl said...

Oh my goodness - wonderful post! You saw a lot of neat wildlife, and thank you for sharing with us!!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful shots of these exotic creatures!

Crafty Green Poet said...

wonderful photos of wonderful wildlife. The iguana tree is amazing!

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

At least the iguanas we saw in Mexico were on the ground, I had no idea they get up into trees.
isn't the rhinoceros beetle a grand looking fellow!

Lina Gustina said...

I'm so amaze with the iguana tree!
Have a nice weekend, Eileen

Leovi said...

Beautiful capture, I like those delicious colorful birds

Raindrops and Daisies said...

Hi Eileen,

wow those photos are fantastic
the iguanas and macaws are spectacular.

I really enjoyed your shots.

Have a good weekend.


TexWisGirl said...

a great set of shots! love that beetle! :)

Rohrerbot said...

I'm heading out to Central America in June and cannot wait! I dream birds every night. Today I buy books and begin mapping out the journey! Cannot wait. Thanks for getting me excited. It's such a beautiful place!

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

The only way I'll ever get to see these beautiful birds and the iguana tree is through you photos. Tanks for sharing.

Icy BC said...

I love all of these critters you showed here. The iguana tree is just extraordinary!

Jidhu Jose said...

OMG....your pics are awesome

Lynne said...

Great photos Eileen . . . Fun to see birds of another land!

Thw Iquana Tree . . . is amazing. I think f them on the ground, not in a tree . . .

Jackie said...

Eileen this is just marvelous! I would love to be able to see these and get pictures like these!

Thanks for sharing with us and I hope you have a very happy weekend!

Ailime said...

Olá Eileen, fantásticas fotos, mas tenho horror de iguanas. Os outros animais são lindos. Beijinhos bom fim-de-semana. Ailime

Anonymous said...

Aren't they beauties, but I'd hate to run into that beetle! YiKeS! =0

HansHB said...

Awesome photos!

Gemma Wiseman said...

The toucan's beak size, shape and colour is incredible! And love the markings on the macaws! But that horde of iguanas really blows the mind!

Nancy said...

Love that Toucan Sam!

??? said...

Wow - I'd love to see all those animals in the wild one day. That must have been a great trip.

Lea said...

Wonderful photos!
Have a great day!
Lea's Menagerie

Ana Mínguez Corella said...

I love. Exotic birds.. A regard

NatureFootstep said...

great post. I did see iguanas in CR but not like this. That is amazing. And the birds. gorgeous! We have similar beetle to the one you show. They are quite rare as they live on Oaks.
Thanks for this post. :)

CabinGirl said...

How fun to see such a great variety of critters, Eileen! Thanks for sharing a nice, warm photo to brighten up an overcast winter day :-)

diane b said...

Keep warm and safe. Glad you missed the worst of the blizzard. The iguana tree is an amazing sight. I love the other big tropical birds. Their colours are fabulous.

Bob Bushell said...

Beautiful images of Costa Rica's wildlife.

Unknown said...

Beautiful colours, and that Rhino bug is great. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

OH Eileen these are wonderful pictures. Never in my wildest dreams would I ever have thought of anything like that many iguanas in one spot. The birds are so beautiful. Lovely post...hope the storm continues to miss your area.

DIMI said...

Wonderful post Eileen!Strange animals and birds!I like most the Blue-gold Macaws!Beautiful colors!Great shots!Hope you have a lovely weekend!

Powell River Books said...

I hadn't seen them before and loved them all. The iguana tree was interesting to see. - Margy

Maria said...

They are impressive, I didn't know you visited Costa Rica, they had said they didn't have anymore green iguanas. I know some of these Central America countries like to hunt them and export their meat. Which countries are, I don't know.

rainfield61 said...

I love the Rhinoceros.

Anonymous said...

What beautiful and exotic birds!

orchid0324 said...

Dearest Eileen,
So sorry for missing your beautiful posts.
Oh, I loved to see the wonderful pictures in Costa Rica. iguana, beetle, and rare birds they are all GORGEOUS☆☆☆ Our earth sure is full of wonderful beings♡♡♡

Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

Stewart M said...

Love to Toucans - they are bird I have always wanted to see.


Stewart M - Melbourne

eden said...

Great shots. They are all beautiful creatures.

Anni said...

ps...Eileen, thanks for the sweet birthday wishes you sent along in your comments.

Lovable Derek said...

Magnificent photos as always.
And thanks for identifying the Rhinoceros beetle for me. We have loads of them but I've never quite known what they are. They'll munch their way through piece of bamboo for days

Betty Manousos said...

wow, this is just awesome!

great series of photos.
love that toucan sam!

big hugs~

Debbie said...

I am so happy you did not get out this week, is that wrong of me to say? These images are so green and so beautiful. I enjoyed all of them!

Ebie said...

I have never seen so many iguanas, and really love you for sharing your trip!

Hahaha, those iguanas are having a nice chat! Just like an ordinary lazy Sunday for me.

Liz said...

Another thoroughly enjoyable post, Eileen!
The Iguana tree is incredible. I can't fathom that many Iguanas. What an amazing experience!
I've seen Rhinoceros beetles before (too many times) as we have them in our sub-tropical climate. Ours are black though and boy, do they hiss at you if you come near! Cranky beetles and, yes, very big!!

I absolutely love those Toucans and the Macaws!! Incredibly beautiful birds.

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...