Sunday, February 24, 2013

Sunday Morning Walk

 I am linking up with Simple Things Sunday and  Mosaic Monday and Our World Tuesday

 I was so happy to wake up this Sunday morning and finally see some blue sky and sunshine. Our weather lately has been mostly cloudy and raining. Since, working all week I enjoy getting outside on the weekend to take a walk with hubby and our dog. And to do a little bird watching is always a simple pleasure for me.

One of our favorite places to take an early morning walk this weekend was at the Loch Raven Reservoir.

On the weekend the road around the Loch Raven reservoir is closed to car traffic and open to people walking, biking and jogging.  We usually see families out with their young children on their little bikes. Today we took our Goldie Girl.

Sometimes I try to arrange our walks where a certain bird has been seen hanging out. This time I was looking for the Eurasian Wigeon. I did find a couple of American Wigeons which I have in the mosaic above. We also saw lots of Gulls, Canada Geese and Ring-necked Ducks.

 We watched one family with a cute toddler feeding the geese and gulls. The toddler seemed to be enjoying all the birds he was attracting with the bread.

A shot of the reservoir and a couple of Canada Geese giving me the eye.

The walk along the road is pretty with the tall pine trees and the reservoir.  I hope you enjoyed my Sunday morning walk. Thanks for stopping by and I appreciate the comments as well.

Join in on the fun and for more wonderful photos please visit Simple Things Sunday and to see beautiful mosaics please visit Mosaic Monday and more from  Our World Tuesday
 Thanks to our host:  Rebecca of Simple as That and Mary our host of Mosaic Monday and to the hosting group of Our World Tuesday: Arija, Gattina, Lady Fi, Sylvia, Sandy and Jennifer.  Thanks also for stopping by to see my post.  I wish everyone a happy week!


TexWisGirl said...

i posted blue and gold(finches); you posted blue and gold(ie girl). :)

Giga said...

Niebieski niebo i cudowny spacer dla Was i pieska. Mieliście też co ogladac. Pozdrawiam.
Blue sky and a wonderful walk for you and a dog. Which had a watch. Yours.

Lynne said...

Love your walks and sights!

Anonymous said...

Another beautiful walk, Eileen!

Anonymous said...

Wow! So lovely to see blue skies and places to walk ~ magnificent photography as always ~ ^_^

Rajesh said...

Beautiful and scenic. A walk here will rejuvenate one.

Brian King said...

That's a beautiful place! It attracts a lot of birds and waterfowl.

Debbie said...

i think it's just wonderful that they close that road to car traffic, it encourages people to bike and walk in a safe environment!!

your mosaics and pictures are beautiful!!

Leave It To Davis said...

Oh, that is a lovely place to walk!!! Thanks for taking us along with you. I so much enjoyed it!

shirley said...

Eileen - As always, your photos bring a smile to my face. It looks like you had a most wonderful weekend!

Naturegirl said...

Eileen a peaceful walk with Nature.
Your comment made my heart sing! Thank you blogging friend! Have a beautiful week!

podso said...

Beautiful pictures and brings the hope of spring! We finally had nice weather today as well, but more rain tomorrow.

Suzan said...

Enjoy seeing all the water birds--- we have zillions of canadian geese. Our's eat too much during the summer, they can't fly any further south. They just hang out here year round now. Nice ducks!! And sea gulls. You're close enough to the bay! We lived in Crofton, Md. - outside of Annapolis for a short time and I thought it funny to see sea gulls in the parking lot so far inland!

Honey Mommy said...

What a lovely walk! We have snow and grey skies, so thanks for taking me along with you.

Jo said...

Hi Eileen! I just happened to come across your blog and it's about loving nature. I just went for a nature walk in my country only yesterday morning to watch migratory birds and a few other wildlife animals. It was such an adventure and I can imagine how it's like for you all the time.

I love ducks/ and I can never differentiate them. All I know is that they travel in pairs :)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

So glad you could get outside today--after all of the rain yesterday. We had a gorgeous day here also. Thanks for sharing all of the great photos.

Linda said...

What fun pics! Thanks for sharing your lovely walk.

Tina´s PicStory said...

very beautiful pics! :)

Vores have said...

Hello Eileen - great pictures and collages showing. Wish you a good day :) Hanne Bente

Clara said...

You always take such beautiful pictures Eileen. Thank you for sharing.

Maria said...

This looks like a beautiful place. I envy you!!!

Unknown said...

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Montanagirl said...

I always enjoy seeing what you see on your walks!

DIMI said...

Dear Eileen,you had a beautiful walk!!Fantastic pictures!So many difrent bird you saw!!Thanks for sharing!Hope you have a lovely week!

Gail Dixon said...

Looks like the perfect weekend! I haven't seen the American wigeon since leaving Texas. What a treat. Thank you!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

YAY! A fabulous weekend -- beautiful weather, wonderful birds. You arrange your mosaics so perfectly. Love everything about this post; thanks for taking us along on your walk.

Gardening in a Sandbox said...

A lovely place to take the dog and kids and enjoy the peace and the birds. Valerie

Lorrie said...

What a great place to walk. Blue skies are so welcome at this time of year. Love those Canada Geese giving you the eye. Suspicious critters, aren't they?

Phil Slade said...

That was a fine Sunday morning walk Eileen - I feel a lot better now. Waht a good idea closing the road to traffic so that people can enjoy the walk in safety and (relative) silence. I enjoyed seeing your American Wigeon and Rng-necked Duck shots. Here ona Sunday walk you could substitute them with Eurasian Wigeon and Tufted Duck.

HappyK said...

Stunning photos and yes, it was so nice to get a look at the sun again. : )

Ebie said...

There is just an unending supply of wildlife just a stone's throw away from you. Those Canadian geese are so pretty!

Unknown said...

Great series, and your dog is looking good. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Bob Bushell said...

Beautiful birds on a pond, love 'em. And there is of course, Goldie Girl, special.

Sylvia K said...

Thanks as always for taking us on the walk with you through your wonderful captures, Eileen! A marvelous series! Always love seeing Goldie Girl! She's so beautiful! Hope you have a great week!

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

A sunny blue sky makes such a pleasant change, beckoning us to enjoy the great outdoors. The perfret time for a walk.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

This looks like a wonderful place to take weekend walk, Eileen. There is s much wildlife there! I'm sur eyour Golide girl loves to stroll along with you.

Karen said...

A delightful post. Beautiful blue skies and fabulous scenery!

mick said...

Great photos and beautiful blue skies in all of them. That is such a good idea to close the park to traffic during the week-end.

Jill Harrison said...

It looks like spring is coming to your part of the world and you are looking forward to it.
I always enjoy these walks with you Eileen.
Have a wonderful week.

DeniseinVA said...

This is a great place for a walk, and a lovely day to do it on. Wonderful post as always Eileen.

Kusum said...

Must be a great walk on sunday morning! Lovely birds!

Anonymous said...

Those blue skies look wonderful! And so welcome after days of grey, I'm sure.

Lovely pictures.

Indrani said...

The birds in flight it makes such a wonderful picture. Great series.

diane b said...

Isn't it great when the weather clears up so that you can go for a walk. I am still waiting for it to stop raining after a week of it. However, I loved the virtual walk with you. Great scenery and lovely birds.

Red Nomad OZ said...

It's such a great feeling to get out & about after being housebound due to the weather, isn't it?! Glad your jaunt was so productive!!!

Anna said...

What a great series, Eileen!
Warm greetings from Holland,
Anna :D

orchid0324 said...

Dearest Eileen,
Oh My, how much I wish to have your lovely walk environment♡♡♡ Your Goldie looks happy as well(*^_^*)

Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

LifeRamblings said...

such a beautiful place to go for a walk. lovely series of photos.

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

I enjoyed the walk and sights, thanks for sharing it.

Rohrerbot said...

This looks like a nice trek with some great weather. I love C.G. It doesn't matter how many times I've seen them. They're just beautiful!

SandyCarlson said...

Your world is a dream.

Mary Howell Cromer said...

What a glorious Sunday outing, just beautiful images~

Kathie Brown said...

I'd love to take that walk with you! Nice shots!

Anonymous said...

It looks so warm and lovely! Great shots.

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...