Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Panama Hummingbirds

I am linking up with Wild Bird Wednesday and Nature Notes

I am tired of winter and I am looking forward to Spring and Summer, looking forward to seeing my pretty Ruby-throated hummingbirds return to my yard.

 I can not wait to start seeing  my backyard Ruby-throated Hummingbird. For a long time the Ruby-Throated Hummingbird was the only hummer I had seen until I went to Panama.
 So just to show off a splash of colors, I decided to dig into my archives and bring back my Panama Hummingbirds. I never really did a separate post just on the Hummingbirds and they deserve their own post.

During our trip to Panama seeing the Hummingbirds was one of the top things on my list of must dos. Above at the feeder is the Violet-bellied Hummingbird.

Above is the White-vented Plumeleteer

 Above is a not so clear shot of the White-necked Jacobin. You can see the markings and pretty tail feathers.

 Above is another shot of the Violet-bellied Hummingbird with another unknown hummer.

The Violet-Bellied Hummingbird was one of the more colorful hummers we saw.

I have had hummers zooming around my head on my deck but this time was even more special to see so many different species of hummers zooming around my head. It very very cool and a birding experience I will never forget.

 My photos are not the professional quality that a lot of my blogging friends show on their blogs. But, with hummingbirds that move so fast they are difficult to capture with your camera. I tried my best with my Canon SX20. With so many hummers flying around it was hard to keep your eyes on just one at a time. I hope you enjoyed my Panama Hummer post.

To see more beautiful and wonderful bird photos please visit:
 Stewart's Wild Bird Wednesday and Michelle's  Nature Notes.
Thanks to Stewart for hosting Wild Bird Wednesday and thanks to Michelle for hosting Nature Notes.
I wish everyone a happy week ahead and Happy Birding!


DIMI said...

Hallo Eileen!What can i say!!Brilliant photos!!Very beautiful birds!Spring is commimg soon,and you will see again your little friend !Have a lovely day!

Rohrerbot said...

You are so awesome! I have had my books and am so ready to get out and travel. I love AZ but I miss all the tropical hummingbirds and cannot wait to see them all again. During the month of June, I am birding for the entire time around some of the hot spots in Guatemala and CANNOT wait. I'm been studying every bird and birding place. Panama gave me my start into the world of birding....and that is how I found you on blogger:) Where are you headed this year? Islands? Central America?:) I hope to see a Quetzal. Yet I cannot seem to find our own Trogon here in AZ...the Elegant Trogon. Trickiest birds to spot...or at least one of them:)

Leora said...

Oh, what delightful birds, in any variety of hummingbird.

TexWisGirl said...

really like those white tail feathers. that violet-bellied really shines!

mick said...

I think all hummingbird are wonderful - and there are definitely NONE around here for me to see!

HansHB said...

Perfect post for WBW, well done!

Carletta said...

The ruby-throated is the only one I've ever seen and like you I can hardly wait for them to return.
That violet-bellied is beautiful!
What lovely colors!

Dianne said...

Eileen that top Humming-Bird capture is just stunning. It's a magnificent bird. Brava!

Karen said...

Amazing captures! I am hoping to attract hummers to my yard this summer.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Eileen, I love seeing your hummers... I KNOW how hard it is to get a good photo of those little stinkers!!!!! Your photos are EXCELLENT.. Makes me yearn for spring also.


Giga said...

U nas dalej śnieżna zima, ale tobie życzę, abyś jak najszybciej zobaczyła kolibry. Pozdrawiam
We further snowy winter, but you wish you saw hummingbirds as soon as possible. Yours

Kerri Farley said...

Oh WOW....these are awesome!

NatureFootstep said...

ouch, made me want to pack my bags again. It would be so nice to see them again. But I probably never will. Your shots are great. :)

DeniseinVA said...

Your photos are wonderful Eileen, always enjoyable. I love your hummingbirds. I think they are one of the most magical little birds out there.

grammie g said...

Hi Eileen...Wow I do believe I am going to be able to comment ...So nice to see the Hummingbirds..lovely different ones ..the violet-bellied is gorgeous!!
Love your Cardinals from previous post!! Great photos!
Yeah I did it...I did a stop following you, and it works!!
Before I couldn't even write in the space "who knows" I will see what happens when I start following again!!

Carole M. said...

Eileen it would be amazing to see those little hummers; sweetest little birds; lovely photographs

Anonymous said...

That Violet-bellied hummer is gorgeous. What a lovely selection of hummingbirds you have encounter in your travels.
Thanks for sharing Eileen.

SquirrelQueen said...

That Violet-Bellied Hummingbird is gorgeous. I think your photos are great. I have tried chasing hummers around to get photos and know how difficult it can be.

Lynne said...

Seeing one Hummingbird close enough for photos would be a treat for me . . . seeing several like your views in Panama, would be amazing!

Great photos Eileen!

SandyCarlson said...

Eileen, Your hard work at getting these shots is impressive. These are very beautiful.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

They certainly DO deserve their own post! Wonderful hummers...how lovely that you saw so many.

Carver said...

Fantastic shots of the hummingbirds. They are such amazing birds to me.

Gail Dixon said...

That violet-billed hummer is exquisite! How cool that you were able to see and capture so many exotic hummingbirds. Awesomely amazing!

Leave It To Davis said...

Oh, they are so wonderfully colorful!!!

Elaine said...

How fun to see so brightly colored hummingbirds! Sadly we don't get hummingbirds here in Fairbanks.

Lovable Derek said...

Your photos are excellent.
I heard on the radio once that hummers cannot go for longer than five hours without eating because their stomachs are so tiny (otherwise they'd be too heavy to hover) and they use up so much energy when they hover and fly. If they're not fully sustained they run out of energy. Life on the edge uh....

Vores have said...

Nice pictures you show of hummingbirds. Wish you a good day :)

Richard Pegler said...

Oh how I'd love to see even just one of your hummingbirds Eileen. They're just like perfect jewels!

Stewart M said...

Winter would seem longer if you were waiting for these to return.

Nice post.

Cheers and thanks for linking to WBW.

Stewart M - Melbourne

orchid0324 said...

Dearest Eileen,
OMG, how I wish to see Hummingbird with my own eyes p;)
Wonderful amazing shots of pretty tail feathers, hummers♡♡♡ 
They must be your lovely and precious companions.

Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

Friend of HK said...

How lucky to be able to watch these beautiful birds! Great captures too!

~~~jennifer~~~ said...

Those are beautiful hummingbirds. And, I agree, they are so fast it's hard to get a decent shot.

Montanagirl said...

LOVE it! That Violet bellied hummer is gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

I just love hummingbirds and you captured their wonderful colors beautifully!

Laura said...

so beautiful Elieen...every once in a while we will be graced by the presence of a hummingbird... we can't put out a feeder though because one of my daughters has a bird phobia and the completely freak her out... I love seeing them here with such clarity in your photos!

Unknown said...

They're all beauties!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

i stora drag said...

Oh yes, I did enjoyed your pictures of those little birds! I have never seen one, because they don't live in our country. Wow, the violet-bellied how awfully nice it was!
Greetings Pia

Anonymous said...

These are amazing. So many varieties! And all beautiful, and great photos. I like the feeder in your header covered with goldfinches, too.

Our Neck of the Woods said...

They are so colorful! Goodness, they move so fast!

Small City Scenes said...

Oh wow!!! Beautiful. That iridescent blue or violet is exceptional. Thanks for sharing. MB

Sherrie {Bird Lady} said...

How exciting to see so many beautiful hummers. Would love to travel to some exotic place, but I get motion sickness so bad that I can't travel much.

~ Sherrie (Bird Lady)

Wally Jones said...

Nothing like a collection of flying jewels to help one's thoughts turn toward Spring!

Wonderful images of these beauties!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful hummers!

SandyCarlson said...

Eileen, these are great. You capture some amazing moments.

Gina Gao said...

These are such nice pictures! I enjoyed this post very much.


Bob Bushell said...

The Hummingbirds really knock me out, beautiful. It isn't the use of camera but it is the subject. Keep on blogging I say.

Phil Slade said...

Seeing those hummers made me think of spring Eileen, and like you I'm sick of winter and wish it was spring with a bit of warmth and sunshine.

Debbie said...

what a special treat!!

Rambling Woods said...

Oh I love the little hummers and these are beautiful little guys..or girls. What an opportunity Eileen! Perfect for Nature Notes.. thank you for the birthday wishes.. Michelle

Maria said...

These are gorgeous, I didn't see these!

Laura. M said...

Although the images are not clear, show us the flight of birds.
A kiss.

MyMaracas said...

And I thought ruby throats were "the bees knees". These Panamas are absolutely gorgeous!

(Sorry to be so late returning your comment - thanks for stopping by!)

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...